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A study of the fine structure of Caenorhabditis briggsae revealed several features not previously described in free-living nematodes. These were: chambered walls of the stoma, zonula adherens in the esophagus, daedaloid folds in the inner surface of the uterus and openings in the terminal web of the intestinal epithelium. Other structures observed in these studies were similar to those described from other free-living nematodes.  相似文献   
Summary The frog motor endplate in its simplest form consists of an elongated, slender nerve ending embedded in a gutter-like depression of the sarcolemma. This nerve terminal contains the usual synaptic organelles. It is covered by a thin coating of Schwann cell cytoplasm which embraces the terminal with thin finger-like processes from both sides, thereby sub-dividing it into 300–1000 regularly spaced compartments. The individual synaptic compartments correspond to the strings of varicosities or grape-like configurations of motor nerve terminals in endplates of other species and in the cerebral neuropil of vertebrates.Each compartment contains one or more bar-like densities of the presynaptic membrane, active zones, which are associated with the attachment sites between synaptic vesicles and plasmalemma. Active zones have a regular transverse arrangement and occur at specific loci opposite the junctional folds. The attachment sites for synaptic vesicles are at the edges of the bars which are bilaterally delineated by a double row of 10 nm particles attached to the A-face. The structural appearance of vesicle attachment sites in freeze-etch replicas corresponds to that of micropinocytosis. The active zones are often fragmented and the frequency of their association with vesicle attachment sites is highly variable.The junctional folds are characterized by specific sites in which intramembranous particle aggregations occur at relatively high packing density (7500/m2). These sites are located opposite the active zones at the juxtaneural lips, a location where one would expect ACh-sensitive receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 38, Projekt N), The Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (Grants Nr. 3 82372 and 3 77472) and the Dr. Eric Slack-Gyr Foundation Zürich.  相似文献   
Summary Crystalline inclusions in parathyroid gland cell nuclei of Rana temporaria were studied by electron microscopy using a specimen tilting stage. Images were analysed by optical diffraction. Results were compared with X-ray and electron microscopic data of trigonal bovine liver catalase to which a striking resemblance of the inclusions was found.We are grateful to Professor R. Mosebach (Giessen) for discussions, to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for a grant (La 229/4) and instruments and to Messrs. Spindler & Hoyer, Göttingen and Messrs. Rank Precision Instruments, Nürnberg for putting apparatus at our disposal and performing diffraction photographs.  相似文献   
Summary In the goldfish, Carassius auratus, morphological and functional aspects of the pituitary gland were studied at the ultrastructural level and six cell types could be distinguished in the pars distalis. Acidophilic cells of the rostral pars distalis were identified as prolactin cells, the chromophobic cells of the rostral pars distalis as ACTH cells, the non-globular basophilic cells of the rostral and the proximal pars distalis as TSH cells, the globular basophils of the proximal pars distalis as gonadotropic cells and the acidophils of the proximal pars distalis as somatotrophs.Besides some of the well established criteria of morphological and functional identification of different cell types, two new approaches have been used in the present study. One was to express the electron density of secretory granules objectively by means of a photometric method. It was found that both types of acidophilic cells which produce the proteohormones prolactin and somatotropin respectively, had granules with the highest electron densities. The basophilic cells producing the glycoproteins gonadotropin and TSH respectively, possessed granules of intermediate electron density whereas the chromophobic cells storing the peptide hormone ACTH had granules of lowest densities. The second new approach was the administration of the synthetic mammalian releasing hormones LH-RP and TRF, which helped in identifying gonadotropic and thyrotropic cells respectively. In the goldfish there is evidence for the presence of only one type of gonadotropic cell.Supported by a grant of the Science Research Council of Great Britain to Professor Sir Francis Knowles, F.R.S. The electron microscope used was provided by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain. The integrating photometer IPM2 was kindly on loan from Messrs. Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany. For technical advice we are greatly indebted to Mr. P. K. Kaul, B. E., M.I. Struct. E., C. Eng.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Vergleich zu lichtmikroskopischen Untersuchungen an der Mamma virilis wird anhand von 2 operativ entfernten Brustdrüsen eines 57 und 63 Jahre alten Mannes die elektronenmikroskopisch erfaßbare Zytomorphologie beschrieben. Die Befunde werden den physiologischen Wachstumsimpulsen dieses Organs gegenübergestellt und Fragen der Zelldifferenzierung, der Desquamation und apokrinen Sekretion beantwortet. Elektronenmikroskopisch werden am Drüsenepithel Basalzellen, größere Zellen der oberflächlichen Zellreihen und Myoepithelzellen unterschieden. Diese Zellen entsprechen den Gangepithelien der weiblichen Brustdrüse und besitzen intracytoplasmatische Filamente. Diese stellen ein häufiges Differenzierungsprodukt des Zytoplasmas dar. Mechanismen einer Sekretion waren nicht nachweisbar. In die Drüsenlichtung werden pseudopodienartig vorgewölbte Zytoplasmateile abgeschnürt (Extrasionsvorgang). — Superfiziale Zellen werden desquamiert, wobei die Zytolyse in den marginalen Zytoplasmaschichten erfolgt. Kern und Teile des Zytoplasmas gelangen in die Drüsenlichtung. — Die Befunde zeigen die von Lebensalter und Proliferationsreiz abhängigen Vorgänge eines permanenten Zellersatzes in der männlichen Brustdrüse an.
