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Pancreatic lipase (PL), a key enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of triacylglycerides in the gastrointestinal tract, has been identified as the therapeutic target for the regulation of lipid absorption. In the present study, six major constituents from a famous Chinese herbal medicine Cortex Mori Radicis (also named sangbaipi in Chinese), have been collected and their inhibitory effects on PL have been carefully investigated and well characterized by a fluorescence-based assay. The results clearly demonstrated that all tested bioactive constituents from Cortex Mori Radicis including sanggenone C (SC), sanggenone D (SD), kuwanon C (KC), kuwanon G (KG), morin and morusin displayed strong to moderate inhibitory effects towards PL with the IC50 values ranging from 0.77 μM to 20.56 μM. Further investigations on inhibition kinetics demonstrated that SC, SD, KC and KG functioned as potent and mixed inhibitors against PL-mediated 4-MU oleate hydrolysis, with the Ki values less than 5.0 μM. Furthermore, molecular docking simulations demonstrated that SD (the most potent PL inhibitor from Cortex Mori Radicis) could create strong interaction with Ser152 (the key amino acid in the catalytic triad) of PL via hydrogen bonding. All these findings provided a new powerful evidence for explaining the hypolipidemic effect of Cortex Mori Radicis, also suggested that some abundant natural compounds in this herbal medicine could be served as lead compounds for the development of new PL inhibitors.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the effects of two different types of segmental/extra-segmental conditioning stimuli (tonic muscle pain and non-painful vibration) on the subjective experience (perceived pain intensity) and on the cortical evoked potentials to standardized test stimuli (cutaneous electrical stimuli). Twelve subjects participated in two separate sessions to investigate the effects of tonic muscle pain or cutaneous vibration on experimental test stimuli. The experimental protocol contained a baseline registration (test stimuli only), a registration with the test stimuli in combination with the conditioning stimuli, followed by a registration with the test stimuli only. In addition, the effects of the conditioning stimuli were examined at two anatomically separated locations (segmental and extra-segmental). Compared with the test stimulus alone, the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes of the evoked potentials were unchanged in the presence of non-painful conditioning stimuli at either location. In contrast, a significant decrease of the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes was found in the presence of painful conditioning stimuli at the extra-segmental sites. Moreover, the topographic maps of the 32-channel recordings suggested that the distribution of the scalp evoked potentials was almost symmetrical around the vertex Cz in the baseline registration. The evoked potentials were generally decreased during hypertonic saline infusion at the extra-segmental sites, but the distribution of the topographic maps did not appear to change. Vibration has previously been shown to inhibit pain, but in the present study the perceived intensity of phasic painful electrical stimuli was unchanged. The reduced perceived pain intensity and the smaller peak-to-peak amplitude of the evoked potential in the presence of extra-segmental conditioning pain are in accordance with the concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory control.  相似文献   
