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Electrical responses upon mechanostimulation at the posterior cell end were investigated in the marine hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes vannus. A new mechanostimulator was developed to mimic stimuli that are identical with those involved in cell-cell collisions. The receptor potential hyperpolarized by 18–35 mV within 12–25 msec, reached a peak value of -62 mV with a delay of 4–9 msec after membrane deformation, and was deactivated after 50–70 msec. Cirri were stimulated to beat accelerated backward. The corresponding receptor current exerted a similar time course with a peak of 2.4 nA. The shift of the reversal potential by 57.6 mV at a tenfold increase of [K+] 0 identifies potassium ions as current carriers within the development of the receptor potential. An intracellular K concentration of 355 mmol/liter was calculated for cells in a medium that was composed similar to sea-water. The mechanically activated potassium current was totally inhibited by extracellular TEA and intracellular Cs+, and partially inhibited by extracellular 4-AP. The total inhibition of the current by injected EGTA points to a Ca dependence of the posterior mechanosensitivity. It was confirmed by the increase of the peak current amplitude with rising [Ca2+] 0 . Sodium presumably repolarizes the receptor potential because the repolarization was delayed and after-depolarizations were eliminated in media without sodium. Since deciliation did not affect mechano-sensitivity, the corresponding ion channels reside within the soma membrane.The authors wish to thank Mr. Norbert Spreckelmeier from the electronics workshop and Mr. Herbert Lutter from the fine-mechanical workshop of the department for their excellent work, Mrs. G. Key and Mr. H. Mikoleit for skillful technical assistance and for preparing the figures. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 171, C7.  相似文献   
Summary Differentiated neuroblastoma cells exhibit both the delayed rectifier potassium current (I K) and the M-current (I M). The present study was designed to determine the roles of protein kinase C (PKC) and of the calmodulin-binding protein 80K/MARCKS, a prominent substrate for PKC and possible regulator of these currents. Neuroblastoma x glioma (NG108-15) hybrid cells transfected with m1 muscarinic receptors were grown with 1% fetal bovine serum (FBS) without the prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) usually added in preparation for electrophysiological studies. Under these conditions, the usual pleomorphism was largely abolished, leaving two populations of small cells with stellate and spherically symmetrical geometries. Whole-cell patch clamping indicated that the two cell types had identical electrophysiological properties, displaying: I k, a small current through a T-like Ca2+ channel, and no M-current.Stimulation with carbachol shifted the distribution of cells to a more stellate morphology within 24 hr and later (after 48 hr) reduced the PKC substrate 80K/MARCKS by 22±7%. In contrast to the stimulation of I k observed with cardiac cells, PKC activation produced only a small inhibition of I k, which was independent of carbachol pretreatment. Thus, PKC and 80K/MARCKS can be dissociated from the regulation of I k in neuroblastoma cells.Supported in part by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (DK-40145 and EY-08343) and from the U.K. Medical Research Council.We thank Dr. Peter J. Parker for his generous gift of PKC, and Yvonne Vallis for her skillful assistance with the cultures and harvesting of the NG108-15 transfected cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Na+ sensitivity of whole brain membrane Na+,K+-ATPase isoenzymes was studied using the differential inhibitory effect of ouabain (α1, low affinity for ouabain; α2, high affinity; and α3, very high affinity). At 100 m M Na+, we found that the proportion of isoforms with low, high, and very high ouabain affinity was 21, 38, and 41%, respectively. Using two ouabain concentrations (10−5 and 10−7 M ), we were able to discriminate Na+ sensitivity of Na+, K+-ATPase isoenzymes using nonlinear regression. The ouabain low-affinity isoform, α1, exhibited high Na+ sensitivity [ K a of 3.88 ± 0.25 m M Na+ and a Hill coefficient ( n ) of 1.98 ± 0.13]; the ouabain high-affinity isoform, α2, had two Na+ sensitivities, a high ( K a of 4.98 ± 0.2 m M Na+ and n of 1.34 ± 0.10) and a low ( K a of 28 ± 0.5 m M Na+ and an n of 1.92 ± 0.18) Na+ sensitivity activated above a thresh old (22 ± 0.3 m M Na+); and the ouabain very-high-affinity isoform, α3, was resolved by two processes and appears to have two Na+ sensitivities (apparent K a values of 3.5 and 20 m M Na+). We show that Na+ dependence in the absence of ouabain is the result of at least of five Na+ reactivities. This molecular functional characteristic of isoenzymes in membranes could explain the diversity of physiological roles attributed to isoenzymes.  相似文献   
