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The efficiency of a terrestrial ecosystem to use rainfall in production is critical in regulating the ecological functions of the earth system under global change. However, it remains unclear how rain use efficiency (RUE) will be altered by changes in climate and human activities such as biofuel harvest. In this study, we used RUE data from a long‐term experiment in a tallgrass prairie to analyze the effects of warming and biofuel harvest (clipping). From 2000 to 2011, experimental warming enhanced RUE in most years, with larger positive effects in normal and wet than dry hydrological years. Clipping decreased RUE in dry and normal hydrological years, but had no impact on RUE in wet years. The observed RUE responses resulted from treatment‐induced changes in both biologically ineffective (i.e., runoff and soil evaporation) and effective (i.e., transpiration) parts of precipitation. For example, litter cover was increased in warming plots, but reduced by clipping, leading to negative and positive effects on runoff and soil evaporation, respectively. The dominance of C4 species, which usually have higher water use efficiency than C3 species, was enhanced by warming, but reduced by clipping. Moreover, RUE was positively correlated with ratios of rainfall in the late growing season (June–August), when the growth of C4 plants was most active, relative to that in the other seasons. Our results indicate that RUE is positively influenced by climate warming, but negatively affected by biofuel harvest in tallgrass prairie of the Great Plains. These findings highlight the important roles of plant community structure and temporal distribution of precipitation in regulating ecosystem RUE.  相似文献   
Natural and human‐made disasters such as floods and logging occur in and around rivers. Stream‐dwelling aquatic insects respond to these disturbances in various ways. Primary consumers among them rely greatly on algae and leaf litter from riparian vegetation as food. Therefore, once a disturbance such as a flood has occurred, insects may find it difficult to find food in a stream, and the aquatic insect assemblage can be impacted greatly as a result. Disturbances in riparian areas also increase fine sediment loads into streams, damaging habitat and altering the aquatic insect assemblage. Deforestation impacts not only terrestrial but also aquatic animals. In this review paper, aquatic insect assemblages are assessed according to alterations in land use in and around streams. Following this paper, it is expected that clarification of aquatic insect fauna and their life cycles will progress and that the distribution and habitat use of aquatic insects will be afforded greater attention in forest management.  相似文献   
Eutrophication resulting from nutrient enrichment decreases water quality and harms ecosystem structure and function, and its degree is significantly affected by land use in the catchment. Quantifying the relationship between eutrophication and land use can help effectively manage land use to improve water quality. Previous studies principally utilized land use quantity as an indicator to link water quality parameters, but these studies lacked insight into the impact of land use intensity. Taking the upper catchment of Miyun Reservoir as a case study, we developed a method of aggregating land use quantity and intensity to build a new land use indicator and tested its explanatory power on water quality. Six nutrient concentrations from 52 sub-watersheds covering the whole catchment were used to characterize the spatial distribution of eutrophication. Based on spatial techniques, empirical conversion coefficients, remote sensing data, and socio-economic statistical data, land use intensity was measured and mapped visually. The new land use indicator was calculated and linked to nutrient concentrations by Pearson correlation coefficients. Results demonstrated that our new indicator incorporating intensity information can quantify the different nutrient-exporting abilities of different land use areas. Compared to traditional indicators that only incorporate land use quantity, most Pearson correlation coefficients between the new indicator and water nutrient concentrations increased. This new information enhanced the explanatory power of land use on water nutrient concentrations, and so will be able to help us understand the impact of land use on water quality and guide decision making for better land use management.  相似文献   
The efficacy of slide/tape and cine-loop presentations in teaching a simple manipulative skill in micro-biology were compared in a population of first-year undergraduate students in Life Sciences. No difference could be found between the two techniques. Students whose first language was not English were at a disadvantage in comparison with others even when language did not appear to be a component of the teaching technique.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Folivory, or eating leaves, is unusual for small passerines. Puerto Rican Spindalises (Spindalis portoricensis, Thraupidae), tanagers endemic to the island of Puerto Rico, are known to feed on leaves, but little is known about the possible importance of leaves in their diet. Our objectives were to determine the different species of leaves eaten, the percentage of their diet consisting of leaves, and the relationship between leaf consumption and fruit abundance. We used data from previous studies where the foraging activity of Puerto Rican Spindalises was systematically sampled, and from additional observations made throughout the island. We documented 160 records of folivory, with spindalises feeding on 44 plant species in 25 plant families, including monocots, dicots, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes. Spindalises fed on young leaves of 26 plant species, and mature leaves of 19 plant species. Spindalises were primarly frugivorous (83.9% of diet), but leaves were the second most frequent food item in their diets (8.9% of diet). We also found that leaf consumption was negatively correlated with the abundance of ripe fruit, suggesting that leaves were particularly important food items when less fruit was available. The frequency of folivory by spindalises in our study was less than reported for other folivorous passerines such as plantcutters (Phytotoma spp.) and saltators (Saltator spp.). Nonetheless, folivory may help spindalises cope with human‐dominated landscapes and other environmental changes on small islands.  相似文献   
