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Summary Several surveys have documented an association among species between habitat type and seed mass, suggesting that habitat attributes impose a direct selective force on seed mass. Previous comparative surveys, however, have not controlled for the statistical effects of shared phylogenetic history (at the genus or family level) and life form when evaluating the relationship between habitat and seed mass. This study of the Indiana Dunes angiosperm flora provides statistical control of genus and family membership by: (i) partitioning out the statistical effect of genus membership prior to measuring the effect of habitat on seed mass, and (ii) seeking an association between habitat and seed mass within eight genera (206 species) and ten families (366 species). To measure the associations between ecological factors, taxonomic membership and seed mass, I examined life form, phenological schedules and seed mass among species in 8 genera distributed among 13 habitat types (assigned to 1 of 4 categories of inferred water and light availability). One-way ANOVAS indicated that genus, life form, habitat, water/light category, the onset of flowering and the duration of flowering accounted for 71%, 51%, 10%, 4%, 14% and 14% of the variance in seed mass, respectively. However, multi-factor ANOVAS measured the variance in seed mass accounted for by each variable independently of the others: only genus explained a significant proportion (11%). Genus membership is strongly associated with the other ecological factors, accounting for the difference between one-way and multi-factor ANOVAS. Within the ecologically widespread genera and families of this study, there was no significant association between water/light category and seed mass, even though this association can be detected across taxa. Among congeners and confamilials, interspecific variation in seed mass (measured as the coefficient of variation) was as high within habitat types as among them, suggesting that habitats do not provide upper limits to the range of seed mass exhibited by the species within them. A previous study of 648 Indiana Dune species showed that species segregate among habitats on the basis of seed size; large-seeded species tend to occupy closed habitats and small-seeded species tend to inhabit open habitats. This segregation creates the ecologically meaningful observation that low-light habitats support larger-seeded species than high-light habitats, even though this pattern cannot be detected independently of taxonomic membership. Generalist taxa may occupy a wide range of habitats for reasons other than their seed size. If this is a common feature of ecological generalists, it may not be possible to detect an association between habitat and seed size independently of taxonomic membership.  相似文献   
The 31 P NMR chemical shift of β-P of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) undergoes a substantial change (2̃–3 ppm) upon chelation of divalent ions such as Mg2+ or Ca2+. In the presence of nonsaturating amounts of Mg2+ or Ca2+, the lineshape of this resonance depends on the characteristic association and dissociation rates of these metal-ATP complexes. A procedure for computer simulation of this lineshape is outlined. A comparison of computer-simulated lineshapes with the experimental lineshapes obtained at 121 MHz was used to determine the following dissociation rate of Mg2+ and Ca2+ from their ATP complexes at 20°C and pH 8.0: Ca2+, > 3 × 105 s?1 (Hepes buffer); Mg2+, 1200 s-1 (no buffer), 1000 s-1 (Tris buffer) and 2100 s?1 (Hepes buffer). The limits of error are ± 10% in these values. For the Mg2+ complexes, the rates were determined as a function of temperature to obtain activation energies (with a maximum deviation of 10% in the least-squares fit): 8.1 Kcalmole (no buffer and Hepes buffer) and 6.8 kcalmole (Tris buffer). Lineshapes of the β-Presonance simulated as a function of Mg2+ concentration, using 2100 s?1 for the dissociation rate, are also presented. The computer simulation of lineshapes offers a reliable and straightforward method for the determination of exchange rates of diamagnetic cations from their ATP complexes, under a variety of sample conditions.  相似文献   
The concavo-convex shape of strophomenoid brachiopods has been inferred to be adaptive to a free-lying state. Such functional hypotheses should be constrained by identifying the factors controlling morphology. A typical strophomenoid, Rafinesquina alternata, is used here to study morphological influences. Specimens of R. alternata were collected from ten localities in Indiana, USA. Beds are Upper Ordovician (Richmondian) mudstones and limestones of the Dillsboro and Whitewater Formations. Length and hingeline width of the pedicle valve were measured, and elongation (length divided by width) calculated for each specimen. Specimens were qualitatively identified as geniculate or arcuate. Regression analyses using stratigraphy (time), mudstone percentage (substrate), grainstone percentage (disturbance), ratio of Strophomena planumbona to R. alternata (competition), and length (ontogeny) as independent variables, were performed to determine the factors influencing morphology. Elongation was most strongly influenced by grainstone percentage and the S. planumbona ratio. Populations of R. alternata from grainstonerich intervals are less elongate than other samples. The lateral margins of transverse R. alternata may have functioned as sediment traps during periods of high turbidity. Alternatively, variation in elongation may be a character displacement due to interspecific competition with the related S. planumbona, which is inferred to have had a similar life mode. R. alternata specimens found in beds dominated by S. planumbona are more elongate than R. alternata from beds in which S. planumbona is rare or absent. Geniculation was influenced by stratigraphic position, suggesting an evolutionary trend, and by limestone percentage. Geniculate individuals are most common in muddier intervals, supporting the hypothesis that geniculation enabled R. alternata to employ an ‘iceberg’ strategy, ‘floating’ convex down on the soft muds. The habitat distribution of R. alternata is inconsistent with the hypothesis that concavo-convex brachiopods lived convex-valve-up, as suggested by Lescinsky (1995). Both elongation and geniculation may be examples of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   
Ferric ferricyanide, under certain conditions, may be superior to ninhydrin, chlorine-tolidine, and to the Pauly and Ehrlich reagents to detect certain peptides and proteins on chromatograms. Ferric ferricyanide is sensitive, nontoxic, and can yield intense spots which can be permanent. This reagent is exceptional for peptides and proteins having tyrosine, tryptophan, and cysteine. For samples of 5 μg of exemplary decapeptides, ferric ferricyanide, but not chlorine-tolidine, revealed traces of peptide contaminants.  相似文献   
