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Bulk segregant analysis was used to obtain a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker specific for the rye chromosome arm of the 1BL.1RS translocation, which is common in many high-yielding bread wheat varieties. The RAPD-generated band was cloned and end-sequenced to allow the construction of a pair of oligonucleotide primers that PCR-amplify a DNA sequence only in the presence of rye chromatin. The amplified sequence shares a low level of homology to wheat and barley, as judged by the low strength of hybridization of the sequence to restriction digests of genomic DNA. Genetic analysis showed that the amplified sequence was present on every rye chromosome and not restricted to either the proximal or distal part of the 1RS arm. In situ hybridization studies using the amplified product as probe also showed that the sequence was dispersed throughout the rye genome, but that the copy number was greatly reduced, or the sequence was absent at both the centromere and the major sites of heterochromatin (telomere and nucleolar organizing region). The probe, using both Southern blot and in situ hybridization analyses, hybridized at a low level to wheat chromosomes, and no hybridizing restriction fragments could be located to individual wheat chromosomes from the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles of wheat aneuploids. The disomic addition lines of rye chromosomes to wheat shared a similar RFLP profile to one another. The amplified sequence does not contain the RIS 1 sequence and therefore represents an as yet undescribed dispersed repetitive sequence. The specificity of the amplification primers is such that they will provide a useful tool for the rapid detection of rye chromatin in a wheat background. Additionally, the relatively low level of cross-hybridization to wheat chromatin should allow the sequence to be used to analyse the organization of rye euchromatin in interphase nuclei of wheat lines carrying chromosomes, chromosome segments or whole genomes derived from rye.  相似文献   
A species-specific repeated sequence, pHvNAU62, was cloned from Haynaldia villosa, a wheat relative of great importance. It strongly hybridized to H. villosa, but not to wheat. In situ hybridization localized this sequence to six of seven H. villosa chromosome pairs in telomeric or sub-telomeric regions. Southern hybridization to whea-H. villosa addition lines showed that chromosomes 1V through 6V gave strong signals in ladders while chromosome 7V escaped detection. In addition to H. villosa, several Triticeae species were identified for a high abundance of the pHvNAU62 repeated sequence, among which Thinopyrum bassarabicum and Leymus racemosus produced the strongest signals. Sequence analysis indicated that the cloned fragment was 292 bp long, being AT rich (61%), and showed 67% homology of pSc7235, a rye repeated sequence. Isochizomer analysis suggested that the present repeated sequence was heavily methylated at the cytosine of the CpG dimer in the genome of H. villosa.It was also demonstrated that pHvNAU62 is useful in tagging the introduced 6VS chromosome arm, which confers a resistance gene to wheat powdery mildew, in the segregating generations.  相似文献   
The anti- and pro-oxidative effects of phenolic compounds and antioxidants were studied in two different in vitro model systems utilizing ethyl linoleate and 2′-deoxyguanosine (2′-dG) as oxidative substrates, and a Fenton reaction (H2O2, Fe2+) to initiate oxidation. Oxidation of the biomolecules in both model systems exhibited dose dependency. In the 2′-dG assay, oxidation was closely related to H2O2 generation, which occurred during autoxidation of the phenolics. Hydroxylating activity was greatly enhanced by Mn2+ and Cu2+, but not by Zn2+ or Co2+. Ethyl linoleate peroxidation was inhibited by low concentrations of catechol, quercitin, and instant coffee. However, peroxidation was promoted by high concentrations of the same compounds, probably by recycling of chelated inactive Fe3+ to the active Fe2+ state.  相似文献   
Abstract: The amyloid β peptide (Aβ) of Alzheimer disease is derived from the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor proteins (APPs), which are considered type I transmembrane proteins. Here we report that the soluble fraction of isolated adrenal medullary chromaffin granules (CG), a model neuronal secretory vesicle system, contains an antigen that immunochemically and on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was indistinguishable from full-length APP. A truncated APP fragment with intact Aβ sequence was also detected in the soluble fraction of CG. In vitro experiments showed that full-length APP was solubilized from CG membranes at 37°C as a function of pH, with a peak of activity between pH 8.5 and pH 9.0. Solubilization of full-length APP was inhibited by several protease inhibitors, including aprotinin, cystatin, and iodoacetamide, by the divalent cations Ca2+ and Zn2+, and by preheating of the membranes. These results are consistent with and suggest the involvement of an enzymatic mechanism in the solubilization of potentially amyloidogenic full-length APP. Production of Aβ from a transmembrane APP predicts a proteolytic cleavage within the lipid bilayer, a site relatively inaccessible to proteases. Thus, the detected soluble, potentially amyloidogenic, full-length APP may be a substrate for the proteases producing Aβ. The detection of soluble APP with intact Aβ sequence in secretory vesicles is consistent with the extracellular topology of amyloid depositions.  相似文献   
Abstract: We have isolated several new genes that are specifically expressed by oligodendrocytes in the CNS. This was achieved by differential screening of a rat spinal cord cDNA library with probes derived from normal and from oligodendrocyte-free spinal cord mRNAs. Four of these genes are exclusively expressed by oligodendrocytes: Three of these are not related to known genes, whereas one encodes the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Four other genes are expressed by oligodendrocytes as well as by Schwann cells. One gene codes for apolipoprotein D, which is thought to be involved in lipid metabolism. A second cDNA sequence codes for the recently identified galactosylceramide-synthesizing enzyme UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyl-transferase. The third gene encodes a small protein with four putative transmembrane domains that is related to a T-lymphocyte-specific membrane protein, MAL. The fourth gene encodes the rat homologue of the stearyl-CoA-desaturase 2 (SCD2) gene, which is specifically expressed in the nervous system and involved in the synthesis and regulation of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids essential for myelination. Finally, we found that a member of the β-tubulin family is highly expressed in oligodendrocytes as well as neurons. The identification of several new proteins that may play a role in myelin synthesis and sheath formation will lead to new insight into this complex mechanism.  相似文献   
