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为深入了解三峡库区多年高水位运行对消落带优势植物生长恢复的影响,分别于2008年和2017年定量调研了库区长寿段消落带狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)种群的变化,探讨了库区高水位运行对消落带狗牙根萌发、生长和物质分配的影响。结果表明,多年的高水位运行导致不定芽形成和萌发显著被促进,形成更多的分株;高水位运行导致狗牙根分株的株高、茎宽和叶片数被显著抑制,而叶长和种群的总叶片数被显著促进,且随着消落带水位的降低叶长呈降低趋势,而叶宽和总叶片数呈增加趋势;高水位运行导致狗牙根种群匍匐茎和地下茎的茎长、茎节数和总茎长均被显著促进,且随着消落带水位降低匍匐茎茎长和茎节数呈显著的降低趋势,而地下茎茎长和茎节数呈增加趋势;高水位运行导致狗牙根地下茎储存的干质量呈增加趋势,而分株和匍匐茎的干质量呈降低趋势,而且在种群物质分配中地下茎所占的比例呈增大趋势,低水位狗牙根种群的分株和高水位种群的匍匐茎所占的比例也呈增加趋势。因此,狗牙根不仅具有很强的耐淹和生长恢复能力,也具有很强的拓殖能力,可以作为库区中低位消落带恢复和重建的主要原生物种。  相似文献   
为探究三峡水库消落区不同生活史植物群落随海拔梯度及水库干流沿程的空间分布规律,于2017年8月至2017年9月对三峡水库干流消落区植被进行了调查。研究结果表明:(1)三峡水库消落区植被的植物物种丰富度随距大坝里程距离的缩短而呈现逐渐减小的趋势。(2)三峡水库消落区不同生活史类型植被群落盖度对水淹梯度胁迫的响应呈现相反的变化规律:随着消落区高程的升高,一年生植物对消落区植被覆盖度的贡献逐渐增加,而多年生植物对植被群落覆盖度的贡献逐渐降低。但是,在消落区的任一高程区域,多年生植物物种盖度均要大于一年生植物物种盖度。(3)采用TWINSPAN植被分类方法可对9个样地607个样方的三峡水库消落区植被划分为25个组,其中苍耳+狗牙根群落Ass.Xanthiumsibiricum+Cynodon dactylon(含213个样方)、狗牙根群落Ass.Cynodon dactylon(包含137个样方)、狗牙根+香附子群落Ass.Cynodon dactylon+Cyperus rotundus(含55个样方)、狗牙根+酸模叶蓼群落Ass.Cynodon dactylon+Polygonum lap...  相似文献   
以贵州凤冈麻湾洞洞穴生态系统为研究对象,运用δ13C、δ15N测定了洞穴动物及其有机碳源的同位素比值,分析了洞穴生态系统的营养级关系及洞穴动物食源。结果表明:洞内植物δ13C范围为-41. 78‰~-38. 80‰,较洞外植物低;δ15N范围为-1. 31‰~1.23‰,在洞外陆源有机质δ15N范围内;洞穴土壤有机质的δ13C范围为-31. 09‰~-24.95‰,δ15N范围为-1.08‰~7.72‰;洞穴动物δ13C范围为-30.41‰~-12.02‰,δ15N范围为2.07‰~8.94‰;洞穴土壤有机质对动物的食源贡献率超过72%,远高于植物对动物的食源贡献率,即洞穴土壤有机质是洞穴动物的主要食物来源。麻湾洞生态系统主要由4个营养层次组成:植物为第一营养层次;闪夜蛾、螺类、马陆类处于第二营养层次;裸灶螽、长头地蜈蚣处于第三营养层次;蜘蛛类处于第三或第四营养层次。即大部分同种(或同类群)...  相似文献   
巢湖流域地下水硝态氮含量空间分布和季节变化格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王庆锁  顾颖  孙东宝 《生态学报》2014,34(15):4372-4379
2009年冬季、2010年春季和夏季分别在巢湖流域采集了253个、249个和230个水井的地下水样品,分析了其硝态氮含量。结果表明,巢湖流域的地下水硝酸盐污染比较严重,冬季、春季和夏季的地下水硝态氮的超标率(≥10 mg/L)均超过20%。巢湖北部区的地下水硝态氮含量高于南部地区。在巢湖北部区,东北部江淮分水岭丘陵区的地下水硝态氮含量较低。在巢湖南部区,地下水硝态氮含量具有从西部山区向东部平原逐渐升高的趋势。不同土地利用类型的地下水硝态氮含量排序是村庄菜地旱地乡镇水稻-油菜(或小麦)轮作田果园单季水稻田养殖场,传统水稻田绿色水稻田。巢湖流域地下水硝态氮含量的季节变化总趋势为冬季≈春季夏季,主要与降水有关。不同土地利用类型的地下水硝态氮含量的季节变化格局不同,其中地下水硝态氮含量呈现冬季春季夏季的土地类型为菜地、果园和水稻田,春季冬季夏季的土地类型为旱地、乡镇、畜禽养殖场,春季夏季冬季的土地类型为村庄,这种季节变化格局主要与不同土地利用类型的施肥量、施肥时间的不同有关。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖采砂南移扩大影响范围——多源遥感的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔丽娟  翟彦放  邬国锋 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3520-3525
采砂是一项具有巨大生态影响的经济活动.利用多源遥感影像描述鄱阳湖中部的采砂分布,分析其对悬浮泥沙浓度的影响.2011年7月28日的Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)5用于采砂相关船只的识别,2009-2011年7-8月的Terra卫星中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)影像用于悬浮泥沙浓度的反演,(Before-after-control-impact,BACI)方法用于采砂影响评价.Landsat TM 5影像解译结果发现鄱阳湖中部的两个采砂区和90余艘船只,MODIS Terra反演结果显示在采砂区及其下游区域悬浮泥沙浓度剧增,BACI评价结果揭示采砂是导致此区域悬浮泥沙浓度增加的主要因素.平衡经济发展与生态保护之间的关系,将因采砂而造成的负面影响降到最低,使鄱阳湖的各种生态功能全面发挥是紧要的.  相似文献   
The daily vertical migration of five species;Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Trevis,Anabaena spiroides Klebahn f.crassa (L.) Elenkin,Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs,Melosira granulata (E). Ralfs, andCoscinodiscus lacustris Grun. was studied using a close-interval water sampler on a calm summer day in Lake Kasumigaura. Many colonies ofMicrocystis were observed at the middle of the water column (approx. 1.5 m depth) in the afternoon, and at the surface in the early morning.Anabaena occurred mostly in the upper layer whileAphanizomenon tended to be uniformly distributed. The difference in migration patterns suggests thatMicrocystis is superior toAnabaena andAphanizomenon in obtaining both light and nutrients from this lake. Among diatoms,Melosira remained at the bottom of the water column throughout day and night, but Coscinodiscus was uniformly distributed.  相似文献   
