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Temporal variations in the δ18 oxygen (δ18O) content of water transpired by leaves during a simulated diurnal cycle fluctuated around the δ18O content of the source water. Reconstructed variations in the δ18O values of leaf water differed markedly from those predicted by conventional models. Even when transpiring leaves were maintained under constant conditions for at least 3 h, strict isotopic steady-state conditions of leaf water (equality of the 18O/16O ratios in the input and transpired water) were rarely attained in a variety of plant species (Citrus reticu-lata, Citrus paradisi, Gossypium hirsutum, Helianthus annuns, Musa musaceae and Nicotinia tabacum). Isotopic analysis of water transpired by leaves indicated that leaves approach the isotopic steady state in two stages. The first stage takes 10 to 35 min (with a rate of change of about 3–3%h?1), while in the second stage further approach to the isotopic steady state is asymptotic (with a rate of change of about 0–4% h?1), and under conditions of low transpiration leaves can last for many hours. Substantial spatial isotopic heterogeneity was maintained even when leaves were at or near isotopic steady state. An underlying pattern in this isotopic heterogeneity is often discerned with increasing 18O/16O ratios from base to tip, and from the centre to the edges of the leaves. It is also shown that tissue water along these spatial isotopic gradients, as well as the average leaf water, can have 18O/16O ratios both lower and higher than those predicted by the conventional Craig and Gordon model. We concluded, first, that at any given time during the diurnal cycle of relative humidity the attainment of an isotopic steady state in leaf water cannot be assumed a priori and, secondly, that the isotopic enrichment pattern of leaf water reflects gradual enrichment along the water-flow pathway (e.g. as in a string of pools), rather than a single-step enrichment from source water, as is normally assumed.  相似文献   
Abstract: The distinctive pharmacological activity of zolpidem in rats compared with classical benzodiazepines has been related to its differential affinity for benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) subtypes. By contrast, in nonhuman primates the pharmacological activity of zolpidem was found to be quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists. In an attempt to explain this discrepancy, we examined the ability of zolpidem to differentiate BZR subtypes in vivo in primate brain using positron emission tomography. The BZRs were specifically labeled with [11C]flumazenil. Radiotracer displacement by zolpidem was monophasic in cerebellum and neocortex, with in vivo Hill coefficients close to 1. Conversely, displacement of [11C]flumazenil was biphasic in hippocampus, amygdala, septum, insula, striatum, and pons, with Hill coefficients significantly smaller than 1, suggesting two different binding sites for zolpidem. In these cerebral regions, the half-maximal inhibitory doses for the high-affinity binding site were similar to those found in cerebellum and neocortex and ~100-fold higher for the low-affinity binding site. The low-affinity binding site accounted for <32% of the specific [11C]-flumazenil binding. Such zolpidem binding characteristics contrast with those reported for rodents, where three different binding sites were found. Species differences in binding characteristics may explain why zolpidem has a distinctive pharmacological activity in rodents, whereas its pharmacological activity in primates is quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists, except for the absence of severe effects on memory functions, which may be due to the lack of substantial zolpidem affinity for a distinct BZR subtype in cerebral structures belonging to the limbic system.  相似文献   
Quantitative analysis of biofilm thickness variability   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The thickness variability of biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and the binary population combination of these two species was quantified. The experimental method involved cryoembedding biofilms with a commercial tissue embedding agent, sectioning, and applying image analysis to construct thickness profiles along linear transects (up to 1 cm in length) across the substratum. Biofilms embedded and sectioned by this method were locally as thin as a single cell attached to the surface (<5 mum) and as thick as 1000 mum. Week-old biofilms of three different species compositions displayed distinct structural features as indicated by their mean thicknesses and by a roughness coefficient. Monopopulation biofilms of P. aeruginosa (29 mum mean thickness) or K. pneumoniae (100 mum mean thickness) were thinner than the binary population biofilm (400 mum mean thickness). A roughness coefficient developed in this investigation corroborated the qualitative visual characterization of P. aeruginosa biofilms as relatively uniformly thick (mean roughness coefficient 0.15), K. pneumoniae biofilms as patchy (mean roughness coefficient 1.14), and the binary population biofilm as intermediate (mean roughness coefficient 0.26). Whereas P. aeruginosa and binary population biofilms covered the substratum completely, significant areas of essentially bare substratum were apparent in K. pneumoniae biofilms. The patchiness of K. pneumoniae biofilms may be due to the fact that this organism is nonmotile. A spatial correlation analysis of the thickness data indicated that thickness measurements were still correlated even when separated by distances that exceeded the mean biofilm thickness. Cell aggregates, some of them hundreds of microns in size, were observed in the effluent of K. pneumoniae and binary population biofilm reactors. Measurements of thickness variability and other observations reported in this article provide a quantitative basis for analysis of microscale structural heterogeneity of biofilms. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A study on spatio-temporal distribution of microphytobhethos in intertidal zones of Tagus Estuary was carried out from 1990 to 1992. Near Lisbon, Portugal, Tagus Estuary is a shallow mesotidal estuary, covering an area of 320 km2. The intertidal area ranges from 20 to 40% off the total area and it is constituted mainly by mudflats. Intertidal flats are richly populated by microalgae, diatoms being the most important and ubiquitos group.Spatial variation of microphytobethos was studied in spring 1990, 21 different sites were sampled. Microphytobenthos biomass was evaluated as chlorophyll a content of the surface centimeter, ranging from 10 to 240 mg m–2. A Principal Component Analysis showed that 62% of the total variability found in intertidal flats of Tagus estuary could be attributed to two major factors: sediment type and tidal height. A hierarchical grouping defined 3 major groups of similar stations, each one representing a different strata of the ecosystem.One station from each group was chosen for the study of the temporal variation. A sampling, rogram took place from April 1991 to April 1992, with fortnightly sampling, the Chl a ranged from 20–300 mg m–2. No clear seasonal variation was found, and our results indicated that tidal height of sampledsite played an essential role in temporal biomass evolution, thus upper littoral sites were influenced by climatic parameters, whereas in lower sites action of tides mainly controlled microphytic biomass.
