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The relative importance of changes in leaf expansion rate (LER) and leaf conductance (g1) in the control of crop transpiration depends primarily on their sensitivity to soil water deficits. The aim of this paper was to quantify the responses of LER and g1 to soil water deficits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under conditions of moderate (spring) and high (summer) evaporative demand. Soil water content, g1, and LER were measured in dryland (DRY) and daily-irrigated (WET) crops established on a deep sandy-loam (Typic Xerofluvent) in a Mediterranean environment. There was no difference between g1 of DRY and WET plants (p>0.20) in contrast with a highly significant difference in LER (p<0.001). Even under the harsh conditions of the summer experiment, g1 did not respond to water deficit in a ten-day period in which LER of DRY plants was reduced to approx. 30% of that measured in WET controls. This field study indicates that g1 plays at most a minor role in the control of sunflower transpiration in the pre-anthesis period and confirms the importance of leaf expansion in the regulation of gas exchange of expanding canopies subjected to soil water deficits.  相似文献   
Cuttings of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Marma) were treated with 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC). This treatment caused increased ethylene production and reduction of root formation. The effect of 0.1 mM ACC on the level of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the rooting zone and in the shoot apex was analyzed by gas chromatography-single ion monitoring mass spectrometry or by high pressure liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection (HPLC). Concentrations of indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) in the stem bases were also determined using HPLC. The ACC treatment had little effect on the IAA level in the base measured after 24 h, but caused a considerable decrease during the 3 following days. IAAsp increased in the base on days 1, 2 and 3 and then declined. The build up of IAAsp in the base was not affected by ACC during the first two days of the treatment, but later this conjugate decreased more rapidly than in controls. No effect of the ACC treatment was found on the level of IAA in the apex. IAA (1 µM) applied to the cuttings during 24 h reduced the number of roots formed. The possibility that IAA-induced ethylene is involved in this response was investigated.Our results support earlier evidence that the inhibitory effect of ethylene on rooting in pea cuttings is due to decreased IAA levels in the rooting zone. The inhibitory effect of applied IAA is obtained if the internal IAA level is maintained high during the first 24 h, whereas stimulation of rooting occurs if the internal IAA level remains high during an extended period of time. Our results do not support the suggestion that ethylene mediates the inhibitory effect of applied IAA.  相似文献   
The rate of senescence and the two-dimensional pattern of soluble proteins from detached oat leaves senescing in either darkness or light were analyzed, and compared to those of leaves in which senescence was delayed by application of the cytokinin benzyladenine or enhanced through the action of abscisic acid.Senescence of detached leaves in light did not differ significantly from senescence in attached leaves on intact plants. In darkness, protein was lost at a higher rate than in light, but several individual proteins showed relative increases. Notably, proteins previously characterized as high-molecular-weight proteins and senescence-associated proteins (Klerk et al., 1992) increased. Changes observed during incubation in light or darkness appeared to be related to this condition rather than the rate or progress of senescence. Cytokinins delayed and abscisic acid accelerated the changes in protein pattern compared to water. Beside changes previously identified in leaves senescing on the plant, detached leaves show alterations that reflect their condition of incubation rather than their developmental progress.Abbreviations 2D-PAG two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - BSA bovine serum albumin - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - IEF isoelectric focusing - Rubisco ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   
