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Group 5 allergens from house dust mites elicit strong IgE antibody binding in mite-allergic patients. The structure of Der p 5 was determined by x-ray crystallography to better understand the IgE epitopes, to investigate the biologic function in mites, and to compare with the conflicting published Blo t 5 structures, designated 2JMH and 2JRK in the Protein Data Bank. Der p 5 is a three-helical bundle similar to Blo t 5, but the interactions of the helices are more similar to 2JMH than 2JRK. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contains three dimers of Der p 5 that are not exactly alike. Solution scattering techniques were used to assess the multimeric state of Der p 5 in vitro and showed that the predominant state was monomeric, similar to Blo t 5, but larger multimeric species are also present. In the crystal, the formation of the Der p 5 dimer creates a large hydrophobic cavity of ∼3000 Å3 that could be a ligand-binding site. Many allergens are known to bind hydrophobic ligands, which are thought to stimulate the innate immune system and have adjuvant-like effects on IgE-mediated inflammatory responses.  相似文献   
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) inhibits tissue factor-induced coagulation, but may, via its C terminus, also modulate cell surface, heparin, and lipopolysaccharide interactions as well as participate in growth inhibition. Here we show that C-terminal TFPI peptide sequences are antimicrobial against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as the fungi Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis. Fluorescence studies of peptide-treated bacteria, paired with analysis of peptide effects on liposomes, showed that the peptides exerted membrane-breaking effects similar to those seen for the “classic” human antimicrobial peptide LL-37. The killing of E. coli, but not P. aeruginosa, by the C-terminal peptide GGLIKTKRKRKKQRVKIAYEEIFVKNM (GGL27), was enhanced in human plasma and largely abolished in heat-inactivated plasma, a phenomenon linked to generation of antimicrobial C3a and activation of the classic pathway of complement activation. Furthermore, GGL27 displayed anti-endotoxic effects in vitro and in vivo in a mouse model of LPS shock. Importantly, TFPI was found to be expressed in the basal layers of normal epidermis, and was markedly up-regulated in acute skin wounds as well as wound edges of chronic leg ulcers. Furthermore, C-terminal fragments of TFPI were associated with bacteria present in human chronic leg ulcers. These findings suggest a new role for TFPI in cutaneous defense against infections.  相似文献   
The CD300 family of myeloid immunoglobulin receptors includes activating (CD300b, CD300e) and inhibitory members (CD300a, CD300f), as well as molecules of uncertain function presenting a negative charge within their transmembrane domain (CD300c, CD300d). In this paper, we establish that CD300c is a functional immune receptor able to deliver activating signals upon ligation in RBL-2H3 mast cells. CD300c signaling is partially mediated by a direct association with the immune receptor tyrosine-based activation motif-bearing adaptor FcεRγ. The existence of complementary transmembrane-charged residues in certain CD300 receptors suggested the formation of heterodimers within this family. Indeed, we proved the interaction between CD300b and CD300c in transfected COS-7 cells and demonstrated that it has important functional consequences. Unexpectedly, dimmer formation was dependent on the immunoglobulin domains rather than the charged transmembrane residues. Concordantly, all CD300 members were found to interact with each other, even with themselves, forming both homo- and heterodimers. We found that the combination of CD300 receptors in a complex differentially modulates the signaling outcome, strongly suggesting a new mechanism by which CD300 complexes could regulate the activation of myeloid cells upon interaction with their natural ligands.  相似文献   
The development of an effective vaccine against the schistosome is thought to be the most desirable means to control schistosomiasis, even though there is an effective means of chemotherapy with praziquantel. A full-length cDNA encoding the Schistosoma japonicum proteasome subunit alpha type 5 protein (SjPSMA5) was first isolated from 18-day-schistosomulum cDNAs. The cDNA had an open reading frame (ORF) of 747 bp and encoded 248 amino acids. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that SjPSMA5 is up-regulated in 18-day and 32-day schistosomes, and the level of expression in male is around fourfold higher than that in female worms at 42 days. The SjPSMA5 was subcloned into pET28a(+) and expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells. Western blotting showed that the recombinant SjPSMA5 (rSjPSMA5) was immunogenic. After immunization of BALB/c mice with rSjPSMA5, reductions of 23.29% and 35.24% were obtained in the numbers of worms and eggs in the liver, respectively. The levels of specific IgG antibodies and cells were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the group vaccinated with rSjPSMA5 combined with Seppic 206 adjuvant than in the other groups, as detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and flow cytometry. The study suggested that rSjPSMA5 induced partial immunoprotection against S. japonicum in BALB/c mice, and it could be a potential vaccine candidate against schistosomiasis.  相似文献   
Pseudallescheria boydii (Scedosporium apiospermum) is a saprophytic fungus widespread in the environment, and has recently emerged as an agent of localized as well as disseminated infections, particularly mycetoma, in immunocompromised and immunocompetent hosts. We have previously shown that highly purified α-glucan from P. boydii activates macrophages through Toll-like receptor TLR2, however, the mechanism of P. boydii recognition by macrophage is largely unknown. In this work, we investigated the role of innate immune receptors in the recognition of P. boydii. Macrophages responded to P. boydii conidia and hyphae with secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. The activation of macrophages by P. boydii conidia required functional MyD88, TLR4, and CD14, whereas stimulation by hyphae was independent of TLR4 and TLR2 signaling. Removal of peptidorhamnomannans from P. boydii conidia abolished induction of cytokines by macrophages. A fraction highly enriched in rhamnomannans was obtained and characterized by NMR, high performance TLC, and GC-MS. Preparation of rhamnomannans derived from P. boydii triggered cytokine release by macrophages, as well as MAPKs phosphorylation and IκBα degradation. Cytokine release induced by P. boydii-derived rhamnomannans was dependent on TLR4 recognition and required the presence of non-reducing end units of rhamnose of the rhamnomannan, but not O-linked oligosaccharides from the peptidorhamnomannan. These results imply that TLR4 recognizes P. boydii conidia and this recognition is at least in part due to rhamnomannans expressed on the surface of P. boydii.  相似文献   
