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Biological invasions by non-native tramp ants are reported throughout the world, particularly in island ecosystems. In Okinawa Island, a subtropical island in south-western Japan, many tramp ants including the invasive ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, already occur. In this study activity patterns of the ground-foraging tramp and native ants were investigated for one year by using food bait traps at the forest edges where both categories of ants coexist. On a seasonal time scale, activity patterns were different between exotic and native ants. Native ants are active and seemingly more dominant from spring to summer whereas tramp ants become more dominant from autumn to winter. These results suggest there might be temporal niche partitioning between tramp and native ants, and native ants might be able to dominate tramp ants in their suitable seasons.  相似文献   
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an important oilseed crop grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Despite the nutritional value and cultural importance, the biotechnological research on sesame is very limited. In this study, we have optimized a simple and efficient protocol for producing an interspecific hybrid between Sesamum alatum and S. indicum through ovule culture. In the cross S. alatum × S. indicum, capsule retention without embryo abortion was extended up to 7 days after pollination by spraying the growth regulator mixture containing 289 µM gibberellic acid (GA3), 80.6 µM α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 23.3 µM kinetin. Direct organogenesis was successfully achieved when the ovules, excised from 7-day-old capsules, were cultured on MS medium containing 8.8 µM benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2.8 µM indole acetic acid (IAA) and 1712.3 µM glutamine. The regenerants produced roots on half strength MS medium supplemented with 0.27 µM NAA. Phenotypically, the S. alatum × S. indicum hybrid plants were intermediate to those of parents for majority of the traits. Cytological studies revealed normal meiosis in the hybrid without any chromosomal abnormalities. Peroxidase and esterase isozymes were demonstrated to be useful in the identification of hybrid plants. Screening against phyllody disease under greenhouse conditions revealed that the hybrids were moderately resistant.  相似文献   
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are classic research model organisms that are also associated in nature, at least around vineyards. Sharing the same ephemeral fruit niche, winged Drosophila feed on immotile yeasts. That a yeast diet is essential for larval development, and that saprophagous fruit flies are attracted to a suite of yeast volatiles, has been well established over the last century. Recently, research has focussed on the potential mutual benefit of this interaction hypothesising yeasts also benefit via dispersal from ephemeral fruits. It now appears that the concept of a co-evolved mutualism between yeasts and Drosophila has permeated the literature. However, until robust evidence regarding the evolution and maintenance of this yeast-fly association has been provided, we suggest there is no compelling evidence to reject the more simplistic null hypothesis that these interactions are due to exaptation, and not a mutualism driven by natural selection.  相似文献   
The data used in studies of bivariate interspecific allometry usually violate the assumption of statistical independence. Although the traits of each species are commonly treated as independent, the expression of a trait among species within a genus may covary because of shared common ancestry. The same effect exists for genera within a family and so on up the phylogenetic hierarchy. Determining sample size by counting data points overestimates the effective sample size, which then leads to overestimating the degrees of freedom that should be used in calculating probabilities and confidence intervals. This results in an inflated Type 1 error rate. Although some workers (e.g., Felsenstein [1985] Am. Nat. 125:1–15) have suggested that this issue may invalidate interspecific allometry as a comparative method, a correction for the problem can be approximated with variance components from a nested analysis of variance. Variance components partition the total variation in the data set among the levels of the nested hierarchy. If the variance component for each nested level is weighted by the number of groups at that level, the sum of these values is an estimate of an effective sample size for the data set which reflects the effects of phylogenetic constraint. Analysis of two data sets, using taxonomy to define levels of the nested hierarchy, suggests that it has been common for published studies of interspecific allometry to severely overestimate the number of degrees of freedom. Interspecific allometry remains an important comparative method for evaluating questions concerning individual species that are not similarly addressed by the format of most of the newer comparative methods. With the correction proposed here for estimating degrees of freedom, the major statistical weakness of the procedure is substantially reduced. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Competition between two congeneric gobies, Rhinogobius sp. LD (large-dark type) and CB (cross-band type), for habitat was studied in a tributary of the Shimanto River, southwestern Shikoku, Japan. Habitat use by CB, measured by water depth, current velocity, and substrate, was compared between before and after the removal of LD. After the removal of LD, CB shifted their habitat use to coarser substrates than previously, suggesting a release from effects of LD. This result supports a hypothesis from our previous study that habitat partitioning between CB and LD is a consequence of interference effects of LD on CB.  相似文献   
以北京市Ⅱ级重点保护野生植物百花山葡萄(Vitis baihuashanensis M.S.Kang et D.Z.Lu)为研究对象,通过对其野生个体所在群落和人工扩繁个体所在群落进行样方调查,定量分析百花山葡萄自然群落的生态位特征和种间联结关系,对比人工群落的相关情况,探讨其濒危原因。结果显示:百花山葡萄自然群落总体呈正相关,物种正负关联比小于1,仍在向稳定群落发育;由于高大乔木和上层优势灌木截获了大量光照,以及高生态位重叠物种小花溲疏(Deutzia parviflora Bge.)、牛叠肚(Rubus crataegifolius Bge.)、短尾铁线莲(Clematis brevicaudata DC.)、五味子(Schisandra chinensis(Turcz.)Baill.)对各类资源的夺取,使百花山葡萄的营养生长受到明显限制。人工群落总体呈正相关,主要物种正负关联比大于1,目前处于相对较稳定状态;该群落缺乏高大乔木,光照充足,百花山葡萄与圆柏(Sabina chinensis(L.)Ant.)幼树等优势灌木呈不显著正相关,所受竞争压力相对较小,植株已进入生殖生长阶段。建议加强对百花山葡萄自然群落的人工抚育,适当疏枝、疏灌、疏藤,提高和改善百花山葡萄的光照条件,降低其他物种的资源竞争力度,以提高其在群落内的竞争能力,提升物种保护成效。  相似文献   
A rare phenomenon of the occurrence of novel non-parental chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variants in natural sexual interspecific hybrids between Populus deltoides var deltoides and P. nigra, P. x canadensis is described. Restriction fragment variation of cpDNA in 17 P. x canadensis cultivars was examined and compared with that of representative samples of P. deltoides and P. nigra using 83 combinations of 16 restriction enzymes and six Petunia hybrida cpDNA probes. Twelve cultivars had one to five novel non-parental cpDNA fragments in the chloroplast genome region homologous to the 9.0-kb PstI cpDNA fragment of Petunia from the large single-copy region.  相似文献   
Different cultivars/transgenic lines of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) were crossed (as females) with different cultivars/populations of Brassica campestris. All cross combinations produced seed, with an average seed set per pollination of 9.8. Backcrossing of selected interspecific hybrids (as females) to B. campestris resulted in a much lower seed set, average 0.7 seed per pollination. In the single backcross progeny where a large enough population (92 plants) was obtained for analysis, 33 B. napus specific RAPD markers were investigated to determine the extent of transfer of oilseed rape genetic material into this population. Markers were transferred to the backcross generation with frequencies ranging from 26% to 91%. Almost all of the markers (30/33) were transferred in a frequency not significantly different from 50%. Analysis of the pairwise segregation of markers revealed that 23 markers could be assigned to six linkage groups, most probably reflecting six B. napus C-chromosomes. The presence of backcross plants with recombinant genotypes suggests that complex genetic processes can take place during interspecific hybridisation and backcrossing in these Brassica species. The implications of our results for the possible choice of integration sites of transgenes in oilseed rape are discussed.  相似文献   
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