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The East Asian giant water bug species Appasus japonicus Vuillefroy and Appasus major Esaki are aquatic hemipteran insects whose ranges overlap, particularly in the Japanese Archipelago and on the Korean Peninsula. In rare cases, the two species co‐occur. Furthermore, they are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, making their identification extremely difficult, and the possibility of hybridization has also been suggested. In the present study, we re‐examined their taxonomic validity, and the characteristics useful for identifying them. To re‐examine the morphological traits useful for distinguishing these two species, 222 specimens of A. japonicus collected from Japan, Korea, and China, and 132 specimens of A. major from Japan and Korea, were examined. We also performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region. Although the two species are very similar ecologically and also morphologically, they showed significant genetic differentiation. Thus, there is likely some form of reproductive isolation acting between them. Major morphological characteristics overlap extensively between A. japonicus and A. major, and no particular trait was identified as being effective for differentiating these species. All the morphological characteristics examined overlapped between A. japonicus and A. major. However, a principal component analysis based on all of the morphological characteristics revealed that, despite the overlap between these species, it was possible to morphologically distinguish them. Therefore, a more accurate identification becomes possible using multiple characteristics rather than a single characteristic. The male genital paralobes, evaluated as the most useful morphological characteristic, was effective with 100% probability for the Japanese Appasus species. However, for the Asian (i.e. Korean) specimens, this characteristic was not useful. On the other hand, the results of molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and COI regions and the nuclear DNA Histone 3 region clearly showed significant genetic differentiation between the two species. Notably, the results for the mitochondrial COI region strongly supported the independence of each monophyletic group (i.e. validity of each species). Therefore, DNA barcoding based on the mitochondrial DNA COI region is also considered useful for the identification of A. japonicus and A. major. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 615–643.  相似文献   
AK-toxin I, a host-specific toxin to Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina), was synthesized as its methyl ester from three precursor fragments: conjugated diene-carboxylic acid, chiral epoxyalcohol and β-methylphenylalanine. The epoxyalcohol fragment was derived from D-fructose, in which effective homologation of the hemiacetal carbon to alkyne by using dimethyl 1-diazo-2-oxopropylphosphonate was the key reaction. The diene-carboxylic acid fragment was prepared by repeated Wittig reactions, and was combined with the epoxyalcohol fragment by the Stille reaction. Esterification of the combined product with the stereochemically-pure β-methylphenylalanine fragment afforded the target compound. This method was used to prepare the methyl ester of tritium-labeled AK-toxin I with a specific radioactivity of 213 GBq/mmol.  相似文献   
Fungicidal activities of S-alkyl S′-p-substituted benzyl N-3-pyridyldithiocarbonimidates toward Coniothyrium diplodiella, Scleotinia sclerotiorum (on agar medium) and Sphaerotheca fuliginea (on pot test) were shown. The activities varied with the change of the S-alkyl group and were maximized at certain numbers of carbon atoms. A different pattern was observed in the activity toward S. fuliginea when the carbon number was 8 or more. Bulkiness of the S-alkyl group also appeared to influence the activities. The steric factor of the p-alkyl substituents mainly influenced the activity toward S. fuliginea up to the tert-butyl analog. The activities toward C. diplodiella and S. sclerotiorum increased with the increase in the bulkiness and the hydrophylicity of the p-substituent. Rm values were determined on reversed phase TLC and the structure-activity correlations were analyzed against hydrophobic (Rm), electronic (σ) and steric (Es) factors on 34 compounds.  相似文献   

Japanese apricot, Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc., biosynthesizes the l-phenylalanine-derived cyanogenic glucosides prunasin and amygdalin. Prunasin has biological properties such as anti-inflammation, but plant extraction and chemical synthesis are impractical. In this study, we identified and characterized UGT85A47 from Japanese apricot. Further, UGT85A47 was utilized for prunasin microbial production. Full-length cDNA encoding UGT85A47 was isolated from Japanese apricot after 5?- and 3?-RACE. Recombinant UGT85A47 stoichiometrically catalyzed UDP-glucose consumption and synthesis of prunasin and UDP from mandelonitrile. Escherichia coli C41(DE3) cells expressing UGT85A47 produced prunasin (0.64 g/L) from racemic mandelonitrile and glucose. In addition, co-expression of genes encoding UDP-glucose biosynthetic enzymes (phosphoglucomutase and UTP-glucose 1-phosphate uridiltransferase) and polyphosphate kinase clearly improved prunasin production up to 2.3 g/L. These results showed that our whole-cell biocatalytic system is significantly more efficient than the existing prunasin production systems, such as chemical synthesis.  相似文献   
Hen lysozyme modified with histamine (HML) and Japanese quail lysozyme (JQL) were treated with immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography to analyze the states of their imidazole groups. When Ni(II) was used as the metal ion immobilized, JQL was strongly retained in a Ni(II)-chelating Sepharose column, while hen lysozyme and HML were hardly retained in the same column. All of these lysozymes have a histidine imidazole group at the 15th position, while JQL has an additional histidine imidazole group at the 103rd position and HML has an additional imidazole group covalently attached to Asp101. Thus, I concluded that the imidazole group at the 103rd position of JQL is exposed to the solvent and recognized by the metal ion, but that the imidazole group attached to Asp101 in HML is localized to a hydrophobic region and not recognized by the metal ion.  相似文献   
(2-Nitroethyl)benzene was identified as a major component of the flower scent of the Japanese loquat Eriobotrya japonica [Rosales: Rosaceae], together with p-methoxybenzaldehyde and methyl p-methoxybenzoate. The corresponding volatiles from chopped leaves did not contain these three compounds. This is the first time that 1-nitro-2-phenyl-ethane has been demonstrated to be a natural product among Japanese plants, although two Japanese millipedes are known to possess the same aromatics.  相似文献   
In order to obtain a basic information of plant cell suspension culture as a step toward the development of large scale culture, culture conditions of crown gall cells (auxin non-requiring cells) were investigated. Addition of yeast extract to culture medium was significantly effective for the growth and cell dispersion.

