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Color is an important quality attribute of fungi, and a useful marker for classification, genetic, and molecular research. However, there is much debate over which enzymes play key regulatory roles in pigment synthesis pathways among different fungi and even within the same species. Auricularia cornea is the most widely cultivated mushroom in the genus Auricularia; 1.834 million tons of this mushroom were produced in 2016 in China. Thus, systematic studies on its color inheritance and the genes encoding key enzymes for pigment synthesis have high scientific and economic value. In this study, the white strain ACW001 and the purple strain ACP004 of A. cornea were used as dikaryotic parents. Selfing populations of ACW001 and ACP004 were constructed with their monokaryotic strains. The fruiting body color of the two populations was consistent with that of their parents, confirming that the two parents were color homozygotes. All strains in the hybrid population of the two parents produced purple fruiting bodies. A robust hybrid strain (ACW001-33×ACP004-33) was selected from the hybrid population, and 87 monokaryotic strains of ACW001-33×ACP004-33 were obtained as a mapping population. Finally, a testcross population was constructed by crossing the mapping population with the test strain ACW001-9. The color genotype of each monokaryotic strain in the mapping population was identified by a fruiting test. The genomes of the two monokaryotic strains ACW001-33 and ACP004-33 were sequenced, and then simple sequence repeat (SSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular marker primers were developed. Then, 88 pairs of primers that could distinguish the genotypes of the mapping population were used to construct a genetic linkage map. The genetic linkage map consisted of 12 linkage groups (LGs) spanning 1315.2 cM. The color control locus was preliminarily located at 24.5 cM of the 11th LG. Fine-mapping primers were designed based on sequence differences between ACW001-33 and ACP004-33 in the primary location region. Four color control candidate genes were located in an 8.2-kb region of ACW001-33_contig733 and a 9.2-kb region of ACP004-33_contig802. Homologous alignment and prediction of conserved domain analyses indicated that two of the color control candidate genes encoded proteins with unknown function, and the other two, ACP004_g11815 and ACP004_g11816, encoded glutamyl aminotransferases. These two genes were consecutively arranged on ACP004-33_contig802, and were likely to encode key enzymes in the γ-glutamine-4-hydroxy-benzoate (GHB) pigment synthesis pathway. Primers were designed from the flanking sequences of the two genes and used to analyze the testcross population. Products were amplified only from the 30 testcross strains with purple fruiting bodies, confirming the accuracy of the localization results. We discuss the deficiencies and advantages of map-based cloning in fungi vs. plants, and summarize the steps and requirements of the map-based cloning method for fungi. This study has provided novel ideas and methods for locating functional genes in fungi.  相似文献   
Cold stress affects plant growth and development. In order to better understand the responses to cold (chilling or freezing tolerance), we used two contrasted pea lines. Following a chilling period, the Champagne line becomes tolerant to frost whereas the Terese line remains sensitive.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the role(s) of syndecan-4 in regulating the formation of an actin geodesic dome structure called a cross-linked actin network (CLAN) in which syndecan-4 has previously been localized. CLANs have been described in several different cell types, but they have been most widely studied in human trabecular meshwork (HTM) cells where they may play a key role in controlling intraocular pressure by regulating aqueous humor outflow from the eye. In this study we show that a loss of cell surface synedcan-4 significantly reduces CLAN formation in HTM cells. Analysis of HTM cultures treated with or without dexamethasone shows that laminin 5 deposition within the extracellular matrix is increased by glucocorticoid treatment and that a laminin 5-derived, syndecan-4-binding peptide (PEP75), induces CLAN formation in TM cells. This PEP75-induced CLAN formation was inhibited by heparin and the broad spectrum PKC inhibitor Ro-31–7549. In contrast, the more specific PKCα inhibitor Gö 6976 had no effect, thus excluding PKCα as a downstream effector of syndecan-4 signaling. Analysis of PKC isozyme expression showed that HTM cells also expressed both PKCγ and PKCε. Cells treated with a PKCε agonist formed CLANs while a PKCα?γ agonist had no effect. These data suggest that syndecan-4 is essential for CLAN formation in HTM cells and that a novel PKCε-mediated signaling pathway can regulate formation of this unique actin structure.  相似文献   
Nile red (NR) is a popular fluorescent indicator to visualize lipid bodies in intact cells and has been extensively utilized to monitor triglyceride accumulation in microalgae. Typically, addition of NR to algae results in a rapid fluorescence enhancement followed by fluorescence quenching. NR fluorescence rise can be resolved into two kinetic phases: a fast phase (P1, sec), monitored at 525 nm/630 nm, followed by a slower phase (P2, min), monitored at 488 nm/575 nm. Studies with isolated plasma membrane (PM) and lipid globule (LG) preparations, suggest that P1 and P2 represent entry to the PM and transfer to LG, respectively. High NaCl slows down the interactions of NR with algae and with lipid globules. The onset of NR fluorescence quenching varies in different algae species between 5 min to 1 h, and is observed in intact cells and in isolated LG. NR fluorescence quenching depends on NR concentration and is almost eliminated at low NR/cell ratios, indicating that it results from self-interactions of LG-associated dye. Glycerol has a dual effect on NR fluorescence: it eliminates kinetic anomalies resulting from limited solubility and self-interactions, but it also quenches NR fluorescence. NR fluorescence quenching by glycerol, as well as NR fluorescence enhancement by iodide anions, was observed only at high NR/LG ratios. These findings suggest that lipid-associated NR is more exposed to hydrophilic quenchers at high than at low NR concentrations. The results emphasize the importance of defining the optimal time window and NR concentrations for monitoring lipid accumulation in microalgae by NR fluorescence and clarify the origin of spectral anomalies resulting from self-interactions of dye molecules.  相似文献   
The structural change of β-lactoglobulin A (βLG A) on heating was measured at pH 3.0 and 7.5 with UV absorption difference spectra, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and circular dichroism (CD). At pH 3.0, βLG A showed a reversible structural change by heating at 80 °C, while an irreversible change was observed and molecular aggregates of βLG were formed by heating at 95 °C. DSC analysis of βLG A gave endothermic peaks at 75 °C and 90 °C at pH 7.5, and 90 °C at pH 3.0. At pH 7.5, βLG A modified with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM-βLG A) gave two endothermic peaks: at 72 °C and 90 °C. CD spectra of βLG A heated at various temperatures and pHs were measured and the spectra at pH 3.0 and 7.5 were not changed by heating to 95 °C and 80 °C, respectively. Unheated NEM-βLG A gave a spectrum similar to that of heated βLG A, suggesting that the secondary structure was changed by NEM treatment.  相似文献   


