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The pygmy sperm whale ( Kogia breviceps ) and the bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) are equipped with a tapetum fibrosum and, with other Cetacea, are the only carnivores known to possess this typically ungulate tapetal type. Tapeta from two regions of a retina, each with a different spectral reflectance (blue and green), were found to have significantly different fibrillar diameters and inter-fibrillar spacing. When the measured values are applied to a dielectric reflector model, the predicted wavelengths agree with the observed reflectance of the flat-mounted tapeta. The spatial properties of the fibrils change progressively from the tapetal origin in the fibroblast layer to the pigment epithelium, suggesting that different wavelengths may be reflected systematically with tapetal depth. The very large number of reflecting layers characterizing these tapeta, relative to those of other carnivores, may provide for increased spectral purity and efficiency.  相似文献   
Abstract: The bile acid composition of bile obtained from the hepatopancreatic ducts of three species of sperm whales (Cetacea: Physeteridae) was investigated. Bile acids were isolated by adsorption chromatography and analyzed by sequential HPLC, SIMS, and GLC-MS. In each species the dominant bile acids were deoxycholic acid (a secondary bile acid formed by bacterial 7α-dehydroxylation of cholic acid), and chenodeoxycholic acid (a primary bile acid) which together composed more than 86% of biliary bile acids in all three species. In Physeter catodon (sperm whale) deoxycholic acid constituted 79%, and in Kogia breviceps (pygmy sperm whale) it was 61% of biliary bile acids. The sperm whale, which differs from other whales in having a remnant of a large intestine, is the second mammal identified to date in which deoxycholic acid is the predominant bile acid. The high proportion of deoxycholic acid indicates that in the Physeteridae, anaerobic fermentation occurs in its cecum, and that bile acids undergo enterohepatic cycling. Also found were minor proportions of cholic acid, as well as bacterial derivatives of chenodeoxycholic acid (ursodeoxycholic acid, lithocholic acid, and the 12β-epimer of allo-deoxycholic acid). Bile acids were conjugated with taurine in all species; however, in the sperm whale ( Physeter ) glycine conjugates were present in trace proportions. The bile acid hydroxylation pattern (12α- but not 6α-hydroxylation), lack of primary 5α- (allo) bile acids, and presence of glycine conjugated bile acids suggests the possibility that sperm whales originated from ancient artiodactyls.  相似文献   
Prey choice by fish is subject to many constraints, some of which may interact to determine the relative preference of fish for prey with different profitabilities. The constraining effects of parasitism and perceived competition on foraging behaviour were examined in the upland bully, Gobiomorphus breviceps . In the laboratory, bullies faced with a choice of prey items of two different sizes chose the larger prey significantly more often than the smaller ones. The presence of a conspecific fish near the source of large prey significantly reduced the bullies'preference for larger prey. Neither the size of the test fish, nor the number of digenean metacercarial cysts they harboured, had any influence on their relative preference for larger prey, or on how that preference was dampened by the presence of a competitor. The threat of competition appears to be a more important constraint on prey choice in upland bullies than parasitism.  相似文献   
Concordance between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers and morphologically based species identifications was examined for the two currently recognized Kogia species. We sequenced 406 base pairs of the control region and 398 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene from 108 Kogia breviceps and 47 K. sima samples. As expecred, the two sister species were reciprocally monophyletic to each other in phylogenetic reconstructions, but within K. sima , we unexpectedly observed another reciprocally monophyletic relationship. The two K. sima clades resolved were phylogeographically concordant with all of the haplotypes in one clade observed solely among specimens sampled from the Atlantic Ocean and with those in the other clade observed solely among specimens sampled from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. These apparently allopatric clades were observed in all phylogenetic reconstructions using the maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighborjoining algorithms, with the mtDNA gene sequences analyzed separately and combined. The nucleotide diversity for the combined gene sequence haplotypes of the two K. sima clades resolved in our analyses was 0.58% and 1.03% for the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, respectively, whereas for the two recognized sister species, nucleotide diversity was 1.65% and 4.02% for K. breviceps and K. sima , respectively. The combined gene sequence haplotypes have accumulated 44 fixed base pair differences between the two K. sima clades compared to 20 fixed base pair differences between the two recognized sister species. Although our results are consistent with species-level differences between the two K. sima clades, recognition of a third Kogia species awaits supporting evidence that these two apparently allopatric clades represent reproductively isolated groups of animals.  相似文献   

