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Leech blood apparently contains considerably less chloride than generally used in physiological experi ments. Instead of 85–130 mM Cl used in experimental salines, leech blood contains around 40 mM Cl and up to 45 mM organic anions, in particular malate. We have reinvestigated the distribution of Cl across the cell membrane of identified glial cells and neurones in the central nervous system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis L., using double-barrelled Cl- and pH-selective micro electrodes, in a conventional leech saline, and in a saline with a low Cl concentration (40 mM), containing 40 mM malate. The interference of anions other than Clto the response of the ion-selective microelectrodes was estimated in Cl-free salines (Cl replaced by malate and/or gluconate). The results show that the absolute intracellu lar Cl activities (aCli) in glial cells and neurones, but not the electrochemical gradients of Cl across the glial and the neuronal cell membranes, are altered in the low Cl, malate-based saline. In Retzius neurones, aCli is lower than expected from electrochemical equilibrium, while in pressure neurones and in neuropil glial cells, aCli is distributed close to its equilibrium in both salines, re spectively. The steady-state intracellular pH values in the glial cells and Retzius neurones are little affected (0.1 pH units) in the low Cl, malate-based saline.  相似文献   
Summary Measurement of intracellular calcium activity (a Ca c ) by ion-selective microelectrodes has previously been technically limited to relatively large cells (20 m). We now report results obtained with this technique in the small epithelial cells (10 m) of split frog skin using microelectrodes having an outer tip diameter of <0.2 m. The basolateral membrane potential was measured with Ca2+-selective microelectrodes (E Ca sc ) and with reference micropipettes ( sc ) either sequentially or simultaneously in 15 successful experiments. Under baseline conditions,a Ca c was measured to be 215±39nm (mean±se), in close agreement with the mean values estimated from published data obtained withNecturus proximal tubule. Stimulation of Na+ transport across six skins with 1mm serosal 8p-chlorophenylthio-3,5 cyclic AMP (CPTcAMP) increaseda Ca c by a factor of 2.6±0.6. The increase ina Ca c preceded the CPTcAMP-induced increase inI sc. The results of the present study indicate that electrometric determination of intracellular calcium activity is now feasible in a much wider range of cell systems than heretofore possible. CPT cAMP elevates intracellular Ca2+ activity; this phenomenon is an early event, preceding the natriferic effect of CPTcAMP.  相似文献   
The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+ and H+ in echinoderm oocytes and eggs were measured during maturation and activation using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both oocytes and eggs, from three species of starfish and two species of sea urchin, the resting level of cytosolic Ca2+ was about 10-7 M. We did not detect any change in Ca2+ concentration either during hormone-induced oocyte maturation (starfish) or during egg activation (starfish and sea urchin) induced by spermatozoa or chemical agents. During 1-methyl-adenine induced maturation of starfish oocytes the intracellular level of Na+ increased from 12–35 mM to 40–90 mM, while the pH changed from 6.6–6.8 to 7.0–7.2 Aged oocytes, with intact germinal vesicles, also had elevated levels of Na+ and pH.  相似文献   
Using non-invasive ion-selective microprobes, that were placed in substomatal cavities, long-distance signalling has been investigated in intact Hordeum vulgare and Vicia faba seedlings. Heat (flame), applied to one leaf (S-leaf), triggers apoplastic ion activity (pH, pCa, pCl) transients in a distant leaf (T-leaf), all largely independent of simultaneously occurring action potential-like voltage changes. While apoplastic pCa and pH increase (Ca2+-, H+-activities decrease), pCl decreases (Cl-activity increases). As the signal transfer from the S- to the T-leaf is too fast to account for mass flow, the heat-induced pressure change is primarily responsible for changes in voltage (H+ pump deactivation) as well as for the ion fluxes. The pCa transient precedes the pCl- and pH responses, but not the voltage change. Since the apoplastic pCl decrease (Cl increase) occurs after the pCa increase (Ca2+ decrease) and after the depolarization, we argue that the Cl efflux is a consequence of the Ca2+ response, but has no part in the depolarization. Kinetic analysis reveals that pH- and pCl changes are interrelated, indicated by the action of the anion channel antagonist NPPB, which inhibits both pCl- and pH changes. It is suggested that efflux of organic anions into the apoplast causes the pH increase rather than the deactivation of the plasma membrane H+ pump. Since there is considerably more information in ion activity changes than in a single action- or variation potential and heat-induced ion fluxes occur more reliably than voltage changes, released by milder stimuli, they are considered systemic signalling components superior to voltage.  相似文献   