湖泊生态环境对区域气候变化和流域人类活动十分敏感。随着流域的持续开发,洱海作为云贵高原第二大淡水湖泊面临着严重的生态与环境问题,主要包括水质恶化和生态功能的衰退,其中蓝藻水华问题尤为突出。针对湖泊现代监测数据存在时间序列较短、连续监测记录缺乏、监测位点不完全一致等问题,应用沉积物记录开展色素等多指标分析和环境变化重建研究,并对洱海湖区南、中、北3个湖盆的沉积物记录进行对比分析,从而探讨洱海富营养化与蓝藻爆发的历史与变化特征,并识别藻类响应模式的空间异同。沉积物色素记录结果表明,洱海蓝藻生物量变化具有明显的时空差异性,呈现由南至北,先后增加、最后呈现蓝藻水华全湖性持续爆发的模式。进一步的简约模型方差分解结果表明气候变暖和营养盐富集是洱海蓝藻生物量变化的主要驱动因子,此外相对较浅的南部湖盆还受到水位波动、水动力减弱、水生植物演化的综合影响。因此,在气候变暖的背景下,控制水体营养盐输入、合理调控湖泊水位、提高水体透明度并恢复水生植物是控制洱海蓝藻水华爆发和进行生态恢复的重要措施。  相似文献   
The introduction of the predatory Nile perch, Lates niloticus, into the Lake Victoria basin coincided with a dramatic decline in fish species richness and diversity. This study focused on interactions between Nile perch and indigenous fishes in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a small satellite lake of Lake Victoria. We evaluated how the foraging impact of juvenile Nile perch on prey fishes varied with the size of the predator. We also evaluated the role of wetland ecotones in minimizing interaction between Nile perch and indigenous fishes. Wetland ecotones in Lake Nabugabo were characterized by complex structure (e.g., dense vegetation) and lower dissolved oxygen levels than non-wetland (exposed) areas. Nile perch (8.6–42.2cm, TL) were 3.7 times more abundant in offshore exposed areas than in inshore areas near wetland ecotones, and the proportion of Nile perch using wetland and exposed areas was independent of their body size. However, species richness was higher in waters at wetland ecotones than in exposed areas. Nile perch (5–35cm, TL) exhibited a shift in diet at approximately 30cm TL from feeding primarily on invertebrates to piscivory. Although the shift to piscivory occurred at approximately the same body size for Nile perch from both wetland and exposed habitats, the shift to piscivory was less abrupt in Nile perch captured near wetland ecotones. Nile perch from wetland areas consumed a greater diversity and a larger percentage of fish prey than those from exposed sites. However, the low abundance of Nile perch in wetland ecotones suggested that interaction between predator and prey in these areas is much reduced.  相似文献   
Links between climatic conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific and extratropical ecological processes remain unexplored. The analysis of a 20‐year time series of spatial and numeric dynamics of a threatened Mediterranean bird suggests, however, that such couplings can be remarkably complex. By providing a new ecological time‐series modelling approach, we were able to dissect the joint effects of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), regional weather, population density and stochastic variability on the expansion dynamics of the White‐headed duck (Oxyura leococephala) in Spain. Our results suggest that the spatial and numeric dynamics of ducks between peak brood emergence and wintering were simultaneously affected by different climatic phenomena during different phases of their global cycles, involving time lags in the numeric dynamics. Strikingly, our results point to both the NAO and the ENSO as potentially major factors simultaneously forcing ecological processes in the Northern Hemisphere, and suggest a new pathway for non‐additive effects of climate in ecology.  相似文献   
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