Résumé Une étude sur l'hétérogénéité spatio-temporelle du microphytobenthos dans les sédiments intertidaux de l'Estuaire du Tage a été accompli de 1990 á 1992.L'Estuaire du Tage, prés de Lisbonne (Portugal) est un estuaire peu profond, mesotidal, avec une aire total de 320 km2. L'aire intertidale est comprise entre 20 et 40% du total, et constituéé surtout par des vasiéres. Ces slikkes sont peuplées par une communauté assez riche de microalgues, ou les diatomées sont les plus abundantes.La variation spatialle du microphytobenthos était évalué au Printemps 1990, ou 21 différentes stations étaient échantillonnées. La biomasse était évalué par la concentration enchlorophylle a du premier centimétre de sédiment, qui a varié de 10 á 240 mg Chl a m–2. Une Analyse en Composants Principales a montré que 62% de la variabilité de la biomasse était lié á deux facteurs: le sédiment et l'hauteur vis-á-vis la marée. Une classification hiérarchique des stations par similitude a établi 3 groupes principaux, représantantles différents strates de écecosytéme.Une station de chaque groupement a été choisie pour l'étude de la variation temporelle, qui s'est deroulé d'avril 1991 á avril 1992, avec des prélévements deux fois par mois. Les valeurs de Chl a obtenus vont de 20 á 300 mg m–2. Les variations saisonniéres observées ne sont pas claires: nos résultats indiquent que l'hauteur de la station (m) joue un rôle essentiel dans l'évolution temporel de la biomasse, c'est á dire, la biomasse microalgal des sites du supra-littoral est influencié par les paramétres climatiques, tandis que dans l'infra-littoral c'est l'action des marées le facteur principal.
Chalcone synthase (CHS) is a small multigene family with at least four members (CHS-A, B, C and PS) in common morning glory Ipomoea purpurea ROTH. The chalcone synthase enzyme performs the initial condensation reaction that results in the 15-carbon three-ring structure that is the backbone of flavonoid biosynthesis. The biochemical pathway that commences with CHS is important in plant disease defence, pigment biosynthesis and UV protection. Accordingly, it is of substantial interest to characterize levels and patterns of molecular diversity for genes that encode this important enzyme. We report the sequence of 19 CHS-A alleles from Mexican and American populations of common morning glory. American populations of this annual self-compatible vine are believed to have been introduced from Mexico, where the species is native. Individual plants were sampled from populations of common morning glory throughout Mexico and the south-eastern USA. Four American alleles were sequenced and these, together with one allele from Mexico City, were identical in primary nucleotide sequence. These data suggest a restricted origin for the American population, probably as a consequence of selection for domestication by pre-Columbian peoples. Additionally the Mitontic (Chiapas, Mexico) population is significantly more homogeneous than expected by chance indicating that this population may also have experienced a recent population bottleneck. Estimates of nucleotide diversity from the Mexican CHS-A alleles were high. We present evidence that these estimates may, in part, result from low to moderate levels of interlocus recombination/gene conversion. We also present evidence that the ancient duplication of the CHS gene family, preceding the origin of the genus Ipomoea, was associated with heterogeneity in the rate of substitution between the resulting gene family members. The group of gene family members whose sequences possess a signature amino acid of the closely related Stilbene synthase exhibit a significantly faster proportional rate of nonsynonymous substitution.  相似文献   
The suppression of antibody formation to sheep red cells in mice by partially purified fractions of mouse submaxillary gland was shown to be caused by epidermal growth factor (EGF). Purification of EGF by the method of Savage and Cohen resolved three components referred to as EGF a, EGF b, and EGF c. All three induced premature eye opening in neonatal mice, but only EGF a (identified as EGF 1-53) had full immunosuppressive activity. EGF c was shown by micropeptide mapping of chymotryptic and thermolytic digests and amino-terminal analysis to differ from EGF a only by the presence of beta-aspartyl instead of an asparaginyl residue. EGF b differed from EGF a in that it lacked the N-terminal asparagine. EGF shortened enzymatically at its carboxy terminal by two or five amino acids did not have any immunosuppressive activity. These findings suggest that, in contrast to some other biological effects of EGF, intact amino and carboxy terminals are required for the expression of immunosuppressive activity.  相似文献   
