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The influence of the orientations and concentrations of the Stone–Wales (SW) defects on the thermal conductivity of zigzag and armchair graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) is explored using the reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics method. The results show that the thermal conductivity of GNRs with two different chirality cases reaches the minimum in the range of 0.1–0.7% defect concentration. Beyond a critical value of the SW defect concentration, the thermal conductivity increases with the increase in SW concentration for both zigzag and armchair GNRs. It is shown that at high concentrations of the SW defects, the thermal conductivity of zigzag GNRs with Type II defects is larger than the GNRs with Type I defects. Finally, the dependence of the SW defect concentration and orientation on the power spectra overlaps have also been explored.  相似文献   
Studies consistently find that higher levels of social support improve the psychological and physiological health of older people, but findings from empirical research are mixed regarding the presence of a “pet effect”— the idea that living with an animal can improve human health, psychological wellbeing, and longevity. We examined the assocations among social support, dog and cat ownership, and successful aging in a panel of 5,688 people between the ages of 50 and 74 years. Utilizing GLM, we tested for the presence of a complement (independent or additive effects) and/or hydraulic (interactive effect) association of pets and human support on four indicators of successful aging (pain, functional ability, chronic illnesses, and subjective successful aging). Supporting the hydraulic hypothesis, we found that having a dog was associated with fewer chronic illnesses, higher functional ability, and higher levels of subjective success when people lack human support. Similarly, having both a dog and a cat was associated with higher functional ability, less pain, and higher levels of subjective success when people lack human support. Supporting the complement hypothesis, we found that having a cat was associated with more chronic illnesses and lower levels of subjective successful aging. Findings carry practical implications for supporting pet ownership of older people, suggesting that dogs have a positive association with successful aging.  相似文献   
This article examines dog–owner relations and dog ownership in Omsk, Russia. We describe typical dog-keeping practices and reveal how diverse urban environments can influence these practices. A two-stage survey was conducted in 2014 to determine the numbers and management of dogs owned. In total, some 1,583 households at the first stage of the research and 323 households at the second stage were interviewed face-to-face. About 23% of all households in Omsk owned dogs, but this proportion varied markedly for different parts of the city. In the city's single-story area, 71.5% of households had dogs, while in the multi-story area this was only 10.8%. Dog-keeping practices were different in these areas. Significant differences in these practices were shown for almost all aspects: the selection criteria, dog feeding, veterinary treatment, dog walking, the roles of dogs, and owners’ attitudes toward them. Owners living in the single-story area demonstrated a utilitarian or functional approach to their dogs—influencing the sex, size, and the breed of the animal. Dogs often lived outside the house; they were vaccinated and taken to the veterinarian less often than dogs from the multi-story area. The owners in the multi-story area described more affectionate feelings toward their dogs. This is reflected in both the choice and treatment of the animals. We observed a larger proportion of pedigree dogs, a larger proportion of female animals, more vaccinations, and the owners making a variety of purchases for their dogs.  相似文献   
While anthropomorphizing nonhuman animals has been shown to increase identification with them and, by extension, concern for their wellbeing, little research has directly tested whether identifying with nonhuman animals is similarly associated with concern for their wellbeing. We tested hypotheses related to this premise across three cross-sectional studies. In study 1 (n = 224), we tested the hypothesis that therians—a group of people who self-identify with nonhuman animals, show greater concern for nonhuman animal rights than non-therian furries—people with a fan-like interest in media featuring anthropomorphized animal characters. In study 2 (n = 206), we further tested this hypothesis using implicit and explicit measures of identification with nonhuman animals to predict behavioral intentions to support nonhuman animal rights. In study 3 (n = 182), we tested the generalizability of our findings in a sample of undergraduate students. Taken together, the studies show that explicit, but not implicit, identification with nonhuman animals predicts greater support for their rights. The implications of these findings for research on anthropomorphism and animal rights activism are discussed, as well as the limitations of these findings and possible avenues for future research.  相似文献   