We have previously reported that oxytocin produces an inward current at a holding potential of ?70 mV without a change in glutamatergic excitatory transmission in adult male rat spinal lamina II (substantia gelatinosa; SG) neurons that play a pivotal role in regulating nociceptive transmission. Oxytocin also enhanced GABAergic and glycinergic spontaneous inhibitory transmissions in a manner sensitive to a voltage-gated Na+-channel blocker tetrodotoxin. These actions were mediated by oxytocin-receptor activation. Such a result was different from that obtained by other investigators in young male rat superficial dorsal horn neurons in which an oxytocin-receptor agonist enhanced glutamatergic and GABAergic but not glycinergic spontaneous transmissions. In order to know a developmental change and also sexual difference in the actions of oxytocin, we examined its effect on spontaneous synaptic transmission in adult female and young male rat SG neurons by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique in spinal cord slices. In adult female rats, oxytocin produced an inward current at ?70 mV without a change in excitatory transmission. GABAergic and glycinergic transmissions were enhanced by oxytocin, the duration of which enhancement was much shorter than in adult male rats. In young (11–21 postnatal days) male rats, oxytocin produced not only an inward but also outward current at ?70 mV, and presynaptically inhibited or facilitated excitatory transmission, depending on the neurons tested; both GABAergic and glycinergic transmissions were enhanced by oxytocin. The inhibitory transmission enhancements in adult female and young male rats were sensitive to tetrodotoxin. Although the data may not be enough to be estimated, it is suggested that synaptic modulation by oxytocin in SG neurons, i.e., cellular mechanism for its antinociceptive action, exhibits a developmental change and sexual difference.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms occur when algal densities exceed baseline population concentrations. Cyanobacteria can produce a large number of secondary metabolites. Odorous metabolites affect the smell and flavor of aquatic animals, whereas bioactive metabolites cause a range of lethal and sub-lethal effects in plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including humans. Herein, the bioactivity, chemistry, origin, and biosynthesis of these cyanobacterial secondary metabolites were reviewed. With recent revision of cyanobacterial taxonomy by Anagnostidis and Komárek as part of the Süβwasserflora von Mitteleuropa volumes 19(1–3), names of many cyanobacteria that produce bioactive compounds have changed, thereby confusing readers. The original and new nomenclature are included in this review to clarify the origins of cyanobacterial bioactive compounds.Due to structural similarity, the 157 known bioactive classes produced by cyanobacteria have been condensed to 55 classes. This review will provide a basis for more formal procedures to adopt a logical naming system. This review is needed for efficient management of water resources to understand, identify, and manage cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom impacts.  相似文献   
目的 研究企业常用消毒剂对于洁净室环境监测分离的菌株样本的抑制作用。方法 通过VITEK2-COMPACT全自动细菌鉴定及药敏分析系统鉴定收集到的环境菌株。对3种消毒剂(碘伏、无水乙醇和苯扎溴铵)进行梯度稀释,利用打孔法研究3种消毒剂在不同含量下对环境菌株的抑制作用。结果 共检出革兰阳性菌8种、革兰阴性菌2种、酵母菌1种、芽孢杆菌2种;苯扎溴铵对革兰阳性菌的抑菌能力都较强,随着含量的降低,抑菌作用逐渐减弱;碘伏对革兰阴性菌及酵母菌的抑制作用都非常强,随着含量降低,抑菌作用逐渐降低。3种消毒剂对2种芽孢杆菌的抑制作用均有限。结论 用1.00%苯扎溴铵和0.50%的碘伏抑菌作用都非常强。另外,应配合使用杀孢子剂,避免芽孢杆菌孢子在空气中传播。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨与分析脊髓外科手术术后精神障碍患者发病影响因素及抑制性神经递质水平、神经营养因子表达变化情况。方法:选择2016年9月到2021年5月本院完成脊髓外科手术的患者83例作为研究对象,检测血清抑制性神经递质水平、神经营养因子(NTFs)表达水平。所有患者都给予抑郁自评量表(SDS)调查、执行功能行为评定量表成人版自评问卷(BRIEF-A)评分并进行相关性分析。结果:83例患者术后平均SDS评分为45.10±2.87分,判定为精神障碍23例(精神障碍组),占比27.7 %。精神障碍组的性别、年龄、手术时间、术中出血量与非精神障碍组对比无差异(P>0.05),精神障碍组的饮酒、术后清醒时间与非精神障碍组对比有差异(P<0.05)。精神障碍组的BRI自我控制、情感控制、转移、抑制等评分与MI任务启动、任务监督、工作记忆、计划、组织评分都高于非精神障碍组(P<0.05)。精神障碍组的血清NTFs含量低于非精神障碍组,血清HA与5-HT含量高于非精神障碍组(P<0.05)。在83例患者中,Pearson分析显示SDS评分与饮酒、术后清醒时间、血清NTFs、NA、5-HT含量都存在相关性(P<0.05);二分类logistic逐步回归显示术后清醒时间、血清NTFs、NA、5-HT含量都为导致脊髓外科手术术后精神障碍患者发病的重要因素(P<0.05)。结论:脊髓外科手术术后精神障碍的发生较常见,可导致患者认知与执行功能降低,多伴随有抑制性神经递质水平表达上升与神经营养因子表达下降,血清NTFs、NE、5-HT含量都为导致精神障碍发病的重要因素。  相似文献   
