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A study of the distribution and ecology of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Ardebil Province of northwestern Iran, with special reference to the known dirofilariasis focus in Meshkinshahr County, was carried out in July‐August 2005 and April‐October 2006. In total, 17 533 adult mosquitoes and 3090 third‐ and fourth‐instar larvae were collected on 14 occasions and identified using morphological characters and DNA sequence data. Twenty species belonging to seven genera were found: Anopheles claviger (Meigen), An. hyrcanus (Pallas), An. maculipennis Meigen, An. pseudopictus Grassi*, An. sacharovi Favre, An. superpictus Grassi, Aedes vexans (Meigen)*, Coquillettidia richiardii (Ficalbi)*, Culex hortensis Ficalbi, Cx. modestus Ficalbi, Cx. pipiens Linnaeus, Cx. theileri Theobald, Cx. torrentium Martini*, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus Giles, Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart), Cs. annulata (Schrank)*, Cs. subochrea (Edwards), Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) s.l.* (= Aedes caspius sensu auctorum), Oc. geniculatus (Olivier)* (= Aedes geniculatus sensu auctorum) and Uranotaenia unguiculata Edwards (asterisks indicate new occurrence records for the province). The most prevalent species in adult catches were An. maculipennis (52%), Cx. theileri (45%) and Cx. hortensis (1%); the most prevalent species caught as larvae were Cx. theileri (27%), Cx. hortensis (21%) and An. maculipennis (19%). Anopheles maculipennis, Cx. pipiens and Cx. theileri were most widely distributed in the province. The occurrence of Cx. torrentium in Iran is verified based on differential characters of fourth‐instar larvae. Anopheles maculipennis and An. sacharovi of the Maculipennis Group were identified from their diagnostic ITS2 sequences. For the first time, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences were obtained from Iranian specimens of An. hyrcanus, An. pseudopictus, Cx. theileri and Oc. caspiuss.l. Culex theileri and An. maculipennis were found naturally infected with third‐stage (infective) larvae of Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy) and Setaria labiatopapillosa (Alessandrini) (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), respectively, for the first time in Iran.  相似文献   
Orthoconic cephalopods from the Ordovician Katkoyeh Formation at Banestan, Kerman Province, Iran, comprise a single species named as Sactorthoceras banestanensis Evans nov. sp. Associated faunas suggest close palaeobiogeographical linkage with other regions of north peri-Gondwana, notably Morocco and Bohemia (Perunica), while Sactorthoceras itself is also indicative of relationships with Baltica and the Sino-Korean Plate.  相似文献   
Summary Six gastropod species from the Late Triassic Nayband Formation are reported. The following taxa are introduced as new:Trochonodus iranicus n. gen., n. sp. andCryptaulax convexa n. sp. The following species are transferred toTrochonodus n. gen.:Riselloidea aliabadensis Nützel and Senowbari-Daryan 1999 (type species ofTrochonodus),Riselloidea biarmata (Münster),Riselloidea bitorquata (Hébert and Eudes-Deslongchamps),Scalaria limatula Ammon, andAmberleya trimonilis (Orbigny). The holotype ofChulitnacula jenningsi (Douglas) is newly illustrated and described. According to the current state of knowledge, the gastropod faunas of the Nayband Formation near Esfahan and near Tabas differ considerably from each other. They share onlyAnulifera binodosa. TheAnulifera species-cluster has representatives in the Norian/Rhaetian from the North Alps, Iran, Burma, and South China. Contribution to the Triassic Paleontology of Iran No. 10. For No. 9 see previous text in this volume.  相似文献   
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