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The aim of this work was to study the natural biodegradation of the stored olive mill wastewater (OMW) in ponds and the infiltration as well as the impact on soil of the effluent in the evaporation pond used for the storage over the past eight years. For this, two approaches were considered. First, a laboratory-scale column was used for the infiltration of OMW through soil (clay and sand) to predict the effect of the clayey soil in reducing OMW pollution. Second, the ponds including the effluent annually stored and having this clayey structure were investigated. At the laboratory-scale, a modification of OMW contents was noticed, with the elimination of 95% of total suspended solids (TSS), 60% of chemical oxygen demand (COD), 40% of total organic carbon (TOC), 50% of total P, 50% of phenols and 40% of minerals (K+, Mg++ and Na+). The experimented soil was able to restrain the considerable effects of OMW pollution. In the ponds, the granulometric characteristics, the physico-chemical and the biological parameters of the soil profile from the contaminated pond were compared to those of a control soil, located near the contaminated pond. Property modifications of the contaminated soil were noted, especially pH, electrical conductivity, COD and microflora. These changes can be explained by the infiltration of OMW constituents, which were noticed in the soil layers, especially phenolic compounds that have a negative effect on the ground water.  相似文献   
六盘山森林土壤中的砾石对渗透性和蒸发的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
时忠杰  王彦辉  于澎涛  徐丽宏  熊伟  郭浩 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6090-6098
为了解山地土壤中的砾石对土壤水文循环的影响,测定了砾石土壤的贮水能力、渗透速率和蒸发速率。结果表明,砾石含量与土壤有效贮水量呈正相关关系,但与土壤最大贮水量无明显相关。在0-40cm土层,当砾石体积含量小于15%~20%时,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而增大,当砾石体积含量大于15%-20%时,土壤稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而减小;在40cm以下土层,稳渗速率随砾石含量增加而提高。在土壤砾石含量为0~20%时,土壤蒸发速率随砾石含量增加而降低,但在砾石含量超过20%时,土壤蒸发速率基本保持稳定。土壤蒸发速率随砾石粒径增大有升高的趋势。  相似文献   
Ravi S  D'Odorico P  Wang L  Collins S 《Oecologia》2008,158(3):545-555
Ring-shaped growth patterns commonly occur in resource-limited arid and semi-arid environments. The spatial distribution, geometry, and scale of vegetation growth patterns result from interactions between biotic and abiotic processes, and, in turn, affect the spatial patterns of soil moisture, sediment transport, and nutrient dynamics in aridland ecosystems. Even though grass ring patterns are observed worldwide, a comprehensive understanding of the biotic and abiotic processes that lead to the formation, growth and breakup of these rings is still lacking. Our studies on patterns of infiltration and soil properties of blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) grass rings in the northern Chihuahuan desert indicate that ring patterns result from the interaction between clonal growth mechanisms and abiotic factors such as hydrological and aeolian processes. These processes result in a negative feedback between sediment deposition and vegetation growth inside the bunch grass, which leads to grass die back at the center of the grass clump. We summarize these interactions in a simple theoretical and conceptual model that integrates key biotic and abiotic processes in ring formation, growth and decline.  相似文献   
Abstract. The vegetation succession in a floating mire was studied in relation to management and hydrological conditions in a former peat cutting area in the northern part of the Netherlands. An existing map showed that in 1956 the vegetation consisted mainly of meadows, reedbeds and rich fen vegetation while a recent survey revealed that this picture had completely changed in 1989. The area had mainly become woodland but part had remained open, due to the continuation of a mowing regime. The timing of the mowing appears to be critical, especially during the earlier phases of the succession. Winter-mowing favours the development of eutrophic reedbeds, while summer-mowing promotes mesotrophic sedge communities. In the course of time these succession lines converge increasingly towards acidic vegetation types. The development from open water to embryonic bog differed greatly between sites with a similar management regime. Mostly this took only a few decades but in a few sites the vegetation had hardly changed since 1956. Whereas the former sites were acid throughout the profile, the latter showed a high pH from top to bottom. It is obvious that acidification does not occur as long as alkaline surface water can move freely underneath the floating mat. As soon as a given site becomes disconnected from the surface water the depletion of bases by infiltrating rainwater is no longer compensated. A rough estimate of the acidification rate shows that in an infiltration area three decades are sufficient for a floating mat of 40 cm to become completely decalcified. This corresponds well to the observed succession from rich fens to embryonic bogs in the same period. It is suggested that the best way to preserve rich fen vegetation is to start the succession anew by digging turf ponds.  相似文献   
