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John Gurdon has made major contributions to developmental biology in addition to his Nobel prize winning work on nuclear reprogramming. With the frog, Xenopus, as a vertebrate model, his work on mesoderm induction led him to identify a community effect required for tissue differentiation after progenitor cells have entered a specific mesodermal programme. It is in the context of this biologically important concept, with myogenesis as an example, that we have had most scientific exchanges. Here I trace my contacts with him, from an interest in histone regulation of gene expression and reprogramming, to myogenic determination factors as markers of early mesodermal induction, to the role of the community effect in the spatiotemporal control of skeletal muscle formation. I also recount some personal anecdotes from encounters in Oxford, Paris and Cambridge, to illustrate my appreciation of him as a scientist and a colleague.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometric titrations of yeast apoenolase with magnesium, the metal that produces the highest level of activity, nickel, which produces a very low level, and calcium, which produces no activity, suggest strong binding of 2 mol (1 per subunit) of all three metals at the same sites, called “conformational” sites. About two-thirds of the possible absorbance change in the chromophoric competitive inhibitor 3-aminoenolpyruvate-2-phosphate (AEP) that occurs when it binds to the enzyme in the presence of saturating levels of magnesium is produced when just 2 mol (1 per subunit) of magnesium is added. Since additional “catalytic” metal won't bind unless the AEP does, and the AEP won't bind unless the “conformational” sites are filled with metal, much of the absorbance change in the AEP must be produced by conformational metal.Metals that do not produce enzymatic activity do not produce the absorbance change in AEP whereas metals that permit any level of enzymatic activity produce the same absorbance change that magnesium does-the reaction is “all or none.” Studies of the effect of calcium, nickel, and magnesium on the CD spectrum of apoenzyme-AEP solutions suggest that activating metals produce an asymmetric chromophore in the AEP. This is interprested as indicating the chromophore in AEP bound to enzyme in the presence of an activating metal is a twisted carbon-carbon double bond.Calorimetric studies show the competitive inhibitor 3-phosphoglycerate binds to the calcium- and magnesium-enzyme with about the same change in enthalpy. The substrate or AEP reduces the rate of the apparent reaction of the calcium- or magnesium-enzyme with excess EDTA, suggesting that both substrate and AEP bind to the calcium-enzyme. The interpretation of these data is that the conformational metal plays a crucial role in activating the substrate while the catalytic metal controls the reaction rate. This interpretation is supported by experiments in which an enzyme with one type of conformational metal is reacted in the stopped-flow with catalytic metal and substrate. If an activating metal is the conformational metal, the initial activity is greater.  相似文献   
Explicit expressions are derived which determine the equilibrium composition of mixtures comprising a multivalent, insoluble matrix, a multivalent, macromolecular solute (acceptor) and a univalent ligand. With three-reactant mixtures of this type a range of combinations of interactions is possible wherein the ligand interacts with either the acceptor or the matrix, in either event perturbing the acceptor-matrix equilibria. Theory encompassing this range of possibilities is written in terms of a single site-binding constant for each type of interaction to account, in general terms, for both multiple binding and crosslinking effects. These explicit thermodynamic relationships are discussed, with the use of reported findings on several biological systems, in two frameworks. First, it is established that the theory is applicable to the quantitative interpretation of affinity chromatography experiments designed to elucidate the thermodynamic interaction parameters governing the various types of interacting system. Second, it is emphasized that the relationships are also relevant to metabolite-induced changes in the subcellular distribution of macromolecular species.  相似文献   
This article considers the reception of British cytogeneticist C.D. Darlington’s controversial 1932 book, Recent Advances in Cytology. Darlington’s cytogenetic work, and the manner in which he made it relevant to evolutionary biology, marked an abrupt shift in the status and role of cytology in the life sciences. By focusing on Darlington’s scientific method – a stark departure from anti-theoretical, empirical reasoning to a theoretical and speculative approach based on deduction from genetic first principles – the article characterises the relationships defining the “disciplinary landscape” of the life sciences of the time, namely those between cytology, genetics, and evolutionary theory.  相似文献   
