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本研究探讨部分冷冻或切除小脑蚓部(vermis)对整体豚鼠“踏步自动作用”(steppingautomatism)的影响。“踏步自动作用”由我们近年来发现的诱发踏步物质(SIS)(4-R-2,2,5,5-四(三氟甲基)-咪唑啉)所引起。结果表明部分冷冻或切除小脑蚓部的山顶(culmen,Ⅴ和Ⅳ叶)和中央叶(Centralis,Ⅲa,b)明显增强豚鼠的“踏步自动作用”。冷冻小脑不能触发,但仅能调控“踏步自动作用”。这种调控作用对自动化程度差的弱“踏步自动作用”特别显著。蚓部山顶(Ⅴ叶为主)同时调控左右前肢踏步,而一侧蚓部山顶及其半球则主要调控同侧前肢踏步。此外,本研究的结果表明当介面温度(冷冻头和小脑幕间)致冷至5℃—0℃左右,冷冻小脑便可基本模拟部分切除小脑效应。  相似文献   
European pig production continues to encounter economic and environmental challenges. To address these issues, methods have been developed to assess performances of pig production systems. Recent studies indicate that considering variability in performances among pigs improves the accuracy and reliability of results compared with modelling an average animal. Our objective was to develop a pig fattening unit model able to (i) simulate individual pig performances, including their variability in interaction with farmers’ practices and management, and (ii) assess their effects on technical, economic and environmental performances. Farmer practices included in the model were chosen from a typology generated from on-farm surveys focused on batch management, pig allocation to pens, pig feeding practices, practices of shipping to the slaughterhouse, and management of the remaining pigs. Pigs are represented using an individual-based model adapted from the InraPorc® model. To illustrate the model’s abilities, four scenarios were simulated that combine two feed rationing plans (ad libitum, restricted to 2.5 kg/day) and two feed sequence plans (two-phase, 10-phase). Analysis of variance was performed on the simulated technical, economic and environmental indicators (calculated via Life Cycle Assessment). The feed rationing plan and feed sequence plan significantly affected all indicators except for the premium per pig, for which the feed sequence plan did not have a significant effect. The ‘restricted 10-phase’ scenario maximised gross margin of the fattening unit (14.2 €/pig) and minimised environmental impacts per kg of pig produced. In contrast, the ‘ad libitum two-phase’ scenario generated the lowest margin (8.20 €/pig) and the highest environmental impacts. The model appears to be a promising tool to assess effects of farmers’ practices, pig characteristics and farm infrastructure on technical, economic and environmental performances of the fattening unit, and to investigate the potential of improvement. However, further work is needed, based on virtual experiments, in order to evaluate the effects of a larger diversity of practices.  相似文献   
以3个品种(长白猪、大白猪、松辽黑猪)16个公猪家系共计368头仔猪组成资源群体,在猪2、7和8号染色体上共选取35个微卫星标记,采用基于线性混合模型的方差组分分析方法,对影响与猪白细胞、红细胞和血小板相关的共计18项血常规指标的数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)进行了检测.通过似然比检验,并以自由度为2的卡方分布作为检验统计量的分布,共发现22个在P〈5%水平下显著的QTL,其中在2号染色体上有9个,分别影响白细胞总数、中性粒细胞数、平均红细胞体积、血红蛋白含量、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血小板总数、平均血小板体积、血小板分布宽度和血小板压积,在7号染色体有7个,分别影响白细胞总数、中性粒细胞数、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血红蛋白含量、血小板总数、平均红细胞体积和红细胞分布宽度变异,在8号染色体上有6个,分别影响中性粒细胞百分比、淋巴细胞百分比、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度、血小板总数、血小板压积和平均红细胞体积.为尽可能地避免由于多重检验所造成的假阳性率的升高,我们采用了控制假检出率(false discovery rate,FDR)的方法来对这22个QTL进行进一步检验,发现有14个达到FDR〈5%显著水平,其中又有9个达到FDR〈1%显著水平.  相似文献   
Genetically modified pigs are valuable models of human disease and donors of xenotransplanted organs.Conventional gene targeting in pig somatic cells is extremely inefficient.Zinc-finger nuclease(ZFN)technology has been shown to be a powerful tool for efficiently inducing mutations in the genome.However,ZFN-mediated targeting in pigs has rarely been achieved.Here,we used ZFNs to knock out the porcineα-1,3-galactosyl-transferase(GGTA1)gene,which generates Gal epitopes that trigger hyperacute immune rejection in pig-to-human transplantation.Primary pig fibroblasts were transfected with ZFNs targeting the coding region of GGTA1.Eighteen mono-allelic and four biallelic knockout cell clones were obtained after drug selection with efficiencies of 23.4%and 