Ultrastructure of the mammary gland of the human male
Summary The ultrastructure of two mammary glands obtained operatively from a 57-year old and a 63-year old man was compared to the structure observed in the light microscope, and related to stimuli controlling growth of the gland, cellular differentiation and desquamation, and apocrine secretion. The glandular epithelium, which is analogous to that of the female mammary gland, is differentiated into basic cells, large superficial cells, and myoepithelial cells. The cells have intracytoplasmic filaments, that may be a sign of differentiation. Mechanisms for secretion were not observed, although pseudopodia-like parts of the cytoplasm are extruded into the glandular lumen. Superficial cells are desquamated, followed by cytolysis of their margins. These findings illustrate the replacement of cells due to age and altered stimuli.
Frl. St. Walter, lt. Assistentin des elektronenmikroskopischen Labors, danken wir für Präparationen und Photoarbeiten.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der Maxillarnephridien von Scutigerella immaculata Newport mit ihren drei Abschnitten Sacculus, Tubulus und Ausführgang wurde untersucht. Die Zellen des Sacculus sind typische Podocyten, an denen eine Ultrafiltration ablaufen kann. Möglicherweise wird die Filtration durch einen den Sacculus umgebenden Muskel unterstützt. Die Zellen des Tubulus zeigen basale Einfaltungen und im proximalen Teil auch Mikrovilli. Sowohl im Tubulus als auch im Ausführgang, dessen Zellen ebenfalls basale Einfaltungen aufweisen, werden Reabsorptionsprozesse vermutet.
The fine structure of the maxillary kidney of the garden centipede, Scutigerella immaculata Newport (Symphyla, Myriapoda)
Summary The fine structure of the maxillary kidney of Scutigerella immaculata Newport (Symphyla) has been investigated. It may be compared with segmental organs of other Arthropoda having an end-sac which forms a primary urine by ultrafiltration. The filtration may be supported by a muscle surrounding the end-sac. The tubular part of the nephridium and the efferent duct show structures which may be involved in reabsorption.
Summary Two distinct types of ribonucleoprotein containing structures are found in oocytes of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, a large secondary or accessory nucleolus and many small primary nucleoli. The secondary nucleolus increases in size during oocyte development and is similar in appearance to the nucleolus of somatic cells. The primary nucleoli are intimately associated with a large, extrachromosomal DNA containing body. The DNA body is no longer visible in nuclei of late diplotene stage cells when the primary nucleoli are dispersed within the nucleoplasm. Both types of nucleoli contain cytochemically detectable RNA and acid protein, little or no DNA and basic protein, and particulate structures similar to but smaller than cytoplasmic ribosomes.The authors acknowledge the technical assistance of Miss Celeste Malinoski and Mrs. Marcia Andrews. This work was supported by a U.S.P.H.S. grant, number GM-16440-01 and grants number L-16 and J-1 from the Health Research Services Foundation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Endothelzellen der Wirbeltiere enthalten spezifische Organellen, deren Funktion unbekannt ist. Diese Organellen werden beim Frosch (Rana temporaria) nach unterschiedlichen Fixierungen elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Die Organellen sind walzenförmig mit mannigfachen Abweichungen, bis zu 2 lang und 0,1 bis 0,5 dick. Ihre oft unterbrochene Außenmembran ist dicker als zytoplasmatische Membranen. Das Innere der Organellen besteht aus Tubuli, die in eine elektronendichte Matrix eingebettet sind. Die Dichte dieser Matrix zeigt deutliche Abstufungen. Die Tubuli sind möglicherweise aus einer spiralförmigen Molekülkette aufgebaut. Das Verteilungsmuster der Organellen wird mit stereologischen Methoden untersucht. Die größte Volumendichte weisen die Aortae thoracicae mit 8% auf. Die Volumendichte der Organellen im Zytoplasma der Endothelzellen scheint mehr von der Entfernung der betreffenden Gefäßstrecke zum Herzen abzuhängen als von der Gefäßgröße. Es werden Verbindungen der Organellen zu zytoplasmatischen Membransystemen aufgezeigt. Auf Besonderheiten des Endothels, darunter Aggregationen von Ribosomen, wird hingewiesen.