Abstract— In the human astrocytoma cell line U 373 MG, application of substance P (SP) leads to a transient increase in cytosolic calcium concentration and to a biphasic current response in voltage-clamped cells. Using these two functional assays we have characterized pharmacologically the SP response in U 373 MG cells. SP and [l -Pro9]SP displayed high potencies in both assays with EC50values of 2.5 ± 10?9M and 1 ± 10?9M on calcium responses and 110?9M and 510?9M on ion current responses, respectively. The high potency of SP and [l -Pro9]SP as well as the low potency of [Lys5,MeLeu9,N-Leu10]neurokinin A(4-10) and the inactivity of senktide demonstrate the NK1-type pharmacology of these responses. Furthermore, the NK1 antagonists (±)-CP 96,345, its chloro analogue, (±)-cis-3-(2-chlorobenzylamino)-2-benz-hydrylquinuclidine, and RP 67580 were potent antagonists of both SP responses. For the calcium mobilization induced by SP (1 (10?7M), the IC50 values for the three antagonists were 4 ± 10?10M, 4 ± 10?9M, and 9 ± 10?9M, respectively, whereas on the current response evoked by SP 10?8M), the IC50 values were 8 ± 10?9M, 2.4 ± 10?8M, and 1.2 10?7M, respectively. Despite differences in the absolute IC50 values obtained with both techniques, the relative potencies of the three antagonists correlate fairly well. The U 373 MG cell line provides a useful model system for studies of the pharmacology of the human NK1receptor and its transduction mechanisms at the level of second messengers and modulation of ion currents.  相似文献   
为挖掘微杆菌(Microbacterium sp.)XT11在黄原胶降解过程中起关键作用的功能基因,预测黄原胶降解通路,利用转录组测序技术对该菌株在不同碳源培养条件下的转录本进行测序,对差异基因进行功能富集分析。结果表明,菌株XT11以葡萄糖为对照组,以黄原胶为碳源时可获得上调差异基因213个。显著上调的基因主要富集在聚糖降解、淀粉和蔗糖代谢途径、ABC转运、苯丙氨酸代谢、丙酮酸代谢五个KEGG途径。碳水化合物活性酶(Carbohydrate-active enzymes, CAZymes)功能注释表明,位于同一基因簇上的4个CAZymes基因和黄原胶降解直接相关,其余的CAZymes基因具有潜在的黄原胶降解活性。此外,预测到磷酸转移酶系统(phosphotransferase system, PTS)和ABC转运途径(ABC transporters)参与了胞外黄原胶降解中间产物的跨膜转运。挖掘了菌株XT11中黄原胶降解过程中的功能基因,并阐述了菌株XT11的黄原胶降解通路。  相似文献   
This study investigated that dieckol (DKL), a natural drug, inhibits colon cancer cell proliferation and migration by inhibiting phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (AKT), and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) phosphorylation in HCT-116 cells. The cells were treated with DKL in various concentrations (32 and 50 μM) for 24 h and then analyzed for various experiments. MTT (tetrazolium bromide) and crystal violet assay investigated DKL-mediated cytotoxicity. Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate staining was used to assess the reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement, and apoptotic changes were studied by dual acridine orange and ethidium bromide staining. Protein expression of cell survival, cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis protein was evaluated by western blot analysis. Results indicated that DKL produces significant cytotoxicity in HCT-116, and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration was found to be 32 μM for 24-h incubation. Moreover, effective production of ROS and enhanced apoptotic signs were observed upon DKL treatment in HCT-116. DKL induces the expression of phosphorylated PI3K, AKT, and mToR-associated enhanced expression of cyclin-D1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-4, CDK-6, and Bcl-2 in HCT-116. In addition, proapoptotic proteins such as Bax, caspase-9, and caspase-3 were significantly enhanced by DKL treatment in HCT-116. Hence, DKL has been considered a chemotherapeutic drug by impeding the expression of PI3K-, AKT-, and mTOR-mediated inhibition of proliferation and cell cycle-regulating proteins.  相似文献   
