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Summary The nuclei of mesophyll cells of olive trees contain numerous sizeable crystalloid inclusions. Cytochemical examination using epoxy resin-embedded, semithin-sectioned tissue indicated the presence of proteins and oligoor polysaccharides in these inclusions. Their electron microscopical analysis revealed a crystalline substructure consisting of intersected subunits of high order. The spacing of the lattice fibrils and the angles of intersection were determined and used to establish a model of the unit cell of crystallization. It is suggested that the nuclear crystalloids of olive trees consist of glycoprotein molecules. They differ from the intranuclear crystalloids observed in other species predominantly in the high density of their subunit arrangement.  相似文献   
Culture and characterization of dental follicle cells from rat molars   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary Because the dental follicle is necessary for the eruption of teeth of limited eruption, it was the objective of this study to determine if the cells of the follicle could be cultured in vitro. To achieve this, dental follicles and associated enamel organs were dissected from the first and second mandibular molars of 6–7-day-old rats (secretory stage of amelogenesis), and then cultured in a medium that promotes fibroblast growth — the predominant cell type of the dental follicle. The cultured cells grew to confluency and were kept through 3 passages before experimentation. The cultured cells were fibroblastic in shape, elongate with processes, and transmission electron microscopy revealed that they contained an abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, but did not form desmosomes. Immunofluorescent staining for anti-vimentin showed that all the cells stained and electron-microscopic immunogold labeling indicated that the antibody was associated with intermediate filaments. As revealed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting, the cultured cells synthesized and secreted the extracellular matrix molecules fibronectin and procollagens. Subsequent immunofluorescence staining of permeabilized and non-permeabilized cells confirmed the presence of fibronectin and type I collagen both intra- and extracellularly. Thus, based on all the above characteristics, the cultured cells appeared to be fibroblasts derived from the dental follicle, although a few of the fibroblasts may be derived from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells interposed between the alveolar bone and follicle. Experiments now can be conducted to determine how these cultured cells respond directly to growth factors that alter the rates of tooth eruption.  相似文献   
Summary Serial sections of resting porcine endometrium were analyzed with the monoclonal antibody 13H2 using goat antimouse IgG/5 nm gold as secondary reagent or with either polyclonal antibodies from goat #402 or the rat monoclonal antibody H222, both in combination with protein G/12 nm gold. A modestly higher labelling of nuclei than of cytoplasm was seen only with the monoclonal antibody H222. Polyclonal #402 and monoclonal 13H2 showed fewer attachments over nuclear than over cytoplasmic areas. The highest densities of attachment and of predominantly cytoplasmic labelling were obtained with the monoclonal antibody 13H2. The results confirm the earlier assumption of a restricted accessiblity of estradiol receptor in the cytoplasm of resting cells for immunoreagents.  相似文献   
利用透射电镜技术研究了生长在海南岛的热带落叶树降香黄檀(Dalbegia odorifera T.Chen)1—2年生枝条着叶期和无叶期次生韧皮部筛分子的超微结构,并就这两个时期的筛分子进行了比较。着叶期每个成熟筛分子内有一个带尾的纺锤形P-蛋白质体,主体由稠密而散乱的P-蛋白质细纤维组成,尾部呈结晶状;筛分子具有横向端壁和单筛板,在邻近筛板处,细胞壁向筛分子腔内形成明显的突起。无叶期仍然保持着与着叶期大致相同厚度的有功能韧皮部,筛分子具有正常的原生质体,P-蛋白质和筛板孔的结构也与着叶期的相同,但筛分子内有较多的淀粉粒和囊泡。  相似文献   
We have previously described a preferential reduction in the secretory response to nutrient secretagogues in pancreatic mouse islets maintained in culture after in vitro exposure to streptozotocin (SZ). This reduction was associated with an impaired substrate metabolism at the mitochondrial level. To further clarify this issue, mouse pancreatic islets were exposed in vitro to 2.2 mM SZ for 30 min. At 4 h after SZ treatment ultrastructural changes were apparent in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi areas of the B-cells. However, 2 and 6 days following SZ exposure the B-cells appeared well preserved, except for a marked decrease in the number of insulin-containing secretory granules. A morphometric analysis of the B-cells 6 days after SZ exposure showed a normal B-cell size and a normal volume fraction of B-cell mitochondria. However, there was a decrease in total islet size and a 13% decrease in the volume fraction of B-cells in the islets. These mouse islets exhibited a decreased content of the mitochondrial DNA-encoded cytochrome b mRNA, as evaluated by dot-blot analysis. As a whole, the data obtained indicate that SZ treatment does not induce a decrease in the number of mitochondria or long-lasting ultrastructural damage to this organelle. However, there is a clear decrease in the cytochrome b mRNA, suggesting that SZ can induce damage to the mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