Antiretroviral cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G, which is abundantly expressed in peripheral blood lymphocytes and macrophages, strongly protects these cells against HIV-1 infection. The HIV-1 Vif protein overcomes this antiviral effect by enhancing proteasome-mediated APOBEC3G degradation and is key for maintaining viral infectivity. The 579-bp-long vif gene displays high genetic diversity among HIV-1 subtypes. Therefore, it is intriguing to address whether Vif proteins derived from different subtypes differ in their viral defense activity against APOBEC3G. Expression plasmids encoding Vif proteins derived from subtypes A, B, C, CRF01_AE, and CRF02_AG isolates were created, and their anti-APOBEC3G activities were compared. Viruses produced from cells expressing APOBEC3G and Vif proteins from different subtypes showed relatively different viral infectivities. Notably, subtype C-derived Vif proteins tested had the highest activity against APOBEC3G that was ascribed to its increased binding activity, for which the N-terminal domain of the Vif protein sequences was responsible. These results suggest that the biological differences of Vif proteins belonging to different subtypes might affect viral fitness and quasispecies in vivo.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activates innate immune responses through TLR4·MD-2. LPS binds to the MD-2 hydrophobic pocket and bridges the dimerization of two TLR4·MD-2 complexes to activate intracellular signaling. However, exactly how lipid A, the endotoxic moiety of LPS, activates myeloid lineage cells remains unknown. Lipid IVA, a tetra-acylated lipid A precursor, has been used widely as a model for lipid A activation. For unknown reasons, lipid IVA activates proinflammatory responses in rodent cells but inhibits the activity of LPS in human cells. Using stable TLR4-expressing cell lines and purified monomeric MD-2, as well as MD-2-deficient bone marrow-derived macrophages, we found that both mouse TLR4 and mouse MD-2 are required for lipid IVA activation. Computational studies suggested that unique ionic interactions exist between lipid IVA and TLR4 at the dimerization interface in the mouse complex only. The negatively charged 4′-phosphate on lipid IVA interacts with two positively charged residues on the opposing mouse, but not human, TLR4 (Lys367 and Arg434) at the dimerization interface. When replaced with their negatively charged human counterparts Glu369 and Gln436, mouse TLR4 was no longer responsive to lipid IVA. In contrast, human TLR4 gained lipid IVA responsiveness when ionic interactions were enabled by charge reversal at the dimerization interface, defining the basis of lipid IVA species specificity. Thus, using lipid IVA as a selective lipid A agonist, we successfully decoupled and coupled two sequential events required for intracellular signaling: receptor engagement and dimerization, underscoring the functional role of ionic interactions in receptor activation.  相似文献   
Tumor cells release NKG2D ligands to evade NKG2D-mediated immune surveillance. The purpose of our investigation was to explore the cellular mechanisms of release used by various members of the ULBP family. Using biochemical and cellular approaches in both transfectant systems and tumor cell lines, this paper shows that ULBP1, ULBP2, and ULBP3 are released from cells with different kinetics and by distinct mechanisms. Whereas ULBP2 is mainly shed by metalloproteases, ULBP3 is abundantly released as part of membrane vesicles known as exosomes. Interestingly, exosomal ULBP3 protein is much more potent for down-modulation of the NKG2D receptor than soluble ULBP2 protein. This is the first report showing functionally relevant differences in the biochemistry of the three members of the ULBP family and confirms that in depth study of the biochemical features of individual NKG2D ligands will be necessary to understand and manipulate the biology of these proteins for therapy.  相似文献   
Pulmonary collectins, surfactant proteins A (SP-A) and D (SP-D), play important roles in innate immunity of the lung. Legionella pneumophila is a bacterial respiratory pathogen that can replicate within macrophages and causes opportunistic infections. L. pneumophila possesses cytolytic activity, resulting from insertion of pores in the macrophage membrane upon contact. We examined whether pulmonary collectins play protective roles against L. pneumophila infection. SP-A and SP-D bound to L. pneumophila and its lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and inhibited the bacterial growth in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The addition of LPS in the culture blocked the inhibitory effects on L. pneumophila growth by the collectins, indicating the importance of LPS-collectin interaction. When differentiated THP-1 cells were infected with L. pneumophila in the presence of SP-A and SP-D, the number of permeable cells was significantly decreased, indicating that pulmonary collectins inhibit pore-forming activity of L. pneumophila. The number of live bacteria within the macrophages on days 1–4 after infection was significantly decreased when infection was performed in the presence of pulmonary collectins. The phagocytosis experiments with the pH-sensitive dye-labeled bacteria revealed that pulmonary collectins promoted bacterial localization to an acidic compartment. In addition, SP-A and SP-D significantly increased the number of L. pneumophila co-localized with LAMP-1. These results indicate that pulmonary collectins protect macrophages against contact-dependent cytolytic activity of L. pneumophila and suppress intracellular growth of the phagocytosed bacteria. The promotion of lysosomal fusion with Legionella-containing phagosomes constitutes a likely mechanism of L. pneumophila growth suppression by the collectins.  相似文献   
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