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不同居群箭叶淫羊藿叶片解剖结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对4个不同居群的箭叶淫羊藿叶片进行了解剖学的研究.结果表明:不同居群箭叶淫羊藿在气孔密度、表皮细胞长度、表皮细胞宽度与厚度、叶片厚度、叶肉层厚度、维管束直径的大小等方面有一定的差异.在多数情况下,气孔密度的变幅是每平方毫米119.9~139.2个;下表皮细胞的变化范围是67.93~89.54μm;这些变化与不同居群的具体生活环境有直接的关系.  相似文献   
Dionisios Youlatos 《Geobios》2003,36(2):229-239
This paper investigates substrate preferences of the Greek Colobine Mesopithecus pentelicus WAGNER, from the Miocene of Pikermi, by examining selected functional features of the calcaneus that distinguish between arboreal and terrestrial Cercopithecidae. Mesopithecus possesses a relatively long proximal calcaneal region associated with a slightly low and wide surface for the insertion of m. triceps surae. These features approximate that of semi-terrestrial Cercopithecidae and would suggest terrestrial cursorial activities. On the other hand, the relatively long and narrow proximal calcaneo-astragalar facet, similar to that of most arboreal species, would provide ampler subtalar movements. The mosaic of these features implies a semi-terrestrial way of life and conforms to the savanna-woodland paleoenvironment of Pikermi, Greece. These features appear to be well associated with foot function and change of habitus and are used to examine scenarios of the evolutionary history of the Colobinae.  相似文献   
The structure and location of the diaphragm (gular membrane) was studied in five families of Terebelliformia: Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, Pectinariidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae, using dissections, histology, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Position, shape, and structure of the diaphragm differ in these taxa. In Terebellidae and Pectinariidae the diaphragm is straight. In Trichobranchidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae it is funnel-shaped. Diaphragm possesses two contractile sacs in Terebellidae and Pectinariidae, one in Alvinellidae and none at all in Trichobranchidae. The relative size and form of the sacs varied. Representatives of the family Ampharetidae have one or two sacs or none at all. Four kinds of the diaphragm can be distinguished: strait with two sacs, funnel-shaped with two sacs, funnel-shaped with one sac, funnel-shaped without sacs. In some Alvinellidae, the diaphragm is fenestrated, while in all other taxa it is continuous. The wall of the sacs is more muscular than the wall of the remaining diaphragm. The diaphragm is attached to the body wall at different levels: between the third and fourth segments in pectinariids or between the fourth and fifth in terebellids, ampharetids, alvinellids and trichobranchids. In most cases, the diaphragm contains two coelothelial layers with a well-developed extra-cellular matrix in between, and one or two muscle layers. The maximum development of the muscle fibres occurs in Terebellidae; probably related to the length of buccal tentacles. Significance of morphological and ultrastructural peculiarities of the diaphragm is discussed.  相似文献   
Despite formal separation based on molecular and morphological evidence, the genera Prosthechea Knowles & Westc. and Encyclia Hook. have not been studied in terms of their vegetative anatomy. In this study we examine 16 Brazilian species of these genera. Additionally, one species of subtribe Laeliinae and another from subtribe Oncidiinae were studied in order to evaluate the taxonomic consistency of the anatomic characters observed. Except for Epidendrum crassifolium Lindl., all species possess a velamen differentiated into epivelamen and endovelamen. Endodermal cells with uniformly thickened walls, calcium oxalate raphides and cells with phi thickenings in the cortical region were observed in all species. Silica bodies, raphides and fibre bundles in the mesophyll were common in leaves of all species studied. By contrast, flavonoid crystals were observed in both roots and leaves of Prosthechea only. Encyclia is characterized by the presence of fibre bundles on the subepidermal layer, and a cuticle, which is clearly thicker than that of Prosthechea . These data strongly support the separation of Prosthechea and Encyclia .  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 293–303.  相似文献   
Midgut morphology of gastropod molluscs has been underutilized as a resource of characters for phylogenetic analysis. The exclusion of these features reflects the inference that they will be uninformative in determining phylogenetic relationships because they are functionally correlated. In general, it has been hypothesized that the style sac form of midgut is an adaptation to microphagy and becomes secondarily simplified in taxa that have adopted a macrophagous/carnivorous habit with a corresponding increase in extracellular digestion (i.e. radular trituration, gizzards and/or foregut glands). This assumption has resulted in the formulation of adaptive scenarios concerning gastropod alimentary systems, which are mapped onto phylogenetic hypotheses derived from other characters. However, any