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报道了内蒙古清水河黄土丘陵地区发现的紫萼藓科1新变种——缨齿藓菱形变种[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.var.rhombicumX.L.BaiSarula],该变种与干旱山地岩面生境中的原变种缨齿藓[Jaffueliobryum wrightii(Sull.)Thér.]相似,生境的变化导致其形态发生变化,主要表现在上部细胞菱形和细胞壁背部强烈加厚,未分化的叶上部边缘细胞、中肋横切面细胞不分化,叶片长0.7~0.8mm,毛尖长0.8~1.3mm。文中对缨齿藓及其新变种的形态学特征,分布和生境进行了描述,并提供了显微照片,另外,列出了缨齿藓属5个种的检索表。  相似文献   
A re-evaluation of the cytology of cat Pacinian corpuscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The ultrastructure of cat mesenteric Pacinian corpuscles in cross and longitudinal sections has been examined. The terminal ends of lamellar cells of the inner core have been identified in longitudinal sections through the proximal portion of the inner core. These terminal bulbous expansions contain characteristic concentric membranes of rough endoplasmic reticulum and in some cases masses of oval membranous inclusions. The central axon as seen in cross section is oval in profile, having X-(short) and Y-(long) axes, and each axonal face is characterized by specializations of the axolemma. At the X-axis, the inner lamellae of the inner core tightly abut a smooth axolemma, with no intervening connective tissue matrix, in a manner reminiscent of a neuroepithelium. The axolemma of the Y-axis has numerous axonal spines (microspikes) that project into the cleft in the inner core. The extent of the axolemma having axonal spines can only be appreciated in longitudinal sections. The clefts contain a specialized connective tissue with elastic and collagen fibrils. The connective tissue compartment of fibers and matrix separating individual inner core lamellae is unique, in that it contains extremely thin collagen fibrils measuring approximately 15 nm in diameter. The diameter of collagen fibrils increases as the cleft is approached. Here the fibrils resemble typical endoneural collagen.  相似文献   
Demongeot J  Glade N  Hansen O  Moreira A 《Biochimie》2007,89(9):1049-1057
The inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) is structured in cristae, which contributes to the best functioning of ions and adenylates exchange between the matrix and the intermembrane space. The central hypothesis of this paper is that the cristae structure favours a minimal mean free path of adenylates between translocation sites (translocase/ANT sites) and metabolic sites (ATPase sites). We propose a mathematical model and then give simulations. Based on simple hypotheses about cristae growth, they show that we can account for the major features of the IMM organization and functioning by minimizing the mean interdistance between ADP/ATP translocation and transformation sites.  相似文献   
Two classical mouse hair coat mutations, Rex (Re) and Rex wavy coat (Re(wc)), are linked to the type I inner root sheath (IRS) keratin genes of chromosome 11. An N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutation, M100573, also maps close to the type I IRS keratin genes. In this study, we demonstrate that Re and M100573 mice bear mutations in the type I IRS gene Krt25; Re(wc) mice bear an additional mutation in the type I IRS gene Krt27. These three mutations are located in the helix termination motif of the 2B alpha-helical rod domain of a type I IRS keratin protein. Immunohistological analysis revealed abnormal foam-like immunoreactivity with an antibody raised to type II IRS keratin K71 in the IRS of Re/+ mice. These results suggest that the helix termination motif is essential for the proper assembly of types I and II IRS keratin protein complexes and the formation of keratin intermediate filaments.  相似文献   
