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The risk that pathogens and parasites pose to endangered species is increasingly evident. Nonetheless, this is frequently overlooked when considering causes of decline of species and conservation practices. Here, we study the ecto and haemoparasites of adult and nestling Lesser grey shrikes Lanius minor from a dense and stable breeding population in central Europe and their effect on host blood parameters. We found three species of haemoparasites (Haemoproteus sp., microfilariae tentatively assigned to the family Splendidofilariae and Trypanosoma sp.) and two ectoparasite taxa (Menacanthus camelinus and feather mites – Acarina-). Our data suggest that the studied population, located in an area with traditional and extensive farming, is not under a strong parasite pressure. Despite this, indirect measures of immunocompetence (haematocrit and sedimentation rate) showed an association between haemoparasites and health status: while haematocrit did not differ between parasitised and non-parasitised individuals, adult shrikes with haematozoa had significantly lower sedimentation rates than did non-parasitised birds.  相似文献   
In insect pathogen interactions, host developmental stage is among several factors that influence the induction of immune responses. Here, we show that the effectiveness of immune reactions to a pathogen can vary markedly within a single larval stage. Pre-wandering fifth-stage (day 5) larvae of the model lepidopteran insect Manduca sexta succumb faster to infection by the insect pathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens than newly ecdysed fifth-stage (day 0) caterpillars. The decrease in insect survival of the older larvae is associated with a reduction in both humoral and cellular defence reactions compared to less developed larvae. We present evidence that older fifth-stage larvae are less able to over-transcribe microbial pattern recognition protein and antibacterial effector genes in the fat body and hemocytes. Additionally, older larvae show reduced levels of phenoloxidase (PO) activity in the cell-free hemolymph plasma as well as a dramatic decrease in the number of circulating hemocytes, reduced ability to phagocytose bacteria and fewer melanotic nodules in the infected tissues. The decline in overall immune function of older fifth-stage larvae is reflected by higher bacterial growth in the hemolymph and increased colonization of Photorhabdus on the basal surface of the insect gut. We suggest that developmentally programmed variation in immune competence may have important implications for studies of ecological immunity.  相似文献   
Species with alternative phenotypes offer unique opportunities to investigate hormone-behavior relationships. We investigated the relationships between testosterone, corticosterone, morphology, performance, and immunity in a population of lizards (Podarcis melisellensis) which exhibits a color polymorphism. Males occur in three different color morphs (white, yellow, orange), providing an opportunity to test the idea of morphs being alternative solutions to the evolutionary challenges posed on the link between hormones, morphology, performance, and immunity. Morphs differed in bite force capacity, with orange males biting harder, and in corticosterone levels, with yellow males having lower levels than orange. However, morphs did not differ in testosterone levels or in the immunological parameters tested. At the individual level, across morphs, testosterone levels predicted size-corrected bite force capacity, but no relation was found between hormone levels and immunity. Our results do not support the testosterone-based polymorphism hypothesis and reject the hypothesis of a trade-off between testosterone and immunity in this species, but provide a mechanistic link between testosterone and a sexually selected performance trait.  相似文献   
We examined variation in glucocorticoid levels in the mandrill, a brightly coloured primate species, to identify major social influences on stress hormones, and investigate relationships among glucocorticoid levels, testosterone and secondary sexual ornamentation. We collected a total of 317 fecal samples for 16 adult male mandrills over 13 months, including mating and non-mating periods and periods of both dominance rank stability and instability, and compared fecal glucocorticoid levels with dominance rank, rank stability, presence of receptive females, gastro-intestinal parasite infection, fecal testosterone and facial red coloration. Glucocorticoid levels did not vary systematically with dominance rank, but increased when the dominance hierarchy was unstable, and increased in the presence of receptive females. The relationship between dominance rank and glucocorticoid levels changed direction according to the stability of the dominance hierarchy: glucocorticoid levels were higher in subordinate males under stable conditions, but under conditions of instability higher ranking males had higher glucocorticoid levels. The influence of dominance rank also interacted with the presence of receptive females: glucocorticoids were higher in dominant males than in subordinates, but only during mating periods, suggesting that dominant males are more stressed than subordinates during such periods. These findings support previous studies showing that the relationship between glucocorticoids and dominance rank in male baboons is dependent on the social environment. We also found that males with higher glucocorticoids suffered a higher diversity of gastrointestinal parasite infection, in line with evidence that glucocorticoids suppress the immune system in other species. However, we found no support for the stress-mediated immunocompetence handicap hypothesis for the evolution of condition-dependent ornaments: glucocorticoid and testosterone levels were positively related, rather than the negative relationship predicted by the hypothesis, and we found no relationship between red colour and glucocorticoid levels, suggesting that glucocorticoids do not play a role in translating social conditions or physical health into ornament expression in this species.  相似文献   
The antibacterial immune response of the wax moth, Galleria mellonella, was analysed by use of an inhibition zone plate assay. We demonstrated significant stage-specific differences as the immune response was most effective in the pupal, next the larval and then the adult stage. In addition, we demonstrated that an immune challenge at the onset of, or during metamorphosis does not increase nor decrease the strength of the antibacterial immune response in the subsequent developmental stage(s). These findings illustrate that induced immunity is not preserved during metamorphosis but also deny any cost to the immune system itself. However, an immune challenge does induce a significant shortening of the direct development time and affects the mass loss during metamorphosis in a sex-dependent manner: males emerged smaller whereas the mass of females was not significantly affected. These observations indicate that there are sex-specific costs to mounting an immune response during metamorphosis which affect physiological traits, implicating a trade-off between immunity and development.  相似文献   
