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Summary The three forms of Fc receptor carried by monocytes (FcRI, II) and natural killer (NK) cells (FcRIII) are all capable of mediating cell lysis. Here we compare the use of F(ab)2 bispecific antibodies, specifically targetting individual FcR, and chimeric IgG mouse/human antibodies which are capable of targetting all FcR, for their ability to mediate target cell destruction. The derivatives are prepared by linking hinge sulphydryl residues via tandem thioether bonds, using a bismaleimide crosslinker: Fab from an anti-FcR mAb linked to Fab from a common anti-target mAb (BsAb), or Fab from the common anti-target mouse antibody linked to human Fc (FabFc or bisFabFc). All the derivatives targetting chick red blood cells gave efficient lysis, although different effector cell donors yielded differences in both the lytic levels achieved and the comparative efficiencies of derivatives. In contrast, significant lysis of the guinea pig lymphoblastic leukaemia, L2C, regularly resulted only via the anti-FcRIII BsAb and the chimeric derivatives. These results suggest that the chimeric, Fc-containing derivatives mediate tumour cell lysis principally through FcRIII on NK cells. This is in contrast to the situation with the chick red blood cells where the chimeric derivatives appear capable of lysing erythrocytes by utilizing either monocytes or NK cells, because significant (50%) lysis occurred with effector cell populations magnetically depleted through either FcRII or FcRIII. A major difference between these two types of antibody derivative was their ability to function in the presence of high concentrations of normal human Fc. The lysis mediated by BsAb reactive with FcRI or II was unaffected by the presence of human Fc at 2.5 mg/ml (a concentration comparable with that yielded by IgG in plasma) whereas the BsAb recognizing FcRIII and all the Fc-containing derivatives were completely inhibited.This work has been supported by Tenovus, the Cancer Research Campaign, the Leukaemia Research Fund, Italfarmaco, Milano, Italy and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund  相似文献   
The present study, utilizing thioglycolamido as the reactive group, describes the synthesis and pharmacology of a new opioid antagonist affinity ligand, 6-thioglycolamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (TAN) and compares TAN with a related known compound, 6-bromoacetamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (BAN). Both compounds were tested for their reversible and irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding to calf brain membranes. Reversible binding of BAN and TAN had Ki values of 1×10–9 and 1×10–10 M, respectively as determined by log probit plots. Irreversible binding was determined after extensive washing to remove all non-covalently bound ligand. At a concentration of 5×10–8 and 1×10–8 M for BAN and TAN irreversible binding was inhibited 50% of the maximum value. A study of the time course of irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding revealed that maximal inhibition occurred within 5 min with a concentration of 1×10–7 M of either agent. TAN but not BAN when administered systematically to mice produced an antinociceptive effect as measured by the writhing test. When administered intracerebraventricularly BAN did not block morphine-induced analgesia for more than 2 hr; whereas, with a single ED50 dose of 20 nmoles of TAN i.c.v. morphine-induced analgesia was almost completely blocked for a period of over 24 hr, as determined by the tail flick test. Although the SH group of TAN were required for the covalent interaction with opioid receptors, the site of TAN's interaction appears to involve other than protein SH groups.  相似文献   
康定虫草主要寄主斜脉蝠蛾的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵志鸿 《昆虫学报》1992,35(3):317-321
冬虫夏草是一味名贵的中药材.四川康定虫草的主要寄主斜脉蝠蛾翅面色斑多变异,可区分成“黑白斑”和“黄毛斑”两大色斑型.经交配试验和成虫形态特征(触角、口器、翅脉、前足、雌雄外生殖器和鳞片的超微结构等)的观察,证明为同一种,经鉴定是斜脉蝠蛾(Hepialus oblifurcus Chu et Wang)**.  相似文献   
Summary A bovine tRNA gene cluster has been characterized and the sequences of four tDNAs determined. Two of the tDNAs could encode tRNASer IGA, one tDNASer UGA, and the fourth tRNAGln CUG. The three serine tDNAs representing the UCN codon isoacceptor family are almost identical. However, the sequence of the tDNASer TGA differs from a previously sequenced bovine tDNASer TGA at 12 positions (ca. 14%). This finding suggests that in the bovine genome, two subfamilies of genes might encode tRNASer UGA. It also raises the possibility that new genes for a specific UCN isoacceptor might arise from the genes of a different isoacceptor, and could explain previously observed differences between species in the anticodons of coevolving pairs of tRNAsSer UCN. The gene cluster also contains complete and partial copies, and fragments, of the BCS (bovine consensus sequence) SINE (short interspersed nuclear element) family, six examples of which were sequenced. Some of these elements occur in close proximity to two of the serine tDNAs.  相似文献   
Summary Rye -Amy1, -Amy2, and -Amy3 genes were studied in the cross between inbred lines using wheat -amylase cDNA probes. The -Amy1 and -Amy2 probes uncovered considerable restriction fragment length polymorphism, whereas the -Amy3 region was much more conserved. The numbers of restriction fragments found and the F2 segregation data suggest that there are three -Amy1 genes, two or three -Amy2 genes, and three -Amy3 genes in rye. These conclusions were supported by a simultaneous study of -amylase isozyme polymorphism. The F2 data showed the three individual -Amy1 genes to span a distance of 3cM at the locus on chromosome 6RL. The genes were mapped relative to other RFLP markers on 6RL. On chromosome 7RL two -Amy2 genes were shown to be separated by 5 cM. Linkage data within -Amy3 on 5RL were not obtained since RFLP could be detected at only one of the genes.  相似文献   
