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本文通过甘肃临潭磨沟齐家文化墓地出土的262例人骨标本的牙病情况尤其是龋病、牙周病、根尖周病以及牙结石情况的统计与分析,得知磨沟墓地古代居民牙齿疾病的基本情况:1)牙病的罹患率性别差异显著,女性龋病和根尖周病的罹患率高于男性,而在牙周病和牙结石的出现率上则是男性高于女性;2)牙病的罹患率随着年龄增长而增高;3)龋病、牙周病及根尖周病多发于臼齿,牙结石多发于门齿;4)重度磨耗牙齿多发牙周病及根尖周病;5)牙病罹患率不仅受到性别、年龄、牙位以及齿冠磨耗程度的影响,而且与磨沟组古代居民农业种植食物和采集食物并重的食物结构有关。  相似文献   
Archaeobotanical studies of funerary offerings allow important insights into beliefs in the afterlife and rituals in the past. Although the number of such investigations has increased in recent years, there are still only a very few systematic investigations of Gallo-Roman cremation graves, especially in northern France. The archaeobotanical study presented here concerns the cemetery (necropolis) of Faulquemont, located in the Département of Moselle. 70 cremation graves, dated from the 1st up to the beginning of the 3rd century A.D. have been sampled for the study of the botanical remains. The graveyard belongs to a rural site. The structures, mainly pits, contained secondary deposits of cremations, characterised by ashy fillings, broken archaeological burned material, bones and carbonised plant remains. 18 plant species have been identified including cereals, pulses, tubers and fruits plus bread/pastry. The most important ones were Triticum (hulled wheat), Hordeum (hulled barley), Lens (lentil) and Pisum (pea). There were also more “exotic” finds like Olea (olive), Phoenix (date) and Lupinus (lupin). The preservation of the cereals suggests possible cooking before cremation, or a long exposure to the fire. Some other plants like hazelnut and olive were maybe consumed as a component of funerary meals. In addition, there were also complete fruits burned as funerary offerings. Only the wealthy deceased received luxurious products such as date. Altogether, the spectrum of Faulquemont fits very well with the known picture of plant offerings during Gallo-Roman times. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   
本文对内蒙古和林格尔县新店子墓地出土东周时期的长骨标本进行了观察和测量,并根据相关公式推测出该组居民的身高,研究结果表明,该组男性居民的身高在内蒙古长城地带同时期的人群中最低,而女性居民则最高,是一个男女两性居民身高差异较小的古代群体。  相似文献   
本文研究了乌鲁木齐萨恩萨依墓地出土的人头骨材料, 这些材料大部分属于公元前七世纪左右的墓葬。通过观察其颅、面部特点,对其颅、面部进行测量分析, 结果显示萨恩萨依墓地出土头骨的人种总体来说属于蒙古人种类型。  相似文献   
北票喇嘛洞三燕文化墓地人骨的牙病   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文对辽宁北标喇嘛洞三燕文化墓地出土人骨的牙病作了详细的观察。初步探讨了龋病和牙周病的罹患率与性别和年龄的关系,结果显示:(1)龋病的罹患率男女间差异不显著,而牙周病的罹患率性别差异显著。(2)龋病的罹患率与年龄变化具有一定关系,而牙周病的罹患率则与年龄变化关系密切。此外,对多生牙、先天缺额牙、融合牙、错位牙、第三臼齿的阻生情况也分别作了记录与分析。  相似文献   
不同地域的人群具有不同的饮食传统和饮食文化。然而,当人们持续不断的直接或间接接触时,一方或双方原有的饮食文化将会产生变化,如拓跋鲜卑的饮食文化就经历了从游牧向农业的转变。本文对山西大同东信广场北魏墓群26例人骨进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,结果 (δ~(13)C值为-11.5±2.7‰,n=26;δ~(15)N值为9.8±1.2‰,n=26)显示,先民的食物类型差异较大,并包含大量的肉食资源。研究表明,以C_3类食物为主的先民主要放牧或狩猎,以C_4类食物为主的先民主要以种植粟、黍等C_4型农作物喂养家畜。大同东信广场北魏墓群人群中两种不同饮食传统的存在,显示游牧民族新的饮食习惯(以粟作农业产品为食)的形成滞后性于北魏政权的建立,这可能与气候变冷及他们的排斥有关。  相似文献   
戎人在古代多样性文化历史发展进程中有着不可忽视的作用,由于文献记载的匮乏,对其生活历史信息的认知极少。陕西延安黄陵寨头河与史家河战国时期戎人墓地的考古发掘,为了解古代关中地区戎人的社会生活提供了珍贵的实物资料。本文则以两墓地出土的人骨为研究对象,采用C、N稳定同位素分析方法,讨论先民的饮食结构,探索其经济模式。结果表明:寨头河与史家河墓地先民的食谱相似,食谱中植物性食物主要来自粟、黍等C4类作物;除史家河墓地两个个体外,其余先民动物蛋白摄入较少,且未因性别不同而产生食谱差异。史家河墓地战国晚期秦人与早中期戎人的饮食结构相似。结合其他考古资料以及文献可知,寨头河与史家河墓地先民吸收关中农业文化后,利用当地良好的自然环境发展农业,形成了以农业种植为主、农牧混合的经济模式。  相似文献   
中国社会科学院考古研究所和西藏自治区文物保护研究所于2012年至2014年间在西藏阿里地区噶尔县发现了一个古代墓群,称为故如甲木墓地。其中8座墓葬的时代约为公元3-4世纪,相当于中原的汉晋时期。共发现32例个体,对其中保存较好的16例个体(7例男性,9例女性)的头骨进行了形态观察和测量分析。聚类分析结果显示故如甲木古代居民与四川卡莎湖古代居民最接近,相比与陕西、山西、河南等地区古代居民的关系,故如甲木居民与新疆多岗和察吾乎四号墓地的古代居民更为接近。与近现代人群比较,故如甲木与广西壮族和藏族A型的现代居民接近。线粒体DNA的分析结果表明,故如甲木居民的母系来源多元化,大多数为欧亚东部类群,也有少量是欧亚西部类群,他们对中国现代藏族人群以及西藏的其他一些民族具有母系遗传的贡献。  相似文献   
Recent investigations of human skeletal material from the historic St. Martin's cemetery, England, found a range of abnormal lesions in six infants that are almost certainly related to scurvy. Porous and proliferative bone lesions affecting the cranial bones and scapulae were found, and this paper presents images obtained using both macroscopic and scanning electron microscope examination of the lesions. Previous work on infantile scurvy (Ortner et al., 1997-2001) relied heavily on changes at the sphenoid, which is often missing in archaeological bone, so the identification of changes attributable to scurvy on other cranial bones and the scapulae is encouraging. The ability to recognize changes related to scurvy on a range of bones will ensure an enhanced potential for recognition of this disease in future research involving archaeological bone. Research on historical documents from Birmingham dating to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, combined with the probable cases of scurvy identified, supports the view that the paucity of cases of infantile scurvy from the archaeological record reflects a lack of understanding and recognition of bone manifestations, rather than a lack of occurrence in this period. Changes linked to scurvy were only found in infants from the poorer sections of the community from St. Martin's, and this is almost certainly linked to patterns of food consumption and may be related to shortages of potatoes, due to blight, experienced during this period.  相似文献   
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