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Laboratory experiments and field measurements were conducted to examine the effect of tide on the organic carbon mineralization rate in sediments under aerobic conditions of an intertidal estuary. Core samples of surface sediments were collected from an intertidal estuary of the Kurose River, Hiroshima, Japan. To mimic low and high tide in the intertidal estuary, organic carbon mineralization rates in the samples were measured in the laboratory under both air-exposed and submerged conditions. Mineralization rates under air-exposed conditions were two to five times higher than those under submerged conditions. Field measurements of the rate of CO2 emission from the sediment surface revealed a rapid increase in the rate as the sea level fell during ebb tide. The estimated amount of daily organic carbon mineralization assuming a constantly submerged condition was 30% less than that estimated when considering the semi-diurnal fluctuation in sea level. These results indicate that tide has a marked impact on the organic carbon mineralization rate in sediments under aerobic conditions on an intertidal estuary, and tidal effects need to be considered when the amount of mineralized organic carbon is estimated.  相似文献   
We describe differences in life history of the intertidal arboreal snail, Littoraria filosa, among patches of mangroves ranging in size from isolated trees to large stands several square kilometres in area. Recruitment of L. filosa occurred from mid spring (October) to early winter (June), recruits grew rapidly and copulating adults were found during the following September–April. Populations within large patches of forest were annuals; all or most individuals died between October–January (spring–midsummer). In contrast, those in smaller peripheral patches were more likely to survive over the summer but survival differed among patches and years. These differences in life history were caused by a parasitoid fly (genus Sarcophaga) that attacked L. filosa 10 mm and longer and was present in all large patches, but absent from, or rare, in smaller peripheral patches. Experimental introductions to isolated trees confirmed that the fly could kill L. filosa. Another sarcophagid parasitoid that attacked L. filosa from 4 to less than 10 mm long was also found in every patch. The combined effects of these parasitoids appear to determine the metapopulation structure of L. filosa. Most adults in large patches were killed by the larger fly during early summer. Summer recruits were often killed by the smaller fly within a month of settlement and when this happened effective recruitment of L. filosa was reduced to autumn. The planktotrophic larval stage of L. filosa lasts less than 1 month, so the source of autumn recruits to all patches must have been adults that survived the early summer, most of which were in small patches or on isolated trees. Consequently these ”peripheral sources” are likely to be important for persistence of the metapopulation of L. filosa. The results of this study demonstrate that metapopulation structure may be determined by complex interactions and that common models cannot be assumed to apply in all habitats. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   
Growth, density, survival, and reproduction were examined for the population of the ghost shrimp, Callianassa japonica Ortmann, inhabiting an intertidal sandflat in western Kyushu, Japan, based on samples collected from May, 1989 to April, 1991. During the breeding season (June–October) each year, there were two discrete periods of egg production by females. The post-larval settlement, with a time-lag of 1–1.5 months (brooding plus larval developmental periods), generated two major recruitment cohorts, occurring in July–August (1st cohort) and September–November (2nd cohort). The higher growth rate of individuals after recruitment in the 1st cohort enhanced the separation of the two cohorts. Between sexes, the subsequent life history patterns and population characteristics were, for the most part, similar. In females, the majority of individuals of each of the two cohorts matured after approximately one year, respectively, at around a 20-mm total body length, and a portion of these cohorts survived as a fused cohort until June of the second year, breeding again prior to dying off by the end of September. The pattern of growth was an indeterminate type. For each of the two cohorts, the growth rates changed at two transition points of their life history, at around the beginning of their two breeding seasons. The growth rate for the 1st cohort slowed down at the first transition point, while that for the 2nd cohort speeded up there. This led to the approach and fusion of the two cohorts near the second transition point, when growth stopped. During periods other than the breeding