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The limits of phosphorus removal in wetlands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phosphorus concentrations exported from wetlands are explored via data and a first order model. The graph of outlet concentration versus areal phosphorus loading is used to display these data and the model. For a given wetland, data and models show that P concentrations show an S curve response to increasing P loadings. The lower plateau is the background concentration and the upper plateau is the inlet concentration. The position of the ascending limb between the two plateaus is positioned differently for different wetlands. Phosphorus (P) removal in wetlands is often typified by a stable decreasing gradient of P concentrations from inlet to outlet, and an accompanying stable decreasing gradient in P assimilation. Limits to removal are inherent in the physical, chemical and biological processes. A lower outlet concentration limit exists because of the P cycle in the un-impacted wetland. The loading at which the outlet concentration departs from background, the lower knee in the loading curve, varies from wetland to wetland. An upper outlet concentration limit is imposed by the source concentration for extremely high inflows. The first order mass balance equation interpolates between these limits. The model gives further insights about performance within an overall envelope. The water carrying capacity of the wetland precludes flows in excess of the hydraulic conveyance capacity, thus limiting the possible P loadings to the system. Conversely, extremely low hydraulic loadings cause the wetland to be dominated by atmospheric additions and losses. The central tendency of inter-system data in the North American Database is shown to be inadequate to draw generalized conclusions about ecosystem processes in an individual wetland. The proposed one gram rule of Richardson, et al. (1997) is shown to be an over-simplification.  相似文献   
The growth characteristics and nutritional status ofSchoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmelin)Palla (soft-stem bulrush or lake clubrush) wereinvestigated during the second and third growthseasons in four equivalent subsurface-flow, gravel-bedconstructed treatment wetlands. Each wetland wassupplied with a different hydraulic loading rate ofagricultural wastewater, covering the range commonlyapplied to such systems. Harvest and demographictechniques were combined to determine seasonalpatterns and gradients of growth and nutrientallocation, and net annual primary productivity(NAPP). Marked seasonal patterns of early springemergence, summer growth and autumn senescence wereobserved, with little over-wintering of liveabove-ground biomass. Starch, the dominant long-termstorage substance, comprised 20% of rhizome dryweight (DW) in autumn. Mobilization during springreduced concentrations by around half, with a trend ofincreasing depletion in the higher loaded wetlands.NAPP, including above-ground mortality, during thesecond growth season ranged between 2.5 and 3.5 kg DWm-2, with 10-23% allocated to below-groundgrowth. Mean above-ground live and dead biomass rangedbetween 1.75 and 2.65 kg DW m-2 by mid-summer,with below to above-ground biomass ratios similar inall wetlands at between 0.6 and 0.7. Rhizomes, whichcomprised around 80% of the below-ground biomass,were generally restricted to the upper 10 cm of thesubstratum and over half the root biomass alsooccurred in this zone, with very few roots penetratingbelow 30 cm depth. High culm concentrations of N,P, Mg and Zn in spring declined markedly over thegrowth season, while S and Ca showed generalincreases, and K, Fe and Cu remained relativelystable. Gradients of decreasing tissue concentrationof most macronutrients were noted with increasingdistance from wastewater inflows. Plant accumulationof N rose by 20-35 g m-2 and P by 4-9 g m-2with seasonal re-growth of above-ground shoots. Netplant N and P uptake rates rose to maximum values of0.3 g N m-2 d-1 and 0.1 g P m-2d-1 in early summer, declining markedly duringlate summer and autumn. Mass balance assessments of Nand P accumulation in plants at near maximum seasonalbiomass, after three growth seasons, showed that only6 to 11% of the N removal and 6 to 13% of the Premoval recorded from wastewaters applied to thewetlands could be ascribed to plant uptake andaccumulation.  相似文献   
AIMS: With concern surrounding the environmental impact of chemical tracers on the aquatic environment, this paper presents the initial evaluation of biotracers used to determine the effluent retention time, an important performance indicator, in a Free Water Surface Constructed Wetland. METHODS AND RESULTS: Production of the biotracers, coliphage MS2, and the bacteriophage of Enterobacter cloacae and antibiotic resistant endospores of Bacillus globigii is described in detail. Their subsequent use in three separate tracer experiments - January, March and June (2000) - revealed the variability of retention time with respect to effluent flow. The biotracer MS2 showed the constructed wetland had a retention time of 8-9 h at a mean discharge of 0.9 l s-1, increasing to 10-12 h at a mean discharge 0.3 l s-1. A similar retention of 9-10 h at a mean discharge of 0.3 l s-1 was calculated for the Ent. cloacae phage. In contrast, use of endospores revealed considerably longer retention times at these mean discharge rates; 12-24 h and 36-48 h, respectively. CONCLUSION: Biotracers could provide a useful and environmentally friendly technique to monitor effluent retention in constructed wetlands. At this stage the phage tracers appear particularly promising due to ease of isolation and recovery. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Initial results are encouraging and have highlighted the potential of biotracers as alternatives to chemical tracers, even in microbially-rich waters.  相似文献   
