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Drosophila has illuminated our understanding of the genetic basis of normal development and disease for the past several decades and today it continues to contribute immensely to our understanding of complex diseases 1-7. Progression of tumors from a benign to a metastatic state is a complex event 8 and has been modeled in Drosophila to help us better understand the genetic basis of this disease 9. Here I present a simple protocol to genetically induce, observe and then analyze the progression of tumors in Drosophila larvae. The tumor induction technique is based on the MARCM system 10 and exploits the cooperation between an activated oncogene, RasV12 and loss of cell polarity genes (scribbled, discs large and lethal giant larvae) to generate invasive tumors 9. I demonstrate how these tumors can be visualized in the intact larvae and then how these can be dissected out for further analysis. The simplified protocol presented here should make it possible for this technique to be utilized by investigators interested in understanding the role of a gene in tumor invasion.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a 14-year study about the diet of the Sacred ibis in its main introduction area in France and its impact on native bird species, and compares the data to literature from its native area. During an initial period (1993–2004), the diet was essentially composed of invertebrates such as common aquatic insects (correlated with flooding) or Eristalis larvae picked from the mud (a vacant food niche in France), while scraps of meat taken from rubbish dumps were minor. These traditional preys taken from the same ecosystems as in its native area did not result in an exponential increase of the number of breeding Sacred ibises. Invasive Red swamp crayfish recently replaced other foods in its diet with a resulting sharp increase in breeding pair numbers (R2 = 0.48). As in other parts of the world, vertebrates constituted very accidental preys, and no bird species were really threatened by such predation. Conversely, the Sacred ibis can have a positive effect as a predator of invasive crayfish. Adding the species to the DAISIE list of the 100 most invasive alien species in Europe therefore appears debatable.  相似文献   
Alien species indicators provide vital information to the biodiversity policy sector on the status-quo and trends of biological invasions and on the efficacy of response measures. Applicable at different geographical scales and organizational levels, alien species indicators struggle with data availability and quality. Based on policy needs and previous work on the global scale, we here present a set of six alien species indicators for Europe, which capture complementary facets of biological invasions in Europe: (a) an combined index of invasion trends, (b) an indicator on pathways of invasions, (c) the Red List Index of Invasive Alien Species (IAS), (d) an indicator of IAS impacts on ecosystem services, (e) trends in incidence of livestock diseases and (f) an indicator on costs for alien species management and research. Each of these indicators has its particular strengths and shortcomings, but combined they allow for a nuanced understanding of the status and trends of biological invasions in Europe. We found that the scale and impact of biological invasions are steadily increasing across all impact indicators, although societal response in recent years has increased. The Red List Index is fit-for-purpose and demonstrates that overall extinction risks (here shown for amphibians in Europe) are increasing. Introduction pathway dynamics have changed, with some pathways decreasing in relevance (e.g., biological control agents) and others increasing (e.g., horticultural trade) providing a leverage for targeted policy and stakeholder response. The IAS indicators presented here for the first time on a continental basis serve as a starting point for future improvements, and as a basis for monitoring the efficacy of the recent EU legislation of IAS. This will need a better workflow for data collection and management. To achieve this, all main actors must work toward improving the interoperability among existing databases and between data holders.  相似文献   
We developed an equation for estimating Arundo donax shoot dry weight from shoot length. The equation, shoot dry weight (g) = 14.254 (standard error = ±0.275) × shoot height2 (m), was as effective at explaining a high proportion of total variation in shoot dry weight (R2 = 0.90) as more complicated equations containing additional morphometric parameters. Tested against two independent datasets, the equation provided accurate estimates of dry weight for shoots ranging from 0.3 to 7.06 m height (dataset 1, P < 0.0001, R2 = 0.87, N = 29; dataset 2, P < 0.0001, R2 = 0.82, N = 192). The equation provides aboveground biomass estimates from stem counts and heights more rapidly than harvest methods.  相似文献   
The interactions between invasive plants and their habitats may vary at different phases of the invasion process and depend on the phenotypic plasticity or local adaptations of each species. In this study, we investigated whether habitat changes during the invasion process are related to variations in the physiological traits (allelopathic properties) and genetic differentiation of daisy fleabane (Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers.). E. annuus is a winter annual invasive species that originated in North America and is now distributed throughout Europe. Genetic and genotypic diversity analyses were performed for 37 populations of E. annuus based on inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) polymorphisms. In total, 684 plants were analyzed; 342 were from stable habitats and 342 were from disturbed habitats. The genetic differences among the populations from the different habitats were studied using a Bayesian cluster analysis and an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and by calculating the genetic and genotypic diversity parameters. A germination test using the juglone index was employed to examine the potential allelopathic properties of the plants from the different habitats. Bayesian cluster analysis, AMOVA and allelopathic effects evaluation revealed differences in the allelopathic potential and genetic structure of the E. annuus populations from the disturbed and stable habitats. This differentiation of populations could be associated with founder effects or with different selection pressures among habitats.  相似文献   


Posaconazole is used for the prophylaxis of invasive fungal disease (IFD). Previous studies have shown it to be cost-effective compared to fluconazole/itraconazole. However, posaconazole has never been economically evaluated in developing countries.