福建省土地利用碳排放空间关联性与碳平衡分区   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
魏燕茹  陈松林 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5814-5824
全球变暖与二氧化碳浓度升高密不可分,在工业化及城镇化发展过程中,人类对土地的利用和改造是造成全球大气中含碳量迅速增加的重要原因,且土地在利用过程中碳减排的潜力较大。因此,从不同土地利用方式视角研究福建省碳排放量,采用基尼系数来衡量福建省各设区市碳收支的空间差异,探索区域内土地利用碳收支规模和空间分异;运用社会网络分析方法对福建省土地利用碳排放空间网络结构的整体特征和设区市在网络结构中的角色进行考察,有助于从基础层面对人类活动所造成的环境影响进行评估,及时调整土地利用方式从而促进低碳经济发展。结果表明:2006-2018年福建省土地利用净碳排放量逐年递增,呈现东高西低的空间分布特征,建设用地是主要碳源,而林地起到主要碳汇的作用;区域内碳补偿率逐年递减且存在明显的空间差异,经济较发达的区域碳补偿率低于经济欠发达的区域,生态承载系数东西差距不断加强,东部地区碳排放的比例明显超过了碳吸收的比例;福建省土地利用碳排放在空间上具有明显的关联性和溢出效应,碳排放空间关联网络越来越复杂、稳定,各设区市在网络中所处地位和作用存在明显的不均衡性,厦门市在整个碳排放网络中占据领导地位,其他城市的碳影响力在网络中的地位及作用随着经济联系逐渐加强正在逐步提高;对网络空间聚类发现,第一模块和第三模块对模块内外均有溢出效应且密度值较大,属于"双向溢出模块",其余第二、四模块均属于"净收益模块"。在研究的基础上将福建省各设区市分为3类区域:低碳优化区、碳总量控制区和碳汇功能区,并提出协同减排的差异性对策建议。  相似文献   
Despite its importance for carbon storage and other ecosystem functions, the variation in vegetation canopy height is not yet well understood. We examined the relationship between this community attribute and environmental heterogeneity in a tropical dry forest of southern Mexico. We sampled vegetation in 15 sites along a 100‐km coastal stretch of Oaxaca State, and measured the heights of all woody plants (excluding lianas). The majority of the ca. 4000 individuals recorded concentrated in the 4–8 m height range. We defined three plant sets to describe overall community canopy height at each site: a set including all plants, a set made up by the tallest plants representing 10 percent of all individuals, and a set comprising the 10 tallest plants. For each site we computed maximum height and the mean and median heights of the three sets. Significant collinearity was observed between the seven resulting height variables, but null distributions constructed through bootstrap revealed their different behaviors as functions of species richness and density of individuals. Through linear modeling and a model selection procedure, we identified 21 models that best described the variation in canopy height variables. These models pointed out to soil (measured as PC1 of a principal component analysis performed on 10 soil variables), water stress, and elevation as the main drivers of canopy height variation in the region. In the event of increasing water stress resulting from global climate change, the studied tropical dry forests could become shorter and thus decrease their carbon storage potential.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic pathway of plant species collected at Menyuan, Henan, and Maduo sites, east of Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season were studied using stable carbon isotopes in leaves. The 232 samples leaves analyzed belonged to 161 species, 30 families, and 94 genera. The δ13C values (from −24.6 to − 29.2 ‰) indicated that all the considered species had a photosynthetic C3 pathway. The absence of plant species with C4 photosynthetic pathway might be due to the extremely low air temperature characterizing the Tibetan Plateau. The average δ13C value was significantly (p<0.05) different between annuals and perennials at the three considered study sites. Hence the longer-lived species had greater water-use efficiency (WUE) than shorter-lived species, that is, longer-lived species are better adapted to the extreme environmental conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Farm intensification options in pasture‐based dairy systems are generally associated with increased stocking rates coupled with the increased use of off‐farm inputs to support the additional feed demand of animals. However, as well as increasing milk production per hectare, intensification can also exacerbate adverse impacts on the environment. The objective of the present study was to investigate environmental trade‐offs associated with potential intensification methods for pasture‐based dairy farming systems in the Waikato region, New Zealand. The intensification scenarios selected were (1) increased pasture utilization efficiency (PUE scenario), (2) increased use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer to boost on‐farm pasture production (N fertilizer scenario), and (3) increased use of brought‐in feed as maize silage (MS) (MS scenario). Twelve impact categories were assessed. The PUE scenario was the environmentally preferred intensification method, and the preferred choice between the N fertilizer and MS scenarios depended upon trade‐offs between different environmental impacts. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to test the effects of choice associated with: (1) the approaches used to account for indirect land‐use change (ILUC) and (2) the competing product systems (conventional beef systems) used to handle the co‐product dairy meat for the climate change (CC) indicator. Results showed that the magnitude of the CC indicator results was influenced by the ILUC accounting approaches and the choice associated with a global marginal beef mix, but the relative CC indicator results for the three intensification scenarios remained unchanged.  相似文献   
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