目的:比较关节内与关节周围浸润镇痛对前交叉韧带重建术(ACLR)后患者的镇痛效果。方法:选择2014年1月至2015年11月在我院拟行ACLR的前交叉韧带断裂患者40例,将其随机分为关节内浸润镇痛组(IA组)与关节周围浸润镇痛组(PA组),每组20例。两组均于术前3d定时口服塞来昔布(200mg,bid),术前0.5h行股神经阻滞(3.3g/L罗哌卡因30mL)。术中IA组于关节内给予30mL复合镇痛药物,而PA组于关节周围滑膜内注射相同药物。术后均给予24h冰敷治疗。观察两组患者术后12-72h及出院时的静息与活动疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS),术后24-72h及出院时膝关节活动度,记录患者术后吗啡用量及不良反应情况。结果:PA组术后12-72h在静息与活动时以及在出院当天的活动时,VAS评分均显著低于IA组(P0.05)。术后24-72hPA组关节活动度均优于IA组(P0.05)。术后IA组、PA组吗啡镇痛使用率分别为30%、15%,且IA组吗啡平均用量为(10.3±1.1)mg,明显高于PA组的(5.4±0.9)mg(P0.05)。两组不良反应率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:关节周围浸润镇痛为主的多模式镇痛对ACLR围手术期患者的镇痛效果更好,更有利于关节功能的康复,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
长江上游亚高山暗针叶林土壤水分入渗特征研究   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
长江上游以峨嵋冷杉为主的亚高山暗针叶林流域土壤质地较粗,属于壤质砂土。随着森林演替的发展,林地土壤砂粒含量逐渐降低,粉、粘粒含量逐渐增加,以过熟龄峨嵋冷杉纯林的粉粘粒含量为最高。就坡积物而言。随土层深的增加,砂粒含量逐渐增加,粘粒含量逐渐减小。随森林演替的进展和土层深度的减小,土壤容重逐渐减小,土壤孔隙度和土壤贮水力逐渐增大,研究区土壤非饱和导水率随土层深度的增加和土壤含水量的减小而减小,并与土壤含水量呈指数函数关系。随土层深度的增加,土壤饱和导水率呈负指数递减,不同土层到达稳渗的时间有差异,随土层深度的增加,稳渗时间增加,平均在110min左右。该流域暗针叶林带土壤质地上的变化和土壤水分物理性质的分异以及土壤水分的高入渗性是该暗针叶林流域水文循环中森林对水分传输调节的具体体现,也可以为该流域很少见到坡面径流或地表径流,而大部分以壤中流、回归流和地下渗漏等径流形式出现的机制作出有力的解释。  相似文献   
青海乐都地区森林涵养水源效能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 乐都县北山林区有六种主要森林群落类型,通过对其土壤物理性质、枯落物、枯落物水容量、土壤渗透和地下径流的测定分析以及涵养水源效能之估价,指出:该区森林群落土壤具有良好的涵养水源功能,表现为:土壤容重降低,孔隙度的增加,一公顷森林土壤能蓄水641—978t,枯落物的吸水量是它自身重的2.9—7.6倍;土壤的渗透速度远大于本区最大降水强度。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨促性腺激素释放激素(Gonadotropin releasing hormone,GnRH)类似物对子宫肌瘤大鼠模型血液黏度、子宫系数和炎性细胞浸润的影响。方法:子宫肌瘤大鼠模型(n=36)随机平分为三组-模型组、米非司酮组与GnRH类似物组,分别给予腹腔注射0.15 ml的生理盐水、2 mg/kg米非司酮与2 mg/kg GnRH类似物,每周1次,持续8周。结果:米非司酮组与GnRH类似物组治疗第4周与第8周的全血比黏度、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)值都低于模型组(P<0.05),GnRH类似物组低于米非司酮组(P<0.05)。米非司酮组与GnRH类似物组治疗第8周的子宫系数、子宫白介素(IL)-10与肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α表达水平都低于模型组(P<0.05),GnRH类似物组低于米非司酮组(P<0.05)。米非司酮组与GnRH类似物组治疗第8周的子宫内膜厚度、腺间质面积比、腺体面积与腺腔面积都高于模型组(P<0.05),GnRH类似物组高于米非司酮组(P<0.05)。米非司酮组与GnRH类似物组治疗第8周的子宫组织Wnt5b与β-catenin蛋白相对表达水平低于模型组(P<0.05),GnRH类似物组低于米非司酮组(P<0.05)。结论:GnRH类似物在子宫肌瘤大鼠模型的应用能降低子血液黏度,还可抑制血清性激素的分泌,增加子宫系数,抑制Wnt5b与β-catenin蛋白的表达,从而可改善子宫肌瘤大鼠的炎性细胞浸润状态与子宫内膜形态。  相似文献   
This study investigated the involvement of neutrophil infiltration, nitric oxide (NO) generation, and oxidative stress in indomethacin-induced ulcer and the possible gastroprotective potentials of spermine and taurine, known for their tissue regenerating and antioxidant effects, respectively. Male Wistar albino rats (180-220 g) were allocated into a normal control group, ulcer control group (received a single dose of indomethacin 40 mg-kg p.o.), and two ulcer groups pretreated with spermine (150 mg-kg p.o. 1 h before ulcer induction) and taurine (250 mg-kg i.p. for three consecutive days before ulcer induction). The animals were killed 6 h after indomethacin administration, and the gastric juice, serum, and mucosal tissue were used for gastric injury evaluation. Both modulators significantly ameliorated the indomethacin-induced gastric lesions in glandular mucosa. Notably, spermine exhibited the most pronounced effect as manifested by great reduction in the gastric ulcer index, normalization of the elevated gastric acidity, and triggering of mucin production. Spermine and taurine were able to decrease the elevated levels of gastric myeloperoxidase, conjugated diene, and serum NO. However, the lowered tissue NO content was markedly elevated only by taurine. The antioxidant action of taurine was illustrated by restoration of the depressed content of glutathione, normalization of the inhibited activities of glutathione reductase, and superoxide dismutase. These results suggest that spermine and taurine confer significant gastroprotection against indomethacin-induced gastric injury with the priority of spermine.  相似文献   
污水渗滤湿地处理系统技术的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
由于渗滤湿地污水处理系统具有很高的净化效率和相对较低的基建投资和处理成本,目前正渐渐在许多国家得到较为广泛的应用.本文简要论述了渗滤湿地的构造与渗滤介质、N和P的去除过程与净化机理、技术性能、现行的设计方法、运行与调控机制、土壤堵塞问题与解决途径、垂直流与水平流人工湿地处理系统的组合及其在不同类型废水处理中的应用等.最后,探讨了这一技术的研究发展方向.  相似文献   
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