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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):383-402
The lithographic limestones of the Cerin quarry (southern French Jura Mountains), of Late Kimmeridgian age, were famous during the 19th century for their quality and consequently the quarry was intensely exploited. From 1975 to 1994, scientific excavations were carried out in these limestones in order to investigate the depositional environment, the burial of organisms and their taphonomy. A large set of data was collected about various organisms, unusual locomotion tracks, microbial mats and emersion structures. This led to a new interpretation of the environment as a laguna overlying a previously emergent and eroded coral reef. This laguna was episodically connected to the sea by temporary channels, during storms. Lime mud was supplied both from the sea and from the surrounding emergent areas. Most organisms, both marine and terrestrial, were transported, trapped, mixed and buried in the laguna. After death, the preservation of the carcasses was favoured by the presence of microbial mats providing superficial anoxic conditions and protecting them from decaying.  相似文献   
Here we present an overview of the personal ornaments of the Swabian Aurignacian and the Early Aurignacian sites of south-western France made from mammoth ivory. The production sequences for the serial manufacture of beads from these sites are quite similar. While the Swabian sites have yielded numerous different types of beads with a focus of the double-perforated bead, the nearly exclusive use of one bead-type, the perle en forme de panier, is striking at the sites of south-western France. Following the presentation of major inventories of ivory ornaments in the two regions concerned, we discuss potential factors underlying both the differences and the similarities we observe in these assemblages.  相似文献   
The “Grappin” or “Saint-Vincent's” cave, on the western slope of Jura, East of France, has been explored since 1889. From then to 1960, it has yielded substantial material dated to middle “à navettes” Magdalenian developing during the late Pleniglacial. The study of this settlement, although often mentioned, was never dealt with comprehensively until now. Due to its scientific importance for the middle Magdalenian of western Europe, the site is to be reinvestigated through a global interdisciplinary project entitled “The Tardiglacial and the start of Holocene in the Jura and its margins”. This paper will review our present knowledge of the site, radiocarbon dates and archaeological data. It also focuses on ornaments and engraved mobile art.  相似文献   
Bernard Walter 《Geobios》1985,18(1):5-45
Study of new and important collections of bryozoa in Neocomian of the French and Swiss Jura improve the knowledge of these Bryozoa, especially the “mesenteripores” (Tubuloporina with bilamellar structure) of which almost all the species types proceed from the Jura. These species are here redefined, for example M. campicheana which was poorly known until now. One new species, Mesonopora uniordinata, is described. To this superior delimitation of species, is added extensed geographical distribution and also more precise stratigraphical position. The fauna of mesenteripores varies according to lithostratigraphy, that is to say, with variations of paleoenvironment. Among these, modification of substratum, sedimentary deposition, depth, are the easiest to envisage.  相似文献   
More than 1500 sauropod and theropod tracks have been discovered and excavated on the floor of a disused 3800 m2 quarry, near the village of Loulle (French Jura). These levels correspond to a tidal-flat environment, from intertidal to supratidal zone, dated from the earliest Kimmeridgian (∼157 M.a.). Eighteen sauropod trackways have been recognized, ranging from 3.8 m to 51.5 m in length. These trackways do not correspond to a unique herd passage, because trackways are diversely oriented, most of them are crossing others and prints are more or less deeply marked, depending of different stages of substratum competence. According to the trackway gauges, the three types (narrow-, medium and wide-gauge) are represented. Some trackways could be referred to the ichnogenus Brontopodus Farlow et al., 1989, and others to Parabrontopodus Lockley et al., 1994a. Based on footprint size, the body-sizes of these 18 sauropod trackways range from tiny (Pes Length < 25 cm) to large individuals (PL > 75 cm), showing a regular continuum of sizes. Several biometrical ratios classically used in sauropod ichnology appear to be closely related to size (e.g., the smallest individuals apparently moved faster than the largest; large individuals are all narrow-gauge while small individuals are all wide-gauge; large specimens are characterized by a high heteropody ratio when the smallest show a low heteropody ratio). Associated with these sauropod trackways, four theropod trackways have also been recorded. Three small to medium-sized theropod are referred to the ichnogenus Carmelopodus Lockley et al., 1998a, while a large individual (PL = 77 cm) is tentatively referred to Megalosauripus Lessertisseur, 1955.  相似文献   
