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Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) is the generic name of a class of lipid-soluble electron carriers formed of a redox active benzoquinone ring attached to a prenyl side chain. The length of the latter varies among species, and depends upon the product specificity of a trans-long-chain prenyl diphosphate synthase that elongates an allylic diphosphate precursor. In Arabidopsis, this enzyme is assumed to correspond to an endoplasmic reticulum-located solanesyl diphosphate synthase, although direct genetic evidence was lacking. In this study, the reconstruction of the functional network of Arabidopsis genes linked to ubiquinone biosynthesis singled out an unsuspected solanesyl diphosphate synthase candidate--product of gene At2g34630--that, extraordinarily, had been shown previously to be targeted to plastids and to contribute to the biosynthesis of gibberellins. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion experiments in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and complementation of a yeast coq1 knockout lacking mitochondrial hexaprenyl diphosphate synthase demonstrated that At2g34630 is also targeted to mitochondria. At2g34630 is the main--if not sole--contributor to solanesyl diphosphate synthase activity required for the biosynthesis of ubiquinone, as demonstrated by the dramatic (75-80%) reduction of the ubiquinone pool size in corresponding RNAi lines. Overexpression of At2g34630 gave up to a 40% increase in ubiquinone content compared to wild-type plants. None of the silenced or overexpressing lines, in contrast, displayed altered levels of plastoquinone. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that At2g34630 is the only Arabidopsis trans-long-chain prenyl diphosphate synthase that clusters with the Coq1 orthologs involved in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   
1H NMR spectroscopy was used to follow the cleavage of sucrose by invertase. The parameters of the enzyme's kinetics, Km and Vmax, were directly determined from progress curves at only one concentration of the substrate. For comparison with the classical Michaelis-Menten analysis, the reaction progress was also monitored at various initial concentrations of 3.5 to 41.8 mM. Using the Lambert W function the parameters Km and Vmax were fitted to obtain the experimental progress curve and resulted in Km = 28 mM and Vmax = 13 μM/s. The result is almost identical to an initial rate analysis that, however, costs much more time and experimental effort. The effect of product inhibition was also investigated. Furthermore, we analyzed a much more complex reaction, the conversion of farnesyl diphosphate into (+)-germacrene D by the enzyme germacrene D synthase, yielding Km = 379 μM and kcat = 0.04 s− 1. The reaction involves an amphiphilic substrate forming micelles and a water insoluble product; using proper controls, the conversion can well be analyzed by the progress curve approach using the Lambert W function.  相似文献   
In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, two related Z-prenyl diphosphate synthases, E,Z-farnesyl diphosphate synthase (Rv1086) and decaprenyl diphosphate synthase (Rv2361c), work in series to synthesize decaprenyl phosphate (C50) from isopentenyl diphosphate and E-geranyl diphosphate. Decaprenyl phosphate plays a central role in the biosynthesis of essential mycobacterial cell wall components, such as the mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex and lipoarabinomannan; thus, its synthesis has attracted considerable interest as a potential therapeutic target. Rv1086 is a unique prenyl diphosphate synthase in that it adds only one isoprene unit to geranyl diphosphate, generating the 15-carbon product (E,Z-farnesyl diphosphate). Rv2361c then adds a further seven isoprene units to E,Z-farnesyl diphosphate in a processive manner to generate the 50-carbon prenyl diphosphate, which is then dephosphorylated to generate a carrier for activated sugars. The molecular basis for chain-length discrimination by Rv1086 during synthesis is unknown. We also report the structure of apo Rv1086 with citronellyl diphosphate bound and with the product mimic E,E-farnesyl diphosphate bound. We report the structures of Rv2361c in the apo form, with isopentenyl diphosphate bound and with a substrate analogue, citronellyl diphosphate. The structures confirm the enzymes are very closely related. Detailed comparison reveals structural differences that account for chain-length control in Rv1086. We have tested this hypothesis and have identified a double mutant of Rv1086 that makes a range of longer lipid chains.  相似文献   