Liver tissues and fibroblasts from patients with propionic acidemia assigned to the pcc BC genetic complementation group have previously been shown to contain normal or near-normal quantities of structurally altered propionyl CoA carboxylases (PCC). Biochemical comparisons of PCCs from extracts of three livers and one placenta belonging to the pcc BC complementation group revealed that the K m values for the enzyme's major substrates, propionyl CoA, bicarbonate, and ATP, and its monovalent activator, potassium, were similar to those of normal PCC. PCC in extracts of one of the livers, however, had an altered isoelectric point (pI = 5.4) compared to that of PCC from normal and other PCC-deficient tissues (pK = 4.6–4.7). Thermostability in the presence of sucrose or ATP differed among several of the mutant PCCs, including the PCC with an altered pI, and from that of normal PCC. To confirm these results and to determine whether valid inferences may be derived from comparisons of mutant and normal PCC in crude extracts, PCC was purified from normal liver and from one of the PCC-deficient livers. The biochemical parameters of the purified carboxylases were similar to those observed in liver extracts. These studies further-more confirmed that, whether purified or in extracts, PCC from the pcc BC group reflects structural mutations. Nevertheless, the abnormal enzyme structure appears to have no corresponding effect on the clinical features of the disorder in various affected individuals. Moreover, there is biochemical heterogeneity within the pcc BC complementation group that probably represents different interallelic gene mutations.This work was supported by NIH Research Grants Am 25675 and AM 26127. B. Wolf is the recipient of NIH Research Career Development Award AM 00677 and is aided by Basil O'Connor Starter Research Grant 5-263 from The National Foundation-March of Dimes. This article is No. 131 from the Department of Human Genetics at the Medical College of Virginia.  相似文献   
Three Athalia sawflies, A. japonica, A. rosae and A. infumata, feeding on cruciferous plants, coexist in Japan. However, it is not known what ecological strategies they use and what environmental factors are crucial to such strategies. I attempted to explain these questions by examining the relationship between the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of three Athalia sawflies and their habitats in three districts (Lowland, Intermediate and Mountain). The three sawflies have different spatio-temporal distribution patterns, though they usually used common cruciferous plants. A. japonica was abundant in spring and autumn but disappeared during summer in all the districts. In the Lowland, populations of A. rosae and A. infumata, like that of A. japonica, crashed in summer. However A. rosae occurred mainly in summer in the Intermediate and Mountain. Although A. infumata occurred in the same seasons as A. rosae in all districts, population levels of A. infumata were always lower than those of A. rosae. The crucial factors controlling their population patterns were the availability of host plants and temperature. Population crashes of A. rosae and A. infumata were due to food depletion, and those of A. japonica were due to heat stress. On the other hand, their population patterns may be interpreted as phenological synchronization with their original host plants, though they all existed on common cruciferous plants. The three sawflies may have evolved different strategies to escape from unfavorable habitat conditions. Such strategies are speculated to be summer diapause in A. japonica, long distance migration in A. rosae, and local dispersal in A. infumata.  相似文献   
Recovery from 60 min of photoinhibitory treatment at photosynthetic photon flux densities of 500, 1400 and 2200 μMmol m?2 s? was followed in cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at 125 μMmol m?2 s?1. These light treatments represent photoregulation, moderate photoinhibition and strong photoinhibition, respectively. Treatment in photoregulatory light resulted in an increased maximal rate of oxygen evolution (Pmax) and an increased quantum yield (Φ), but a 15% decrease in Fv/FM. Treatment at moderately photoinhibitory light resulted in a 30% decrease in Fv/FM and an approximately equal decrease in Φ. Recovery in dim light restored Fv/FM within 15 and 45 min after high light treatment at 500 and 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, respectively. Convexity (Θ), a measure of the extent of co-limitation between PS II turnover and whole-chain electron transport, and Φ approached, but did not reach the control level during recovery after exposure to 1400 μMmol m?2 s?1, whereas Pmax increased above the control. Treatment at 2200 μMmol m?2 s?1 resulted in a strong reduction of the modeled parameters Φ, Θ and Pmax. Subsequent recovery was initially rapid but the rate decreased, and a complete recovery was not reached within 120 min. Based on the results, it is hypothesized that exposure to high light results in two phenomena. The first, expressed at all three light intensities, involves redistribution within the different aspects of PS II heterogeneity rather than a photoinhibitory destruction of PS II reaction centers. The second, most strongly expressed at 2200 μmol m?2 s?1, is a physical damage to PS II shown as an almost total loss of PS IIα and PS II QB-reducing centers. Thus recovery displayed two phase, the first was rapid and the only visible phase in algae exposed to 500 and 1400 μmol m?2 s?1. The second phase was slow and visible only in the later part of recovery in cells exposed to 2200 μmol m?2 s?1.  相似文献   
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