seasons, high survival rates were exhibited by the two cohorts. During the first breeding season, a significantly low survival rate was observed for the 1st cohort, but not for the 2nd cohort. The degree of participation in breeding activity may be responsible for the above differences between cohorts. In the two male cohorts, while the cost of reproduction did not reduce the growth rates during the first breeding season, it lowered their survival rates more severely compared to those of females. This may be responsible for the slightly female-biased sex ratio in the population (1.06:1). The density of the population as a whole was stable throughout the study period, with the mean ± SD being 901 ± 157/m2 (n = 27); the adult population declines during the breeding seasons were effectively replenished by recruitment each year.  相似文献   
We examined the spatial heterogeneity in three sessile rocky shore organisms, the mussel Perna perna, the barnacle Octomeris angulosa (Sowerby) and the red alga Gelidium pristoides (Turn.) at a range of continuous local scales along horizontal transects within mid- and upper mussel beds of South African shores. We also examined the relationships between variability of organisms and topographic features (rock depressions, slope, aspect), and between mussel, barnacle and algal variability over the same scales. To estimate spatial heterogeneity, we analyzed scaling properties of semivariograms using a fractal approach. Relationships between different variables at the different scales were examined by cross-semivariograms. Spatial dependence of P. perna variability increased with spatial dependence of topographic variability, so that scaling regions of mussel and topographic distributions corresponded well. This relationship often improved with larger local scales (mussel cover increased with depressions, steeper slope and aspect towards waves), while at smaller spatial scales, variability in mussel cover was less well explained by variability in topography. The variability of the barnacle O. angulosa exhibited spatial dependence, even on topographically unstructured shores. In contrast, the distribution of the alga G. pristoides revealed high fractal dimensions, showing spatial independence on topographically unstructured shores. Algae also showed a very strong negative relationship with mussels at most local scales, and a negative relationship with barnacles in upper zones, especially at larger local scales. Barnacles may show clear spatial dependence because of hydrodynamics (at larger local scales) and the need to find a future mate in close proximity (at smaller local scales), while algae may show a strong negative relationship with mussels because of competition for space.  相似文献   
Persistence of annual plant populations requires sufficient seeds and suitable habitat for development and growth each year. Competition with perennials may prevent within site persistence and result in “fugitive” annual populations. Comparisons have been made between the population biology of annual macroalgae and terrestrial plants, but demographic information necessary to make strong comparisons is lacking for most of these algae, and life history differences may make such comparisons questionable. We studied population dynamics of the kelp Alaria marginata to determine if it was an annual and, if so, how populations persisted. This kelp is the dominant macroalga on exposed mid to low rocky intertidal shores along the Big Sur coast of California. Experimental clearings at two sites were used to assess recruitment timing and survivorship. Sporophytes were collected monthly to determine growth and fecundity. Recruitment occurred in late winter to early spring, primarily on geniculate corallines and residual A. marginata holdfasts. Thinning was inversely related to density, and occurred during the February through July growing season as larger thalli rapidly increased in length (up to 1.4 m month 1) and formed a thick canopy. Sorus development was positively related to size, began as early as March, peaked in late August-October, and decreased as adults were removed by winter surf. Spore release was generally highest (108-109 spores individual 11 h 1) between October and January and associated with high water motion. Survivorship of sporophytes beyond one year was < 1%, showing the populations were annual.Field observations and experiments on effects of canopy clearing, season of clearing, and influence of substrate type on recruitment were done to assess how these annual populations persist. Massive spore production at the onset of fall storms, survival of microscopic stages for 3-4 months facilitated by microhabitat refuges, rapid growth, large size and rapid maturation of sporophytes contributed to persistence. Furthermore, the dense stands with thick canopies may suppress potential competitors via shading and abrasion. Rather than being a fugitive, this combination of growth and life history features enables A. marginata and perhaps other large, annual kelps to maintain perennial populations.  相似文献   