Rust in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), caused byUromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Unger var.appendiculatus [ =U. phaseoli (Reben) Wint.], is a major disease problem and production constraint in many parts of the world. The predominant form of genetic control of the pathogen is a series of major genes which necessitate the development of efficient selection strategies. Our objective was focused on the identification of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers linked to a major bean rust resistance gene block enabling marker-based selection and facilitating resistance gene pyramiding into susceptible bean germplasm. Using pooled DNA samples of genotyped individuals from two segregating populations, we identified two RAPD markers linked to the gene block of interest. One such RAPD, OF10970 (generated by a 5-GGAAGCTTGG-3 decamer), was found to be closely linked (2.15±1.50 centi Morgans) in coupling with the resistance gene block. The other identified RAPD, OI19460 (generated by a 5-AATGCGGGAG-3 decamer), was shown to be more tightly linked (also in coupling) than OF10970 as no recombinants were detected among 97 BC6F2 segregating individuals in the mapping population. Analysis of a collection of resistant and susceptible cultivars and experimental lines, of both Mesoamerican and Andean origin, revealed that: (1) recombination between OF10970 and the gene block has occurred as evidenced by the presence of the DNA fragment in several susceptible genotypes, (2) recombination between OI19460 and the gene block has also occurred indicating that the marker is not located within the gene block itself, and (3) marker-facilitated selection using these RAPD markers, and another previously identified, will enable gene pyramiding in Andean germplasm and certain Mesoamerican bean races in which the resistance gene block does not traditionally exist. Observations of variable recombination among Mesoamerican bean races suggested suppression of recombination between introgressed segments and divergent recurrent backgrounds.Research supported by the Michigan Agricultural Research Station and the USDA-ARS. Mention of a trademark or a proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the USDA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable  相似文献   
The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and the canopy of spring barley crops growing at three levels of nitrogen application (medium N, high N and excessive N) was studied over two consecutive growing seasons by use of micrometeorological techniques. In most cases, ammonia was emitted from the canopy to the atmosphere. The emission started around 2 weeks before anthesis, and peaked about or shortly after anthesis. The volatilization of ammonia only took place in the daytime. During the night-time, atmospheric ammonia was frequently aborbed by the canopy. Occasionally, plants in the medium and high N treatments also absorbed ammonia from the atmosphere during the daytime. Daytime absorption of ammonia never occurred in the excessive N canopy. The loss of ammonia from the canopy amounted in both years to 0.5–1.5 kg NH3-N ha?1 and increased with the N status of the canopy. In agreement with the small losses of ammonia, the content of 15N-labelled nitrogen in the plants did not decline during the grain-filling period. The experimental years were characterized by very favourable conditions for grain dry matter formation, and for re-utilization of nitrogen mobilized from leaves and stems. Consequently, a very high part of the nitrogen in the mature plants was located in grain dry matter (80–84% in 1989; 74–80% in 1990). The efficient re-utilization of nitrogen may have reduced the volatilization of ammonia.  相似文献   
The role of fructan metabolism in the assimilate relations of the grain of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated by determination of the dry matter and fructan content of grain components at short intervals during grain filling. During the initial phase of rapid expansion, most of the assimilates entering the grain were partitioned to the outer pericarp. A large fraction of these assimilates were used for the synthesis of fructan. Dry matter deposition and fructan synthesis in the outer pericarp ceased at about 5d after anthesis. At the same time, the endosperm and the inner pericarp and testa started to accumulate dry matter at a fast rate. This was also associated with significant fructan synthesis in the latter tissues. The outer pericarp lost about 45% of its former maximum dry weight between 9 and 19 d after anthesis. This loss was due almost entirely to the near complete disappearance of water-soluble carbohydrates, most of which was fructan. The inner pericarp and testa accumulated dry matter until about mid-grain filling. The fructan contents of the inner pericarp and testa and the endosperm decreased slowly towards the end of grain filling. Most of the fructans in the inner pericarp and testa and the endosperm had a low molecular weight, whereas higher molecular weight fructans predominated in the outer pericarp. The embryo did not contain fructan. The presence of low molecular weight fructans in the endosperm cavity at mid-grain filling was confirmed. It is suggested that fructan synthesis is closely linked to growth-related water deposition in the different tissues of the wheat grain and serves to sequester the surplus of imported sucrose.  相似文献   