Two types of segments (intact leaf tissue and isolated mesophyll tissue respectively) were isolated from basal (still growing) and tip (non-growing) maize leaf regions. The leaf segments were exposed to different light qualities (blue or red light) and quantities, and net fluxes of K+, Ca2+ and H+ were measured non-invasively using ion-selective vibrating microelectrodes (the MIFE technique). A clear dose dependency of all ion flux responses on both red (RL) and blue (BL) light fluence rate was found. We provide evidence that light-induced K+ flux kinetics are different between growing and non-growing tissues and attribute this difference to the direct involvement of RL-induced K+ flux in turgor-driven leaf expansion growth controlled by the epidermis, as well as to the charge-balancing role of K+ in the leaf mesophyll. Generally, BL was much more efficient in stimulating K+ uptake in the growing basal region compared with RL. We also show a much stronger influence of RL on Ca2+ fluxes in the basal region compared with BL, which argues in favor of the importance of RL in Ca2+ signaling during leaf growth.  相似文献   
We investigated the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) of leech Retzius neurons in situ while varying the extracellular and intracellular pH as well as the extracellular ionic strength. Changing these parameters had no significant effect on [Ca2+]i when the membrane potential of the cells was close to its resting value. However, when the cells were depolarized by raising the extracellular K+ concentration or by applying the glutamatergic agonist kainate, extracellular pH and ionic strength markedly affected [Ca2+]i, whereas intracellular pH changes appeared to have virtually no effect. An extracellular acidification decreased [Ca2+]i, while alkalinization or reduction of the ionic strength increased it. Correspondingly, [Ca2+]i also increased when the kainate-induced extracellular acidification was reduced by raising the pH-buffering capacity. At low extracellular pH, the membrane potential to which the cells must be depolarized to evoke a detectable [Ca2+]i increase was shifted to more positive values, and it moved to more negative values at high pH. We conclude that in leech Retzius neurons extracellular pH, but not intracellular pH, affects [Ca2+]i by modulating Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. The results suggest that this modulation is mediated primarily by shifts in the surface potential at the extracellular side of the plasma membrane. Received: 23 January 2001/Revised: 15 June 2001  相似文献   
In leech P neurons the inhibition of the Na+-K+ pump by ouabain or omission of bath K+ leaves the membrane potential unaffected for a prolonged period or even induces a marked membrane hyperpolarization, although the concentration gradients for K+ and Na+ are attenuated substantially. As shown previously, this stabilization of the membrane potential is caused by an increase in the K+ conductance of the plasma membrane, which compensates for the reduction of the K+ gradient. The data presented here strongly suggest that the increased K+ conductance is due to Na+-activated K+ (KNa) channels. Specifically, an increase in the cytosolic Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) was paralleled by a membrane hyperpolarization, a decrease in the input resistance (Rin) of the cells, and by the occurrence of an outwardly directed membrane current. The relationship between Rin and [Na+]i followed a simple model in which the Rin decrease was attributed to K+ channels that are activated by the binding of three Na+ ions, with half-maximal activation at [Na+]i between 45 and 70 mM. At maximum channel activation, Rin was reduced by more than 90%, suggesting a significant contribution of the KNa channels to the physiological functioning of the cells, although evidence for such a contribution is still lacking. Injection experiments showed that the KNa channels in leech P neurons are also activated by Li+.  相似文献   
A fine-scale in situ spatial organization of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biofilms was investigated by combining molecular techniques (i.e., fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and 16S rDNA-cloning analysis) and microelectrode measurements. Important parameters of AOB microcolonies such as size distribution and areal cell density of the microcolonies were determined and correlated with substrate microprofiles in the biofilms. In situ hybridization with a nested 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe set revealed two different populations of AOB, Nitrosomonas europaea-lineage and Nitrosospira multiformis-lineage, coexisting in an autotrophic nitrifying biofilm. Nitrosospira formed looser microcolonies, with an areal cell density of 0.51 cells