conclusions regarding phylogenetic utility, and therefore homology, must be realized within a cladistic context. For this analysis, a multi‐organ system anatomical data set was assembled for 16 caenogastropods and two outgroups. The data matrix comprises 64 characters and includes many systems poorly represented in previous broad‐based comparative surveys, such as the alimentary and reno‐pericardial systems. In addition, several taxa were included for which no comprehensive anatomical studies have been available (Cyclophoroidea, Ptenoglossa). Phylogenetic analysis with NONA 1.6 resulted in two most‐parsimonious trees with length 188, CI = 0.53 and RI = 0.63, differing only in the placement of Prunum apicinum and Conus jaspideus. The topology of the strict consensus (Macleaniella Theodoxus((Neocyclotus Marisa)((Lampanella((Petaloconchus Strombus)(Crepidula Bithyia)))(Littorina(Neverita(Cypraea(Nitidiscala(Panarona(Prunum Conus(Ilyanassa Urosalpinx)))))))))), is largely congruent with several independent estimates based on both morphological and molecular data, supporting caenogastropod monophyly and monphyly of the Architaenioglossa, Sorbeoconcha and Neogastropoda. To evaluate phylogenetic utility of the midgut, a broad sampling of taxa was included representing a diversity of feeding modes, food preferences and alimentary morphologies. Character optimization revealed that the evolution of midgut structure is highly mosaic, cutting broadly across patterns of feeding, diet and foregut complexity, to a degree previously unappreciated. In addition, features from the foregut (subradular organ, oesophageal folding) and midgut (position of gastric shield) are broadly distributed among large clades of caenogastropods, providing critical basal synapomorphies within the group. This demonstrates that the gut is an unexploited resource for important and informative characters in higher order systematics of caenogastropods. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 447–554.  相似文献   
我国南部5种冷杉植物木材的比较解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对分布于我国南部的5种冷杉属(Abies)植物,即资源冷杉(A.ziyuanensis)、大院冷杉(A.dayuanensis)、梵净山冷杉(A.fanjingshanensis)、元宝山冷杉(A.yuanbaoshanensis)和台湾冷杉(Akawakamii)的木材结构进行了研究。从管胞分子长度、管胞分子直径、射线高度、射线频率、纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型、交又场纹孔数目等方面,比较了它们木材解剖特征的差异。结果表明:大院冷杉和资源冷杉在射线频率、管胞直径、管胞长度、交叉场纹孔数目方面都很类似;元宝山冷杉在管胞直径与射线长度方面与其它冷杉有显著差异。在纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型方面,几种冷杉都是一致的。在交叉场纹孔数目方面,大院冷杉、资源冷杉较少,而梵净山冷杉、元宝山冷杉和台湾冷杉较多。我国南部这5种冷杉的木材解剖特征与分布在华北、东北及青藏高原上冷杉的木材非常类似。为了便于区别这5种木材,根据木材解剖特征编制了检索表。  相似文献   
植物比较解剖学在中国50年的进展和展望   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
系统与进化植物学是当今植物科学中的主流学科之一,植物比较解剖学是该学科的重要组成部分。根据近50年国内主要期刊统计,我国植物学者重点在种子植物的维管组织结构、叶及其表皮结构、花的结构和发育、种子及种皮特征、分泌组织以及一些原始种子植物等方面开展了比较解剖研究,为一些植物科、属的系统分类提供了解剖学依据。但在研究的植物种类、内容和方法尚存在不足,发表的论文相对较少。根据我国植物种质资源丰富,研究基础较好等特点,认为我国植物比较解剖学发展前景宽广,并对进一步发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   
木立芦荟茎的发育解剖及其异常结构的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
应用植物解剖学方法研究了木立芦荟(Aloe arborescens Mill.)茎的发育过程。研究结果表明,木立芦荟茎的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织、初生结构和次生生长4个发育阶段。原分生组织具有典型分生组织的细胞特征;初生分生组织包括原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层束。初生结构由表皮、薄壁组织和维管束组成。初生维管束为外韧有限维管束,分散于薄壁组织内。次生加厚分生组织起源于正常的散生维管束柱外侧的薄壁组织细胞。次生加厚分生组织切向分裂,向外侧产生的细胞分化成薄壁组织;向内产生的细胞,一部分细胞分化成为薄壁组织细胞,称为结合组织,另一部分细胞则分化成次生周木维管束,分散于结合组织中。由表皮之内的一层薄壁组织细胞恢复细胞分裂能力,进行切向分裂,以后形成周皮。木立芦荟茎初生结构阶段的增粗主要是基本分生组织和薄壁组织细胞的分裂和体积增大的结果。在老茎中,茎的增粗主要是由次生加厚分生组织进行细胞分裂及其衍生细胞体积增大的结果。  相似文献   
Summary Comparative anatomy and zoology both have long academic traditions in Jena. At first, the two subjects developed in parallel and had many similarites in research topics. This development is covered in the first part of the paper. The close relationship between the two subjects started to break apart when Carl Gegenbaur and Ernst Haeckel were active at Jena University. In 1865 Haeckel became the first full professor of zoology in Jena, and zoology became more independent from comparative anatomy. In the second part of our paper, we follow the developments in comparative anatomy in Jena from Gegenbaur’s immediate students up until the end of Hans B?ker’s tenure in Jena in the mid-1930s. Certain subjects are in focus throughout this period, for example vertebrate head morphology and development, (the “head problem”), the relationship between anatomy and biology, and evolutionary questions. Some of these subjects have remained important research topics in zoology and comparative anatomy in Jena until the present day.  相似文献   
番荔枝科蚁花属和澄广花属叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用扫描电镜技术,叶片离析方法和石蜡切片法对蚁花属1种和澄广花属9种植物叶的形态结构进行比较研究。结果表明,两属植物有许多相似之处,但又有以下一些显著不同;蚁花属植物叶表皮细胞均具一晶族,叶肉组织中具1-2层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞均匀分布在栅栏组织和海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处不连续,而澄广花属植物叶的表皮细胞内具一单斜晶,叶肉组织中具1层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞仅分布在海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处连续,结果为蚁花属和澄广花属的分类学处理提供了新证据。  相似文献   
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