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柳州市行道树资源调查与结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过对柳州市区主要道路园林绿化全面踏勘,在四城区中筛选出68条道路行道树进行现场调查和综合评价。结果表明:(1)柳州市行道树共有28种,隶属于17科21属,常绿树种与落叶树种比例及乡土树种与外来树种比例合理。(2)柳州市行道树中小叶榕和黄葛榕在各城区应用频度较高,树种组成结构相对单一。(3)季相树种在各城区应用频度不均衡,部分城区春季景观营造效果显著,而夏秋冬季相景观效果不显著。(4)绿化达标率和林荫路推广率离国家生态园林城市还有较大差距,物种丰富度和多样性指数有待提高。建议加大乡土树种的应用与推广,提高各城区物种丰富度及季相树种的应用,营造城市道路特色季相景观。该研究成果提出了发展乡土树种、丰富树种多样性及季相景观营造的技术建议,对柳州市行道树树种规划和建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
中国几种剧毒鹅膏菌的ITS序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了来自中国不同地区的9个剧毒鹅膏菌的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)核苷酸序列.以湖南鹅膏为外类群,用ITS序列构建了系统进化树.结果表明:两个不同产地的欧氏鹅膏存在一定的差异,但仍可聚为同一组;欧氏鹅膏与其它几种剧毒鹅膏的亲缘关系较远;两个根据形态特征鉴定为灰花纹鹅膏的标本可能是两个不同的种;欧氏鹅膏、致命鹅膏和黄盖鹅膏白色变种这3个产生白色子实体的种系统演化上不是同源的.  相似文献   
千山油松年轮宽度年表的建立及其与气候的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以千山油松为样本,建立了年轮宽度标准化年表、差值年表和自回归年表.结果表明,油松年轮宽度与5—7和9—11月温度指标的相关性较高,且与低温呈正相关,其中与7月的极端最低温、9月的平均最低温显著相关.3种年表与上年12月和当年1月的极端最低温、1月的平均最低温呈显著相关,且其与全年、上年12月、当年5月的降水量显著相关,与4月的降水量极显著相关.油松与水汽压、相对湿度的月和年指标均有较强的相关性.蒸发的年指标和绝大部分月指标对油松生长具有负效应,其中4—7月最明显.油松年表的窄化突变佐证了1800年以来的30次主要的旱灾年历史记录.千山油松的生长受全球或半球尺度气候变化的影响.年表与太阳活动存在显著的11、23和50年左右的公共周期,与地磁指标在10、20和45年左右存在共同的周期变化.  相似文献   
The ongoing climatic changes potentially affect plant growth and the functioning of temperature‐limited high‐altitude and high‐latitude ecosystems; the rate and magnitude of these biotic changes are, however, uncertain. The aim of this study was to reconstruct stand structure and growth forms of Larix sibirica (Ledeb.) in undisturbed forest–tundra ecotones of the remote Polar Urals on a centennial time scale. Comparisons of the current ecotone with historic photographs from the 1960s clearly document that forests have significantly expanded since then. Similarly, the analysis of forest age structure based on more than 300 trees sampled along three altitudinal gradients reaching from forests in the valleys to the tundra indicate that more than 70% of the currently upright‐growing trees are <80 years old. Because thousands of more than 500‐year‐old subfossil trees occur in the same area but tree remnants of the 15–19th century are lacking almost entirely, we conclude that the forest has been expanding upwards into the formerly tree‐free tundra during the last century by about 20–60 m in altitude. This upward shift of forests was accompanied by significant changes in tree growth forms: while 36% of the few trees that are more than 100 years old were multi‐stem tree clusters, 90% of the trees emerging after 1950 were single‐stemmed. Tree‐ring analysis of horizontal and vertical stems of multi‐stemmed larch trees showed that these trees had been growing in a creeping form since the 15th century. In the early 20th century, they started to grow upright with 5–20 stems per tree individual. The incipient vertical growth led to an abrupt tripling in radial growth and thus, in biomass production. Based on above‐ and belowground biomass measurements of 33 trees that were dug out and the mapping of tree height and diameter, we estimated that forest expansion led to a biomass increase by 40–75 t ha?1 and a carbon accumulation of approximately 20–40 g C m?2 yr?1 during the last century. The forest expansion and change in growth forms coincided with significant summer warming by 0.9 °C and a doubling of winter precipitation during the 20th century. In summary, our results indicate that the ongoing climatic changes are already leaving a fingerprint on the appearance, structure, and productivity of the treeline ecotone in the Polar Urals.  相似文献   
