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Mouse lymphoid cells and tumor cell lines were employed as target cells for the investigation of the mechanism of heterocytotoxicity in human serum samples. It was shown that the heterocytotoxic effects were due to two differing mechanisms. Cytotoxicity was mediated in part, by activation of the alternative complement pathway on target cell membrane, a process which was antibody-independent. A second mechanism of cytotoxicity was induced by natural antibodies to a target cell, which probably mediated activation of the classical complement pathway. These data may shed light on the frequently observed cytotoxicity in mammalian sera for various target cells.  相似文献   
The social interactions within groups of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) had a strong impact on the individual pattern of copulation which, in turn, affects sperm precedence and the probability of implantation in this species. Males alternated uninterrupted ejaculatory series, augmenting each others' copulatory investment. Females took turns mating after receiving an intromission, collectively potentiating the males' copulatory behaviour; increasing the number of oestrous females increased the number of intromissions and ejaculations achieved by each male but did not affect the amount of copulation experienced by each female. These turn-taking patterns within each sex provided the opportunity to change partners and permitted the emergence of different sex-typical patterns of copulation. Furthermore, the dominant male contributed more intromissions and tended to give each female more ejaculations than the subordinates did. Dominant males were also more likely to inhibit the subordinates' sperm transport. Females competed among themselves for the opportunity to mate with a male as he approached ejaculation and were likely to protect more of the dominant male's sperm transport than the subordinate male's.  相似文献   
The tissue distribution of the defective PAPS synthetic pathway in homozygous brachymorphic mice (bmbm) has been investigated using four different criteria: (i) incorporation of 35SO42? into adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS), 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS), and endogenous macromolecular acceptors, (ii) APS kinase (adenylylsulfate kinase; ATP:adenylylsulfate 3′-phosphotransferase, EC activity, (iii) ATP sulfurylase (sulfate adenylyltransferase; ATP:sulfate adenylyltransferase, EC activity, (iv) thermostability of ATP sulfurylase. With respect to the first three criteria, the results indicate that liver is affected as profoundly as cartilage (K. Sugahara and N. B. Schwartz, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1982) 214, 589–601). In contrast, skin and brain show no differences between normal and mutant. Kidney is significantly, but only moderately, affected. The results from thermostability studies demonstrate that ATP sulfurylase activity is more labile in bmbm cartilage, liver, and kidney, but not in skin or brain, supporting the above-observed distribution of the defect. Therefore, the present results indicate a multiple, but not universal, tissue distribution of the defective PAPS synthetic pathway in bmbm mice. Furthermore, these findings support the suggestion that ATP sulfurylase as well as APS kinase is defective in brachymorphic mice.  相似文献   
Tonsil lymphocytes from three adults and three children were examined for immunoglobulin (Ig) production before and after Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation. T-cell depletion was required to obtain cell lines from EBV-seropositive individuals. Cytoplasmic Ig was mainly IgG in adult lymphocytes before and after transformation; IgA and IgM were more prominent after than before. IgM and IgG predominated in lymphocytes of children before and after transformation; IgA was more prominent after than before. Cytoplasmic Ig of peripheral blood lymphocytes from these individuals was mainly IgM. Secreted Ig from tonsil lymphocytes was mainly IgA or IgG; after transformation IgM predominated with adult cell lines, and IgG or IgM with cell lines from children. IgE was consistently sparse in spite of ragweed and/or grass allergies of the adults.  相似文献   
Specific binding of radiolabeled L-glutamic acid (Glu) was examined using rat brain synaptic membranes treated with a low concentration of Triton X-100. The binding drastically increased in proportion to increasing concentrations of the detergent used up to 0.1%. Addition of 100 mM sodium acetate significantly potentiated the binding in membranes not treated with Triton X-100, whereas it markedly inhibited the binding in Triton-treated membranes. The binding in Triton-treated membranes was inversely dependent on incubation temperature and reached a plateau within 10 min after the initiation of incubation at 2 degrees C, whereas the time required to attain equilibrium at 30 degrees C was less than 1 min. Sodium acetate invariably inhibited the binding detected at both temperatures independently of the incubation time via decreasing the affinity for the ligand. The binding was significantly displaced by agonists and antagonists for an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-sensitive subclass of brain excitatory amino acid receptors, but not by those for the other subclasses. Inclusion of sodium acetate reduced the potencies of NMDA agonists to displace the binding without virtually affecting those of NMDA antagonists. Moreover, sodium ions inhibited the ability of Glu to potentiate the binding of N-[3H] [1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine to open NMDA channels in Triton-treated membranes. These results suggest that sodium ions may play an additional modulatory role in the termination process of neurotransmission mediated by excitatory amino acids via facilitating a transformation of the NMDA recognition site from a state with high affinity for agonists to a state with low affinity.  相似文献   
