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Polypeptide cytolytic toxins from sea anemones (Actiniaria)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Biochemical and biological properties of 30 cytolytic polypeptide toxins isolated from 18 species of sea anemones ( Actiniaria ) are presented and classified into three groups according to their molecular mass, isoelectric points and the molecular mechanism of action. Phospholipase A2-like toxins (30 kDa) from Aiptasia pallida are dissimilar to acidic metridiolysin (80 kDa) from Metridium senile and the group of about 27 predominantly basic toxins, having a molecular mass of 16–20 or 10 kDa, inhibited by sphingomyelin. They are lethal for both invertebrates and vertebrates, cardiotoxic, cutolytic and cytotoxic. Pharmacological activities, cytotoxic and cytolytic properties are mediated, at least in part, by forming pores in lipid membranes. Channels, 1–2 nm in diameter, formed in planar lipid membranes are cation selective and rectified. The mechanisms and some characteristics of ion channel formation by the toxins in the cells as well as in artificial lipid membranes are summarized and discussed in view of the structure-function studies of the toxins. Putative biological roles of toxins, based on their channel-forming activity, in the capture and killing of prey, digestion, repelling of predators and intraspecific spatial competition are suggested.  相似文献   
The effect of the Red Sea flatfish toxin pardaxin was examined on K+-evoked and on basal release of either [3H]norepinephrine or [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine from preloaded rat cortical slices. The K+-induced release of the neurotransmitters was stimulated in a dose-related manner at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4 micrograms/ml. Basal release of the two transmitters was elevated to a lesser extent. Although the stimulation of evoked release was approximately equivalent for the two neurotransmitters, the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine was reversible whereas that of norepinephrine was not washed by 20 min of superfusion. The mechanisms involved in producing these actions of pardaxin are not known; however, they may be mediated by changes in electrolyte fluxes across the neuronal membranes.  相似文献   
Summary Cytokinesis consists of a contractile phase followed by sealing of the connecting midbody to form two separated cells. To determine how soon the midbody sealed after cleavage furrow contraction, the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH(457.3 M.W.) was microinjected into cells at various intervals after cleavage had begun. Mitotic PtK2 cells were recorded with video-microscopy so that daughter cells in the epithelial sheet could be identified for several hours after cell division. One daughter cell of each pair followed was microinjected to determine whether the dye diffused into the other daughter cell. For intervals up to four hours after the beginning of cytokinesis, diffusion took place between daughter cells. After this time the dye did not spread between daughter cells. In sea urchin blastomeres of the first, second and third divisions, Lucifer Yellow passed between daughter blastomeres only during the first 15 min after cytokinesis. If one cell of a two-cell, four-cell or eight-cell embryo was microinjected more than 15 min after the last cleavage, the dye remained in the injected cell and was distributed to all progeny of that cell, resulting in blastulae that were either one-half, one-quarter or one-eighth fluorescent, respectively. Thus, although cleavage furrow contraction takes approximately the same amount of time in sea urchin blastomeres and PtK2 cells, the time of midbody sealing differs dramatically in the two cell types. Our results also indicate the importance of knowing the mitotic history of cells when injecting dyes into interphase cells for the purpose of detecting gap junctions.  相似文献   
Synopsis The 25 species ofAmphiprion and one ofPremnas (family Pomacentridae) are obligate symbionts of 10 species of facultatively symbiotic sea anemones. Throughout the tropical Indo-West Pacific range of the relationship, a fish species inhabits only certain of the hosts potentially available to it. This specificity is due to the fishes. Five fishes occupy six sea anemone species at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia.Entacmaea quadricolor harborsP. biaculeatus, A. melanopus andA. akindynos. Adults ofPremnas occur deeper than about 3 m in large, primarily solitary actinians; juveniles may occupy peripheral members ofEntacmaea clones in shallow water. Specimens ofA. melanopus live exclusively in clonal anemones, which are found no deeper than 3 m. Most individuals ofA. akindynos inEntacmaea are juveniles, occurring shallow and deep, in solitary anemones or at the margins of clones. Interspecific as well as intraspecific social control of growth may be responsible for keeping fish small at clone fringes. Conspicuous specimens ofE. quadricolor depend upon their anemonefish to survive. Actinians cleared of symbionts disappeared within 24 h, probably having been eaten by reef fishes.Entacmaea, the most abundant and widespread host actinian at Lizard Island and throughout the range of the association, is also arguably the most attractive to anemonefishes. I believe its vulnerability to predation was a factor in its evolving whatever makes it desirable to fishes. Experimental transfers pitted fish of one species against those of another, controlling for ecophenotype of host, and sex, size and number of fish. Competitive superiority was in the same order as abundance and over-all host specificity:P. biaculeatus, A. melanopus, A. akindynos. At least three factors are necessary to explain patterns of species specificity - innate or learned host preference, competition, and stochastic processes.  相似文献   
