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The spread of competitive grasses, changes in species composition and vegetation structure are direct consequences of grassland and heathland abandonment. As an alternative to more costly management measures such as traditional pastoralism, year-round low-intensity grazing with large herbivores is increasingly used to restore and maintain semi-open habitats. However, the suitability of this grazing regime has not yet been investigated for long-abandoned, highly degraded but nutrient-poor sandy grassland and heathland communities. In particular, it is unclear if year-round grazing is suitable for preventing the further spread of highly competitive grasses such as Calamagrostis epigejos while simultaneously maintaining or improving characteristic species richness and vegetation structure. Hence, we conducted a comprehensive field study on two spatial scales (plot-level: 25 m2, macroplot-level: 1 ha) to analyse the impacts of year-round low-intensity cattle and horse grazing on the development of the highly competitive grass Calamagrostis epigejos, as well as the vegetation structure and plant species richness of long-abandoned but nutrient-poor dry sandy grassland and heathland communities, their mosaics and Calamagrostis stands within an 800 ha heathland between 2008 and 2015. Finally, we assessed the local conservation status of the habitat types after seven years of grazing in comparison to long-abandoned sites.Grazing successfully reduced the coverage of Calamagrostis epigejos, whereby Calamagrostis stands developed towards species-rich sandy grasslands after seven years of grazing. In addition, the quality of the vegetation structure was improved by enhancing the proportion of bare soil, while litter and grass cover, litter thickness and height of the field layer as well as the coverage of ruderal indicators were significantly reduced on grazed sites in comparison to ungrazed sites in 2015. Moreover, we found an overall positive grazing effect on species richness: Total species number, number of target species as well as subordinated target species significantly increased within the vegetation types over time.Thus, year-round low-intensity cattle and horse grazing is a suitable management tool for restoring, maintaining and even improving long-abandoned, nutrient-poor sandy grassland and heathland communities, and thus to enhance the local conservation status of the habitat types. However, if there is a high initial cover of woody species (e.g. shrubs, tree rejuvenation), then an extensive shrub and tree clearance will be necessary, with manual shrub cutting being crucial to reduce the heavy regrowth of the woody species. In addition, a one-time mowing should be implemented in highly degraded heaths to facilitate the vegetative rejuvenation of degenerate stands of Calluna vulgaris, thus improving its attractiveness for the grazing animals.  相似文献   
2018年10月至2021年10月,在西藏墨脱县开展鸟类多样性调查期间记录到6种鸟类新分布,分别是大蓝仙鹟 (Cyornis magnirostris)、黄嘴角鸮 (Otus spilocephalus)、金胸雀鹛指名亚种 (Lioparus chrysotis chrysotis)、细嘴钩嘴鹛Sintextus亚种 (Pomatorhinus superciliaris intextus)、白喉姬鹟指名亚种 (Anthipes monileger monileger)、棕胸雅鹛assamense亚种 (Trichastoma tickelli assamense)。  相似文献   
Summary In the external layers of human small and large intestine macrophage-like cells were characterized by immunohistochemical, histochemical and electronmicroscopical methods. Using immunohistochemistry and a number of monoclonal antibodies, the presence and distribution of phenotypic subpopulations of macrophages were evaluated. In all locations macrophage-like cells were identified with antibody EBM11, which recognizes CD68 antigen, C3bi which recognizes CD11b, and partly with an antibody which recognizes protein 150,95 (CD11c). Macrophage-like cells in the external muscle layer were HLA-DR-positive (expressing the MHC class-II antigen), in contrast to macrophage-like cells in the subserosa and submucosa. Macrophage-like cells in the external muscle layer were mostly acid phosphatase-negative, and at the electron-microscopic level they were found to have features of macrophages: primary lysosomes, coated vesicles and pits. However, very few secondary lysosomes were present. Birbeck granules were not observed. It is concluded that in the external muscle layer of human small and large intestine numerous macrophages of a special type are present. It is discussed whether this cell type plays a role in gastrointestinal motility and/or has an immunological function.  相似文献   
Abstract. Aesculus turbinata is a tree species with large seeds (6.2 g mean dry weight). We studied the demography of its seeds and seedlings in a temperate deciduous forest in northern Japan to elucidate the ecological significance of large seeds with special reference to herbivory and secondary dispersal. Both seed and seedling stages suffered greatly from herbivores. Seedling herbivory was important judged from experiments with shoot clipping and hypogeal cotyledon removal. However, some seedlings survived through re-sprouting after herbivory. Survival rate and percentage resprouting seedlings were lower than those with remaining cotyledons, though seedling size was not affected. This suggests that stored resources in hypogeal cotyledons are working as a kind of ‘risk hedge’ against severe aboveground shoot clipping experienced by A. turbinata. The spatial distribution of seedlings was expanded via seed scatter-hoarding by rodents. Seedling survival rate was higher within canopy gaps than under closed canopy, indicating that canopy gaps are safe sites for establishment, and was negatively correlated with seedling density. Therefore, secondary seed dispersal in this species seems to be effective in ‘finding’ safe sites and in ‘escaping’ density-dependent mortality. The large seeds and seedlings of A. turbinata are attractive to herbivores, but the high resistance of seedlings to herbivory due to large reserves and the effective secondary dispersal appear to mitigate these disadvantages.  相似文献   