Muscarinic receptor stimulation or depolarization with elevated extracellular K+ induced rapid and sustained increases in mass accumulations of myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] and myo-inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5)P4] in cerebral cortex slices. Synergistic but transient responses of both inositol polyphosphate second messengers were observed when slices were stimulated with carbachol under depolarizing conditions; this synergy was observed as an increase in the maximal responsiveness, with no significant change in EC50 values for carbachol. Omission of buffer Ca2+ ([Ca2+]e 10-20 microM) reduced basal Ins(1,4,5)P3 and Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 concentrations; the relative stimulatory effects of muscarinic receptor stimulation were maintained, but the effects of depolarization were markedly attenuated under these conditions. A component of the response to depolarization appeared to be indirectly mediated by the release of acetylcholine, because the K(+)-evoked increase in Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 was enhanced by the cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine, and was partially attenuated by atropine. An additive suppression by nitrendipine suggests that entry of Ca2+ through L-type Ca2+ channels may serve to accelerate phosphorylation of Ins(1,4,5)P3 by 3-kinase. Norepinephrine did not significantly increase Ins(1,4,5)P3 or Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 accumulation; however, in the presence of depolarizing K+, norepinephrine caused a dramatic increase in Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 mass accumulation. In contrast, the excitatory amino acid quisqualate caused significant increases in the mass accumulations of both inositol polyphosphates measured, with no further increase being observed under depolarizing conditions. The results are discussed with respect to the interactive effects of agonist and depolarization stimuli on inositol polyphosphate accumulation which might more accurately reflect the conditions pertaining in vivo.  相似文献   
Physiological release of endogenous opioids in guinea pig hippocampal slices was detected in an in vitro competition binding assay using [3H]U69,593, a kappa 1-selective radioligand. Veratridine-induced opioid release caused a decrease in [3H]U69,593 binding that was blocked by either tetrodotoxin addition or the removal of calcium from the incubation buffer. Focal electrical stimulation of opioid peptide-containing afferent pathways resulted in a decrease in [3H]U69,593 binding, whereas stimulation of a major afferent lacking endogenous opioid immunoreactivity had no effect. The addition of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione blocked the reduction in [3H]U69,593 binding caused by perforant path stimulation, but not the reduction caused by mossy fiber stimulation, suggesting that the primary source of endogenous kappa ligands was likely to be the dentate granule cells. Antisera against dynorphin A(1-8) or dynorphin B peptides inhibited the effects of mossy fiber stimulation in the [3H]U69,593 displacement assay. Antisera against other prodynorphin- and proenkephalin-derived opioid peptides had no effect. As shown by receptor autoradiography, the distribution of kappa 1 binding sites was limited to the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and the presubiculum region of temporal hippocampal slices. These results indicate that prodynorphin-derived opioids released under physiological conditions from the mossy fibers act at kappa 1 receptors in the guinea pig dentate gyrus.  相似文献   
Modulation of the gamma-aminobutyric acidB (GABAB) receptor-mediated response by protein kinase C (PKC) was examined with regard to inhibition by stimulation of the GABAB receptor of stimulation-evoked release of noradrenaline (NA) from slices of cerebellar cortex and of acetylcholine (ACh) from strips of ileum. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) potentiated the high K(+)-evoked Ca2+-dependent release of NA and ACh, but not the ouabain-evoked release, even in the presence of external Ca2+. The potentiating effect was antagonized by sphingosine, thereby suggesting that PKC participates in the exocytotic-vesicular release of neurotransmitters, but does not do so in case of a nonvesicular release. GABA inhibited the high K(+)-evoked release of NA and ACh, but not the ouabain-evoked Ca(2+)-independent release. The effect of GABA was mimicked by baclofen and was antagonized by phaclofen, thereby suggesting that stimulation of the GABAB receptor inhibits the vesicular but not the nonvesicular release of neurotransmitters. TPA suppressed the GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition of high K(+)-evoked release of NA and ACh. The effect of TPA was antagonized by sphingosine. These results indicate that stimulation of the GABAB receptor inhibits the stimulation-evoked Ca(2+)-dependent release of neurotransmitters and that activation of PKC suppresses the GABAB receptor-mediated response.  相似文献   
Possible interactions between Met-enkephalin and cholecystokinin (CCK)-containing neurons in the rat substantia nigra were investigated by looking for the effects of various opioid receptor ligands and inhibitors of enkephalin-degrading enzymes on the K(+)-evoked overflow of CCK-like material (CCKLM) from substantia nigra slices. The delta-opioid agonists D-Pen2, D-Pen5-enkephalin (50 microM) and Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr (DTLET; 3 microM) enhanced, whereas the mu-opioid agonists Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol (DAGO; 10 microM) and MePhe3, D-Pro4-morphiceptin (PL 017; 10 microM) decreased, the K(+)-evoked release of CCKLM. By contrast, the kappa-opioid agonist U-50488 H (5 microM) was inactive. The stimulatory effect of DTLET could be prevented by the delta antagonist ICI-154129 (50 microM), but not by the mu antagonist naloxone (1 microM). Conversely, the latter drug, but not ICI-154129, prevented the inhibitory effect of DAGO and PL 017. A significant increase in CCKLM overflow was observed upon tissue superfusion with the peptidase inhibitors kelatorphan or bestatin plus thiorphan. This effect probably resulted from the stimulation of delta-opioid receptors by endogenous enkephalins protected from degradation, because it could be prevented by ICI-154129 (50 microM). Furthermore the peptidase inhibitors did not enhance CCKLM release further when delta-opioid receptors were stimulated directly by DTLET (3 microM). These data indicate that opioids acting on delta and mu receptors may exert an opposite influence, i.e., excitatory and inhibitory, respectively, on CCK-containing neurons in the rat substantia nigra.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In search of factors mitigating the final outcome of ischemic and epileptic brain damage, we tested a novel dibenzoxazepine derivative (BY-1949), as the compound has been shown to be effective under these two conditions. First, using rat brain, we assessed whether or not BY-1949 affects the Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity. Although in vitro applications of either BY-1949 or its three major metabolites did not cause any apparent effects, both acute and chronic oral administrations of the compound (10 mg/kg) invariably increased the Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity in the synaptosomal plasma membranes by increasing Vmax values. Second, it was shown by this study that the drug treatment caused marked increases in the uptake of both glutamic acid and gamma-aminobutyric acid into the synaptosomes. These results suggest that the activity against ischemic/epileptic brain damage by BY-1949 is explicable, at least partly, in terms of improvement of ionic derangements across the neural membranes via Na+,K(+)-ATPase activation.  相似文献   
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