Contemporary enzymes are highly efficient and selective catalysts. However, due to the intrinsically very reactive nature of active sites, gratuitous secondary reactions are practically unavoidable. Consequently, even the smallest cell, with its limited enzymatic repertoire, has the potential to carry out numerous additional, very likely inefficient, secondary reactions. If selectively advantageous, secondary reactions could be the basis for the evolution of new fully functional enzymes. Here, we investigated if Escherichia coli has cryptic enzymatic activities related to thiamin biosynthesis. We selected this pathway because this vitamin is essential, but the cell's requirements are very small. Therefore, enzymes with very low activity could complement the auxotrophy of strains deleted of some bona fide thiamin biosynthetic genes. By overexpressing the E. coli's protein repertoire, we selected yjbQ, a gene that complemented a strain deleted of the thiamin phosphate synthase (TPS)-coding gene thiE. In vitro studies confirmed TPS activity, and by directed evolution experiments, this activity was enhanced. Structurally oriented mutagenesis allowed us to identify the putative active site. Remote orthologs of YjbQ from Thermotoga, Sulfolobus, and Pyrococcus were cloned and also showed thiamin auxotrophy complementation, indicating that the cryptic TPS activity is a property of this protein family. Interestingly, the thiE- and yjbQ-coded TPSs are analog enzymes with no structural similarity, reflecting distinct evolutionary origin. These results support the hypothesis that the enzymatic repertoire of a cell such as E. coli has the potential to perform vast amounts of alternative reactions, which could be exploited to evolve novel or more efficient catalysts.  相似文献   
The formation of a complex between Rac1 and the cytoplasmic domain of plexin-B1 is one of the first documented cases of a direct interaction between a small guanosine 5′-triphosphatase (GTPase) and a transmembrane receptor. Structural studies have begun to elucidate the role of this interaction for the signal transduction mechanism of plexins. Mapping of the Rac1 GTPase surface that contacts the Rho GTPase binding domain of plexin-B1 by solution NMR spectroscopy confirms the plexin domain as a GTPase effector protein. Regions neighboring the GTPase switch I and II regions are also involved in the interaction and there is considerable interest to examine the changes in protein dynamics that take place upon complex formation. Here we present main-chain nitrogen-15 relaxation measurements for the unbound proteins as well as for the Rho GTPase binding domain and Rac1 proteins in their complexed state. Derived order parameters, S2, show that considerable motions are maintained in the bound state of plexin. In fact, some of the changes in S2 on binding appear compensatory, exhibiting decreased as well as increased dynamics. Fluctuations in Rac1, already a largely rigid protein on the picosecond-nanosecond timescale, are overall diminished, but isomerization dynamics in the switch I and II regions of the GTPase are retained in the complex and appear to be propagated to the bound plexin domain. Remarkably, fluctuations in the GTPase are attenuated at sites, including helices α6 (the Rho-specific insert helix), α7 and α8, that are spatially distant from the interaction region with plexin. This effect of binding on long-range dynamics appears to be communicated by hinge sites and by subtle conformational changes in the protein. Similar to recent studies on other systems, we suggest that dynamical protein features are affected by allosteric mechanisms. Altered protein fluctuations are likely to prime the Rho GTPase-plexin complex for interactions with additional binding partners.  相似文献   
Coenzyme Q (CoQ) deficiency occurs in genetic disorders, during aging and various diseases. Diagnosis requires skin fibroblasts in tissue culture. [3H]Mevalonate incorporation was appropriate to measure the rate of CoQ synthesis in fibroblasts and hepatoblastoma cells. [14C]p-Hydroxybenzoate had limited permeability, but it could be increased with Fugene and cyclodextrin. Inhibition of decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase results in the accumulation of decaprenyl diphosphate, an indicator of enzyme deficiency. Also, analysis of the corresponding mRNAs in this case is useful. In vitro assays to measure trans-prenyltransferase and decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase activities are not available. Neither measurement of methyltransferases is reliable in human cells. In vitro reconstruction of CoQ synthesis, in opposite to cholesterol synthesis, proved to be unsuccessful. Thus, the biochemical characterization of the CoQ biosynthetic system in human cells is restricted to a few reliable analytical procedures.  相似文献   
Cytokinins (CKs) are plant hormones that regulate a large number of processes associated with plant growth and development such as induction of stomata opening, delayed senescence, suppression of auxin-induced apical dominance, signaling of nitrogen availability, differentiation of plastids and control of sink strength. In maize, CKs are thought to play an important role in establishing seed size and increasing seed set under normal and unfavorable environmental conditions therefore influencing yield. In recent years, the discovery of isopentenyl transferase (IPT) genes in plants has shed light on the CK biosynthesis pathway in plants. In an effort to increase our understanding of the role played by CKs in maize development and sink-strength, we identified several putative IPT genes using a bioinformatics approach. We