研究了成年雌性黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)的肝、小肠和大肠的组织学结构及Ghrelin的分布。采用H.E染色法观察组织学结构,免疫组化PV-9000两步法并结合DAB显色技术确定Ghrelin的分布。结果表明,黑麂的肝组织分为被膜、肝小叶、肝中央静脉、门管区等结构。被膜为浆膜结构,肝小叶不明显。肝细胞以中央静脉为中心,呈放射状排列。肝血窦的形状不规则。肠黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,小肠、盲肠和结肠的黏膜肌层很薄,管壁皱襞与肠绒毛等形态在消化道各部也存在差异。免疫组化结果显示肝细胞中有Ghrelin阳性细胞的表达;在肠道,免疫阳性细胞在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠和直肠的黏膜、黏膜下层和肌层均有分布,尤其在肠绒毛上皮和黏膜下层分布较多。黑麂肝、小肠和大肠结构与哺乳动物基本相似,但无十二指肠腺;Ghrelin阳性细胞在肝、小肠和大肠均有分布,这表明Ghrelin可能对消化有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   
The present study concerns the simulation and analysis of the flow field in the upper human respiratory system in order to gain an improved understanding of the complex flow field with respect to the process affecting drug delivery for medical treatment of the human air system. For this purpose, large eddy simulation (LES) is chosen because of its powerful performance in the transitional range of laminar and turbulent flow fields. The average gas velocity in a constricted tube is compared with experimental data (Ahmed and Giddens, 1983) and numerical data from Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with low Reynolds number (LRN) κ-ω model (Zhang and Kleinstreuer, 2003) and LRN shear-stress transport κ-ω model (Jayaraju et al., 2007), for model validation. The present study emphasizes on the instantaneous flow field, where the simulations capture different scales of secondary vortices in different flow zones including recirculation zones, the laryngeal jet zone, the mixing zone, and the wall shear layer. It is observed that the laryngeal jet tail breaks up, and the unsteady motion of laryngeal jet is coupled with the unsteady distribution of secondary vortices in the jet boundary. The present results show that it is essential to study the unsteady flow field since it strongly affects the particle flow in the human upper respiratory system associated with drug delivery for medical treatment.  相似文献   
大型尖状类石器在长江中游地区相邻或相近的汉水上游、丹江口库区、三峡地区和澧阳平原等不同区域保存有不同的技术传统。汉中盆地的大型尖状类石器多选自河滩砾石为毛坯直接加工。丹江口库区无论是调查数据还是发掘数据其比例均高于汉中盆地,现有发掘材料来看其大型尖状类石器有稳定的传统,即选自砾石直接单面或两面加工而成,但调查的材料显示存在另外一种传统,即选取砾石生产长度大于10cm的大石片,以大石片为毛坯加工大型尖状类石器。三峡地区古人类在更新世期间似乎不存在有生产大型尖状类石器的传统,为数不多的手镐与当地的砾石砍砸器和石片砍砸器应当为"同质异型"类器物。澧阳平原及周边丘陵区内发现的大型尖状类石器相比于汉中盆地和丹江口库区,发现数量最多,技术传统也最为复杂,至少包括三种不同的技术。大型尖状类石器在不同区域显示不同的技术传统,暗示从中更新世开始长江中游地区可能在一定程度上形成了并不简单的文化关系。  相似文献   
Abstract. Time and mode of herbivory on savanna trees and their subsequent responses are dependent on, among other things, earlier herbivory and fire. We used clipping (simulated browsing) and stem cutting (simulated heavy browsing and to some extent simulated fire) to evaluate such interactions. Study organisms were a deciduous, broad‐leaved tree species, Combretum apiculatum (Combretaceae), browsing large herbivores and leaf‐eating insects. The treatments were done in the late dry season before bud break. Late in the following wet season, we recorded plant responses to treatment and browsing. The treated trees, especially the cut ones, responded by producing larger and fewer annual shoots. Compared to control trees, there was a slight increase in shoot biomass of clipped trees and a strong reduction of cut ones. Leaf area increased in clipped trees, but decreased in cut ones. A marked increase in the number of browsed trees was recorded amongst treated trees. Number of bites, consumption and utilization also increased with severity of treatment. In contrast, insect herbivory was reduced on both clipped and cut trees. The observed patterns are discussed in relation to current ideas on plant ‐ herbivore interactions.  相似文献   
The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS/Envisat) was launched in March 2002 for coastal zone monitoring. Preliminary data from MERIS show that its imagery of large lakes is superior to that of other common ocean colour sensors. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the MERIS data on large European lakes, Vänern and Vättern in Sweden and Peipsi in Estonia/Russia. In these lakes, coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) can be a major contributor to the optical properties of the water. Another characteristic of the waters under investigation is the large temporal and spatial variability in the concentrations of chlorophyll (C Chl) and suspended sediments (C TSS). Potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms occur in Lake Peipsi in late summer. We have compared the MERIS products from the latest reprocessing (finished in March 2006) with available in situ data. There is a reasonably good correlation between the MERIS algal_2 product and the measured C chl over all three lakes, but no correlation was found for other optically active substances. A significant portion of the pixels (up to 90%) are flagged as invalid results after atmospheric correction.  相似文献   
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