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成簇的规律间隔性短回文序列(CRISPR)基因编辑系统,因其设计简单操作方便和无种属限制,已成为一种广泛应用的基因组定点编辑工具,在复杂的基因组编辑,例如基因的人源化改造以及条件等位基因的构建中有所应用。在自然界中,CRISPR系统拥有多种类别。其中,CRISPR/Cas9系统是研究最深入、应用最成熟的一种。本文针对CRISPR/Cas9系统,分别从基因敲入/敲除片段的大小、同源臂长短、构型即递送方式等技术环节进行综述,阐述不同设计及操作条件下由CRISPR/Cas9系统介导的基因敲入/敲除的效率差异。  相似文献   
Domains are the main structural and functional units of larger proteins. They tend to be contiguous in primary structure and can fold and function independently. It has been observed that 10–20% of all encoded proteins contain duplicated domains and the average pairwise sequence identity between them is usually low. In the present study, we have analyzed the structural similarity between domain repeats of proteins with known structures available in the Protein Data Bank using structure-based inter-residue interaction measures such as the number of long-range contacts, surrounding hydrophobicity, and pairwise interaction energy. We used RADAR program for detecting the repeats in a protein sequence which were further validated using Pfam domain assignments. The sequence identity between the repeats in domains ranges from 20 to 40% and their secondary structural elements are well conserved. The number of long-range contacts, surrounding hydrophobicity calculations and pairwise interaction energy of the domain repeats clearly reveal the conservation of 3-D structure environment in the repeats of domains. The proportions of mainchain–mainchain hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are also highly conserved between the repeats. The present study has suggested that the computation of these structure-based parameters will give better clues about the tertiary environment of the repeats in domains. The folding rates of individual domains in the repeats predicted using the long-range order parameter indicate that the predicted folding rates correlate well with most of the experimentally observed folding rates for the analyzed independently folded domains.  相似文献   
Placental ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) binds diverse mammalian RNases with dissociation constants that are in the femtomolar range. Previous studies on the complexes of RI with RNase A and angiogenin revealed that RI utilises largely distinctive interactions to achieve high affinity for these two ligands. Here we report a 2.0 angstroms resolution crystal structure of RI in complex with a third ligand, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and a mutational analysis based on this structure. The RI-EDN interface is more extensive than those of the other two complexes and contains a considerably larger set of interactions. Few of the contacts present in the RI-angiogenin complex are replicated; the correspondence to the RI-RNase A complex is somewhat greater, but still modest. The energetic contributions of various interface regions differ strikingly from those in the earlier complexes. These findings provide insight into the structural basis for the unusual combination of high avidity and relaxed stringency that RI displays.  相似文献   
朱冬琴  张云  刘晓玫  张春 《生物工程学报》2014,30(11):1720-1732
AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体是一种基于腺相关病毒(AAV)倒置末端重复序列(ITR)的基因表达载体(AAV-ITR ss DNA mini vector)。前期研究已证明AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体在HEK 293T细胞中具有较高的转染、表达效率。本文中将相同拷贝数的AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体、3?-ITR末端错配的AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体(AAV-ITRmm ss DNA mutant vector)、AAV-ITR双链DNA和质粒分别用Turbo Fect转入小鼠骨骼肌中,比较检测AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体与其他基因表达载体在小鼠体内1周、1个月及3个月的表达效率。组织切片经荧光显微镜观察及荧光灰度值分析表明,相同分子摩尔数的AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体比AAV-ITR双链DNA和质粒在不同时期表达效率都要高且更稳定。提取注射3个月后的肌肉组织的DNA,用荧光定量PCR分析比较各载体的存留分子数。RT-PCR的结果显示AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体在注射3个月后的存留分子数较其他载体高。综合结果显示AAV-ITR单链DNA微载体在动物体内具有表达效率高和长久稳定的优势,有可能开发为基因治疗的一种高效、稳定的新型载体。  相似文献   
Highly abundant satellite DNA named TBREV is detected and characterized in the beetle Tribolium brevicornis (Insecta: Coleoptera). An outstanding peculiarity of the TBREV satellite monomer is its complex structure based on the two 470-bp-long subunits, inversely oriented within a 1061-bp-long monomer sequence. The proposed evolutionary history demonstrates a clear trend toward increased complexity and length of the TBREV satellite monomer. This tendency has been observed on three levels: first as direct and inverted duplications of short sequence motifs, then by inverse duplication of the 470-bp sequence segment, and, finally, by spread of inversely duplicated elements in a higher-order register and formation of extant monomers. Inversely oriented subunits share a similarity of 82% and have a high capacity to form a thermodynamically stable dyad structure that is, to our knowledge, the longest ever described in any satellite monomer. Analysis of divergences between inversely oriented subunits shows a tendency to a further reduction in similarity between them. Except in its centromeric localization, the TBREV satellite does not show similarity to other known Tribolium satellites, either in nucleotide sequence or in monomer length and complexity. However, TBREV shares common features of other Tribolium satellites that might be under functional constraints: nonconstant rate of evolution along the monomer sequence, short inverted repeats in the vicinity of an A+T tract, nonrandom distribution of A or T 3 tracts, and CENP-B box-like motifs. Although long inverted subunits might reinforce structural characteristics of the satellite monomer, their nucleotide sequence does not seem to be under constraints in order to preserve the dyad structure. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie Swanson  相似文献   
