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生物化学是生命科学、食品科学、医学等多个领域相关专业的基础课。笔者从食品科学与工程专业应用型人才培养的角度出发,对人才培养目标、教学内容、教学方法与手段和教师的"爱与激情"等几个方面进行了探讨,以期更好地指导、促进生物化学的教学工作。  相似文献   
中国薹草属黑穗薹草组的数量分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国薹草属黑穗薹草组Sect.Racemosae及外类群冻原薹草组Sect.Frigidae共20种3变种采用38个形态特征进行了数量分类研究。聚类分析结果表明,黑穗薹草组应是一个自然分类群;支持了《中国植物志》将两对相似种:乌拉草(Carer meyeriana)与红原薹草(Carer hongyuanensis)、膨囊薹草(Carex lehmanii)与五台山薹草(Carex montis-wutaii)分别处理为种的观点。主成分分析结果表明,本组的分类特征较为稳定与集中,本组主成分分析散点图与聚类分析的分类结果大致吻合,并表明有关小坚果、果囊、鳞片、主茎叶和苞片的性状在本组的分类中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   
凝集素是一类具有独特糖专一性、能够与糖非共价可逆结合的蛋白质。食源致病菌表面存在大量糖蛋白分子,凝集素因能够与其发生高亲和力的结合,被广泛应用于食源致病菌的快速检测中。凝集素作为识别分子用于食源致病菌的分离与检测,能够改善检测新方法的实用性、消除食品基质的干扰、缩短样品的处理时间、提高检测的灵敏度。本文介绍了凝集素的基本信息及其糖特异性识别机制,并对凝集素在食源致病菌快速检测领域的应用进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
放射污染区古菌分离及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘琴  任敏  张利莉 《微生物学通报》2014,41(7):1308-1317
【目的】研究放射污染区古菌多样性。【方法】放射污染区采集土样,采用甘油-精氨酸培养基(GJ)、甘油-天冬氨酸培养基(C1)、海藻糖-肌酸培养基(B7)、甘露醇-丙氨酸培养基(Z5)、干酪素-甘露醇培养基(CMKA)、壳聚糖-天冬酰胺培养基(F6)、甘露醇-酸水解酪蛋白培养基(GW1)、CM培养基、HP培养基和KC培养基10种分离培养基,采用梯度稀释法对古菌进行分离,将分离获得的菌株经形态特征,16S rRNA基因片段扩增及限制性内切酶酶切,选取酶切图谱中存在差异性的条带进行测序,最终通过序列比对,聚类分析,获得不同种类的古菌资源。【结果】从该土样中共获得了256株古菌,最终筛选出71株不同类型的古菌,这71株古菌均属于广古菌门,盐杆菌纲,盐杆菌目,盐杆菌科,分布于盐陆生菌属(Haloterrigena)、纳白菌属(Natrialba)、盐球菌属(Halococcus)、盐红菌属(Halorubrum)、盐长寿菌属(Halovivax)、纳线菌属(Natrinema)、盐碱球菌属(Natronococcus)、盐二型菌属(Halobiforma)、盐惰菌属(Halopiger)、盐池栖菌属(Halostagnicola)、富盐菌属(Haloferax)11个属,26个种,其中31株菌的16S rRNA基因序列与已有效发表菌株的序列相似性小于98%,Haloterrigena为该土样的优势菌属。对于分离效果较好的F6培养基采用了梯度营养成分的稀释,最终获得了19株古菌,这些菌株相互之间存在一定的差异性。【结论】本次分离获得了大量的古菌,表明放射污染区存在着较为丰富的古菌资源,其中蕴藏着多种新的物种类型,具有较大的研究价值。  相似文献   
We have already described the FOLD-A code designed for folding mRNA's and single stranded DNA molecules (Nussinov & Pieczenik, 1984). In this paper we describe its application to two long polynucleotide chains: the A protein gene of the MS2 RNA and the whole genome of the phi X 174 phage. The folded form of the single stranded DNA of the phi X 174 is a six armed star with the origin of replication in its center.  相似文献   
The mycorrhizal mycoflora was investigated in 35 stands of Pinus sylvestris in three types of young (4-13 yr) and three of old (50-80 yr) stands in the Netherlands, differing in number of rotations and soil type. A plot of 1050 m2 (30 m x 35 m) within each stand was searched for carpophores during the autumns of 1986 and 1987. 10 soil samples per plot were taken in October 1987 in order to assess the mycorrhizal status of the tree roots. The composition of mycorrhizal mycoflora in the different plots was subjected to TWINSPAN cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Plot groupings generated by these analyses largely parallelled the stand types, indicating that each stand type has its own mycoflora. Differences in myco-floristic composition between stand types were parallelled by differences in the composition of green vegetation. The young stand types had 3.5–27 x more carpophores and 1.4–6.8 x more species than two of the old stand types One old stand type was intermediate. Considerable differences in species composition between the young stand types were observed. It is concluded that the succession of mycorrhizal fungi is not primarily influenced by ageing of the trees, but rather by changes in the soil. The results were compared with data on changes in the occurrence of fruiting species of mycorrhizal fungi in the Netherlands during this century. It appeared that species which have declined according to these data were more frequent in the young plots than in the old plots. However, these species are reported to be frequent in old stands of P. sylvestris in Estonia and Finland. It is argued that this difference is related to the high nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
Hox genes are key regulators of anterior-posterior axis patterning and have a major role in hindbrain development. The zebrafish Hox4 paralogs have strong overlapping activities in hindbrain rhombomeres 7 and 8, in the spinal cord and in the pharyngeal arches. With the aim to predict enhancers that act on the hoxa4a, hoxb4a, hoxc4a and hoxd4a genes, we used sequence conservation around the Hox4 genes to analyze all fish:human conserved non-coding sequences by reporter assays in stable zebrafish transgenesis. Thirty-four elements were functionally tested in GFP reporter gene constructs and more than 100 F1 lines were analyzed to establish a correlation between sequence conservation and cis-regulatory function, constituting a catalog of Hox4 CNEs. Sixteen tissue-specific enhancers could be identified. Multiple alignments of the CNEs revealed paralogous cis-regulatory sequences, however, the CNE sequence similarities were found not to correlate with tissue specificity. To identify ancestral enhancers that direct Hox4 gene activity, genome sequence alignments of mammals, teleosts, horn shark and the cephalochordate amphioxus, which is the most basal extant chordate possessing a single prototypical Hox cluster, were performed. Three elements were identified and two of them exhibited regulatory activity in transgenic zebrafish, however revealing no specificity. Our data show that the approach to identify cis-regulatory sequences by genome sequence alignments and subsequent testing in zebrafish transgenesis can be used to define enhancers within the Hox clusters and that these have significantly diverged in their function during evolution.  相似文献   
基于Web of Science(简称WoS)核心数据库检索了1998-2018年间百合属植物文献,利用CiteSpace软件从国家、机构、作者、期刊以及高被引文章等方面进行了文献计量学统计分析。1998-2018年间共发表百合属植物文章1 058篇,2006年后中国发表文章数量居榜首并呈波动增长,中国科学院发表的文章数量在研究机构中排名第一。排名前2位的作者均来自荷兰瓦赫宁根大学。发文量及影响力最大的期刊是Scientia Horticulturae。发文量前10位的研究百合属植物的文章80%属于基础科学和技术科学,研究热点集中于形态学、细胞和分子生物学方向。近5年被引频次最多的高被引论文集中在百合属植物活性物质的功能验证、活性成分及其在营养健康方面的功效等方向,这些领域成为百合属植物研究的新趋势。  相似文献   
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