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A molecular 16S rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) analysis was performed for the determination of Archaea communities in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)- and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sand samples obtained from Johnston Atoll. The objective of this study was to investigate Archaea community structure and phylogenetic diversity in a PAH- and PCB-contaminated marine environment that may potentially be intrinsically bioremediating these compounds. The clones obtained from this analysis were equally represented between the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota phyla. This isolated marine environment is predominantly reef habitat, suggesting that the xenobiotic compounds introduced over time influenced the community structure of autochthonous Archaea. Phylogenetic diversity within these samples suggests that the resident Archaea populations were only distantly related to cultivated taxa and cloned sequences found in the public domain from both marine and terrestrial origins.  相似文献   
Invasive rodent eradications are frequently undertaken to curb island biodiversity loss. However, the breadth of rodents’ ecological impact, even after eradication, is not always fully recognized. For example, the most widespread invasive rodent, the black rat (Rattus rattus), while omnivorous, eats predominantly seeds and fruit. Yet, the effects of seed predation release after eradication on plant communities and ecological functions are not well understood, posing a gap for island restoration. We examined the role of seed predation release following black rat eradication in changes to tree composition and aboveground biomass across an islet network (Palmyra Atoll) in the Central Pacific. We conducted repeated surveys of seed, juvenile, and adult tree biomass and survival in permanent vegetation plots before and after the eradication of rats. We observed a 95% reduction in seed predation for an introduced, previously cultivated tree population (Cocos nucifera). Juvenile tree biomass of all species increased 14‐fold, with C. nucifera increasing the most, suggesting that eradication increased this tree's competitive advantage. Indeed, based on stage‐structured demographic models, rat eradication led to a 10% increase in C. nucifera population growth rate. The effect of invasive rodent seed predation varies considerably among the plant species in a community and can shift competitive dynamics, sometimes in favor of invasive plants. These bottom‐up effects should be considered in evaluating the costs and benefits of eradication. Documenting the variation in invasive rodent diet items, along with long‐term surveys, can help prioritize island eradications where restoration is most likely to be successful.  相似文献   
A physiologically based model of the neocortex has been developed in an attempt to elucidate possible structural and functional mechanisms of the mammalian cortex and account for a wide range of low level cognitive behavior. The model has been constrained by diverse empirical data. At the level of structural details, neuroanatomical and neurophysiological data have been considered and at the level of gross behavior, psychological data has been used. From the theory that groups of reverberating neurons provide a short term memory mechanism and that primary drive reduction triggers consolidation of a memory, a mechanism for selective learning has been developed. Fundamental to the model is the postulate of a novelty drive mechanism that functions in a manner analogous to the more widely accepted primary drives (e.g. hunger and fear). This paper examines the novelty drive mechanism and demonstrates its utility in accounting for a wide range of habituation behaviors. The success of the model is evaluated by comparing its behavior to appropriate empirical data. Finally, it is argued that a computer program is both a theory and a model, and that important advantages accrue from such a viewpoint.  相似文献   
Abstract. Sources of basal sprouting for five shrub species representing five plant families common to the Tamaulipan biotic province were quantified, following four intensities of top removal. Among undisturbed shrubs, Celtis pallida and Zanthoxylum fagara were somewhat arborescent, with one or two dominant primary stems per plant. Aloysia gratissima, Ziziphus obtusifolia and Schaefferia cuneifolia were fruticose in architecture, with more and smaller stems. Following top removal, each species exhibited a distinct regenerative hierarchy whereby shoot production following disturbance was primarily from structures immediately subtending the removed tissues, even though more distal tissues had the capacity for shoot production. Thus, removal of stems to a 5 cm residual increased the contribution of primary stems from stem bases, whereas stem removal to ground line typically induced regeneration from root crowns. Schaefferia, Zanthoxylum and Ziziphus were capable of producing shoots from root tissue, yet regeneration from roots was not stimulated until tissues were removed to below root crowns. Field observations indicate that most woody species in the subtropical thorn woodlands of southern Texas, USA, are highly persistent in the face of natural and anthropogenic disturbance, owing to their ability to regenerate vegetatively. Alternative sources of stem replacement contribute to the high resilience of these shrubs following disturbance and may help explain or predict patterns of secondary succession and plant persistence following various intensities of disturbance.  相似文献   
The control of feral goats (Capra hircus) was studied on Aldabra Atoll, Republic of Seychelles, from October 1993 to May 1994 and November 1994 to May 1995. A total of 832 goats was killed on Aldabra using the Judas goat technique and traditional hunting methods. Twenty-eight goats equipped with radio transmitters (Judas goats) were used to locate and kill other feral goats. The remnant goat populations on Ile Picard (n=13) and Ile Malabar (n=19) were eradicated during the first season. On Grande Terre, a total of 798 (374 M : 424 F) goats were killed. Mean group size was 3.2 with a range of 1–20. Judas goat hunting became increasingly important over time with 18.0% (n=85) of goats killed in the presence of Judas goats in the first season compared to 42.3% (n=126) of goats killed during the second season. The overall kill rate for the project was almost 2 times greater for Judas goat hunting (0.61 goats killed/h) than traditional hunting (0.32 goats killed/h). The home range size of each Judas goat and the number of goats killed in association with it was significantly related. Using the Leslie–Davis removal method of population estimation, 84 goats were estimated to remain on all of Grande Terre at the end of thebreak project. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The eastern Pacific warm tongue is a region of stable and elevated sea surface temperature (SST) located just north of the equator in the eastern Pacific. This warm water mass is thought to influence the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the eastern Pacific and to directly influence climate in Central America. To assess the use of corals in the development of paleoclimatic reconstructions in this region, we have developed oxygen isotope (δ18O) time-series from multiple specimens of the massive coral Porites lobata collected at Clipperton Atoll (10°18′N, 109°13′ W). Six near-monthly δ18O records from different sized (age) colonies where produced for the interval 1986–1994, and three of these were extended back to 1969. All corals sampled were found to contain numerous fish-grazing skeletal scars (~0.5?mm deep scallop shaped hiatuses). Samples collected at 1?mm intervals showed anomalous 18O/16O in the area of a bite scar, with 2 to 2.5?mm sampling intervals (10–12/year) minimizing these effects. Our results show that the average δ18O disequilibrium offset (vital effect) from equilibrium seawater composition for individual corals can vary by up to 0.4‰. However all δ18O results suggest that the vital effect offset is constant over time. Similar “offsets” are observed in the tops of old (age=~100?y) and young (age=~10?y) colonies, further suggesting that the biologically mediated vital effect offset does not change as a Porites colony ages. A 6-coral average composite δ18O record was constructed from 1985–1994 and a 3-coral average δ18Oanomaly record was constructed from 1969–1994. Regression analysis between monthly SST and the 6 coral average δ18O records yields an r 2 correlation of 0.54 (individual r 2-values ranged from 0.27–0.55). The 3 coral δ18Oanomaly average record has an even lower correlation to SST, with an r 2 of 0.40. Potential causes of the only moderate correlation to SST are explored and we find that inferred salinity effects, fish grazing scars, and slight chronology imperfections have all contributed to a reduced correlation to SST. Nevertheless, all El Niño events in this time period appear to be recorded by coral skeletal δ18O.  相似文献   
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