Ubc13 is required for Lys63-linked polyubiquitination and innate immune responses in mammals, but its functions in plant immunity still remain largely unknown. Here, we used molecular biological, pathological, biochemical, and genetic approaches to evaluate the roles of rice OsUbc13 in response to pathogens. The OsUbc13-RNA interference (RNAi) lines with lesion mimic phenotypes displayed a significant increase in the accumulation of flg22- and chitin-induced reactive oxygen species, and in defence-related genes expression or hormones as well as resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae and Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae. Strikingly, OsUbc13 directly interacts with OsSnRK1a, which is the α catalytic subunit of SnRK1 (sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase-1) and acts as a positive regulator of broad-spectrum disease resistance in rice. In the OsUbc13-RNAi plants, although the protein level of OsSnRK1a did not change, its activity and ABA sensitivity were obviously enhanced, and the K63-linked polyubiquitination was weaker than that of wild-type Dongjin (DJ). Overexpression of the deubiquitinase-encoding gene OsOTUB1.1 produced similar effects with inhibition of OsUbc13 in affecting immunity responses, M. oryzae resistance, OsSnRK1a ubiquitination, and OsSnRK1a activity. Furthermore, re-interfering with OsSnRK1a in one OsUbc13-RNAi line (Ri-3) partially restored its M. oryzae resistance to a level between those of Ri-3 and DJ. Our data demonstrate OsUbc13 negatively regulates immunity against pathogens by enhancing the activity of OsSnRK1a.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common malignancies in men. Ribosomal protein L22-like1 (RPL22L1), a component of the ribosomal 60 S subunit, is associated with cancer progression, but the role and potential mechanism of RPL22L1 in PCa remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of RPL22L1 in PCa progression and the mechanisms involved. Bioinformatics and immunohistochemistry analysis showed that the expression of RPL22L1 was significantly higher in PCa tissues than in normal prostate tissues. The cell function analysis revealed that RPL22L1 significantly promoted the proliferation, migration and invasion of PCa cells. The data of xenograft tumour assay suggested that the low expression of RPL22L1 inhibited the growth and invasion of PCa cells in vivo. Mechanistically, the results of Western blot proved that RPL22L1 activated PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in PCa cells. Additionally, LY294002, an inhibitor of PI3K/Akt pathway, was used to block this pathway. The results showed that LY294002 remarkably abrogated the oncogenic effect of RPL22L1 on PCa cell proliferation and invasion. Taken together, our study demonstrated that RPL22L1 is a key gene in PCa progression and promotes PCa cell proliferation and invasion via PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway, thus potentially providing a new target for PCa therapy.  相似文献   
RNF7 has been reported to play critical roles in various cancers. However, the underlying mechanisms of RNF7 in glioma development remain largely unknown. Herein, the expression level of RNF7 was examined in tissues by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The effect of RNF7 on glioma progression was measured by performing CCK-8 and apoptosis assays, cell cycle-related experiments and animal experiments. The effect of RNF7 on PI3K/AKT signalling pathway was tested by Western blotting. First, we found that RNF7 was upregulated in tumour tissue compared with normal brain tissue, especially in high-grade glioma, and the high expression of RNF7 was significantly related to tumour size, Karnofsky Performance Scale score and a poor prognosis. Second, RNF7 overexpression facilitated tumour cell cycle progression and cell proliferation and suppressed apoptosis. Conversely, RNF7 knockdown suppressed tumour cell cycle progression and cell proliferation and facilitated apoptosis. Furthermore, follow-up mechanistic studies indicated that RNF7 could facilitate glioma cell proliferation and cell cycle progression and inhibit apoptosis by activating the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. This study shows that RNF7 can clearly promote glioma cell proliferation by facilitating cell cycle progression and inhibiting apoptosis by activating the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. Targeting the RNF7/PI3K/AKT axis may provide a new perspective on the prevention or treatment of glioma.  相似文献   
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