The aim of the present study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of posaconazole compared to fluconazole in public (SUS) and private hospitals (PHS) in Brazil.


A cost-effectiveness simulation was conducted on the basis of a pivotal study on the use of posaconazole in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients, adjusting the costs to Brazilian data.


A pharmacoeconomic analysis was performed on a hypothetical sample of 100 patients in each drug group. The total cost of posaconazole use alone was USD$ 220,656.31, whereas that for fluconazole was USD$ 83,875.00. Our results showed that patients with IFD remain hospitalized for an additional 12 days, at an average cost of USD$ 850.85 per patient per day. The total money spent by PHS for 100 patients for 100 days was USD$ 342,318.00 for the posaconazole group and USD$ 302,039.00 for the fluconazole group. An analysis of sensitivity (10%) revealed no intergroup difference.


In Brazil posaconazole is cost-effective, and should be considered for the prophylaxis of patients with AMD/myelodysplasia (AML/MDS) undergoing chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Agricultural landscapes rich in natural and semi-natural habitats promote biodiversity and important ecosystem services for crops such as pest control. However, semi-natural habitats may fail to deliver these services if agricultural pests are disconnected from the available pool of natural enemies, as may be the case with invasive species. This study aimed to provide insights into the relationship between landscape complexity and the abundance of the recently established invasive pest species Drosophila suzukii and a group of natural enemies (parasitoid wasps), which contain species that parasitize D. suzukii in native and invaded ecosystems. The importance of landscape complexity was examined at two spatial scales. At the field scale, the response to introduction of wildflower strips was analysed, while the relationship with forest cover was assessed at the landscape scale. Half of the surveys were done next to blueberry crops (Vaccinium corymbosum), the other half was done in landscapes without fruit crops to examine effects of D. suzukii host presence. As expected, the number of observed parasitoid wasps increased with amount of forest surrounding the blueberry fields, but the number of D. suzukii individuals likewise increased with forest cover. Establishment of wildflower strips did not significantly affect the abundance of D. suzukii or parasitoid wasps and insect phenology was similar in landscapes with and without blueberry crops. This suggests that D. suzukii is enhanced by landscape complexity and is largely unlinked from the species group that, in its native range, hosts key natural enemies. Although management practices that rely on enhancing natural enemies through habitat manipulations can contribute to the long-term stability of agroecosystems and to control agricultural pests, other control measures may still be necessary in the short term to counteract the benefits obtained by D. suzukii from natural habitats.  相似文献   
The mulberry psyllid Anomoneura mori Schwarz is reported for the first time from Taiwan. This species is associated with the mulberry tree and is a pest of sericulture. Adults and larvae are described and illustrated for identification. The topic of invasive species is further discussed.  相似文献   
无创产前筛查(Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing, NIPT)通过检测孕妇外周血中的游离胎儿DNA来筛查胎儿常见非整倍体,已成为产前筛查中重要的一项技术,甚至可作为高龄孕妇初步筛查的首选方式。但因为难免会出现假阴性和假阳性,所以其阴性结果也并不能总是保证胎儿正常。而对于阳性结果,需通过有创产前诊断进行验证。目前,我国临床主要采用的有创产前诊断方法有绒毛活检(Chorionic Villous Sampling, CVS)、羊膜腔穿刺(Amniocentesis, AC)和脐血穿刺。绒毛活检和羊膜腔穿刺术是NIPT阳性结果验证的主要方式。本文主要对造成NIPT假阳性和假阴性结果的原因及其阳性结果的验证进行综述。  相似文献   
Growth, biomass allocation, and photosynthetic characteristics of seedlings of five invasive non-indigenous and four native species grown under different light regimes were studied to help explain the success of invasive species in Hawaiian rainforests. Plants were grown under three greenhouse light levels representative of those found in the center and edge of gaps and in the understory of Hawaiian rainforests, and under an additional treatment with unaltered shade. Relative growth rates (RGRs) of invasive species grown in sun and partial shade were significantly higher than those for native species, averaging 0.25 and 0.17 g g−1 week−1, respectively, while native species averaged only 0.09 and 0.06 g g−1 week−1, respectively. The RGR of invasive species under the shade treatment was 40% higher than that of native species. Leaf area ratios (LARs) of sun and partial-shade-grown invasive and native species were similar but the LAR of invasive species in the shade was, on average, 20% higher than that of native species. There were no differences between invasive and native species in biomass allocation to shoots and roots, or in leaf mass per area across light environments. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates (Pmax) were higher for invasive species than for native species in all light treatments. Pmax of invasive species grown in the sun treatment, for example, ranged from 5.5 to 11.9 μmol m−2 s−1 as compared with 3.0−4.5 μmol m−2 s−1 for native species grown under similar light conditions. The slope of the linear relationship between Pmax and dark respiration was steeper for invasive than for native species, indicating that invasive species assimilate more CO2 at a lower respiratory cost than native species. These results suggest that the invasive species may have higher growth rates than the native species as a consequence of higher photosynthetic capacities under sun and partial shade, lower dark respiration under all light treatments, and higher LARs when growing under shade conditions. Overall, invasive species appear to be better suited than native species to capturing and utilizing light resources, particularly in high-light environments such as those characterized by relatively high levels of disturbance. Received: 30 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   
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