In experiments on the ability of the cultured cells to utilize sugars as the carbon source, it was observed that galactose, added to the culture medium, markedly inhibited the cell growth.

Pasteurization of the medium containing fructose as carbon source made it brownish by Maillard reaction and the medium apparently restrained the cell growth. However, the fructose medium sterilized by filtration was excellent for the cell growth as well as sucrose or glucose medium. In a jar fermentor, even the glucose medium became brownish by heat sterilization and the brown colored medium restrained the cell growth. Under optimum conditions, the doubling time was 1.1 day in exponential phase and 2.0 g of cell (dry weight) per 100 ml culture was obtained as the maximum yield.  相似文献   
What eel larvae feed on in the surface layer of the ocean has remained mysterious. Gut contents and bulk nitrogen stable isotope studies suggested that these unusual larvae, called leptocephali, feed at a low level in the oceanic food web, whereas other types of evidence have suggested that small zooplankton are eaten. In this study, we determined the nitrogen isotopic composition of amino acids of both natural larvae and laboratory-reared larvae of the Japanese eel to estimate the trophic position (TP) of leptocephali. We observed a mean TP of 2.4 for natural leptocephali, which is consistent with feeding on particulate organic matter (POM) such as marine snow and discarded appendicularian houses containing bacteria, protozoans and other biological materials. The nitrogen isotope enrichment values of the reared larvae confirm that the primary food source of natural larvae is consistent only with POM. This shows that leptocephali feed on readily available particulate material originating from various sources closely linked to ocean primary production and that leptocephali are a previously unrecognized part of oceanic POM cycling.  相似文献   
To examine how the major elements of global change affect herbivory in agroecosystems, a multifactorial experiment was conducted where soybeans were grown at two levels of carbon dioxide and temperature, including those predicted for 2050, under otherwise normal field conditions. Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica Newman) were enclosed on foliage for 24 h, after which the beetle survivorship, total and per capita leaf consumption, and leaf protease inhibitor activity were measured. The direct effect of temperature on beetle consumption and survivorship also was measured under controlled environmental conditions. No differences in total foliage consumption were observed; however, beetles forced to feed at elevated temperature in the field demonstrated greater per capita consumption and reduced survivorship compared to beetles feeding at ambient temperature. Survivorship was also greater for beetles that consumed foliage grown under elevated CO2, but there were no interactive effects of CO2 and temperature, and no differences in leaf chemistry were resolved. Leaf consumption by beetles increased strongly with increasing temperature up to ~37° C, above which increased mortality caused a precipitous decrease in consumption. An empirical model based on the temperature dependence of leaf consumption and flight suggests that the 3.5°C increase in temperature predicted for 2050 will increase the optimal feeding window for the Japanese beetle by 290%. Elevated temperature and CO2 operating independently have the potential to greatly increase foliage damage to soybean by chewing insects, such as Popillia japonica, potentially affecting crop yields.  相似文献   
Sake is made from steamed rice, malted rice, and water. Sake production begins with the preparation of a small-scale starter (moto); the quality of moto significantly influences the flavor and richness of sake. In the traditional starter, yamahai-moto, the growth of naturally occurring lactic acid bacteria represses the putrefactive micro-organisms, whereas in the modern starter, sokujo-moto, this is achieved by adding lactic acid. In this study, the successive change in bacterial flora of yamahai-moto was analyzed by pyrosequencing 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Lactobacillus was dominant throughout the process (93–98%). Nitrate-reducing bacteria that have been generally assumed to be the first colonizers of yamahai-moto were scarcely found in the early stage, but Lactobacillus acidipiscis dominated. Lactobacillus sakei drastically increased in the middle stage. This is the first report, though one case study, to show how the early stage microbiota in Japanese yamahai-moto is varyingly controlled without nitrate-reducing bacteria using next-generation sequencing.  相似文献   
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