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Karl Popper has been one of the few philosophers of sciences who has influenced scientists. I evaluate Popper's influence on our understanding of evolutionary theory from his earliest publications to the present. Popper concluded that three sorts of statements in evolutionary biology are not genuine laws of nature. I take him to be right on this score. Popper's later distinction between evolutionary theory as a metaphysical research program and as a scientific theory led more than one scientist to misunderstand his position on evolutionary theory as a scientific theory. In his later work Popper also introduced what he took to be improvements of evolutionary theory. Thus far these improvements have had almost no influence on evolutionary biology. I conclude by examining the influence of Popper on the reception of cladistic analysis.  相似文献   
Teeth increase in size during a 9,000-year period in an archaeologically derived, radiocarbon dated sample of skeletons from a geographically restricted area of coastal Peru. Although cultural change is extensive, including the transition to food production and pottery making, teeth do not reduce as predicted under these conditions by Brace's Probable Mutation Effect. Since most of the dental literature dealing with size change of teeth focuses upon dental reduction, hypotheses explaining why teeth increase through time are not well developed. No obvious selective forces explaining size increase are apparent in the present data. Attrition decreases through time. The increase in tooth size in this collection may be a function of overall cranialfacial size increase, which (pending further data) may be related to a general body size increase.  相似文献   
High significant differences in mean age, blood pressure and phenotype frequency distributions between the non-migrants and "emigrants" of a total unselected community sample were discovered. Use of the mean of BP scores collected from epidemiologic surveys over a period of time as an individual score allows sample attrition to produce both a genetically and demographically biased sample of a population intended to represent an unselected community of people. Multiple regression analyses estimated the contribution of an individual's age, genotype and mobility out of the sample to predicting blood pressure variation. Variation in blood pressure means among certain marker phenotype classes was greater in those who leave than in those who stay, but only the upper portion of the pressure distribution contributed to this relationship. A genetic-environment interaction is suggested.  相似文献   
Two ancient cultures of northern Chile, the Chinchorro (9000-3500 BP) and the Maitas Chiribaya (850-700 BP) were examined for dental pathology in search of possible correlations between dental health, diet, and the cultural practice of coca-leaf chewing. The Chinchorro occupied the river mouth of the Azapa valley, subsisting almost exclusively on a maritime economy. The Maitas Chiribaya, descendants of migrant highlanders, had a rather well-developed agricultural subsistence base. The Chinchorro demonstrated extreme attrition rates and a correspondingly high frequency of periapical abscesses. They were essentially caries-free and enjoyed a moderate antemortem tooth loss frequency. The Maitas Chiribaya suffered light attrition, a high caries frequency, especially at the cementoenamel junction of crown and root, and a remarkably high antemortem tooth loss frequency. The cultural practice of coca-leaf chewing is implicated in the excessive posterior edentulism of the Maitas Chiribaya. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this article, we examine a large number of combinations of growth models, with separate attention to cell volume, cylindrical surface-area, polar caps, nascent poles, onset of constriction, precision of cell division and interdivision-time dispersion, for Escherichia coli cells growing in steady state at various doubling times. Our main conclusion is striking, and quite general: exponential cylindrical surface-area growth is not possible, irrespective of the behaviour of cell volume, the polar regions, the nascent poles, or any other feature of cell growth-such cells never reach steady state. The same is true of linear cylindrical surface-area growth, regardless of when during the cell cycle the doubling in growth rate takes place. Only after the introduction of feedback into the surface-area growth law, do the cultures attain steady state, all of them. The other components of the models contribute only marginally to the properties of the steady state. Thus, whether the feedback applies just to the cylindrical portion of the cell or to its entire surface area affects only the coefficient of variation of cell radius and the radius-volume correlation. The dynamics of old-pole maintenance, constant area or constant shape, influences the radius-length and radius-volume correlations and, to a much lesser extent, the coefficients of variation of cell radius and length; how the nascent poles grow, whether linearly or exponentially, does not seem to matter at all. The absolute dimensions of the cells are set by the growth rate of the culture and have almost no effect when the feedback is taken to apply to the entire cell surface area; when it is limited to the cylindrical portion of the cell, however, both radius-length and radius-volume correlations increase with increasing doubling time. Comparison with published values was inconclusive. The nature of cell surface-area growth has therefore been settled, but whether the volume increases by simple-exponential or by pseudo-exponential growth, or whether the old poles maintain a constant shape or a constant area during the cell cycle, can be determined only with more precise experimental data. The form of nascent-pole growth is not resolvable by present techniques.  相似文献   
New directions and new questions raised in the study of health in the past justify this reanalysis of the pattern of dental attrition in the Medieval Danish population of Tirup. Dental attrition was scored on all permanent molars from the Tirup skeletal sample. Scores were analyzed by means of logistic regression of the probability of having entered a given stage of wear for a given tooth in a way that is very similar to transition analysis. The primary determinant of dental attrition was age at death. In addition to age, the effects of sex, side, and dating were analyzed. In order to assess the homogeneity of the process of wearing teeth down, a third-order polynomial in age-at-death was also fitted to the transition probabilities. It was found that age is the single most important determinant of dental attrition, and that sex or side did not differentiate the rate of attrition. In several transitions, there was evidence of heterogeneity, indicating both random and systematic interpersonal differences in the rate of attrition and an association between the rate of attrition and age-at-death. It was found that attrition proceeded more quickly after AD 1300 than prior to that date. It is suggested that this was due to a possible general deterioration of living conditions in Northern Europe and an increased reliance on grain for food during the first half of the 14th century. The temporal effect on attrition rate accounts for some but not all the observed heterogeneity wear.  相似文献   
Six iatrogenic dental borings were identified in four individuals of a Native American skeletal collection from an 18th and early 19th century Middle Columbia River burial site. The borings, all in maxillary first molars with severe dental attrition and secondary dentin, demonstrate striated walls and associated periapical alveolar lesions. An ethnographic review of the subsistence pattern during the burial period indicates a diet that is consistent in dental attrition with other riverine fisher-hunter-gathers. Histological changes of dental pulp tissue during the process of attrition may result in dental necrosis. Access into the pulp chamber is a technique used to drain necrotic fluid. A common Euro-American therapeutic dental practice of the 18th and 19th centuries for diseases of the pulp was dental extraction. Multiple dental borings indicate that the practice of molar drilling into the pulp chamber was an effective and independent technique used by the Wishram and Wasco people.  相似文献   
Mathematical terms as e.g. total differential and partial derivative play a specific role in classic thermodynamics. In this connection we ask for the existence of a thermodynamical biomathematics in consequence of the large biological importance of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes in open systems. In spite of our present limited knowledge we answer this question positive by means of theoretical considerations and practical examples.  相似文献   
Drawing on surveys from two Mexican immigrant sending communities, this paper comparatively examines the link between subnational policy structures in US destinations and immigrants' settlement and residency behaviour. It focuses in particular on attrition through enforcement policy at the local and state level that is formed to trigger the voluntary exit of undesirable immigrants. With a twofold comparison of immigrants in three cities and two states, the analysis indicates that immigrants do not alter the duration of time they spend in receiving locales or change their state of residence due to restrictive subnational policies. Rather, economic and social factors more prominently shape immigrants' settlement and residency patterns. The implications of this analysis are discussed with particular attention to the incorporation process for immigrants who remain in destinations with attrition through enforcement policy.  相似文献   
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