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The region between Mersin and ?skenderun was selected for studying marine turtles in the Turkish waters of the Mediterranean sea, as the most important nesting grounds of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Mediterranean are situated there. In the 1995–96 fishing season, the 5 trawl boats taking part in the project reported that nets in the Eastern Mediterranean trapped 160 Green Turtles and 26 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta). In the following trawling season (1996/97), 306 Green Turtles, 116 Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) and 437 Nile Soft-shelled Turtles (Trionyx triunguis) were found to be trapped as a by-catch in the trawling nets. 87% of these turtles were captured by mid-trawling nets, the rest by bottom-trawling nets, mostly at depths of 11–30 m. 95% of all turtles were caught alive and healthy, and were usually released back into the sea immediately after capture by the fishermen. Training measures were given to local fishermen in order to raise their awareness of the threats to marine turtles.  相似文献   
An N-acetylglutamokinase-deficient arginine-requiring mutant, KY9390 and an N-acetylornithine aminotransferase-deficient arginine-requiring mutant, AA-7 were derived from a wild-type strain and an l-arginine-producing mutant of Corynebacterium glutamicum, respectively. KY 9390 accumulated 7.5 mg per ml of N-acetylglutamic acid and AA-7 accumulated 2 mg per ml of N-acetylglutamate-γ-semialdehyde, intermediates of arginine biosynthesis, in a culture medium.

The production of N-acetylglutamate-γ-semialdehyde by AA-7 was not affected by the concentration of l-arginine in the medium, whereas that of N-acetylglutamic acid by KY 9390 was inhibited by the addition of l-arginine in the medium.  相似文献   
Selection during the last decades has split some established dog breeds into morphologically and behaviourally divergent types. These breed splits are interesting models for behaviour genetics since selection has often been for few and well‐defined behavioural traits. The aim of this study was to explore behavioural differences between selection lines in golden and Labrador retriever, in both of which a split between a common type (pet and conformation) and a field type (hunting) has occurred. We hypothesized that the behavioural profiles of the types would be similar in both breeds. Pedigree data and results from a standardized behavioural test from 902 goldens (698 common and 204 field) and 1672 Labradors (1023 and 649) were analysed. Principal component analysis revealed six behavioural components: curiosity, play interest, chase proneness, social curiosity, social greeting and threat display. Breed and type affected all components, but interestingly there was an interaction between breed and type for most components. For example, in Labradors the common type had higher curiosity than the field type (F1,1668 = 18.359; P < 0.001), while the opposite was found in goldens (F1,897 = 65.201; P < 0.001). Heritability estimates showed considerable genetic contributions to the behavioural variations in both breeds, but different heritabilities between the types within breeds was also found, suggesting different selection pressures. In conclusion, in spite of similar genetic origin and similar recent selection criteria, types behave differently in the breeds. This suggests that the genetic architecture related to behaviour differs between the breeds.  相似文献   
为了认识南海深海冷泉区沉积物中可培养微生物的多样性,本文以冷泉区与非冷泉区两个站点的深海沉积物为样品,通过两种培养基(R2A海水培养基和2216E培养基)直接涂布或富集后平板分离纯化,从9个样品中共得到395株菌株,并通过16SrRNA基因鉴定,分属10个属。发现产芽胞细菌分布最广、丰度最大,包括3个属、15个种。其中芽胞杆菌(Bacillus)无论是在数量还是在种类上都分布最多。并且,随着水深和沉积物深度的增加,分离到的可培养微生物丰富度降低。本研究表明,即使在冷泉区,南海深海沉积物中产芽胞细菌也比较丰富。  相似文献   
Athecate dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum is a universal toxic species possessing karlotoxins recognized especially as ichthyotoxic as well as cytotoxic and hemolytic. Blooms of K. veneficum, both single-species or accompanied with other species, occurred more frequently worldwide in recent years, including the coastal region of China. Normally, K. veneficum present in relatively low abundance in phytoplankton communities in estuary regions. Being small and difficult to identify with light microscopy, it has been ignored for a long time till its blooming and toxins being confirmed. How it presents in background level and what is its relationship with critical geological and hydrological environment factors are basically not clear. In this study, the paper reports the application of a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) method to investigate the abundance and distribution of K. veneficum in the coastal waters of Xiangshan Bay in the East China Sea (ECS), a typical bay area of harmful algae blooms and heavily affected by anthropogenic activities. The real-time qPCR assay came out being an efficient method at detecting even low cell densities of K. veneficum of different genotypes. A total of 38 field samples of surface (0.5 m) and bottom water (9–100 m in depth) were analyzed and 12 samples were found positive for K. veneficum. At least 3 genotypes of K. veneficum present in this region. Temperatures in sites of K. veneficum positive ranged from 21.7 to 23.4 °C, and salinity levels were between 21.1 and 26.3. The K. veneficum distributed quite extensively in the waters of Xiangshan Bay, cell abundance varied from a low of 4 cells/L to a maximum of 170 cells/L. Most of the samples containing K. veneficum were collected from bottom water in different sites. At three of the 19 sampling sites, K. veneficum was detected in both surface and bottom water samples. Especially at sampling site near Beilun port, where the water is typically muddy with low transparency, relative high cell numbers of K. veneficum were found in both surface and bottom waters. Mixotrophy and vertical migration of K. veneficum could be important eco-physiological factors to consider in terms of understanding these distribution characteristics. The ideal conditions for K. veneficum growth and aggregation in this area still needs further study.  相似文献   