Small toothed whales of the family Phocoenidae and delphinid genus Cephalorhynchus produce long-duration, narrowband biosonar clicks above 100 kHz, that might be seen as an adaptation for short range echolocation in shallow water. This paper presents data showing that the distantly related, and larger pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps (Kogiidae), that is a deep-diving, cephalopod-eating toothed whale, produce narrow-banded high frequency (NBHF) clicks identical to those of Phocoena and Cephalorhynchus (f0 = 130 kHz, Q3dB>10, duration > 80 msec). Thus, NBHF biosonar signals have evolved on three independent occasions in the odontocete suborder, but the apparent functional convergence does not relate to anatomical or niche similarity. Rather, it is suggested that a biosonar strategy adapting to a minimum in ocean ambient noise above 100 kHz in concert with high Q auditory filters have led to convergent evolution of the NBHF biosonar clicks. Since these biosonar signals carry all their energy at frequencies above the upper hearing limit of the killer whale Orcinus orca, predator avoidance may also have been a evolutionary shaping factor of the sonar signals from these non-whistling odontocetes.  相似文献   
Parental care of eggs by male upland bullies Gobiomorphus breviceps was studied in the field and in the laboratory, with special emphasis on the effect of infection by trematode cysts. In the field, the proportion of old eggs in the nest affected the time taken by males to return to their nest after being chased away, but only in one year of the study. No effects of male size, male parasite load, number of eggs per nest or nest characteristics were observed. In the laboratory, heavily-infected males spent more time fanning their eggs than lightly-infected ones. Smaller males also tended to spend more time fanning than large males. Male size, parasite load and number of eggs per nest had no measurable effect on the aggressiveness of guarding males towards intruders, weight loss in males or egg incubation time. Parental investments did not vary as a function of age of the eggs. All males cannibalized some of their eggs, and there appeared to be a threshold brood size below which males consumed their entire brood. Overall, results were not consistent with those of studies on other fish species, and indicate that rules of investment in parental care may be different for fish inhabiting harsh, unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Encysted larval horsehair worms (Phylum Nematomorpha) were recovered from the tissues of upland bullies (Gobiomorphus breviceps) and a galaxiid (Galaxias vulgaris) from the Seaward River, Canterbury. The cysts were mostly in the alimentary submucosa. A few occurred in the liver. An adult digenean fluke (Coitocaecum sp.), parasitic within the gut of a bully, also contained nematomorph larvae in its tissues. It is suggested that the fish became infected by eating nematomorph larvae or egg strings.  相似文献   
Freeliving workers of Formica occulta, an ant species enslaved by the obligatory slavemaking ant Polyergus breviceps, retrieve and nurse Polyergus pupaejust as well as conspecific pupae in a choice test. No such attraction was found toward pupae of the facultative slavemaker; Formica wheeleri,which also enslaves F. occulta. Formica neogagates,a sympatric species which is not parasitized by either slavemaker, preferentially retrieves and tends conspecific brood over that of Polyergusand F. wheeleri.It is proposed that brood of obligatory slavemaking species must possess an attractive pheromone for slavemaker colony foundation to be successful, since slavemaker brood must be nursed by adult slave workers with no prior exposure to slavemaker brood. An attractive pheromone is not necessary in the brood of facultative slavemakers, since this brood is cared for by newly eclosed slave workers who imprint on the slavemaker brood.  相似文献   
The gliding angle of the Mahogany Glider Petaurus gracilis and the Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps was determined from field studies by measuring the height of launch and landing of glides and the distance travelled. This showed no significant difference between these two species in glide ratio, which averaged 1.91 and 1.82 m distance per 1 m loss in altitude, respectively, nor in glide angle which averaged 28.26° and 29.69° for the Mahogany Glider and Sugar Glider, respectively. Significant differences were found between them for height of launch (19.75 and 11.96 m, respectively), height of landing (4.48 and 1.95 m, respectively), diameter at breast height of landing tree (44.12 and 23.22 cm, respectively), and glide distance (29.71 and 20.42 m, respectively). An examination of the ratio of interorbital width to maximum skull width of gliding and nongliding possums was measured from museum skulls to examine whether gliders have eyes wider apart, to allow triangulation of distance in preparation for gliding. Gliding possums showed a trend toward having a larger interorbital width than nongliding possums, although there appear to be several factors acting on the interorbital width. Museum study skins of all gliding marsupials were measured to determine the relationship between patagium surface area and body mass which showed a clear relationship (r2 = 0.9688). A comparison of gliding behaviour, patagium, development of limbs, tail morphology and mass was also made between gliding marsupials and other gliding mammals.  相似文献   
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