Ethylene production by primary roots of 72–h-old intact seedlings of Zea mays L. cv. LG11 was studied under ambient and sub-ambient oxygen partial pressures (pO2) using a gas flow-through system linked to a photoacoustic laser detector. Despite precautions to minimize physical perturbation to seedlings while setting-up, ethylene production in air was faster during the first 6h than later, in association with a small temporary swelling of the roots. When roots were switched from air (20–8kPa O2) to 3 or 5kPa O2 after 6h, ethylene production increased within 2—3 h. When, the roots were returned to air 16 h later, ethylene production decreased within 2—3 h. The presence of 10kPa CO2 did not interfere with the effect of 3kPa O2. Transferring roots from air to 12–5kPa did not change ethylene production, while a reduction to 1 kPa O2 induced a small increase. The extra ethylene formed in 3 and 5 kPa O2 was associated with plagiotropism, swelling, root hair production, and after 72 h, increased amounts of intercellular space (aerenchyma) in the root cortex. Root extension was also slowed down, but the pattern of response to oxygen shortage did not always match that of ethylene production. On return to air, subsequent growth patterns became normal within a few hours. In the complete absence of oxygen, no ethylene production was detected, even when anaerobic roots were returned to air after 16 h.  相似文献   
During one growing period, 5-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies L., Karst.) were exposed in environmental chambers to elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (750 cm3 m?3) and ozone (008 cm3 m?3) as single variables or in combination. Control concentrations of the gases were 350cm3 m?3CO2 and 0.02 cm3 m ?3 ozone. To investigate whether an elevated CO2 concentration can prevent adverse ozone effects by reducing oxidative stress, the activities of the protective enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase were determined. Furthermore, shoot biomass, pigment and protein contents of two needle age classes were investigated. Ozone caused pigment reduction and visible injury in the previous year's needles and growth reduction in the current year's shoots. In the presence of elevated concentrations of ozone and CO2, growth reduction in the current year's shoots was prevented, but emergence of visible damage in the previous year's needles was only delayed and pigment reduction was still found. Elevated concentrations of ozone or CO2 as single variables caused a significant reduction in the activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the current year's needles. Minimum activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase and decreased peroxidase activities were found in both needle age classes from spruce trees grown at enhanced concentrations of both CO2 and ozone. These results suggest a reduced tolerance to oxidative stress in spruce trees under conditions of elevated concentrations of both CO2 and ozone.  相似文献   
The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on water distribution in the intact roots of Vicia faba L. bean seedlings grown in natural soil was studied noninvasively with proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. Exposure of 24-d-old plants to atmospheric CO2-enriched air at 650 cm3 m?3 produced significant increases in water imaged in upper roots, hypogeal cotyledons and lower stems in response to a short-term drying-stress cycle. Above ground, drying produced negligible stem shrinkage and stomatal resistance was unchanged. In contrast, the same drying cycle caused significant depletion of water imaged in the same upper root structures in control plants subject to ambient CO2 (350 m3 m?3), and stem shrinkage and increased stomatal resistance. The results suggest that inhibition of transpiration caused by elevated CO2 does not necessarily result in attenuation of water transport from lower root structures. Inhibition of water loss from upper roots and lower stem in elevated CO2 environments may be a mitigating factor in assessing deleterious effects of greenhouse changes on crops during periods of dry climate.  相似文献   
The effects of long-term CO2 enhancement and varying nutrient availability on photosynthesis and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) were studied on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings grown in two atmospheric CO2 partial pressures (35 and 65 Pa) and three nutrient treatments (low N, low P, and high N and P). Measurements taken in late autumn (November) after 2 years of CO2 enrichment and nutrient addition showed that photosynthetic rates were higher for plants grown at elevated CO2 only when they received supplemental N. Total rubisco activity and rubisco content decreased at elevated CO2, but there was an increase in activation state. At elevated CO2, proportionately less N was found in rubisco and more N was found in the light reaction components. These results demonstrate acclimation of photosynthetic processes to elevated CO2 through reallocation of N. Loblolly pine grown in nutrient conditions similar to native soils (low N availability) had lower needle N and chlorophyll content, lower total rubisco activity and content, and lower photosynthetic rates than plants grown at high N and P. This suggests that the magnitude of the photosynthetic response to a future, high-CO2 environment will be dependent on soil fertility in the system.  相似文献   
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