Wang B  Zhang H 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):229-237
Cretorabus rasnitsynisp. n., belonging to the extinct subfamily Protorabinae of Carabidae, was described based on a well-preserved specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Yangshuwanzi, Inner Mongolia. The diagnostic characters forCretorabus are revised, and the key to species of the genus was presented. The fossil record of Protorabinae was summarized. Sinocarabus Hong, 1982 and Obesofemoria Hong, 1982 cannot be attributed to Protorabinae.  相似文献   
基于PSR框架的内蒙古自治区土壤保持服务分区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
彭建  武文欢  刘焱序  胡熠娜 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3849-3861
土壤侵蚀是中国北方重要的生态问题,内蒙古自治区位于干旱半干旱地区,是中国北方典型的土壤侵蚀区。针对以往生态功能分区分析框架复杂多样、权重设定人为主观等问题,以内蒙古自治区为例,基于压力-状态-响应系统分析框架,从气候背景-土壤保持-植被条件三方面构建指标体系,运用自组织特征映射(SOFM)神经网络和GIS空间分析技术,以1280个小流域为基本单元进行土壤保持服务分区,按照分区单元的聚集度对多种方案进行优选,并依据区域共轭性原则最终将研究区划分为3个土壤保持服务区和11个土壤保持服务亚区。  相似文献   
通过对桑根达莱淖尔卤虫的养殖实验与卵囊解剖,研究了内蒙古沙漠小型盐湖投饵、施肥与自然状态3种营养模式下卤虫的生境、种群动态、生殖特征,分析了环境对卤虫资源的负载力。结果表明:1在起始种群相同的情况下,不同营养模式对种群结构与密度有显著影响;2不同营养模式对个体生长速度影响存在差异,投饵对加快个体生长速度效果最明显,但在性成熟速度方面不同营养模式没有出现统计学显著差异;3不同营养模式对卤虫的怀卵量、卵生/卵胎生比例有显著影响;与空白组相比,投饵组平均怀卵量提高了35.52%—72.71%,施肥组提高了11.34%—26.15%;4卤虫资源的环境负载力为0.3—0.4 kg/m3,加以补充肥料,可提高到0.45 kg/m3,在投喂饲料的情况下可以达到0.5 kg/m3;5卤虫蛋白可开发量按环境负载力的1/3估计,对照组、施肥组和投饵组的相应年开发量分别为2.61—2.98 kg/m3、4.5—5.4 kg/m3和7.51—8.67 kg/m3,滞育卵产量分别为0.73、1.10 g/m3和1.17 g/m3。  相似文献   
贮食行为是动物应对食物资源的季节性和不可预测性变化的一种适应性生存策略。在群居性贮食动物中,同胎个体常表现出不同的贮食水平,而关于贮食行为与动物的个性和代谢水平之间的关系尚缺乏研究。本文以长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)为对象,在筛选出具有高贮食和低贮食行为特征个体的基础上,比较了两组动物的个性特征(勇敢行为和探索能力)、静止代谢率、血清甲状腺激素水平、贮食期间的运动距离和贮食后的平均每日代谢率等。结果发现:高、低贮食长爪沙鼠的数量各占49%(22/45)和47%(21/45),两组动物之间的个性特征、静止代谢率和血清甲状腺激素均没有显著差异。在贮食期间高贮食个体的运动距离显著高于低贮食个体,且在停止贮食后,高贮食个体的平均每日代谢率显著低于低贮食个体。这些结果表明,在室内条件下,长爪沙鼠的贮食量高低与个性和静止代谢率无关,但高贮食个体会在停止贮食后降低其总能量消耗,以补偿贮食过程中的高能量代价。  相似文献   
In mouse early development, cell contact patterns regulate the spatial organization and segregation of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm epithelium (TE) during blastocyst morphogenesis. Progressive membrane assembly of tight junctional (TJ) proteins in the differentiating TE during cleavage is upregulated by cell contact asymmetry (outside position) and suppressed within the ICM by cell contact symmetry (inside position). This is reversible, and immunosurgical isolation of the ICM induces upregulation of TJ assembly in a sequence that broadly mimics that occurring during blastocyst formation. The mechanism relating cell contact pattern and TJ assembly was investigated in the ICM model with respect to PKC-mediated signaling and gap junctional communication. Our results indicate that complete cell contact asymmetry is required for TJ biogenesis and acts upstream of PKC-mediated signaling. Specific inhibition of two PKC isoforms, PKCdelta and zeta, revealed that both PKC activities are required for membrane assembly of ZO-2 TJ protein, while only PKCzeta activity is involved in regulating ZO-1alpha+ membrane assembly, suggesting different mechanisms for individual TJ proteins. Gap junctional communication had no apparent influence on either TJ formation or PKC signaling but was itself affected by changes of cell contact patterns. Our data suggest that the dynamics of cell contact patterns coordinate the spatial organization of TJ formation via specific PKC signaling pathways during blastocyst biogenesis.  相似文献   
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