Nonrandom patterns associated with adaptively evolving genes can shed light on how selection and mutation produce rapid changes in sequences. I examine such patterns in two independent families of antimicrobial peptide genes: those in frogs, which are known to have evolved under positive selection, and those in flatfishes, which I show have also evolved under positive selection. I address two recently proposed hypotheses about the molecular evolution of antimicrobial peptide genes. The first is that the mature peptide region is replicated by an error-prone polymerase that increases the mutation rate and the transversion/transition ratio compared to the signal sequence of the same genes. The second is that mature peptides evolve in a coordinated fashion with their propieces, such that a change in net charge in one molecular region prompts an opposite change in charge in the other region. I test these hypotheses using alternative methods that minimize alignment errors, correct for phylogenetic nonindependence, reduce sequence saturation, and account for differing selection pressures on different regions of the gene. In both gene families I show that divergence at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites within the mature peptide region is enhanced. However, in neither gene family is there evidence of an increased mutational transversion/transition ratio or coordinated evolution. My observations are consistent with either an elevated mutation rate in an adaptively evolving gene region or widespread selection on “silent” sites. These hypotheses challenge the assumption that mutations are random and can be measured by the synonymous substitution rate. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie J. Swanson]  相似文献   
Five microsatellite loci (QpZAG1/5, QpZAG9, QpZAG36, MSQ4, MSQ13) were used to test for genetic stability of three somatic embryogenic culture lines of Quercus robur L. and plantlets derived therefrom. DNA variation was detected among somatic embryos within all embryogenic lines, whereas no genetic instability was found among the regenerated plants. Two microsatellite loci revealed variation, and a locus-dependent instability was observed. The most polymorphic and useful microsatellite locus for detecting genetic variation was QpZAG9, with 28.5% of the investigated loci being variable.  相似文献   
Summary The CDC4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an essential function that is required for G1-S and G2-M transitions during mitosis and at various stages during meiosis. We have isolated a functional homologue of CDC4 (CaCDC4) from the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans by complementing the S. cerevisiae cdc4-3 mutation with CaCDC4 expressed from its own promoter on a single-copy vector. The predicted product of CaCDC4 has 37% overall identity to the S. cerevisiae Cdc4 protein, although this identity is biased towards the C-terminal region of the two proteins which contains eight copies of the degenerate WD-40 motif, an element found in proteins that regulate diverse biological processes and an F-box domain proximal to the first iteration of the WD-40 motif. Both the F-box domain and WD-40 motifs appear necessary for the mitotic functions of Cdc4 in both yeasts. In contrast to its conserved role in mitosis, C. albicans CDC4 is unable to rescue the meiotic deficiency in a S. cerevisiae cdc4 homozygous diploid under restrictive conditions, even when expressed from an efficient S. cerevisiae promoter. In opposition to S. cerevisiae CDC4 being essential, C. albicans CDC4 appears to be nonessential and in its absence is critical for filamentous growth in C. albicans.  相似文献   
The intestinal pathogen Giardia lamblia possesses several unusual organelle features, including two equivalent nuclei, no mitochondria or peroxisomes, and a developmentally regulated rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Giardia also possesses a number of complex and unique cytoskeleton structures that dictate cell shape, motility and attachment. Our investigations of cytoskeletal proteins have revealed the presence of a new protein family. Proteins in this family contain both ankyrin repeats and coiled-coil domains; although these are common protein motifs, their pairing is unique, thus establishing a new class of head-stalk proteins. Examination of the G. lamblia genome shows evidence for at least 18 genes coding for proteins with a series of ankyrin repeats followed by a lengthy coiled-coil domain and at least an additional 14 genes coding for proteins with a prominent coiled-coil domain flanked by two series of ankyrin repeats. We have examined one of these proteins, Giardia Axoneme Associated Protein (GASP-180), in detail. GASP-180 is a 180 kDa protein containing five ankyrin repeats in a 200 amino acid N-terminal domain separated by a short spacer from an approximately 1375 amino acid coiled-coil domain. Using anti-peptide antibodies raised against a unique 20 amino acid sequence found at the C-terminus, we have determined that GASP-180 is present in cytoskeleton extractions of the parasite and localises to the proximal base of the anterior flagellar axonemes. The combination of the localisation and the structural and functional motifs of GASP-180 make it a strong candidate to participate in control of flagellar activity.  相似文献   
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