The binding of 2,2-dipyridyl to metal substituted horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was measured by spectrophotometric titrations. Large changes in the visible absorption spectra were seen for the Co2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ hybrids upon coordination of 2,2-dipyridyl, due to a change in coordination number. The formation constants for binding to the Co2+ and Cd2+ hybrids are of the order 10(6) M-1, which means that these hybrids have a 500-fold higher affinity for 2,2-dipyridyl than the native Zn2+ enzyme. 2,2-dipyridyl has a 100-fold higher affinity for enzyme bound Cd2+ than for aqueous Cd2+ ions, while for Cu2+ and Zn2+ the opposite is the case. None of the substituted metal ions were removed from the active site during titration with the chelator 2,2-dipyridyl.  相似文献   
Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 from the untreated coastal marine fish scup, Stenotomus chrysops, was solubilized and resolved into five fractions by ion-exchange chromatography. The major fraction, cytochrome P-450E (Mr = 54,300), was further purified to a specific content of 11.7 nmol heme/mg protein and contained a chromophore absorbing at 447 nm in the CO-ligated, reduced difference spectrum. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of cytochrome P-450E by Edman degradation revealed no homology with any known cytochrome P-450 isozyme in the first nine residues. S. chrysops liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, purified 225-fold (Mr = 82,600), had a specific activity of 45–60 U/mg with cytochrome c, contained both FAD and FMN, and was isolated as the one-electron reduced semiquinone.Purified cytochrome P-450E metabolized several substrates including 7-ethoxycoumarin, acetanilide, and benzo[a]pyrene when reconstituted with lipid and hepatic NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase from either S. chrysops or rat. The purified, reconstituted monooxygenase system was sensitive to inhibition by 100 μM 7,8-benzoflavone, and analysis of products in reconstitutions with purified rat epoxide hydrolase indicated a preference for oxidation on the benzo-ring of benzo[a]pyrene consistent with the primary features of benzo[a]pyrene metabolism in microsomes. Cytochrome P-450E is identical to the major microsomal aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible cytochrome P-450 by the criteria of molecular weight, optical properties, and catalytic profile. It is suggested that substantial quantities of this aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible isozyme exist in the hepatic microsomes of some untreated S. chrysops. The characterization of this aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase extends our understanding of the metabolism patterns observed in hepatic microsomes isolated from untreated fish.  相似文献   
Mesodermal cores of the stage 19 chick leg bud were capped with an intact apical ectodermal ridge (AER) or with strips cut from centrifugal pellets formed from Pronase-dissociated AERs. They were then covered with embryonic back-skin ectoderm and grown as grafts to the somite region of a host embryo. Control mesoderms were capped with centrifugal aggregates of nonridge limb ectoderm or similarly treated back-skin ectoderm, with ethanol-killed AERs or with no ectodermal cells other than the enveloping back-skin ectoderm.Controls were vascularized slowly and atypically and showed little outgrowth, forming only proximal skeletal structures. Recombinants equipped with AER cells were vascularized more fully and promptly and began vigorous growth after brief delay, forming legs with all skeletal segments represented, including claw-tipped toes. The latter were arranged in anteroposterior order corresponding to the original polarity of the mesoderm.Histological sections of recombinants made with cytologically distinctive quail AERs reveal that the cap of ridge cells, whether initially intact or reaggregated beneath the back-skin envelope, undergo a period of reorganization, forming a typical AER at the apex of the chimeric appendage after 48 hr. Meanwhile vigorous growth of the recombinant continues.These results show that the AER can cooperate with nonlimb ectoderm in promoting the morphogenesis of successively more distal levels of the limb skeleton. They also show that dissociated ridge cells can reorganize a typical AER at the apex of the limb mesoblast, meanwhile exercising their inductive effect on it.  相似文献   
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