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The difference in reduction potentials between ortho and para-benzoquinones has been calculated. The employs gas phase ab initio and semi-empirical computations in combination with free energy perturbation theory applied to gas and solution phase Monte Carlo simulations. The effects on calculated results of altering solute electrostatic parameterisation in solution phase simulations is examined. Atom centred charges derived from the molecular electrostatic potentials, MEPs, from optimised ab initio wavefunctions and charges generated by consideration of hydrogen bonded complexes are considered. Parameterisation of hydroxyl torsions in hydroquinone molecules is treated in a physically realistic manner. The coupled torsional system of the ortho-hydrobenzoquinone molecule is described by a potential energy surface calculated using gas phase AM1 semi-empirical computations rather than the simple torsional energy functions frequently employed in such calculations. Calculated differences in electrode potentials show that the electrostatic interactions of quinone and hydroquinone molecules in aqueous solution are not well described by atom centred charges derived from ab initio calculated MEPs. Moreover, results in good agreement with the experimental reduction potential difference can be obtained by employing high level ab initio calculations and solution phase electrostatic parameters developed by consideration of hydrogen bonded complexes.  相似文献   
梅花鹿甲烷能代谢规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李忠宽  张晓明 《兽类学报》1996,16(2):100-104
本文应用KB-1型呼吸测热装置,结合消化、代谢试验,对梅花鹿(Cervusnippon)甲烷能代谢规律进行了研究。结果表明,梅花鹿甲烷能的产生量随其采食量的增加而增加;也随着果食后时间的推移而减少,而且减少的幅度又随采食量的增加而下降;甲烷能的产生量分别占总能食入量、消化能食入量和体增热的6.61%、8.83%和10.88%;甲烷能的产生量随着日粮蛋白质水平的提高而降低,日粮蛋白质水平每提高1个百分点,甲烷能产生量就降低58.58kJ/d;分别以总能食入量(GEI)和干物质食入量(DMI)为自变量所建立的甲烷能(CH4E)估计分别为:CH4E(kJ/d)=0.07CEJ(kJ/d)-101.04(n=12,r=0.944,P<0.01)CH4E(kJ/d)=98.78+1.05DMI(g/d)(n=12,r=0.942,P<0.01)  相似文献   
S. A. Munks  B. Green 《Oecologia》1995,101(1):94-104
This study examines the annual energetics of a small folivorous marsupial, Pseudocheirus peregrinus. Particular attention was given to the energy and time allocated to reproduction by the females. Daily energy expenditure was measured directly using the doubly labelled water technique. Energy transferred to the young via the milk was estimated from information on milk composition and production. There was no significant seasonal variation in the energy expenditure or water influx of males or females. The mean daily energy expenditure of a 1-kg non-lactating adult ringtail possum was 615 kJ day–1 or 2.2 times standard metabolic rate. Females showed significant changes in daily energy expenditure according to their reproductive status. Without the burden of lactation the total annual energy expenditure of an adult female was estimated as 212.4 MJ kg–1 year–1. The total annual energy expenditure of a female rearing two young was 247.5 MJ kg–1 year–1, with the late stage of lactation constituting the most energetically expensive period accounting for 30% of the total yearly energy expenditure during 24% of the time. Total metabolisable energy allocation during reproduction (22 MJ kg) was similar to estimates available for other herbivores, although, the peak metabolisable energy allocation during lactation (759 kJ day–1) was lower than values available for other herbivores. The total energy requirement for reproduction (metabolisable energy plus potential energy exported to young via milk) suggests that the ringtail possum also has a relatively low overall energy investment in reproduction. It is suggested that the lactational strategy of the ringtail possum has been selected in order to spread the energy demands of reproduction over time due to constraints on the rate of energy intake imposed by a leaf diet and/or to prolong the mother-young bond. The strategies a female ringtail possum may employ to achieve energy balance when faced with the energy demands of reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   
Carbohydrate and energy metabolism of the flooding- and anoxia-tolerant Iris pseudacorus and the intolerant Iris germanica rhizomes were investigated under experimental anoxic conditions. Rhizomes of I. pseudacorus and I. Germanica were incubated in the absence of oxygen from 0 to 60 and 16 days, respectively. Amounts of glucose, total reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars (starch, fructan and oligosaccharides) in the rhizomes were measured. Ethanol concentration and adenylate energy charge were determined enzymatically. Glucose content of I. pseudacorus rhizomes decreased gradually during the first 30 days under anoxia and then increased at the same time as adenylate energy charge values started to decline. In I. germanica rhizomes the changes were more dramatic and the time scale was much shorter than in I. pseudacorus but the changes were similar. Non-reducing sugar content of I. pseudacorus rhizomes decreased rapidly during the first 15 days under oxygen deprivation and then increased again, to near starting levels at 35 days. In I. germanica the amount of non-reducing sugars decreased gradually during the anoxic incubation. Under aerobic control conditions, adenylate energy charge (AEC) of I. pseudacorus and I. germanica rhizome tissue was 0.87±0.01 and 0.81±0.01, respectively. In I. pseudacorus AEC remained high until 30 days under anoxia. In contrast, the energy charge of I. germanica rhizome tissue remained above 0.6 for 4 days only. Large amounts of ethanol were found in anoxic rhizome tissues of I. pseudacorus (up to 0.21 M ) and I. germanica (0.06 M ) after 45 days and 8 days, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to flooding tolerance of these species.  相似文献   
Conformational studies have been carried out on hydrogenbonded all-trans cyclic pentapeptide backbone. Application of a combination of grid search and energy minimization on this system has resulted in obtaining 23 minimum energy conformations, which are characterized by unique patterns of hydrogen bonding comprising of β- and γ-turns. A study of the minimum energy conformationsvis-a-vis non-planar deviation of the peptide units reveals that non-planarity is an inherent feature in many cases. A study on conformational clustering of minimum energy conformations shows that the minimum energy conformations fall into 6 distinct conformational families. Preliminary comparison with available X-ray structures of cyclic pentapeptide indicates that only some of the minimum energy conformations have formed crystal structures. The set of minimum energy conformations worked out in the present study can form a consolidated database of prototypes for hydrogen bonded backbone and be useful for modelling cyclic pentapeptides both synthetic and bioactive in nature. This is part XV of the series. Part XIV in this series is Ramakrishnanet al 1987.  相似文献   