The clonal macrophyte Scirpus maritimus (Cyperaceae) propagates locally by rhizomes and reproduces sexually by achenes. The purpose of this paper was to examine whether in size-limited habitats in patchy and discrete marshes in two Mediterranean wetlands in southern France natural populations may suffer from a reduced maternal fecundity due to a deficit in outcross pollen. We first verified that S. maritimus suffers from a reduced fecundity when self-pollinated. At a site in the Camargue, mean fecundity (mean number of achenes per centimetre of spikelet) measured in 1995 and 1996 in seven and nine populations, respectively (surface area from 50 to 4500 m) increased significantly with population surface area in 1995 but not in 1996. In the second wetland at Roquehaute, which is composed of small ponds, fecundity was very low in all 12 local populations studied in 1996 (1.1 achenes per spikelet, SD = 1.2) and was not correlated with the population surface area (from 10 to 400 m). We performed a pollen supplementation experiment in five local populations at Roquehaute to determine whether this low fecundity may be due to a pollen limitation. A significant increase in fecundity after among-pond pollinations compared to within-pond pollinations indicated that local populations suffer from a deficit in outcross pollen, since each pond appears to contain one or a few number of clones (or incompatibility types). In S. maritimus, clonal spread may have a cost in terms of reduced fecundity in small habitats because each habitat is colonized by very few clones.  相似文献   
A portion of the former Lake Hula wetland (northern Israel) was re-flooded in spring 1994 and the physical, chemical and biological developments within the resulting new lake and wetland complex (Agmon) was followed closely by a multi-disciplinary scientific team. The first three years of study relating to Lake Agmon are reported in this issue of Wetlands Ecology & Management. We provide in this paper a general background on the Lake Hula Draining Project in the 1950s and the recent re-flooding and creation of the Agmon wetland.  相似文献   
The ability to predict the effects of climate change on trace gas fluxes requires a knowledge of microbial temperature responses. However, the response of a microbial community to temperature in a given substrate may be complicated by its thermal history. To examine the effect of sequentially changing temperature on methane and carbon dioxide production in different peat types, we incubated anaerobic peat samples from 3 types of northern peatlands, a bog, a sedge fen and a cedar swamp, in both rising and falling temperature regimes. Graphic and statistical comparisons of the different temperature regimes suggest hysteresis in microbial response to temperature, although the absolute rates at any given temperature often did not differ. Where regressions for temperature response (Arrhenius plots) were significant, they generally differed between temperature regimes. The greatest differences among treatments occurred during the first half of the 40-d incubation. Increases in carbon dioxide production were similar across all peat types, but methanogenesis varied widely: methane production was uniformly low in the bog peat but increased sharply with temperature in the other two peat types. The complicating effect of history or chronology on substrate responses to environmental stimuli may restrain our ability to model the responses of complex systems to changing conditions.  相似文献   
1. Wetland insect predators can structure aquatic prey communities via selective predation, but receive considerably less attention than vertebrate predators. We conducted laboratory experiments to test selective predation by two species of larval dytiscid beetles ( Agabus ; Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and the potential contribution of these beetles to suppression of mosquito populations in constructed wetlands.
2.  Agabus consumed copepods, ostracods and mosquito larvae in no-choice tests. When offered a choice, 76% of all prey consumed were mosquito larvae, indicating selective predation. Subsequent experiments revealed this preference was due to ease of capture of mosquito larvae over alternative prey.
3. Cannibalism and intraguild predation were common within and between species of Agabus , which may reduce the overall impact of the observed selective predation.
4.  Agabus larvae selectively preyed on mosquito larvae over alternative prey, which is not characteristic of some fish used as biological control agents for mosquitoes. Predator exclusion or similar experiments in the field could document how these results translate into a natural setting.
5. The findings of this study suggest developing mosquito suppression strategies focused on conservation of native wetland predators. These strategies are preferable to introducing non-native generalist predators, or applying pesticides.  相似文献   
The concentration of metals (Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn) and B were determined in the above- and belowground biomass of Phragmites australis collected from the microcosm constructed wetland system used for the polishing of real electroplating wastewater. Translocation factor and bioconcentration factor were determined. Pearson correlation test was used to determine correlation between metal concentration in substrate and above- and belowground parts of Phragmites australis. The obtained results suggested that Phragmites australis did not play a major role as an accumulator of metals. It was observed also that the substrate could have exerted an effect on the translocation of Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn. The analysed concentrations of metals and B in biomass were in the range or even below the concentrations reported in the literature with the exception of Ni. The aboveground biomass was found suitable as a composting input in terms of metals concentrations.  相似文献   
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