Electron microscopic studies on specific organelles of endothelial cells in the frog (Rana temporaria)
Summary Endothelial cells of vertebrates contain specific organelles of unknown function. These organelles are studied by electron microscopy with different fixations. The organelles are rod-shaped with many variations, up to 2 in length and 0.1 to 0.5 in thickness. Their outer membrane, which is often discontinuous, is thicker than cytoplasmic membranes. The density of the matrix shows distinct gradations. The organelles contain tubules, possibly built up by a spiral molecular chain. The distribution of the organelles is investigated with stereological methods. Their volume density in endothelial cell cytoplasm appears to depend more on the distance from the heart than on vessel size, the thoracic aortae showing the highest organellae content of 8%. Connections between organelles and cytoplasmic membranes are demonstrated. Particularities of endothelium, among them aggregations of ribosomes, are pointed out.
Herrn Prof. Dr. med. F. Hammersen und Fräulein Dr. med. M. Lewerenz danke ich herzlich für Anregungen, Unterstützung und Kritik. Die Arbeit entstand während eines vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst dankenswerterweise gewährten Stipendiums; sie wurde unterstützt vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Kredit-Nr. 3952.  相似文献   
Summary The Herring bodies in the posterior lobe of the bovine hypophysis are very large (2–600 ) and can be classified into three types. The type I Herring body contains an accumulation of neurosecretory granules. These Herring bodies are very scarce and should not be confused with the numerous, but small, axonal swellings which also contain neurosecretory granules.The type II Herring body is characterized by the presence of a varying number of normal, moderately electron dense and empty vesicles, autophagic vacuoles, multilamellate bodies and occasional mitochondria. These Herring bodies are frequently observed.The type III Herring body is typified by the presence of dense vesicles connected to tubular formations which contain material of variable electron density, of filaments, and of long slender and very numerous mitochondria.The presence of multilamellate bodies and autophagic vacuoles suggests that the type II Herring body is in a degenerating phase. This concept is further substantiated by the similarity between this type of Herring body and transected neurosecretory axons in which degeneration is occurring.A similar comparison suggests that the type III Herring body is undergoing a regenerative process. Our current concept of the structure and function of Herring bodies is revised in the discussion.This work was supported by grants 5 RO1 NB 06641 NEUA and 5 R0107492 NEUA from the National Institutes of Health and the Space Sciences Research Center of the University of Missouri. The technical assistance of Mrs. G. Clark and Mr. R. Faup, and the clerical assistance of Mrs. S. Schmidt are gratefully acknowledged.Fellow of the Conséjo National de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnicas de la República Argentína.  相似文献   
Résumé Les gonocytes primaires sont relativement pauvres en polysomes et l'ergastoplasme granulaire est très réduit. Le reticulum endoplasmique de type lisse se développe au cours du développement embryonnaire. L'appareil de Golgi est bien représenté et localisé au niveau de la calotte juxtanucléaire mitochondriale. Les liposomes cytoplasmiques sont très nombreux.Cette étude précise la structure du nucléole «annulaire» et de la «masse paranucléolaire» observés en microscopic photonique. Des modifications nucléolaires sont constatées au cours du développement embryonnaire. Certains aspects ultrastructuraux sont vraisemblablement en rapport avec le déplacement autonome des gonocytes. La signification physiologique du nucléole «annulaire» et de la «masse paranucléolaire» est envisagée.
Ultrastructural study on the primordial germ cells during embryonic development of Lacerta vivipara Jacquin
Summary The primordial germ cells of Lacerta vivipara have relatively few free polysomes and little ergastoplasm. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum increases during embryonic development. The Golgi apparatus is well developed and lies close to the mitochondrial juxtanuclear cap. This study shows the ultrastructure of the ring-shaped nucleoli and the masse paranucléolaire. Modifications in nucleolar structure are observed during embryonic development. Some ultrastructural features are probably related to the ameboid movement of the primordial germ cells. The physiological meaning of the ring-shaped nucleoli and the masse paranucléolaire is considered.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mme. M. Hubert.  相似文献   
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