Seasonal variation in direct and indirect measures of energy status was examined using estimates of glycogen, lipid and protein levels in a single cohort of male three-spined sticklebacks from an annual population collected each month over one complete year. Condition factor, somatic condition factor and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were calculated as indirect indices of energy status and the accuracy of these indirect measures as predictors of energy status was investigated. Results indicate that both condition factors were significant predictors of energy reserves (lipid, protein, glycogen and total energy), but that the proportion of variance accounted for was small. Both condition factors perform better as predictors of energy content per unit body weight. The HSI was a significant, but a weak predictor of total glycogen levels over the whole year. On a seasonal basis the relationship between HSI and energy reserves was highly variable. These indices are therefore poor predictors of energy reserves in male three-spined sticklebacks.  相似文献   
The annual cycle for roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) and perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) in Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland can be divided into warm 'growing' and cold 'non-growing' seasons. Summer water temperatures declined between 1991–1993, as did the sizes of 0+ fish of both species. Small overwinter increases in length occurred after poor summers due, in roach, to size-selective mortality. Fat content was size-dependent and increased over the summer in both species. All sizes of roach but only small perch lost fat overwinter. Dead roach collected towards the end of the 1992/3 winter had significantly less fat than live individuals. The allocation of energy to growth (and ultimately reproduction) and to fat (and overwinter survival) was modelled as a tradeoff, assuming that fat has twice the energy density of protein and using observed summer and winter changes in body composition. The predicted allocation optima were close to observed values but, for roach, this entailed a substantial survivorship cost.  相似文献   
The temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a in the layer 0–1 cm were determined in the Western Scheldt estuary over the period 1991–1992. Connections between the annually averaged benthic chlorophyll-a and station elevation and sediment composition (as a measure of the hydrodynamic energy caused by currents and waves) were also examined.Microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a showed one main peak in early summer and a smaller peak in autumn. The mean chlorophyll-a concentration of 113 mg Chl-a m–2 in the upper centimeter is of the same order of magnitude as in other estuarine areas. The average annual primary production of the microphytobenthos has been estimated at 136 g C m–2 y–1 The primary production of sediment inhabiting microalgae is at least 17% of the total primary production in the estuary.Considerable differences in annually averaged chlorophyll-a emerges between the stations. These differences are related mainly to the interaction between station elevation and clay content of the sediment.  相似文献   
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is now a commonly used method for the determination of bone mineral status and body composition in humans. The purposes of this study were to compare fat mass by in vivo neutron activation analysis (FMIVNA) with that by DXA (FMDXA) in an anthropometrically heterogeneous sample of healthy adult men (n=33) and women (n=36) (19=≤BMI≤39), and to determine whether differences in fat mass estimates between the two methods (ΔFM) were attributable to subject anthropometry as defined by several circumference (waist, iliac crest, thigh) and skinfold thickness (umbilical, suprailiac, abdominal) measurements. No significant differences between FMDXA and FMIVNA were observed in men (p=0.46) or women (p=0.09). The two methods were very highly correlated in both sexes (women r2=0.97, p<0.001, men r2=0.91, p<0.001), although the regression line for men was significantly different from the line of identity (p=0.043). These results suggest modest trends toward underestimation of FMDXA in men when FMIVNA<18 kg, and overestimation in men when FMIVNA>18 kg. ΔFM (IVNA-DXA) was not significantly related to any combination of skinfold thicknesses and circumferences in either gender. Age explained 27% of the variance in ΔFM for the men (p=0.008). Furthermore, ΔFM was not significantly related to inter-method disparity in total-body bone mineral measurements in men or women (p<0.05). The present study demonstrates strong correlation in fat measurements between IVNA and DXA in men and women ranging from normal to markedly obese. Correction for subject anthropometry does not significantly improve this relationship.  相似文献   
Secondary metabolic-energy-generating systems generate a proton motive force (pmf) or a sodium ion motive force (smf) by a process that involves the action of secondary transporters. The (electro)chemical gradient of the solute(s) is converted into the electrochemical gradient of protons or sodium ions. The most straightforward systems are the excretion systems by which a metabolic end product is excreted out of the cell in symport with protons or sodium ions (energy recycling). Similarly, solutes that were accumulated and stored in the cell under conditions of abundant energy supply may be excreted again in symport with protons when conditions become worse (energy storage). In fermentative bacteria, a proton motive force is generated by fermentation of weak acids, such as malate and citrate. The two components of the pmf, the membrane potential and the pH gradient, are generated in separate steps. The weak acid is taken up by a secondary transporter either in exchange with a fermentation product (precursor/product exchange) or by a uniporter mechanism. In both cases, net negative charge is translocated into the cell, thereby generating a membrane potential. Decarboxylation reactions in the metabolic breakdown of the weak acid consume cytoplasmic protons, thereby generating a pH gradient across the membrane. In this review, several examples of these different types of secondary metabolic energy generation will be discussed.  相似文献   
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