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Summary The ultrastructure of gill epidermal cells of Diopatra neapolitana and their relationship with blood spaces are described. The existence of a basal infolding complex, related to the blood spaces, is also reported. A possible involvement of these cells in osmoregulation and ion interchange, apart from their well-known role in respiration, is suggested.Abbreviations bc Blood cell - bi Basal infolding - bl Basal lamina - bs Blood space - ci Cilia - cu Cuticle - db Dense body - EC Epidermal cell - Gc Golgi complex - id Interdigitation - j Junction - m Mitochondria - mv Microvilli - n Nucleus - pv Pinocytotic vesicle - rer Rough endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   
大熊猫臼齿釉质的超微结构特征主要是施氏明暗带的宽度一般由8—15条釉柱组成;釉柱的横切面一般呈六角形或四角形,由里向外,釉柱的直径逐渐增大。在靠近釉牙本质界处,釉柱数量逐渐减少,有时甚至完全缺失,形成无釉柱结构的釉质。大熊猫臼齿釉质的氨基酸组成主要以甘氨酸,丙氨酸,谷氨酸,天冬氨酸和亮氨酸的含量为最高,而蛋氨酸,胱氨酸和酪氨酸的含量为最低。另外,还含有少量的羟脯氨酸。这种组成模式一般与人类和其它哺乳动物牙齿釉质的氨基酸组成相类似。  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural aspects of the natural degeneration of a group of six motor neurons in the fourth abdominal ganglion of Manduca sexta are described. These motor neurons innervate intersegmental muscles that degenerate and disappear immediately after adult eclosion. The first detectable changes in the cell bodies appear 12 h after eclosion and include disruption of the endoplasmic reticulum and an increase in the size and number of lamellar bodies. At 32 h the nuclear membranes rupture, and the membranous and granular cytoorganelles segregate in different parts of the cell. At that stage the surrounding glial cells participate in the digestion of material from the degenerating neurons. From 72 h onward the remaining neuronal structures become disrupted, and are finally transformed into a single, large lamellar body (residual body) within the glial profile. The degeneration pattern differs significantly from that of embryonic vertebrate neurons.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural and morphometric investigations were performed on the lung of the European salamander, Salamandra salamandra L. Folds of first and second order are covered with a ciliated epithelium containing goblet cells. The respiratory surface of the lung is lined by a single type of cell which, in amphibians, combines features of type I and type II alveolar cells of the mammalian lung. In the salamander the respiratory and ciliated epithelial cells as well as goblet cells possess electron dense and lucent vesicles in their cytoplasm as well as lamellar bodies. A small amount of surfactant, composed most probably of phospholipids and mucopolysaccharides, was observed covering the entire inner surface of the lung. Morphometric methods were used to determine the dimensions of the perinuclear region of pneumocytes, the thickness of the air-blood barrier and lung wall, and also the diameter of capillaries. The thickness of the respiratory air-blood barrier was found to be considerably higher than that of the corresponding barrier in mammals.  相似文献   
Summary The structure of the campaniform sensilla of the cricket eye was investigated by light and electron microscopy. Each sensillum is innervated by a single bipolar neuron. Its axon extends through the retina into a side-branch of the nervus tegumentarius. The dendrite extends through a cuticular channel to the surface of the cornea. The distal part of the dendrite, the sensory process, contains a tubular body and is attached to a cuticular cap which is obliquely inserted into the exocuticle between the corneal lenslets. Some particular structural features as well as the function of the campaniform sensillum of the cricket eye are discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant Ho 463/10The authors are indebted to Prof. H. Altner, University of Regensburg, and Mrs. Evelyn Thury, Contron GmbH, München for use of the scanning electron microscope facilities  相似文献   
Summary The pineal organ of the blind, cave-dwelling fish, Typhlichthyes subterraneous, was examined with both light and electron microscopes. Like the eyes, the pineal in this troglobytic species was found to be regressed. Two cell types, photoreceptor and supportive cells, were described in the pineal epithelium. Although ganglion cells were not identified, small, unmyelinated nerve fibers were present. The photoreceptor cells had degenerated outer segments. Accordingly, it was suggested that the pineal in this species is not likely to function in photoreception. However, the presence of well developed Golgi bodies, clear and dense-cored vesicles, variable amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum and glycogen particles indicated that both cell types are metabolically active and may play a role in secretion.  相似文献   
Summary The authors describe the ultrastructure of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in five adult male Cebus apella monkeys and communicate morphometric data of the macula densa.In comparison with several species of rodents examined before, the macula cells of the monkey contain many more mitochondria and possess a particularly thick basal membrane. The relative volume of the nuclei is slightly smaller than in rodents.The Goormaghtigh cells of the monkey resemble those of the other animals investigated.The epithelioid (or juxtaglomerular) cells do not contain secretory granules. This observation reminds one of the behavior of the epithelioid cells of guinea pigs.Dedicated to Professor Dr. med. G. Petry (Marburg/Lahn) on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThe authors wish to thank Professor Dr. G. Peters, Head of the Institute of Pharmacology, and Professor Dr. F. Roch-Ramel for kindly having provided the monkey kidneys  相似文献   
Summary Previous studies have demonstrated that astrocyte processes are responsible for a spontaneously occurring phagocytosis of boutons on cat spinal motoneurons during the second postnatal week. In the present investigation, the astrocytes and the astrocyte processes in contact with the motoneurons were studied qualitatively and quantitatively during the early postnatal period. It could be concluded that the cells responsible for the phagocytosis of boutons are immature astrocytes. These cells were present not only during the period of phagocytosis but also prior to this period. The type of process responsible for the phagocytosis was present not only during the period of phagocytosis but also prior to and after that period although the relative contribution of such processes to the glia-covered membrane area of the motoneurons was reduced in the older animals. On the basis of these results, the possible specificity of the immature astrocyte as the element responsible for the phagocytosis of boutons during normal development is discussed.The author is indebted to Miss Maj Berghman, Mrs. Anna-Stina Höijer and Mrs. Lillebil Stuart for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Medical Research Council (proj. 2886).  相似文献   
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