Rapid in vitro multiplication of jujube through mature stem explants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stem explants obtained from a mature tree of Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk were grown on modified Murashige and Skoog medium containing 3800 mg l-1 potassium nitrate, 2475 mg l-1 ammonium nitrate, 11 M benzyladenine and 0.5 M indole-3-acetic acid. During successive subcultures 15–20 shoots per inoculum were produced. Rooting was induced by pretreatment with 50 M indolebutyric acid or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid for 24 h followed by transfer to auxin-free White's medium. Plantlets grew well in a soil and vermiculite mixture.Abbreviations IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - BA benzyladenine - MS Murashige and Skoog  相似文献   
We describe, on the molecular level, a possible fuzzy and primordial translation apparatus capable of synthesizing polypeptides from nucleic acids in a world containing a mixture of coevolving molecules of RNA and proteins already arranged in metabolic cycles (including cofactors). Close attention is paid to template-free systems because they are believed to be the immediate ancestors of this primordial translation apparatus. The two classes of amnoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs), as seen today, are considered as the remnants of such a simple imprecise translation apparatus and are used as guidelines for the construction of the model. Earlier theoretical work by Bedian on a related system is invoked to show how specificity and stability could have been achieved automatically and rather quickly, starting from such an imprecise system, i.e., how the encoded synthesis of proteins could have appeared. Because of the binary nature of the underlying proto-code, the first genetically encoded proteins would then have been alternating copolymers with a high degree of degeneracy, but not random. Indeed, a clear signal for alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues in present-day protein sequences can be detected. Later evolution of the genetic code would have proceeded along lines already discussed by Crick. However, in the initial stages, the translation apparatus proposed here is in fact very similar to the one postulated by Woese, only here it is given a molecular framework. This hypothesis departs from the paradigm of the RNA world in that it supposes that the origin of the genetic code occurred after the apparition of some functional (statistical) proteins first. Implications for protein design are also discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract: The distinctive pharmacological activity of zolpidem in rats compared with classical benzodiazepines has been related to its differential affinity for benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) subtypes. By contrast, in nonhuman primates the pharmacological activity of zolpidem was found to be quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists. In an attempt to explain this discrepancy, we examined the ability of zolpidem to differentiate BZR subtypes in vivo in primate brain using positron emission tomography. The BZRs were specifically labeled with [11C]flumazenil. Radiotracer displacement by zolpidem was monophasic in cerebellum and neocortex, with in vivo Hill coefficients close to 1. Conversely, displacement of [11C]flumazenil was biphasic in hippocampus, amygdala, septum, insula, striatum, and pons, with Hill coefficients significantly smaller than 1, suggesting two different binding sites for zolpidem. In these cerebral regions, the half-maximal inhibitory doses for the high-affinity binding site were similar to those found in cerebellum and neocortex and ~100-fold higher for the low-affinity binding site. The low-affinity binding site accounted for <32% of the specific [11C]-flumazenil binding. Such zolpidem binding characteristics contrast with those reported for rodents, where three different binding sites were found. Species differences in binding characteristics may explain why zolpidem has a distinctive pharmacological activity in rodents, whereas its pharmacological activity in primates is quite similar to that of classical BZR agonists, except for the absence of severe effects on memory functions, which may be due to the lack of substantial zolpidem affinity for a distinct BZR subtype in cerebral structures belonging to the limbic system.  相似文献   
Abstract: Galactosylceramide ("galactocerebroside"; GalC) is a major glycolipid in the myelin sheath of the CNS and the PNS. The enzyme UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGalT) catalyzes the final step of the synthesis of GalC: the transfer of galactose to ceramide. By a differential screening approach, we have isolated a cDNA, the sequence of which is identical to the recently isolated cDNA clones for CGalT. By northern analysis and in situ hybridization we demonstrated that CGalT mRNA is expressed at birth in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, an expression pattern corresponding to the onset of myelination. In addition to the high expression levels of CGalT in oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, in situ hybridization also showed expression in subtypes of neurons in spinal cord, cerebellum, and brainstem in the adult CNS, but at a much lower level than in oligodendrocytes. Expression of CGalT in COS cells demonstrated that CGalT has a preference for hydroxyceramide as a substrate. CGalT-expressing COS cells synthesize and transport GalC to their cell surface as shown by immunofluorescence and by lipid analysis of living cells. Our results suggested that the CGalT specifically uses hydroxyceramide for the synthesis of GalC and that separate (co)enzymes are not needed.  相似文献   
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