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Folates are essential coenzymes involved in one-carbon metabolism. Folate deficiency is associated with a higher risk of newborns with neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly, and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and impaired cognitive function in adults. In plants folates are synthesized in mitochondria from pterin precursors, which are synthesized from guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP) in the cytosol (pterin branch), and p-aminobenzoate (PABA), derived from chorismate in plastids (PABA branch). We generated transgenic lettuce lines expressing a synthetic codon-optimized GTP-cyclohydrolase I gene (gchI) based on native Gallus gallus gene. Immunoblotting analyses confirmed the presence of the gchI in transgenic lines. Twenty-nine transgenic lines were generated and 19 exhibited significant increase in the folate content, ranging from 2.1 to 8.5-fold higher when compared to non-transgenic lines. The folate content in enriched lettuce would provide 26% of the Dietary Reference Intakes for an adult, in a regular serving. Although the lettuce lines generated here exhibited high folate enhancement over the control, better folate enrichment could be further achieved by engineering simultaneously both PABA and pterin pathways.  相似文献   
Kiehr M  R Delhey  J Lusto 《Phyton》2015,84(2):423-426
A new disease of lettuce has been observed in the surroundings of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. The symptoms include dwarfing, general chlorosis, wilting, root rot, and leaf blight, sometimes followed by plant death. Pythium tracheiphilum Matta was found to be consistently associated with those symptoms. The morphological and morphometric characteristics of this oomycete are described. Isolates obtained from field-infected lettuce plants were inoculated to lettuce and caused similar symptoms as those found in natural infections. Seedling emergence was also severely affected following experimental inoculation. Koch’s Postulates were fulfilled by recovering the fungus from inoculated plants. The new disease shows a high destructive potential but currently has a limited prevalence and incidence.  相似文献   
Gerodontology 2010; doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00383.x The Copenhagen Oral Health Senior Cohort: design, population and dental health Background: In order to study the way old age influence oral health, the Copenhagen Oral Health Senior Cohort (COHS) has been established. Objectives: To describe the design, measurement procedures, and baseline values for COHS including spatial distribution of restorations and dental caries as well as reasons for non‐participation. Materials and methods: Seven hundred and eighty‐three individuals aged 65 years or older, from a total of 1918 invited elderly people, underwent an interview regarding oral health‐related behaviour and a clinical oral examination including measurement of unstimulated whole saliva flow rate. Results: Twelve percent of the COHS was edentulous. The number of dental restorations was higher for women compared to men; however, men had more caries than women. Coronal caries was most frequent on mesial and distal surfaces and on the maxillary incisors and canines; root caries was most frequent on labial surfaces and evenly distributed within the dentition. Only 41% of all invited elderly people accepted the invitation, with old age and poor health being the primary reasons for non‐participation. Conclusion: The baseline values for COHS show that a substantial proportion of the participants had retained a natural dentition and that dental caries was prevalent with the anterior maxillary teeth being most affected.  相似文献   
以莴苣幼苗为材料,检测了分离自细果角茴香的生物碱对莴苣幼苗根生长及根毛发育的影响。结果表明:50~200μmol·L-1浓度范围内,8-甲氧基二氢血根碱对莴苣幼苗根长显著抑制;10、20和30μmol·L-18-甲氧基二氢血根碱对莴苣幼苗根毛的长度和数量有显著的抑制作用,且抑制作用均表现了浓度依赖性。通过对莴苣根尖细胞有丝分裂研究发现,50μmol·L-1的8-甲氧基二氢血根碱能显著抑制根尖细胞的有丝分裂,而且莴苣幼苗净增值率与根尖细胞的有丝分裂之间呈正相关,证明8-甲氧基二氢血根碱主要通过抑制根尖细胞有丝分裂对莴苣根的生长产生影响。  相似文献   
以生菜(Lactuca sativa)种子为研究对象,通过不同时间的吸水处理分析其含水量变化,再通过程序降温处理,分析不同含水量种子发芽率的差异,以及脂肪酸合成有关基因(FAD2、FAD3、PPT、ELOVL)和冷调节基因ICE1的表达。结果表明,种子含水量随吸水时间增加而升高。程序降温至同样的低温冷冻条件下(-20℃、-22℃),吸水时间小于6 h的种子发芽率较高,而吸水8 h以上的种子发芽率显著降低。种子吸水8 h含水量处于饱和状态,在此状态下种子对低温较为敏感,说明含水量对种子耐冻性有影响。冷冻处理后生菜种子基因表达检测结果表明,脂肪酸去饱和酶基因(FAD2、FAD3)、蛋白质棕榈酰基硫脂酶相关基因(PPT)、长链脂肪酸延伸酶相关基因(ELOVL)的表达水平均随着种子含水量增加呈上升趋势,吸胀10 h的种子表达量最高,此时种子由于高含水量所受冷冻伤害最大。基因ICE1在冷冻处理种子中的表达也随着吸水时间增加而升高,在吸水10 h时种子中表达量到最高水平。综上,种子含水量越高,所受冷冻伤害越大。但种子在低温条件下具有一定的抗冷反应,可通过相关基因的过表达调控合成更多不饱和脂肪酸、抗冻蛋白等提高含水种子耐冻性。  相似文献   
Analysis of total aromatic amino acid (free and bound) in some cucumber accessions selected previously for resistance to western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae], indicated that low concentrations of these essential nutrients, relative to total leaf protein, were correlated with a reduction in damage by the insect. Further analysis of samples of four important horticultural crops (lettuce, tomato, pepper and cucumber) with unknown levels of resistance to thrips showed a significant genotypic variation in the concentrations of total aromatic amino acids relative to the total leaf protein. Accessions from each crop with low or high concentrations of aromatic amino acids in proteins were exposed to thrips larvae. Regression analysis showed a highly significant positive correlation between aromatic amino acid concentration in leaf protein and thrips damage, regardless of crop species. It is concluded that higher concentrations of aromatic amino acids in plant proteins are important for successful thrips development. These results provide plant breeders with a promising tool for indirect selection without using undesirable insect bioassays.  相似文献   
莴苣柱头呈两裂片状,有接受花粉的接受面和非接受面之分。授粉前后,柱头接受面乳突细胞的细胞壁中贮存丰富的细小钙颗粒,而非接受面的表皮细胞壁中的钙颗粒很少。在花柱组织中钙的分布具有明显特征,在同一水平上,钙主要分布在引导组织的质外体中,如细胞壁和细胞间隙中,而在引导组织外的薄壁组织中钙主要分布在的细胞内液炮和细胞壁中以及维管束导管内。在花柱不同水平上,花柱中的钙呈现出梯度分布,顶端各组织中的钙颗粒较少,基部各组织中的钙颗粒较多。授粉后1h花柱基部组织的钙颗粒增多,钙梯度分布现象增强。花柱引导组织中的钙梯度分布很可能是吸引花粉管向下生长的原因。讨论了莴苣花柱引导组织中钙梯度分布特征和花粉管在其体内生长的关系。  相似文献   
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