Kadcyla® (T-DM1), an antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs) for HER2+ breast cancer treatment, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2013. An ADC of random lysine conjugation, it has difficulties in DAR control and unsatisfactory PK due to uneven DAR distribution. It also gives rise to aggregation during conjugation because of the hydrophobicity nature of the cytotoxin, DM1. The linker-drug in T-DM1, SMCC-DM1 is hydrophobic and requires certain percentage of organic solvent such as DMA in the conjugation solution, limiting the manufacturing process in an organic-solvent-compatible device and adding extra costs. To address these problems, a site-specific conjugation method was developed involving full reduction of antibody and full conjugation with the bridge-like conjugator-drug, based on the work of Caddick and co-workers, to obtain a site-directed antibody-drug conjugate with DAR 4. The bridge-like conjugator was assembled with SMCC-DM1 and different lengths of hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) moiety. By applying PEG moiety in the side chain of the linker-drug, the organic solvent used in the conjugation can be reduced. When the PEG length is about 26 units, organic solvent is no longer needed in the conjugation. Reducing the amount of organic solvent in conjugation could also diminish the aggregation occurrence during the conjugation. Moreover, the conjugation configuration with the designed conjugator was also discussed in the article. The binding affinity of the resulting ADCs did not show significant decrease and the cell based assay and animal study have shown the comparable results with T-DM1.  相似文献   
The design and synthesis of a library of forty novel 2-aminoazole analogues as well as their evaluation as antifungal compounds against Histoplasma capsulatum and Cryptococcus neoformans is described. These structures were derived from N-[5-(1-naphthalenylmethyl)-2-thiazolyl]cyclohexanecarboxamide (41F5), a fungistatic agent previously identified through phenotypic screening (Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013;57:4349). Modifications to improve potency and water-solubility of 41F5 focused primarily on the 5-naphthalenyl group, the thiazole core, and the methylene linker between these two structural elements. In general, compounds with lipophilic [5+6] bicyclic ring systems, such as the 7-benzothiophenyl- and 4-indanyl groups, at the 5-position were 2–3 times more active against both fungal species as compared to 41F5. Also, introduction of a carbonyl group at the methylene linker of 41F5 resulted in a 2–3-fold increase in potency. These highly active compounds also showed generally low toxicities against murine P388D1 macrophages resulting in selectivity indices ranging from 63 to >200. Compounds that were highly active against fluconazole-sensitive C. neoformans strains had almost identical activity against fluconazole-resistant variants of this fungus indicating that 14α-demethylase is not their molecular target. Highly active compounds also retained activity against H. capsulatum phagocytosed into P388D1 macrophages.  相似文献   
The plant-derived sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide (PTL) was recently found to possess promising anticancer activity but elaboration of this natural product scaffold for optimization of its pharmacological properties has proven challenging via available chemical methods. In this work, P450-catalyzed C–H hydroxylation of positions C9 and C14 in PTL was coupled to carbamoylation chemistry to yield a panel of novel carbamate-based PTL analogs (‘parthenologs’). These compounds, along with a series of other C9- and C14-functionalized parthenologs obtained via O–H acylation, alkylation, and metal-catalyzed carbene insertion, were profiled for their cytotoxicity against a diverse panel of human cancer cell lines. These studies led to the discovery of several parthenologs with significantly improved anticancer activity (2–14-fold) compared to the parent molecule. Most interestingly, two PTL analogs with high cytotoxicity (LC50  1–3 μM) against T cell leukemia (Jurkat), mantle cell lymphoma (JeKo-1), and adenocarcinoma (HeLa) cells as well as a carbamate derivative with potent activity (LC50 = 0.6 μM) against neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-MC) were obtained. In addition, these analyses resulted in the identification of parthenologs featuring both a broad spectrum and tumor cell-specific anticancer activity profile, thus providing valuable probes for the future investigation of biomolecular targets that can affect cell viability across multiple as well as specific types of human cancers. Altogether, these results highlight the potential of P450-mediated chemoenzymatic C–H functionalization toward tuning and improving the anticancer activity of the natural product parthenolide.  相似文献   
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