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GPI-anchored proteins are localized on the outer layer of plasma membranes and clustered in microdomains generally called lipid rafts. To study the interactions between the lipidic GPI-anchor of the protein and phospholipids, we used phosphatidylcholine monolayers at the air-water interface as a biomimetic membrane system and GPI-alkaline phosphatase prepared from bovine intestinal mucosa (GPI-BIAP) as an GPI-anchored protein model. The monolayer technique allowed us to define GPI-BIAP interaction with DPPC and POPC, lipids differing only by the presence of one unsaturation in their acyl chains. Meanwhile the exclusion pressures were similar for the two phospholipids, the comparison of the Langmuir isotherms (i.e., pressure/area diagrams) indicates that GPI-BIAP interacted differently with DPPC and POPC monolayers. BAM images, acquired in order to visualize the interface organization induced by GPI-BIAP incorporation, confirm these differences.  相似文献   
In order to analyze the secondary structures of protein molecules adsorbed on gold surfaces, circular dichroism (CD) spectra were measured and the secondary structure contents of protein ultra-thin films were estimated quantitatively. A disulfide group was introduced to cytochrome b(562) (cyt.b562), which is a water-soluble b-type heme protein. The cyt.b562 molecules self-assembled to form an ultra-thin protein film both on a gold substrate modified with 2,2(')-dithiodiacetic acid and on a bare gold surface. CD measurements were carried out both in solution and in air, and these results were compared. The protein denaturation was partially prevented, not only in solution but also in air, by both the modification of the substrate and the introduction of the anchor group to the protein molecule. The secondary structure contents of ultra-thin protein films on flat gold surfaces were observed for the first time both in solution and in air by CD spectra.  相似文献   
半干旱黄土高原地区春小麦地膜覆盖研究概述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在黄土高原半干旱地区春小麦上进行的地膜覆盖试验表明,地膜覆盖通过改善耕层土壤生态环境条件,即通过改善水,热状况,活化土壤养分,对提高水分和养分利用效率,实现粮食增产具有重要作用,但近年来在生产实践和科学实验中发现,不合理的长期全生育期地膜覆盖,因在作物生长前期和中期覆膜作物较不覆膜作物生长好,覆膜作物在生长期水分蒸腾损失严重,土壤水分的蒸散(蒸发+蒸腾)损失远比不覆膜土壤严重,在作物生长后期降水少或没有补充灌溉时,会产生严重的水分肋迫现象,显著抑制小穗分化和灌浆,最终导致收获得指数和产量下降,同时,地膜覆盖的增产作用在一定程度上是以耗竭土壤肥力,特别是在有机物质为代 的,因此,不正确的地膜覆盖(如全生育期的地膜覆盖),不仅有时起不到显著的增产作用,而且易造成土壤养分,特别是土壤中硝态氮的累积和损失,肥料利用效率降低,土壤生态条件恶化,下降,难以持续高产,因此在确定地膜覆盖范式时,必须要考虑底墒,作物生育期降水,地膜覆盖的阶段性和氮肥的施用等。  相似文献   
We investigated the possibility of eliciting a measurable photoinduced electrical current from the cyanobacteriumAgmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6 (Synechococcus PCC 7002). This proved virtually impossible for intact cells. However, treated PR-6 cells fixed in an alginate matrix on tin oxide as the active electrode in a three electrode electrochemical cell gave rise to a significant light response. Cell treatments involving toluene, chloroform or detergents were effective and gave current responses up to 250 nA. Drying the cyanobacterial matrix increased the current yield at least fifty-fold. These effects were observed for light wavelengths > 650 nm and were not influenced by inhibitors or enhancers of photosynthesis nor by sustained argon bubbling of the electrolyte.French pressure cell lysates facilitated distinction between two light induced current components. Lysates prepared without CaCl2 gave current induction kinetics that were indistinguishable from those on chemically treated cells i.e. slowly rising to a stable maximum in 10–15 min. When CaCl2 was present during lysis, a rapidly induced (<1 s) unstable component was observed. Toluenization of PR-6 either prior to or post lysing abolished the CaCl2 related effect. CaCl2 had no effect on current induction in strain PR-6008, which lacked the and subunits of phycocyanin and exhibited slow current induction kinetics.The observed effects are interpreted as responses of components of the photosystems of PR-6 rather than in terms of an integrated photosynthetic process.  相似文献   
In this study, a cough cycle is reproduced using a computational methodology. The Eulerian wall film approach is proposed to simulate airway mucus flow during a cough. The reproduced airway domain is based on realistic geometry from the literature and captures the deformation of flexible tissue. To quantify the overall performance of this complex phenomenon, cough efficiency (CE) was calculated, which provided an easily reproducible measurement parameter for the cough clearance process. Moreover, the effect of mucus layer thickness was examined. The relationship between the CE and the mucus viscosity was quantified using reductions from 20 to 80%. Finally, predictions of CE values based on healthy person inputs were compared with values obtained from patients with different respiratory diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory muscle weakness (RMW). It was observed that CE was reduced by 50% in patients with COPD compared with that of a healthy person. On average, CE was reduced in patients with RMW to 10% of the average value of a healthy person.  相似文献   