The faunas collected in the Miocene of the Centralpart of the Jura High-Range near Pontarlier have allowed to attribute a Burdigalien age at the marine molass and Upper Burdigalien age at the overlying lacustrine deposits. The marine faunas are varied and show very clearly sea-ways from the rhodanoprovencal area. The age of the continental faunas prove that the sea recedes as soon as the end of Lower Miocene, showing the beginning of the emersion of the High-Range is an earliest event than hitherto believed.  相似文献   
Summary Benthic microbial crusts (microbialites or microbolites) are an important component of Middle to Upper Oxfordian shallow-water coral bioherms in the Swiss Jura. They display stromatolitic (laminated), thrombolitic (clotted), and leiolitic (structureless) fabrics, which are distributed heterogeneously throughout the studied sections. The bioherms can be subdivided into coral-microbialite facies, microbialite-dominated facies, and sediment matrix. Macroscopic and microscopic study reveals that microbialitic encrustations commonly occur in two layers. The first one is directly in contact with the substrate and composed of leiolite (locally stromatolite) and a well-diversified micro-encruster fauna; the second one fills the remaining porosity partly or completely with thrombolite and low-diversity micro-encrusters. The growth of the first layer accompanies the growth of the coral reef and thus formed under the same environmental conditions. The second layer is the result of a moving encrustation front filling the remaining porosity (micro- and macrocavities) inside the reef, below the living surface. Both layers play an important role in early cementation. Phototrophic cyanobacteria probably intervene in the formation of the first encrustation zone, whereas heterotrophic bacteria associated to acidic, Ca2+-binding macromolecules in biofilms are thought to contribute to the thrombolite inside the reef body. When coral growth cannot take pace with microbialite development, the thrombolite from reaches the surface of the construction and finally covers the reef. The result is a thick interval of thrombolite, which can be interpreted as being related to an ecological crisis in coral-reef evolution. A semi-quantitative analysis of the relative abundance of microbialite types and associated micro-encrusters permits to better constrain the processes leading to a reef crisis. Four micro-encruster associations can be distinguished, and each follows an evolutionary trend in the studied section:Terebella-Tubiphytes dominated,Serpula-Berenicea dominated,Litho-codium dominated, andBacinella dominated. These trends are interpreted to reflect changes in environmental conditions. Bioerosion generally is at its maximum before and after abundant growth of microbialite. According to microbialite-bioerosion relationships and shifts in micro-encruster associations, we propose that the evolution towards a coral-reef crisis involves four main phases: (1) An oligotrophic to low mesotrophic phase when low water turbidity and good oxygenation allow phototrophic metabolisms. This leads to a maximum of coral diversity and development of light-dependent micro-encrusters. (2) A low-mesotrophic phase when increased turbidity and slack water circulation reduce the photic zone and favor heterotrophic micro- and macrofauna. Bioerosion through bivalves increases. (3) A high-mesotrophic phase when environmental conditions are so bad that only microbiatite can be produced. (4) A eutrophic phase when carbonate production is inhibited by high nutrient input and clay flocculation as a result of increased terrestrial run-off. The observed evolutionary trends are not directly linked to changes in bathymetry, but sea-level fluctuations played an important role in opening and closing the depositional environments on the shallow platform. Climatic changes contributed in modulating the influx of siliciclastics and nutrients, and the alkalinity of the water. Demise of coral reefs generally coincides with low sea level and humid climate. Sea-level and climatic fluctuations and, consequently, the crises in reef growth are linked to orbital cycles in the Milandkovitch frequency band.  相似文献   
Detailed sedimentological analyses and sequential and cyclostratigraphic interpretations in the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura and the Vocontian Basin lead to a high-resolution correlation from the platform to the basin where the biostratigraphy is well established. Several orders of depositional sequences are defined. Their duration is estimated from the time frame given in the sequence-chronostratigraphic chart of Hardenbol et al. (1998). It is suggested that an elementary sequence formed in tune with the 20 ky precession cycle. Small-scale and medium-scale sequences correspond to the 100 and 400 ky eccentricity cycles, respectively. The platform-to-basin correlation shows that the composition of the hemipelagic and pelagic deposits depends to a large part on cyclical variations of carbonate production in shallow-marine environments and subsequent export to the basin. The distribution of thick versus thin marl-limestone alternations and carbonate-dominated versus marl-dominated intervals observed in the basinal sections is explained by the superposition of high- and low-frequency sea-level changes that controlled the carbonate productivity on the platform and the export potential of carbonate mud to the basin.  相似文献   
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