The rate at which biological diversity is altered on both land and in the sea, makes temporal community development a critical and fundamental part of understanding global change. With advancements in trait‐based approaches, the focus on the impact of temporal change has shifted towards its potential effects on the functioning of the ecosystems. Our mechanistic understanding of and ability to predict community change is still impeded by the lack of knowledge in long‐term functional dynamics that span several trophic levels. To address this, we assessed species richness and multiple dimensions of functional diversity and dynamics of two interacting key organism groups in the marine food web: fish and zoobenthos. We utilized unique time series‐data spanning four decades, from three environmentally distinct coastal areas in the Baltic Sea, and assembled trait information on six traits per organism group covering aspects of feeding, living habit, reproduction and life history. We identified gradual long‐term trends, rather than abrupt changes in functional diversity (trait richness, evenness, dispersion) trait turnover, and overall multi‐trait community composition. The linkage between fish and zoobenthic functional community change, in terms of correlation in long‐term trends, was weak, with timing of changes being area and trophic group specific. Developments of fish and zoobenthos traits, particularly size (increase in small size for both groups) and feeding habits (e.g. increase in generalist feeding for fish and scavenging or predation for zoobenthos), suggest changes in trophic pathways. We summarize our findings by highlighting three key aspects for understanding functional change across trophic groups: (a) decoupling of species from trait richness, (b) decoupling of richness from density and (c) determining of turnover and multi‐trait dynamics. We therefore argue for quantifying change in multiple functional measures to help assessments of biodiversity change move beyond taxonomy and single trophic groups.  相似文献   
For over two decades, passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) methods have been successfully employed around the world for studying aquatic megafauna. PAM-driven studies in Indian waters have so far been relatively very scarce. Furthermore, cetacean populations inhabiting the north western Indian Ocean are far less studied than those in many other regions around the world. This work likely constitutes the first systematic study of the vocal repertoire of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) at a near-shore site along the western coast of India. Analysis of the observed vocalizations provides an insight into the behaviour of the species. This is significant as it assists in developing a better understanding of the habitat use of the non-migratory Arabian Sea humpback whale population. In contrast, other breeding populations such as those around the North Atlantic, South Pacific and Australia have been relatively well studied. Underwater passive acoustic data were collected during March 2017 using an autonomous logger at a shallow-water site off the eastern edge of Grande Island off the coast of Goa. Humpback whale vocalizations were found to occur over multiple days in the recordings. Time–frequency contours of individual units of vocalization were extracted with the aid of an automatic detection technique and the characteristics of the units were measured. Further, successive units were analysed for formation of phrases and themes. Reconstruction of putative songs from the identified units and themes was not possible due to the limitations imposed by the nature of data collection. Detailed analyses of units, phrases and themes are presented.  相似文献   
The gatae gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is orthologous to vertebrate gata-4,5,6 genes. This gene is expressed in the endomesoderm in the blastula and later the gut of the embryo, and is required for normal development. A gatae BAC containing a GFP reporter knocked into exon one of the gene was able to reproduce all aspects of endogenous gatae expression in the embryo. To identify putative gatae cis-regulatory modules we carried out an interspecific sequence conservation analysis with respect to a Lytechinus variegatus gatae BAC, which revealed 25 conserved non-coding sequence patches. These were individually tested in gene transfer experiments, and two modules capable of driving localized reporter expression in the embryo were identified. Module 10 produces early expression in mesoderm and endoderm cells up to the early gastrula stage, while module 24 generates late endodermal expression at gastrula and pluteus stages. Module 10 was then deleted from the gatae BAC by reciprocal recombination, resulting in total loss of reporter expression in the time frame in which it is normally active. Similar deletion of module 24 led to ubiquitous GFP expression in the gastrula and pluteus. These results show that Module 10 is uniquely necessary and sufficient to account for the early phase of gatae expression during endomesoderm specification. In addition, they imply a functional cis-regulatory module exclusion, whereby only a single module can associate with the basal promoter and drive gene expression at any given time.  相似文献   
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