长山列岛南部三岛岩相潮间带群落多样性格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对长山列岛南部南长山、北长山和大黑山岛屿岩相潮间带群落种类组成的调查表明,3岛屿岩礁潮间带的群落结构差异不大,表现在决定群落结构和外貌的前5位优势种群及其优势度序列基本相同;而砾石潮间带的群落结构存在一定差异,表现在北长山群落中优势种群及其优势度序列显著地区别于南长山和大黑山,但后二者趋同-3岛屿岩礁潮间带的景观和群落外貌与结构由东方小藤壶(Chthamalus chal-lengeri)、牡蛎(Ostrea spp.)、大型藻类和短滨螺(Littorina breuicula)控制,砾石潮间带则由东方小藤壶、大型藻类和平背蜞(Gaetice depressus)决定.群落多样性由物种丰富度(R)、均匀度(J)和多样性(HB、Hlv、DR、DIv)衡量,3岛屿岩礁潮间带群落的各种多样性指数呈现一致性,群落多样性以北长山最高,大黑山最低;而砾石潮间带群落的各种多样性指数存在一定差异,南长山高于北长山和大黑山,北长山潮间带群落中物种分布的均匀度最高,南长山和大黑山趋同.比较3岛屿两种基质潮间带的群落多样性发现,砾石潮间带高于岩礁潮间带。  相似文献   
In situ measurements of both community metabolism (primary production and respiration) and PAM fluorometry were conducted during emersion on intertidal sediments in the Mont Saint-Michel Bay, in areas where oysters and mussels were cultivated. Results highlighted a low benthic metabolism compared to other intertidal areas previously investigated with the same methods. Comparisons between gross community primary production and relative electron transport rates confirmed this statement. More specifically, primary productivity remained very low all over the year, whereas the associated microalgal biomass was estimated to be high. We suggest that the microphytobenthic community studied was characterized by a self-limitation of its primary productivity by its own biomass, as previously shown in Marennes-Oléron Bay for example. The almost permanent high biomass would represent a limiting factor for micromigration processes within the first millimetres of the sediment. This could be explained by very low resuspension processes occurring in the western part of the bay, enhanced by the occurrence of numerous aquaculture structures that could decrease tidal currents in the benthic boundary layer. Handling editor: N. Desroy  相似文献   
D. Raffaelli  S. Hall  C. Emes  B. Manly 《Oecologia》2000,122(3):389-398
Holling’s (1992) proposition that discontinuities in biotic and abiotic processes generate structure in ecological systems is examined experimentally by imposing size-specific perturbations on marine sediment assemblages. Two kinds of perturbations were applied: organic enrichment and predation, each at two levels. Perturbations significantly affected the densities and relative abundance of the main invertebrate taxa and these effects were consistent with the known effects of enrichment and predation. However, there was little evidence of significant treatment effects on the overall benthic biomass or abundance size spectrum, supporting the contention that the spectrum is conservative and is probably constrained by habitat architecture. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 September 1999  相似文献   
用Shannon-Wiever多样性指数、Pielous种类均匀度、Margalef种类丰度、McNaushton优势度4个测定群落种类多样性指标进行数值分析.结果表明,嵊泗列岛从近岸到外海.H’(S)、J、d值呈现逐渐增加的趋势.而D值则有逐渐减小的趋势;各断面多样性指数H’(S)以春、秋季较高,J值则基本上以春、冬季稍高,d值则随断面的不同有差异,D值基本上以夏、秋季为高用Whiftaker和Fairbanks群落系数计算公式及Bray-Curtis群落相似性指数进行群落相似性及聚类分析,结果表明,嵊泗列岛潮间带底栖动物群落结构可聚为两大类型,从结构上看.近外海底栖动物群落为近岸及外海群落的过渡类型.  相似文献   
Distributional and feeding relationships of harpacticoid copepods and their microbial prey were examined in a tidal channel at Great Sippewissett Marsh. A horizontal zonation of photosynthetic microorganisms was composed of: 1) a diatom area; 2) a purple sulfur bacterial (Thiocapsa sp.) area; and 3) a clear area. Four species of harpacticoid copepods were associated with given areas. Leptocaris brevicornis occurred in very high densities in the diatom area but in relatively low densities in other areas. Mesochra lilljeborgi occurred in significantly higher densities in the purple and clear areas.Feeding experiments, using resident microbial flora labelled with NaH14CO3 and 3H-thymidine, were conducted to determine which foods are 1) ingested but simply pass through the gut and 2) ingested, and retained. These experiments indicated that L. brevicornis ingested diatoms and the heterotrophs associated with the diatoms, but only retained the heterotrophic portion. Microscopic examination indicated that diatoms were passed out intact in feces. Oscillatoria sp. (cyanobacterium) was not ingested. Mesochra lilljeborgi ingested Spirulina sp. (cyanobacterium), Thiocapsa sp., and the heterotrophs associated with Thiocapsa but only retained the Thiocapsa label.These data for harpacticoids suggest that spatial distributions of meiofauna may be closely coupled with microbial food organisms which they consume. Also, that while several microbial foods may be ingested, only certain microbes are digested and assimilated as a food resource, further indicating the complexity of feeding relationships among the meiofauna.  相似文献   
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