microm(-2), which was half of the cell density of Nitrosomonas (1.12 cells microm(-2)). It is speculated that the formation of looser microcolonies facilitates substrate diffusion into the microcolonies, which might be a survival strategy to low O(2) and NH(4) (+) conditions in the biofilm. A long-term experiment (4-week cultivation at different substrate C/N ratios) revealed that the size distribution of AOB microcolonies was strongly affected by better substrate supply due to shorter distance from the surface and the presence of organic carbon. The microcolony size was relatively constant throughout the autotrophic nitrifying biofilm, while the size increased by approximately 80% toward the depth of the biofilm cultured at the substrate C/N = 1. A short-term ( approximately 3 h) organic carbon addition experiment showed that the addition of organic carbon created interspecies competition for O(2) between AOB and heterotrophic bacteria, which dramatically decreased the in situ NH(4) (+)-uptake activity of AOB in the surface of the biofilms. This result might explain the spatial distribution of AOB microcolony size in the biofilms cultured at the substrate C/N = 1. These experimental results suggest O(2) and organic carbon were the main factors controlling the spatial organization and activity of AOB in biofilms. These findings are significantly important to further improve mathematical models used to describe how the slow-growing AOB develop their niches in biofilms and how that configuration affects nitrification performance in the biofilm.  相似文献   
Summary The interactions between ion and water fluxes have an important bearing on osmoregulation and transepithelial water transport in epithelial cells. Some of these interactions were investigated using ion-selective microelectrodes in theNecturus gallbladder. The intracellular activities of K+ and Cl in epithelial cells change when the epithelium is adapted to transport in solutions of a low osmolarity. In order to achieve new steady states at low osmolarities, cells lost K+, Cl and some unidentified anions. Surprisingly, the apparent K+ concentration remained high: at an external osmolartity of 64 mOsm the intracellular K+ concentration averaged 95mm. This imbalance was sensitive to anoxia and ouabain. The effects of abrupt changes in the external osmolarities on the intracellular activities of Na+, K+ and Cl were also investigated. The gradients were effectuated by mannitol. The initial relative rates of change of the intracellular activities of Na+ and Cl were equal. The data were consistent with Na+ and Cl ions initially remaining inside the cell and a cell membraneL p of 10–3 cm sec–1 osm–1, which is close to the values determine by Spring and co-workers (K.R. Spring, A. Hope & B.-E. Persson, 1981.In: Water Transport Across Epithelia. Alfred Benzon Symposium 15. pp. 190–200. Munskgaard, Copenhagen). The initial rate of change of the intracellular activity of K+ was only 0.1–0.2 times the change observed in Na+ and Cl activities, and suggests that K+ ions leave the cell during the osmotically induced H2O efflux and enter with an induced H2O influx. The coupling is between 98 and 102 mmoles liter–1. Various explanations for the anomalous behavior of intracellular K+ ions are considered. A discussion of the apparent coupling between K+ and H2O, observed in nonsteady states, and its effects on the distribution of K+ and H2O across the cell membrane in the steady states, is presented.  相似文献   
A calcium influx precedes organogenesis in Graptopetalum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. An account is given of an investigation of net ionic currents and specific ion fluxes occuring during the initiation of organogenesis in detached leaves of Graptopetalum paraguayense E. Walther, in which a dramatic change in growth polarity is cytomorphologically evident 3–5 d after leaf detachment from the plant. Using the vibrating probe, it was possible to identify a peak of ionic current which is focused over the area of the leaf base where organogenesis is initiated. This net current is largest during the initial 12h after leaf detachment. With ion-selective microelectrodes capable of measuring H+, K+ and Ca2+ ion fluxes simultaneously in the same region of the leaf base, H+ and K+ fluxes remain relatively steady during the initial 24 h after detachment, while a large lanthanum-sensitive Ca2+ influx decreases by 50% from 2 to 12h. By 24h, Ca2+ transport is dominated by an efflux. We present evidence from a quantitative comparison of the ion current data collected using these two techniques, that Ca2+, H+ and K+ transport accounts for the major electrogenic ion fluxes during 2 and 12 but not 24 h after leaf detachment. The possibility is addressed that these ion currents, which precede organogenesis, and in particular the predominant Ca2+ flux, play a role in the establishment of growth polarity in higher plant tissues.  相似文献   
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