A method for identifying ecophenotypic variants is tested, using two morphological variants of the benthic foraminifer Reophax dentaliniformis Brady from the Baltic Sea. Results show that the example does not correspond to the model for ecophenotypic variation. This is interpreted as showing that the two forms are genetically differentiated and that the gene flow between them is restricted by the water circulation pattern in the Baltic.  相似文献   
Synopsis This paper describes a study performed in the Gulf of Aqaba on food selectivity and hunting behaviour of three species of sympatric fish from the genusCephalopholis. These fishes occur in the shallow-water coral habitats of the Red Sea and feed on fishes and invertebrates. Of these,C. argus andC. miniata prefer selected fish species (95 and 86% of their diet respectively), whereasC. hemistiktos consumes more invertebrates (36%) and is less selective with respect to fish species. All three species employ various techniques to catch their prey and in situations where their elected food is absent they readily switch to substitute prey species.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of fertilization envelope (FE) development and the polypeptide spectra of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. droebachiensis envelopes were compared to S. purpuratus. In S. franciscanus, the FE reached its maximum thickness of 67 nm by 3 minutes postinsemination (PI), and final structuralization was observed by 40 minutes PI. The fully formed FE did not have microvillar impressions (casts) and was symmetrical, with outer double laminar elements surrounding an amorphous central region. Isolated S. franciscanus FEs were soluble in reducing and denaturing solvents and the same set of 33 polypeptides ranging from 18.5 to 260 kD was detected in FEs isolated from 10 to 180 minutes PI. The S. droebachiensis FE retained microvillar casts, assumed its definitive form by 3 minutes PI, and was 70 nm thick between microvillar impressions. Isolated S. droebachiensis FEs were partially soluble in reducing and denaturing solvents, and the polypeptide spectra of FEs isolated between 10 and 60 minutes PI were identical and showed 14 polypeptides from 18.5 to 265 kD. Antisera against extracted FEs and the FE extract from S. purpuratus were immunologically cross-reactive (using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) with S. franciscanus and S. droebachiensis FE preparations; immunoblots identified 13 and 5 cross-reactive polypeptides, respectively. Most of the cross-reactive polypeptides were of slightly different molecular weight. Based on comparative ultrastructural, solubility, and electrophoretic data, we suggest that S. droebachiensis FE development is most like that observed in S. purpuratus.  相似文献   
Dirk Schories 《Aquatic Ecology》1995,29(3-4):341-347
For the last two decades dense mats of species of the filamentous green algaeEnteromorpha spp. have regulary occurred on tidal flats of Köningshafen Bay (island Sylt, North Sea, FRG). In calm areas overwintering of adult plants or plant fragments is a common process to guarantee the mass development during the next season. In contrast, the distribution ofEnteromorpha on exposed sandy tidal flats depends on recruitment by juvenile stages. In 1993Enteromorpha spore settlement was recorded regularly in the field. Polyethylene dishes were placed in the field and left for a period of seven days and lateron cultivated in the laboratory to checkEnteromorpha germling development. During summer 1993 — at a minimum distance of 200 m to the nearest adultEnteromorpha populations — a total of at least 82×106 spores m–2 settled. During winter the number of spores attached to the collecting dishes was close to zero and the adjacent sand flats were free of any visibleEnteromorpha plants. In further experiments it was shown that the development ofEnteromorpha juveniles in the next spring depended on the overwintering capacity of spores. More than 2×106 spores m–2 attached to large sand grains and other substrata (e.g. Hydrobia ulvae) survived the winter. In a laboratory experiment several species ofEnteromorpha were able to survive in total darkness for at least 10 months.  相似文献   
The sea urchin Heliocidaris tuberculata is typical of most echinoids in having a small egg and a feeding larva, while H. erythrogramma has a large egg and modified development through a non-feeding larvae. The carotenoids in the gonads of these two species were investigated from the comparative biochemical points of view. The carotenoid content of the buoyant eggs of H. erythrogramma was approximately 60 times that of the negatively-buoyant eggs of H. tuberculata. With respect to cytoplasmic volume, however, the carotenoid concentration in the eggs of H. tuberculata was approximately twice that in the eggs of H. erythrogramma. In both species β-echinenone was the principal carotenoid found and their carotenoid patterns were similar. It is very interesting from a functional point of view that carotenoid levels per cytoplasmic volume are conserved across most of the species we have examined irrespective of phylogeny and egg size. In light of this result we suggest that carotenoids may play an important role in developing stage in all echinoids including indirect and direct developers.  相似文献   
Four species of icefishes were sampled in the Yellow River estuary of the Bohai Sea from April 1984 to April 1985 and from February 1988 to June 1989. Morphological analysis showed that they belonged to three subfamilies of Salangidae: one species from Protosalangicae, Protosalanx chinensis ; two species from Salanginae, Salanx ariakensis and Salanx prognathus ; and one species, Neosalanx andersoni , from Salangichthyinae, a new subfamily. External morphological characteristics, population composition, growth, maturity, food habits, longevity, fecundity, abundance and distribution of these icefishes are described. Based on these analyses, a clear outline of taxonomy, zoogeography aod biology of icefishes in the Yellow River estuary of the Bohai Sea was established.  相似文献   
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