focused our attention on one gene in particular, ZmIPT2, because of its strong expression in developing kernels. The expression of the gene and its product overlays the change in CK levels in developing kernels suggesting a major role in CK biosynthesis for kernel development. We demonstrate that at 8–10 days after pollination (DAP) the endosperm and especially the basal transfer cell layer (BETL) is a major site of ZmIPT2 expression, and that this expression persists in the BETL and the developing embryo into later kernel development stages. We show that ectopic expression of ZmIPT2 in calli and in planta created phenotypes consistent with CK overproduction. We also show that ZmIPT2 preferentially uses ADP and ATP over AMP as the substrates for dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) IPT activity. The expression pattern of ZmIPT2 in the BETL, endosperm and embryo during kernel development will be discussed with an emphasis on the suggested role of CKs in determining sink-strength and grain production in crop plants. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Antimycin A (AMA) inhibits succinate oxidase and NADH oxidase, and also inhibits mitochondrial electron transport between cytochromes b and c. We investigated the involvement of ROS and GSH in AMA-induced HeLa cell death. AMA increased the intracellular H(2)O(2) and O(2)(*-) levels and reduced the intracellular GSH content. ROS scavengers (Tempol, Tiron, Trimetazidine and NAC) did not down-regulate the production of ROS and inhibit apoptosis in AMA-treated cells. Treatment with NAC and N-propylgallate showing the enhancement of GSH depletion in AMA-treated cells significantly intensified the levels of apoptosis. Calpain inhibitors I and II (calpain inhibitor III) and Ca(2+)-chelating agent (EGTA/AM) significantly reduced H(2)O(2) levels in AMA-treated HeLa cells. However, treatment with calpain inhibitor III intensified the levels of O(2)(*-) in AMA-treated cells. In addition, calpain inhibitor III strongly depleted GSH content with an enhancement of apoptosis in AMA-treated cells. Conclusively, the changes of ROS by AMA were not tightly correlated with apoptosis in HeLa cells. However, intracellular GSH levels are tightly related to AMA-induced cell death.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae utilizes several regulatory mechanisms to maintain tight control over the intracellular level of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), the central precursor to nearly all yeast isoprenoid products. High-level production of non-native isoprenoid products requires that FPP flux be diverted from production of sterols to the heterologous metabolic reactions. To do so, expression of the gene encoding squalene synthase (ERG9), the first committed step in sterol biosynthesis, was down-regulated by replacing its native promoter with the methionine-repressible MET3 promoter. The intracellular levels of FPP were then assayed by expressing the gene encoding amorphadiene synthase (ADS) and converting the FPP to amorphadiene. Under certain culture conditions amorphadiene production increased fivefold upon ERG9 repression. With increasing flux to amorphadiene, squalene and ergosterol production each decreased. The levels of these three metabolites were dependent not only upon the level of ERG9 repression, but also the timing of its repression relative to the induction of ADS and genes responsible for enhancing flux to FPP.  相似文献   
Geranyl diphosphate (GDP) is the precursor of monoterpenes, which are the major floral scent compounds in Phalaenopsis bellina . The cDNA of P. bellina GDP synthase ( PbGDPS ) was cloned, and its sequence corresponds to the second Asp-rich motif (SARM), but not to any aspartate-rich (Asp-rich) motif. The recombinant PbGDPS enzyme exhibits dual prenyltransferase activity, producing both GDP and farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), and a yeast two-hybrid assay and gel filtration revealed that PbGDPS was able to form a homodimer. Spatial and temporal expression analyses showed that the expression of PbGDPS was flower specific, and that maximal PbGDPS expression was concomitant with maximal emission of monoterpenes on day 5 post-anthesis. Homology modelling of PbGDPS indicated that the Glu-rich motif might provide a binding site for Mg2+ and catalyze the formation of prenyl products in a similar way to SARM. Replacement of the key Glu residues with alanine totally abolished enzyme activity, whereas their mutation to Asp resulted in a mutant with two-thirds of the activity of the wild-type protein. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that plant GDPS proteins formed four clades: members of both GDPS-a and GDPS-b clades contain Asp-rich motifs, and function as homodimers. In contrast, proteins in the GDPS-c and GDPS-d clades do not contain Asp-rich motifs, but although members of the GDPS-c clade function as heterodimers, PbGDPS, which is more closely related to the GDPS-c clade proteins than to GDPS-a and GDPS-b proteins, and is currently the sole member of the GDPS-d clade, functions as a homodimer.  相似文献   
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