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土体干缩裂缝研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土体干缩裂缝的形成和发展是一个复杂的物理过程,会对土体的强度、稳定性和渗透性等产生影响,其影响范围广泛分布于土壤学、农业、工程地质和环境保护等学科.本文在明确土体干缩裂缝研究重要性的基础上,通过收集整理国内外有关土体干缩裂缝研究的既有文献资料,综述了土体干缩裂缝的理论研究、实用性研究以及裂缝形态定量分析研究,分析和讨论了土体干缩裂缝在研究领域、研究内容和研究方法方面的不足之处,并指出土体干缩裂缝的未来发展方向.  相似文献   
Abundance, isotopic composition and morphological imprints of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia scitula (Brady) were closely examined for possible use as a novel reconstruction tool of chemical environments in sub-intermediate depth seawater in the past. Based on the MOCNES plankton tow observation of dwelling depths of G. scitula and the isotopic compositions together with hydrochemistry data, the empirical relations between isotopic disequilibria in carbon (Δδ13C=δ13CG. scitulaδ13CDIC) and oxygen (Δδ18O=δ18OG. scitulaδ18Ow) isotopes in the carbonate tests and the seawater δ18O and δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), respectively, are introduced. The morphological information such as pore density and porosity is also examined for significant relations to carbonate chemistry. Shell porosity is strongly correlated saturation state of calcite. The dissolution of living G. scitula tests may promote the observed isotopic differences as well as the increases in porosity. Δδ18O of G. scitula is found effectively to be linear function of both water temperature and calcite saturation state (Ω), and thereby temperature equation for G. scitula is provided, while Δδ13C of G. scitula is a linear function of only calcite saturation state.The equation was validated by using Globorotalia scitula collected by a sediment trap in intermediate water depths. Satisfactory agreements were found between observed and calculated Δδ18O from the empirical equations based on temperature and hydrochemistry data at sediment trap deployment site, indicating that the equation may be useful in paleo-environmental reconstruction of sub-intermediate water. The sediment trap observation further suggests that the abundance of G. scitula does not necessarily correspond to surface water productivity and to POC flux, but instead, it correlates well with the supply of fine organic matter, which appears to be a result of water convection. Thus, G. scitula may be an unambiguous and excellent paleo-environmental recorder for carbonate chemistry and for fine organic matter transport to the depths, if isotopic and morphological observations are combined.  相似文献   
Two phylogeographical lineages of arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus , in Siberia are extensively characterized based on both molecular genetic (mtDNA control region sequences) and phenotypic (12 meristic characters) data. One lineage, occurring in the delta region of the Lena River as well as all other Arctic draining rivers sampled, corresponds to the subspecific taxon Thymallus arcticus pallasii , whose type locality is the Kolyma River. This taxon is proposed to be a postglacial colonizer of the Lena delta. The second lineage occurs throughout the rest of the Lena basin and is proposed to have survived in a glacial refugium in the middle reaches of the Lena. These lineages form reciprocally monophyletic groups based on mtDNA sequences (net divergence 3.2%), a relationship that is concordant with phenotypic data, and thus reflects distinct taxa. The upper Lena taxon is given the preliminary name of Thymallus arcticus lenensis . Phylogenetic analysis, together with previously published data from North America, reveals that mtDNA sequences from North American populations group within the diverse clade corresponding to T. a. pallasii in Siberia. Despite the relatively close genetic relationship of most North American haplotypes with those in northern Siberia, inferences of fragmentation between the continents are supported, but bidirectional movements between the two continents are seen as likely. Despite inclusion in the clade representing T. a. pallasii in Siberia, the source of the relatively divergent Nahanni refuge haplotypes in North America is not resolved. Otherwise, inferences of postglacial expansion across several thousand kilometres are well supported within North America, but only smaller-scale colonization events among drainages are supported in Siberia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 511–525.  相似文献   
潘汝亮  彭燕章 《动物学报》1992,38(2):128-135
本文利用三维笛卡儿空间座标对菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)和黑叶猴(P.francoisi)颅骨的形态结构作了比较研究,描绘了它们的侧视和俯视投影图形。结果表明,两种投影图形均显示黑叶猴的颅骨大于菲氏叶猴,且显著性增大的区域出现在眉点、囟门、枕骨大孔附近和下颌骨体的高度。但菲氏叶猴较黑叶猴具有更凸的面颅。据枕骨隆突至眉点的侧视投影弧长,两种叶猴的数学模式均为:Y=a+bX-cX~2(R=0.92)。从侧视投影看,两种叶猴自枕骨隆突至眉点主要表出大小的不同。若据俯视投影图,两种颅骨的差异主要出现在外耳道以前的部分。黑叶猴较菲氏叶猴具有十分显著性增高的下颌骨体以及相对应更发达的咬肌和咀嚼器官,这很可能与它取食更多的果类食物有关。  相似文献   