When grown with nitrate as terminal electron acceptor both the soluble (periplasm, cytoplasm) and the membrane fraction of Spirillum strain 5175 exhibited high nitrite reductase activity. The nitrite reductase obtained from the soluble fraction was purified 76-fold to electrophoretical homogeneity. The enzyme reduced nitrite to ammonia with a specific activity of 723 mol NO inf2 sup- × (mg protein × min)-1. The molecular mass was 58±1 kDa by SDS-PAGE compared to 59±2 kDa determined by size exclusion chromatography under nondenaturing conditions. The enzyme (as isolated) contained 5.97±0.15 heme c molecules/Mr 58 kDa. The absorption spectrum was typical for c-type cytochrome with maxima at 280, 408, 532 and 610 nm (oxidized) and at 420, 523 and 553 nm (dithionite-reduced). The enzyme (as isolated) exhibited a complex set of high-spin and lowspin ferric heme resonances with g-values at 9.82, 3,85, 3.31, 2.95, 2.30 and 1.49 in agreement with data reported for electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of nitrite reductases from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Wolinella succinogenes and Escherichia coli.Abbreviations DNRA dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - NaPi sodium phosphate - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate  相似文献   
Summary Serum-free supernatants from the human melanoma cell line G361 contain a factor that can potently suppress the generation of tumouricidal lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells in response to interleukin-2. To characterise the suppressive factor of tumour origin we performed a number of physicochemical and functional comparisons with another immunosuppressive protein, transforming growth factor (TGF). The bioactivity of tumour-derived suppressor factor (TDSF), assayed by suppression of LAK cell generation, was unaffected by a reducing agent but lost when denatured with a chaotropic agent. In contrast, TGF was inactivated by reduction but not denaturation. TDSF lost bioactivity in conditions of pH less than 4, whereas TGF showed no loss of activity. The TDSF moiety has an estimated pI of 4.3 and a molecular mass of 69–87 kDa. This differs from published values of pI 9.5, and 25 kDa molecular mass for TGF. Anti-TGF antiserum reversed the effects of TGF but did not affect the suppression of LAK cell generation caused by TDSF. These findings provide compelling evidence that the TDSF moiety is not TGF, and may be a novel immunoregulatory cytokine.  相似文献   
The fluorescence decays of pyrene in small and large unilamellar L,-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles have been investigated as a function of probe concentration and temperature. When the molar ratio of pyrene to phospholipid equals 1:3000, no excimer emission is observed and the fluorescence decays are mono-exponential. When this ratio is equal to or higher than 1:120, excimer formation is observed.Above the phase transition temperature the observed fluorescence decays of monomer and excimer can be adequately described by a bi-exponential function. The monomer decays can be equally well fitted to a decay law which takes into account a time-dependence in the probe diffusion rate constant. The fluorescence decay kinetics are compatible with the excimer formation scheme which is valid in an isotropic medium. The excimer lifetime and the (apparent) rate constant of excimer formation have been determined as a function of probe concentration at different temperatures above the phase transition temperature. The activation energy of excimer formation is found to be 29.4±1.3 kJ/mol. In small unilamellar vesicles the diffusion constant associated with the pyrene excimer formation process varies from 8.0x10-7 cm2/s at 40°C to 2.2x10-6 cm2/s at 70°C.Below the phase transition temperature the monomer decays can be described by a decay law which takes into account a time dependence of the rate constant of excimer formation. The lateral diffusion coefficient of pyrene calculated from the decay fitting parameters of the monomer region varies from 4.0x10-9 cm2/s at 20°C to 7.9x10-8 cm2/s at 35°C. No significant difference could be observed between the pyrene fluorescence decay kinetics in small and large unilamellar vesicles.Abbreviations SUV small unilamellar vesicles - LUV large unilamellar vesicles - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - DMPC dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine - FRAP fluorescence recovery after photobleaching Part of this research has been presented at the 5th international symposium on surfactants in solution. Bordeaux, July 9th–13th 1984  相似文献   
The internal motion of F-actin in the time range from 10(-6) to 10(-3) second has been explored by measuring the transient absorption anisotropy of eosin-labeled F-actin using laser flash photolysis. The transient absorption anisotropy of eosin-F-actin at 20 degrees C has a component that decays in the submicrosecond time scale to an anisotropy of about 0.3. This anisotropy then decays with a relaxation time of about 450 microseconds to a residual anisotropy of about 0.1 after 2 ms. When the concentration of eosin-F-actin was varied in the range from 7 to 28 microM, the transient absorption anisotropy curves obtained were almost indistinguishable from each other. These results show that the anisotropy decay arises from internal motion of eosin-F-actin. Analysis of the transient absorption anisotropy curves indicates that the internal motion detected by the decay in anisotropy is primarily a twisting of actin protomers in the F-actin helix; bending of the actin filament makes a minor contribution only to the measured decay. The torsional rigidity calculated from the transient absorption anisotropy is 0.2 X 10(-17) dyn cm2 at 20 degrees C, which is about an order of magnitude smaller than the flexural rigidity determined from previous studies. Thus, we conclude that F-actin is more flexible in twisting than in bending. The calculated root-mean-square fluctuation of the torsional angle between adjacent actin protomers in the actin helix is about 4 degrees at 20 degrees C. We also found that the torsional rigidity is approximately constant in the temperature range from 5 to approximately 35 degrees C, and that the binding of phalloidin does not appreciably affect the torsional motion of F-actin.  相似文献   
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