免疫能力与动物种群调节和生活史权衡的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生物医学和动物科学领域,免疫能力是指有机体对疾病的抵抗能力.近年来,对野生动物免疫能力的研究是一个新兴的热点领域,它与生态学结合,产生了生态免疫学.本文从生态学的角度,介绍了免疫能力的概念、影响因素及其与动物种群调节机理的关系,概述了与小型哺乳动物种群密度波动有关的免疫衰退假说、免疫能力选择假说和冬季免疫增强假说,总结了免疫能力与能量代谢和内分泌特征之间的关系,并对免疫能力在生活史权衡研究中的最新进展,即有机体生长与免疫、繁殖与免疫之间的权衡关系等进行了阐述,最后结合国际上本学科研究的发展动态,提出了一些未来的研究方向.  相似文献   
Studies testing the “immunocompetence handicap hypothesis” have focussed on the immunosuppressive effects of androgens. Several recent studies have reported that mounting a humoral immune response might also result in a decrease in circulating androgen levels via a “negative feedback” on the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG). The aim of this correlative study was to analyse these immunosuppressive and HPG-suppressive interactions in reproductively active males of the peafowl. We collected blood samples of free living birds before and after challenging the immune system with a non-pathogenic antigen (sheep erythrocytes), and analysed immune parameters and plasma levels of the two main androgens in birds, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Males displaying larger versions of the main secondary sexual trait, the long and conspicuously ornamented train, tended to have higher androgen levels and significantly lower circulating levels of leukocytes, indicating that exaggerated ornaments might signal properties of the endocrine and immune system. Actual circulating levels of androgens did not correlate with the plasma levels of leukocytes and the antibody response to SRBC. However, changes in plasma levels of both androgens showed negative correlation with both leukocytes (P < 0.1) and SRBC responses (P < 0.05). The data therefore support the prediction that activity of the immune system is HPG-suppressive. Such suppression has been proposed to be especially costly during the reproductive season, during which androgens facilitate the expression of exaggerated traits that play an important role in sexual competition.  相似文献   
On the use of spleen mass as a measure of avian immune system strength   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Smith KG  Hunt JL 《Oecologia》2004,138(1):28-31
The avian spleen has been frequently used in studies of avian ecology, parasitology, and evolution to infer immune system strength in birds. Traditionally, it has been assumed that a large spleen is representative of a strong immune system and conclusions based on this assumption have led to interesting interpretations of the role of disease and parasitism, for example in predator-prey interactions. This assumption of a positive relationship between spleen size and immune system strength has been made despite an incomplete understanding of the physiology of the avian spleen and little evidence of the validity of such an assumption. In this response, we demonstrate that the assumption of a predictable, positive relationship between spleen size and immunocompetence may be unjustified based on what is known of avian splenology. We also review recent research that may indicate that the inverse of the above assumption is true and we discuss general limitations of the use of the spleen as an indicator of immune system strength in birds. Finally, we make recommendations for future research topics in this field of study.  相似文献   
Palacios MG  Martin TE 《Oecologia》2006,146(4):505-512
Developmental periods are integral components of life history strategies that can have important fitness consequences and vary enormously among organisms. However, the selection pressures and mechanisms causing variation in length of developmental periods are poorly understood. Particularly puzzling are prolonged developmental periods, because their selective advantage is unclear. Here we tested the hypotheses that immune function is stronger in species that are attacked at a higher rate by parasites and that prolonged embryonic development allows the development of this stronger immune system. Through a comparative field study among 12 coexisting passerine bird species, we show that species with higher blood parasite prevalence mounted stronger cellular immune responses than species with lower prevalence. These results provide support for the hypothesis that species facing greater selection pressure from parasites invest more in immune function. However, species with longer incubation periods mounted weaker cellular immune responses than species with shorter periods. Therefore, cellular immune responses do not support the hypothesis that longer development time enhances immunocompentence. Future studies should assess other components of the immune system and test alternative causes of variation in incubation periods among bird species.  相似文献   
The evidence for a relationship between life history and immune defense is equivocal, although the basic premise is intuitively appealing: animals that live short lives and reproduce early and rapidly should not waste resources on defenses they might never use. One possible reason for a lack of strong support for this hypothesis could be the inherent complexity of the vertebrate immune system. Indeed, different components of the vertebrate immune system vary in their relative costs and benefits, and therefore only some defenses may complement variation in species’ life history. To address this hypothesis, we compared multiple types of immune activity between two populations of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) with distinct life histories, one from Colon, Panama, which lay small clutches over an extended breeding season (i.e., slow-living) and the other from Princeton, New Jersey, which lay larger clutches in a smaller window of time (i.e., fast-living). We expected (a) that more costly types of immune defenses would be stronger in the slow-living sparrows and (2) that the slow-living sparrows would show a greater increase in whole-body energy expenditure after immune challenge compared to their fast-living counterparts. We found that secondary antibody response to a novel antigen was more rapid and energetic investment in immune activity was greater in slow-living sparrows. However, cell-mediated immune activity was more robust in fast-living sparrows, and other measures of defense were not different between populations. These results provide partial support for a relationship between life history and immune defense in this species, but they also indicate that this relationship is not clear-cut. Further study is necessary to identify the influence of other factors, particular pathogen environment during development, on the architecture of the immune system of wild animals.  相似文献   
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