In a series of Surface Force Balance experiments, material from human whole saliva was adsorbed to molecularly smooth mica substrata (to form an ‘adsorbed salivary film’). Measurements were taken of normal (load bearing, F n) and shear (frictional, F s*) forces between two interacting surfaces. One investigation involved a salivary film formed by overnight adsorption from undiluted, centrifuged saliva, with the adsorbed film rinsed with pure water before measurement. Measurements were taken under pure water and 70 mM NaNO3. In a second investigation, a film was formed from and measured under a solution of 7% filtered saliva in 10 mM NaNO3. F n results for both systems showed purely repulsive layers, with an uncompressed thickness of 35–70 nm for the diluted saliva investigation and, prior to the application of shear, 11 nm for the rinsed system. F s* was essentially proportional to F n for all systems and independent of shear speed (in the range 100–2000 nm s?1), with coefficients of friction  μ ~ 0.24 and μ ~ 0.46 for the unrinsed and rinsed systems, respectively. All properties of the rinsed system remained similar when the pure water measurement environment was changed to 70 mM NaNO3. For all systems studied, shear gave rise to an approximately threefold increase in the range of normal forces, attributed to the ploughing up of adsorbed material during shear to form debris that stood proud of the adsorbed layer. The results provide a microscopic demonstration of the wear process for a salivary film under shear and may be of particular interest for understanding the implications for in vivo oral lubrication under conditions such as rinsing of the mouth cavity. The work is interpreted in light of earlier studies that showed a structural collapse and increase in friction for an adsorbed salivary film in an environment of low ionic strength.  相似文献   
The charcoalified fragment of the dorsiventrally organized, internally stratified presumed green algal lichen Chlorolichenomycites salopensis from the Lower Devonian Lochkovian strata in the Welsh Borderland carries bacterial colonies on the upper surface, i.e. the cortex, and actinobacterial filaments in the medulla underneath the photobiont layer. Moreover relatively thin hyphae of presumed endolichenic fungi were found. As in extant lichens, which are best regarded as consortia with an unknown number of participants, this internally stratified, fossil thallus fragment of a presumed green algal lichen harbours a diverse microbial community.  相似文献   
The antimicrobial activity of the anionic peptide, AP1 (GEQGALAQFGEWL), was investigated. AP1 was found to kill Staphylococcus aureus with an MLC of 3 mM and to induce maximal surface pressure changes of 3.8 mN m−1 over 1200 s in monolayers formed from lipid extract of S. aureus membranes. FTIR spectroscopy showed the peptide to be α-helical (100%) in the presence of vesicles formed from this lipid extract and to induce increases in their fluidity (Δν circa 0.5 cm−1). These combined data show that AP1 is able to function as an α-helical antimicrobial peptide against Gram-positive bacteria and suggest that the killing mechanism used by the peptide involves interactions with the membrane lipid headgroup region. Moreover, this killing mechanism differs strongly from that previously reported for AP1 against Gram-negative bacteria, indicating the importance of considering the effects of membrane lipid composition when investigating the structure/function relationships of antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
Understanding of factors influencing settlement(attachment and metamorphosis) of marine invertebratelarvae is of great importance in aquaculture andcontrol of biofouling. The influence of two factors onsettlement of larvae was assessed from two separateinvestigations: 1, the influence of age (endogenousfactor) on cyprids of the barnacle Balanusamphitrite; and 2, the influence of a microbial film(exogenous factor) on pediveligers of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.The settlement response of cypris larvae of B.amphitrite was found to be age-dependent. Oldercyprids responded more readily to settlement factorsthan newly molted ones. In M.galloprovincialis, competent pediveligers settled inresponse to a microbial filmed surface but not toan unfilmed surface. Moreover, a factor with MW of lessthan 5000 dalton, derived from culture medium of abacterial strain C1.1 (Pseudomonas-Alteromonasgroup), induced the settlement of M. galloprovincialis larvae.Thus, marine invertebrate larvae may require a periodof competence acquisition, during which they arepoorly responsive to settlement inducers. Uponacquisition of competence, larvae readily respondto external cues (e.g. microbial film, bacterialextracellular products).  相似文献   
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