In an attempt to achieve a new class of phosphoramide inhibitors with high potency and resistance to the hydrolysis process against urease enzyme, we synthesized a series of bisphosphoramide derivatives (0143) and characterized them by various spectroscopic techniques. The crystal structures of compounds 22 and 26 were investigated using X-ray crystallography. The inhibitory activities of the compounds were evaluated against the jack bean urease and were compared to monophosphoramide derivatives and other known standard inhibitors. The compounds containing aromatic amines and their substituted derivatives exhibited very high inhibitory activity in the range of IC50 = 3.4–1.91 × 10−10 nM compared with monophosphoramides, thiourea, and acetohydroxamic acid. It was also found that derivatives with PO functional groups have higher anti-urease activity than those with PS functional groups. Kinetics and docking studies were carried out to explore the binding mechanism that showed these compounds follow a mixed-type mechanism and, due to their extended structures, can cover the entire binding pocket of the enzyme, reducing the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. The quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis also revealed that the interaction between the enzyme and inhibitor is significantly influenced by aromatic rings and PO functional groups. Collectively, the data obtained from experimental and theoretical studies indicated that these compounds can be developed as appropriate candidates for urease inhibitors in this field.  相似文献   
降糖肽的发展现状及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
糖尿病是一组以高血糖为特征的代谢性疾病,是由于胰岛素分泌缺陷或其生物功能受损,或两者兼有引起。糖尿病可能导致各种组织,特别是眼、肾、心脏、血管、神经的慢性损害、功能障碍。糖尿病主要分为Ⅰ型糖尿病和Ⅱ型糖尿病,这两类糖尿病均存在明显的遗传异质性。目前用于降低或控制血糖的药物主要有硫脉类、双肌类、苯甲酸衍生物类、糖苷酶抑制剂类和噻唑烷二酮类。研发出安全有效的降糖药物已经成为全世界关注的焦点,其中,生物活性肽是目前最广泛研究的潜在治疗剂之一,其最佳用途正在开发中。迄今为止,已经发现了许多天然肽和合成肽,其具有通过不同机制介导的优异的抗糖尿病效果。新兴技术和药物输送系统的应用进一步促进了预期目标成果的达成。临床前和临床研究中一些具有更好效力和安全性的优秀肽已经被确定。因此,对这些肽的进一步详细研究可能会筛选出临床上有用的抗糖尿病药物。  相似文献   
Oh H  Shin H  Oh GS  Pae HO  Chai KY  Chung HT  Lee HS 《Phytochemistry》2003,64(6):1113-1118
The stereochemistry of prunioside A isolated from Spiraea prunifolia was determined by chemical transformations and NMR spectral data analysis. The configurations at C-5 and C-6 were determined to be 5S and 6R by application of the modified Mosher's method, CD analysis, and 13C NMR spectroscopic data analysis of an acetonide derivative. Other compounds related to prunioside A have inhibitory effects on the synthesis of nitric oxide in LPS-stimulated macrophage-like RAW 264.7 cells.  相似文献   
Wang  Ziyin  Wang  Rubin  Fang  Ruiyan 《Cognitive neurodynamics》2015,9(2):129-144
This paper aimed at assessing and comparing the effects of the inhibitory neurons in the neural network on the neural energy distribution, and the network activities in the absence of the inhibitory neurons to understand the nature of neural energy distribution and neural energy coding. Stimulus, synchronous oscillation has significant difference between neural networks with and without inhibitory neurons, and this difference can be quantitatively evaluated by the characteristic energy distribution. In addition, the synchronous oscillation difference of the neural activity can be quantitatively described by change of the energy distribution if the network parameters are gradually adjusted. Compared with traditional method of correlation coefficient analysis, the quantitative indicators based on nervous energy distribution characteristics are more effective in reflecting the dynamic features of the neural network activities. Meanwhile, this neural coding method from a global perspective of neural activity effectively avoids the current defects of neural encoding and decoding theory and enormous difficulties encountered. Our studies have shown that neural energy coding is a new coding theory with high efficiency and great potential.  相似文献   
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