O. S. Boikova 《Hydrobiologia》1986,141(1-2):113-123
A study has been made on the distribution of crustaceans along a profile of 6–9 stations from depths of less than 2 m to 20 m, in summer, autumn and early spring. The species composition, abundance, size-frequency distribution, biomass and diurnal dynamics were estimated. Many species abundant in the pelagic zone were found to be absent or scarce out to depths of 5 m. In the daytime, at depths out to 3 m, crustaceans greater than 1.0 mm were seldom found, while those 0.15–0.40 mm long were most abundant. At depths out to 5 m, not only was the total average size of crustaceans found to be smaller, but also that of individual species, including small ones: Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus. The biomass of crustaceans in shallow water and in the open lake differs in summer by more than 100 times, and in late autumn and early spring by more than 10 times. At the depth of 1 m, in none of the seasons did it exceed 0.026 mg l-1. All the crustaceans except for nauplii and Chydorus considerably increased in numbers in the shallow water at night. The impoverishment of the littoral plankton in Lake Glubokoe is regarded as a specific case of the well-known phenomenon of ‘avoidance of the littoral’ by euplankton (Hutchinson, 1967; Kiselyov, 1980). It is pointed out that there is a possible relationship between diurnal horizontal migrations of plantivorous fish and the impoverishment of plankton near the shore. An attempt has been made to substantiate the assumption that the ‘avoidance of the littoral’ by pelagic crustaceans is due to high numbers of fish in shallow water.  相似文献   
陈花  林秋奇  徐磊  韩博平 《生态科学》2011,30(3):223-228
秀体溞是枝角类中重要的属,其分类一直存在较大分歧。目前我国秀体溞属有10个种,即短尾秀体溞Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liévin,1848、兴凯秀体溞D.chankensis Ueno,1939、奥氏秀体溞D.orghidani Negrea,1982、模糊秀体溞D.dubium Manujlova,1964、杜蒙特秀体溞D.dumonti Korovchinsky,1996、镰角秀体溞D.excisum Sars,1885、蒙古秀体溞D.mongolianum Ueno,1938、多刺秀体溞D.sarsi Richard,1894、大眼秀体溞D.macrophtalma Korovchinsky & Mirabdullaev,1995、热带秀体溞D.tropicum Korovchinsky,1998。在综合现有文献和研究模式标本的基础上,建立了上述10个种的分类检索表,并对我国最为常见的4个种:短尾秀体溞D.brachyurum Lievin,1848、奥氏秀体溞D.orghidani Negrea,1982、模糊秀体溞D.dubium Manujlova,1964、镰角秀体溞D.excisum Sars,1885的形态特征和地理分布进行了详细描述。分析了目前我国与国际在秀体溞分类上的一些异同,讨论了我国秀体溞分类中存在的同名异种或同种异名的问题。  相似文献   
水氮处理下不同品种水稻根系生长分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为明确不同栽培条件下水稻(Oryza sativa)根系生长分布特征, 通过不同水氮处理和不同品种的水稻桶栽试验, 采用内置根架法, 于拔节期和抽穗期取样, 获取根系总干重(TRW)、不定根数(ARN)以及各类根(不定根、细分枝根和粗分枝根)的形态指标(长度、表面积和体积), 并分析植株根系生长状况和根系分布特征。结果显示: (1)各试验条件下抽穗期各项根系指标较拔节期均呈增长趋势。同一时期, 各项根系指标在3个施氮水平间均差异显著, 且随施氮量的增加而增加。不同水分处理下, 两个时期的ARN在湿润灌溉(W2)与保持水层(W1)之间差异均不显著, 而其他指标上W2处理均显著最高; 干旱处理 (W3)下, 仅拔节期的TRW和粗分枝形态指标与W1处理接近, 而在其他指标上均显著最低。不同品种间, ‘扬稻6号’ (V3)的各项根系指标均最高, 而‘日本晴’ (V1)和‘武香粳14’ (V2)间差异不显著。(2)各试验条件下, 抽穗期较拔节期根系下扎生长比例增加, 多分布于表层(0-5 cm)土中; 减少氮素和水分供应可提高根系在5 cm以下土层中的分布比例, 且分枝根反应最为明显; 品种V1和V2的深扎根性较V3明显。结果表明, 合理施氮与控水可优化水稻不同类型根的生长与分布特征, 但需考虑不同品种之间的差异。  相似文献   
An improved understanding of the biology of the invasive pest, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), is critical for the development of effective management strategies. Trapping is one technique used for both detection and control; however, the efficacy of trapping can vary depending on the target insect's physiological state, its behavioural priorities and the type of attractant used in the trap. We conducted a series of caged trapping experiments and a greenhouse trapping experiment to investigate the effects of D. suzukii feeding status, age, mating status, ovipositional status and seasonal morph type on the capture rate of traps baited with fermentation odours. Starved flies were trapped at greater rates compared to fed flies; more virgin flies were trapped than mated flies; flies deprived of an oviposition substrate were trapped more frequently than flies given an oviposition substrate. It is still unclear whether age or seasonal morphology affect bait response. Lastly, a caged choice experiment investigated the relationship between female reproductive status and attraction to fermentation or fruit odours. Fermentation‐based traps captured female flies regardless of their reproductive status but, ripe fruit‐based traps were more attractive to flies with more than seven eggs. In summary, studies that use fermentation‐based traps should recognize that capture rates of D. suzukii will depend on the feeding, mating and oviposition experiences of the population; also, fruit‐based traps may better target gravid females.  相似文献   
利用体视显微镜和组织细胞分析系统软件对北五味子种子萌发过程中形态学进行动态观察,并对其部分生理生化指标进行分析。实验结果表明,层积处理(4℃,沙培)初期,种子胚部较小,富含油脂;处理后期,胚部变得细长,逐渐伸向种子尖端一侧。处理60d时,种子开始萌动;至150d时,种胚突破种皮限制,开始发芽。随着种胚的发育,种子的含水量和可溶性蛋白的含量增加,α-淀粉酶活性逐渐提高,而可溶性总糖的含量则呈现先降低而后增高的趋势。  相似文献   
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