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Nicotine Effects on Dopamine Clearance in Rat Nucleus Accumbens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: In vivo voltammetry was used to measure the clearance of exogenously applied dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens following acute systemic nicotine administration in urethane-anesthetized rats. The IVEC-5 system was used for continuous in vivo electrochemical measurements. A finite amount of DA was pressure-ejected (25–100 nl, 200 µ M barrel concentration) at 5-min intervals from micropipettes (tip diameter, 10–15 µm) positioned 250 ± 50 µm from the recording electrode. The peak DA concentration after each DA ejection was significantly decreased in rats following nicotine, but not in rats given saline. In addition, when mecamylamine was administered 20 min before nicotine it clearly antagonized nicotine effects. These results suggest that nicotine may actually facilitate DA transporter systems within the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   
Regional Reductions of Transketolase in Thiamine-Deficient Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Thiamine deficiency impairs oxidative metabolism and causes metabolic encephalopathy. An early reduction in transketolase (TK) activity may be an important pathogenic event. To assess the role of TK, we have delineated the regional/cellular distribution of TK protein and mRNA in adult rat brain in pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency. TK activity declined in both vulnerable and spared regions. Immunoblots showed a parallel reduction of TK protein. With a few exceptions, immunocytochemistry indicated an overall decline of TK immunoreactivity and the decrease was not specific to vulnerable areas. In contrast to the pronounced, general decline of TK protein, in situ hybridization revealed a regional decrease of 0–25% of TK mRNA in thiamine deficiency. Northern blots indicated a similar level of TK mRNA in whole brain in thiamine deficiency. These results show that the decline of TK activity results from a proportional decrease of TK protein, and the deficiency may be due to an instability of TK protein or an inhibition of TK mRNA translation. The lack of correlation of the distribution, and the absence of specific alteration, of TK in affected regions suggest that the reduced TK may not be linked directly to selective vulnerability in thiamine deficiency.  相似文献   
Characterization and application of soybean YACs to molecular cytogenetics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) are widely used in the physical analysis of complex genomes. In addition to their value in chromosome walking for map-based cloning, YACs represent excellent probes for chromosome mapping using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We have screened such a library for low-copy-number clones by hybridization to total genomic DNA. Four clones were chosen for chromosome tagging based upon their low or moderate signal. By using degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR), we were able to use relatively small amounts of soybean YAC DNA, isolated directly by preparative pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, as FISH probes for both metaphase chromosome spreads and interphase nuclei. FISH chromosomal analysis using the three of the clones as probes resulted in relatively simple hybridization patterns consistent with a single homologous locus or two homoeologous loci. The fourth YAC probe resulted in a diffuse hybridization pattern with signal on all metaphase chromosomes. We conclude that YACs represent a valuable source of probes for chromosomal analysis in soybean.  相似文献   
The centromeric region of a telocentric field bean chromosome that resulted from centric fission of the metacentric satellite chromosome was microdissected. The DNA of this region was amplified and biotinylated by degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR)/linker-adapter PCR. After fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) the entire chromosome complement of Vicia faba was labelled by these probes except for the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) and the interstitial heterochromatin, the chromosomes of V. sativa and V. narbonensis were only slightly labelled by the same probes. Dense uniform labelling was also observed when a probe amplified from a clearly delimited microdissected centromeric region of a mutant of Tradescantia paludosa was hybridized to T. paludosa chromosomes. Even after six cycles of subtractive hybridization between DNA fragments amplified from centromeric and acentric regions no sequences specifically located at the field bean centromeres were found among the remaining DNA. A mouse antiserum was produced which detected nuclear proteins of 33 kDa and 68 kDa; these were predominantly located at V. faba kinetochores during mitotic metaphase. DNA amplified from the chromatin fraction adsorbed by this serum out of the sonicated total mitotic chromatin also did not cause specific labelling of primary constrictions. From these results we conclude: (1) either centromere-specific DNA sequences are not very conserved among higher plants and are — at least in species with large genomes — intermingled with complex dispersed repetitive sequences that prevent the purification of the former, or (2) (some of) the dispersed repeats themselves specify the primary constrictions by stereophysical parameters rather than by their base sequence.  相似文献   
Recent breakthroughs and technological improvements are rapidly generating evidence supporting the “swinging lever arm model” for force production by myosin. Unlike previous models, this model posits that the globular domain of the myosin motor binds to actin with a constant orientation during force generation. Movement of the neck domain of the motor is hypothesized to occur relative to the globular domain much like a lever arm. This intramolecular conformational change drives the movement of the bound actin. The swinging lever arm model is supported by or consistent with a large number of experimental data obtained with skeletal muscle or slime mold myosins, all of which move actin filaments at rates between 1 and 10 μm/sin vitro. Recently myosin was purified, fromChara internodal cells.In vitro the purifiedChara myosin moves actin filaments at rates one order of magnitude faster than the “fast” skeletal muscle myosin. While this ultra fast movement is not necessarily inconsistent with the swinging lever arm model, one or more specific facets of the motor must be altered in theChara motor in order to accommodate such rapid movement. These characteristics are experimentally testable, thus the ultra fast movement byChara myosin represents a powerful and compelling test of the swinging lever arm model.  相似文献   
Maize seedlings were studied for their expression patterns of ABP1-mRNA and ABP1. In situ hybridization did not reveal hot spots of ABP1-mRNA accumulation. This result was supported by northern hybridization. In coleoptiles the ABP1-mRNA remains constant during day 1 to day 5 and is of low abundance (1.3 pg/μg total RNA). Northern blots indicated that in primary roots the mRNA level is even 10 times lower. Neither ABP1-mRNA nor ABP1 was found to be concentrated within the outer epidermis of the coleoptile. Analysis of immunostained western blots did not reveal pronounced differences in ABP1 content on the basis of equal amounts of fresh weight or total protein. We therefore assume ABP1 to be more or less equally distributed among the cells of the shoot tissues of maize seedlings.  相似文献   
A novel method for studying differential expression of multigene family members based on the high sensitivity of RT-PCR completed by restriction site polymorphism of DNA is described. This method allows the identification of specific patterns of expression of fourchalcone synthase genes in a Hunnegem poplar clone (Populus trichocarpa ×Populus deltoides).  相似文献   
APC基因是1991年被发现的一类肿瘤抑制基因,它被定位于人第5号染色体5q21处。APC基因如发生缺失或突变,则易患直肠肿瘤,并伴有部分先天痴呆的病例。本工作在孟帆已获得的APC基因在豚鼠中的同源cDNA的基础上,完成了对它的亚克隆,并利用原位杂交和RNA酶保护分析的方法,对它在脑中的分布进行了研究。发现APCmRNA主要在海马、大脑和小脑中表达;嗅球中杂交信号稍弱,脑干中最弱。海马中阳性细胞主要是锥体细胞,小脑中则主要是内层颗粒细胞。在一个月大的豚鼠胚胎的脑中也观察到相似的表达型式。进一步的研究有助于我们更好地了解神经发育和先天痴呆发生的分子机制。  相似文献   
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