鼎湖山地区马尾松年轮元素含量与酸雨的关系   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
侯爱敏  彭少麟  周国逸 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1552-1559
分析了鼎湖山马尾松年轮中几种化学元素含量的历史变化,并探讨了区域酸雨的影响。结果表明,酸雨有可能导致马尾松年轮中N、K和Al的含量在近30a中的上升趋势,和Ca、Mg和Mn明显的下降趋势。马尾松幼年期年轮部分元素含量异常地偏高,可能是幼年期生理机制不完善、对元素的选择性吸收和排斥能力较低所致,因此,以马尾松幼苗为对象进行的模拟酸雨试验结果,在推广至成熟的马尾松林地时可能会出现较大的偏差。  相似文献   
Hard rock quarries are commonly located close to national parks and special areas of conservation and are generally regarded as visually intrusive. Consequently, restoration strategies that effectively accelerate natural plant regeneration processes are required. Slate waste tips present extreme conditions for plant establishment with multiple potential limiting factors (e.g., lack of organic matter, nutrients, and poor water retention). In this study, we investigated ecological strategies to accelerate natural regeneration at the largest slate quarry in Europe. A field experiment was conducted to assess ecosystem restoration using a contrasting set of native woody species. Treatments included amendments of waste tips with: polyacrylamide gel to increase water‐holding capacity; mineral fertilizer to increase nutrient supply; and two treatments that increased both (organic waste or boulder clay addition). Ecosystem recovery was evaluated through above‐ and below‐ground productivity (plant and microbial, respectively) and soil analyses. Neither increasing nutrient supply (with mineral fertilizer) nor water‐holding capacity (with polyacrylamide gel) was sufficient, alone, to improve plant establishment. However, both boulder clay and organic waste amendment significantly enhanced plant growth. There was a marked positive interaction in the effects on tree growth of the amendment with organic waste and boulder clay. Large interactions occurred between tree species and substrate amendments. The growth of N2‐fixing species was strongly favored over non‐fixers where there was no addition of material increasing soil nitrogen supply, whereas the growth advantage of pioneer species over non‐pioneers was greatest with fertilizer, organic waste, or clay additions. Organic waste addition had the greatest positive impact on soil processes.  相似文献   
汉坦病毒汉滩型特殊新亚型的发现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用RT-PCR扩增了皖南山区分离株AH09的M和S片段全基因,克隆于T载体,纯化后测定序列。结果AH09株M片段的全基因序列共3625个核苷酸,编码1135个氨基酸;S片段的全基因序列共1724个核苷酸,编码430个氨基酸。M和S片段全基因核苷酸和氨基酸与汉坦病毒各型株的代表株和HTN型毒株的同源性比较表明,AH09株分枝与HTN型接近,与其它各型病毒则相距较远,故确定为HTN型毒株,但AH09株与HTN型毒株的M和S片段全基因序列有差异,其差异分别高达23.6%和20.4%,经种系发生分析,AH09株是迄今为止所发现的HTN型病毒中差异最大的新基因亚型病毒株,AH09株病毒M片段的氨基酸与HTN型相差13.5%至14.8%,而S片段仅相差7%-8.1%,说明AH09毒株的变异主要发生在M片段。而ORF和3‘端的NCR区核苷酸序列分析比较说明,病毒的变异更主要集中在该片段的3‘端的NCR区。  相似文献   
沈阳市四种乔木树种BVOCs排放特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈颖  史奕  何兴元 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2410-2416
采用热解析与气相色谱联用技术对沈阳市4种主要乔木树种--银中杨、垂柳、榆树和皂角的BVOCs排放特征进行了观测.实验发现,不同树种排放BVOCs的组成情况明显不同,银中杨和垂柳以释放异戊二烯为主,且二者的BVOCs排放速率明显高于其他树种;榆树和皂角以释放柠檬烯为主.4种乔木树种BVOCs的释放具有显著的日变化和季节变化规律,各树种的BVOCs排放速率日变化曲线多表现为单峰型,排放高峰一般出现在中午或下午,且夜间几乎均不排放异戊二烯.季节变化趋势主要表现为夏季最高,春、秋季较低.  相似文献   
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