Membrane proteins constitute a major group of proteins and are of great significance as pharmaceutical targets, but underrepresented in the Protein Data Bank. Particular reasons are their low expression yields and the constant need for cautious and diligent handling in a sufficiently stable hydrophobic environment substituting for the native membrane. When it comes to protein crystallization, such an environment is often established by detergents.

Scope of review

In this review, 475 unique membrane protein X-ray structures from the online data bank “Membrane proteins of known 3D structure” are presented with a focus on the detergents essential for protein crystallization. By systematic analysis of the most successful compounds, including current trends in amphiphile development, we provide general insights for selection and design of detergents for membrane protein crystallization.

Major conclusions

The most successful detergents share common features, giving rise to favorable protein interactions. The hydrophile-lipophile balance concept of well-balanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic detergent portions is still the key to successful protein crystallization. Although a single detergent compound is sufficient in most cases, sometimes a suitable mixture of detergents has to be found to alter the resulting protein-detergent complex. Protein crystals with a high diffraction limit involve a tight crystal packing generally favored by detergents with shorter alkyl chains.

General significance

The formation of well-diffracting membrane protein crystals strongly depends on suitable surfactants, usually screened in numerous crystallization trials. The here-presented findings provide basic criteria for the assessment of surfactants within the vast space of potential crystallization conditions for membrane proteins.  相似文献   
Lead Generation represents a critical drug discovery phase where chemical starting points and their respective mechanism of action, quality, and potential liabilities are largely predefined. Recent advances such as DNA-encoded libraries or fragment-, chemical biology-, and virtual screening-based approaches are today as common as traditional High Throughput Screening. Innovations in characterizing lead quality have allowed more informed decision-making by discovery teams. The key challenge today is to individually tailor the right mix of methods for each project to facilitate data integration with the purpose of creating multiple high-quality lead series, ultimately translating to reduced chemistry-related pipeline attrition.  相似文献   
用Trizol法提取胎盘组织总RNA,通过RTPCR方法获得人层粘连蛋白α4链LG3组件的特异扩增产物。将PCR产物克隆入PMD18T载体中,PCR与酶切鉴定正确后进行序列测定。用测序正确的克隆片段与原核表达载体PET28a进行体外重组,构建了LG3的原核表达载体,并在BL21(DE3)菌株中得到了表达。  相似文献   
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