青岛文昌鱼卵卵黄粒内的一种亚微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在文昌鱼卵及胚胎发育过程中,卵黄粒内存在一种结构,形态上有7—9个亚单位排列呈环的管,类似“微管”,其直径为500—700(?),具“负染色”性(醋酸铀和柠檬酸铅染色)。推测其成分可能为糖-蛋白和脂蛋白及中性脂肪的复合体;其功能可能与建成细胞成膜物质有关。  相似文献   
R. Ligrone 《Protoplasma》1985,127(3):204-211
Summary Vegetative cells of the gametophyte phase of the mossTimmiella barbuloides (Pottiales) are characterized by large cytoplasmic bodies of spherical shape (SBs) whose ribonucleoprotein composition is cytochemically demonstrated. SBs seem to be derived from massive aggregation of cytoplasmic ribosomes, with possible participation by rough endoplasmic reticulum elements. SBs have been found in stereids, parenchymatous cells and young hydroids of the gametophyte stem, and in euricysts of the leaf nerve. The SBs develop early in the course of cell differentiation and, once formed, persist until advanced stages of cell senescence.  相似文献   
R. J. Bino 《Protoplasma》1985,127(3):230-240
Summary Anther development of isogenic male fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile types ofPetunia hybrida cv. Blue Bedder is studied by electron microscopy. First deviation in sporogenesis of the sterile type, is observed during leptotene stage of the meiocytes. Initial aberration is represented by the presence of large vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the tapetal cells. These vacuoles reveal the first aspects of degeneration; no other ultrastructural differences are observed. Vacuolation is accompanied by the condensation of cytoplasmic organelles. The tapetal cells become distorted and ultrastructural aberrations in mitochondria do occur. The mitochondria elongate and contain several tubular cristae.Substantial evidence suggests, that cytoplasmic male sterility in petunia is encoded by the mitochondrial genome (Boeshore el al. 1983). However, before degeneration becomes manifest, no consistent ultrastructural differences in mitochondrial organization are observed.Abortion of the tapetum and the sporogenous tissue in cytoplasmic male sterile plants, generally follows a corresponding pattern. Ultimately, the cells are highly distorted, the nucleus is disrupted and the cytoplasm disorganized. Mitochondria and plastids degenerate and many lipid droplets are present.  相似文献   
T. Hori  J. C. Green 《Protoplasma》1985,125(1-2):140-151
Summary Mitosis and cytokinesis have been studied in the flagellate algaIsochrysis galbana Parke (Prymnesiophyceae). Nuclear division is preceded by replication of the flagella and haptonema, the Golgi body and the chloroplast; fission in the chloroplast occurs in the region of the pyrenoid. During prophase, spindle microtubules radiating from two ill-defined poles are formed. The nuclear envelope breaks down and the chromatin condenses. At metaphase the spindle is fully developed, some pole-to-pole microtubules passing through the well-defined chromatin plate, others terminating at it. No kinetochores or individual chromosomes were observed. By late metaphase, many Golgi-derived vesicles may be seen against the two poleward faces of the metaphase plate. During anaphase, the two daughter masses of chromatin move towards the poles. In early telophase, the nuclear envelope of each daughter nucleus is complete only on the side towards the adjacent chloroplast, remaining open on the interzonal side. However, during telophase each nucleus becomes reorientated so that it lies lateral to the long axis of the spindle and with its open side towards the chloroplasts. By late telophase, each new nuclear envelope is complete and confluence with the adjacent chloroplast ER established.Cytokinesis and subsequent segregation of the daughter cells are effected by the dilation of Golgi- and ER-derived vesicles in the interzonal region. No microtubular structures are involved. Comparisons with the results from other studies of mitosis in members of thePrymnesiophyceae show that they all have a number of features in common, but that there are differences in detail between species.  相似文献   
M. -B. Schröder 《Protoplasma》1985,124(1-2):123-129
Summary This paper describes the development of pollen grains ofGasteria verrucosa from the late microspore to the mature two-cellular pollen grain. Ultrastructural changes and the distribution of plastids as a result of the first pollen mitosis have been investigated using light and electron microscopy. The microspores as well as the generative and the vegetative cell contain mitochondria and other cytoplasmic organelles during all of the observed developmental stages. In contrast, the generative cell and the vegetative cell show a different plastid content. Plastids are randomly distributed within the microspores before pollen mitosis. During the prophase of the first pollen mitosis the plastids become clustered at the proximal pole of the microspore. The dividing nucleus of the microspore is located at the distal pole of the microspore. Therefore, the plastids are not equally distributed into both the generative and the vegetative cell. The possible reasons for the polarization of plastids within the microspore are briefly discussed. The lack of plastids in the generative cell causes a maternal inheritance of plastids inGasteria verrucosa.  相似文献   
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