Nematode communities of 18 Indiana mixed hardwood stands were comprised of an average of 23% tylenchid species, 31% dorylaimid species, and 46% species of six other orders. Based on total numbers of individuals present the stands averaged 42% tylenchids, 20% dorylaimids, and 38% individuals of other orders. Ordination of the sites using data only for tylenchid species gave an even distribution of sites, indicating little effect of site disturbances on tylenchid populations. By contrast an ordination using data for dorylaimid species showed a high degree ofd issimilarity between reference sites indicating that disturbances at some sites had drastically affected the dorylaimid fauna. An ordination utilizing biomass of all species present was very similar to the ordination based on data for dorylaimid species only.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Silurian and Lower Devonian pterygotid eurypterids were the largest of all arthropods, but their origin and early evolution are poorly understood. Pterygotus? ventricosus from Kokomo, Indiana, is shown to be the most basal of the pterygotids and constitutes the sister taxon to the rest of the clade. P.? ventricosus has walking appendages similar to those of Slimonia, which is the sister taxon of pterygotids. There is no evidence in P.? ventricosus of the dorsal median pretelson carina characteristic of other pterygotids, but the taxon does have the typical pterygotid undivided genital appendage. The status of the iconic pterygotid character (and presumed synapomorphy), the enlargement of the chelicerae, is uncertain in the Kokomo pterygotid. All the diagnostic characters of pterygotids did not develop simultaneously. A new genus Ciurcopterus is erected to accommodate the Kokomo pterygotid and Pterygotus? sarlei Ciurca and Tetlie.  相似文献   
Question: Are canopy gap dynamics responsible for driving the structural and compositional changes that have occurred over a 26‐year period in a mature Quercus forest remnant? Location: Dobbs Natural Area, an unlogged 3.6‐ha forest preserve in west‐central Indiana, USA. Methods: We analyzed mapped permanent plot data for a site that illustrates a trend common in Quercus‐dominated forests in eastern North America, where recruitment of new stems is dominated by mesophytic, shade‐tolerant species such as Acer saccharum, rather than Quercus. We developed a GIS database from stand census measurements taken in 1974 and 2000, employing it to conduct tree‐by‐tree comparisons that allow direct determination of ingrowth, mortality and survivorship, and to relate the spatial patterns of subcanopy dynamics to canopy gap occurrence. Results: The re‐census shows modest changes in canopy composition, but much greater turnover in the subcanopy. Nearly half of all individuals originally present died; much of this mortality resulted from a major decline in subcanopy Ulmus americana. While overall density remained fairly constant, the subcanopy experienced substantial ingrowth of shade‐tolerant Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, and Tilia americana. Canopy gaps, although forming at rates in the upper range of regional averages, did not significantly benefit subcanopy populations of Quercus spp. or most other taxa with limited shade tolerance. Conclusions: Canopy gaps play a minor role in driving the recent demographic trends of this stand. The spatial and temporal scales of light availability in gaps do not support regeneration of most shade‐intolerant species. Compositional change parallels a historical shift in light regimes.  相似文献   
Restoring Stream Ecosystems: Lessons from a Midwestern State   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Reach‐scale stream restorations are becoming a common approach to repair degraded streams, but the effectiveness of these projects is rarely evaluated or reported. We surveyed governmental, private, and nonprofit organizations in the state of Indiana to determine the frequency and nature of reach‐scale stream restorations in this midwestern U.S. state. For 10 attempted restorations in Indiana, questionnaires and on‐site assessments were used to better evaluate current designs for restoring stream ecosystems. At each restoration site, habitat and water quality were evaluated in restored and unrestored reaches. Our surveys identified commonalities across all restorations, including the type of restoration, project goals, structures installed, and level of monitoring conducted. In general, most restorations were described as stream‐relocation projects that combined riparian and in‐stream enhancements. Fewer than half of the restorations conducted pre‐ or post‐restoration monitoring, and most monitoring involved evaluations of riparian vegetation rather than aquatic variables. On‐site assessments revealed that restored reaches had significantly lower stream widths and greater depths than did upstream unrestored reaches, but riparian canopy cover often was lower in restored than in unrestored reaches. This study provides basic information on midwestern restoration strategies, which is needed to identify strengths and weaknesses in current practices and to better inform future stream restorations.  相似文献   
United States National Parks have protected natural communities for one hundred years. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (INDU) is a park unit along the southern boundary of Lake Michigan in Indiana, USA. An inventory of 19 sites, consisting of a seep, 12 streams, four marshes, a bog, and a fen were examined for mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Plecoptera), and caddisflies (Trichoptera) (EPT taxa). Volunteers and authors collect 35 ultraviolet light traps during summer 2013 and supplementary benthic and adult sampling added species not attracted by lights or that were only present in colder months. Seventy-eight EPT species were recovered: 12 mayflies, two stoneflies, and 64 caddisflies. The EPT richness found at INDU was a low proportion of the number of species known from Indiana: caddisflies contributed only 32.7% of known state fauna, mayflies and stoneflies contributed 8.4% and 2.3%, respectively. Site EPT richness ranged from one for a seep to 34 for an 8 m-wide stream. Richness in streams generally increased with stream size. Seven new state records and rare species are reported. The number of EPT species at INDU is slightly larger than that found at Isle Royale National Park in 2013, and the community composition and evenness between orders were different.  相似文献   
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