5.2%,respectively.The biallelic cells were used to produce cloned pigs via somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT).Three GGTA1 null piglets were born,and one knockout primary fibroblast cell line was established from a cloned fetus.Gal epitopes on GGTA1 null pig cells were completely eliminated from the cell membrane.Functionally,GGTA1 knockout cells were protected from complement-mediated immune attacks when incubated with human serum.This study demonstrated that ZFN is an efficient tool in creating gene-modified pigs.GGTA1 null pigs and GGTA1 null fetal fibroblasts would benefit research and pig-to-human transplantation.  相似文献   
Tao J  Qin ZQ  Tao Y  Wen L  Shu XS  Wang ZC  Liu XW  Li WJ  Hu WX 《Animal genetics》2007,38(4):417-420
In this study, protein-level polymorphisms of transferrin, pre-albumin, hemopexin, ceruloplasmin and amylase were investigated in Hunan native pigs and Large Yorkshire pigs collected from Hunan (a province of China), allowing calculations of allele frequencies, average heterozygosities, inbreeding coefficients and genetic distances. The genetic relationship between Southeast Asian native pigs and American pigs was more distant than those among Southeast Asian native pig breeds. The genetic relationship between Southeast Asian native pig breeds and Hampshire pigs was the most distant.  相似文献   
In mammals, the nucleolus of full‐grown oocyte is essential for embryonic development but not for oocyte maturation. In our study, the role of the growing oocyte nucleolus in oocyte maturation was examined by nucleolus removal and/or transfer into previously enucleolated, growing (around 100 µm in diameter) or full‐grown (120 µm) pig oocytes. In the first experiment, the nucleoli were aspirated from growing oocytes whose nucleoli had been compacted by actinomycin D treatment, and the enucleolated oocytes were matured in vitro. Most of non‐treated or actinomycin D‐treated oocytes did not undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD; 13% and 12%, respectively). However, the GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes significantly increased to 46%. The low GVBD rate of enucleolated, growing oocytes was restored again by the re‐injection of nucleoli from growing oocytes (23%), but not when nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes were re‐injected into enucleolated, growing oocytes (49%). When enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes were injected with nucleoli from growing or full‐grown oocytes, the nucleolus in the germinal vesicle was reassembled (73% and 60%, respectively). After maturation, the enucleolated, full‐grown oocytes injected with nucleoli from full‐grown oocytes matured to metaphase II (56%), whereas injection with growing‐oocyte nucleoli reduced this maturation to 21%. These results suggest that the growing‐oocyte nucleolus is involved in the oocyte's meiotic arrest, and that the full‐grown oocyte nucleolus has lost the ability. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:426–435, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) mediated gene therapy research has been conducted predominantly on rodents. Appropriate large animal models may provide additional safety and efficacy information prior to human clinical trials. The objectives of this study were: (a) to optimize adenoviral transduction efficiency of porcine bone marrow MSCs using a commercial polyamine-based transfection reagent (GeneJammer, Stratagene, La Jolla, CA), and (b) to determine whether transduced MSCs retain the ability to differentiate into mesodermal lineages. Porcine MSCs (pMSCs) were infected under varying conditions, with replication-defective adenoviral vectors carrying the GFP gene and GFP expression analyzed. Transduced cells were induced to differentiate in vitro into adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineages. We observed a 5.5-fold increase in the percentage of GFP-expressing pMSCs when adenovirus type 5 carrying the adenovirus type 35 fiber (Ad5F35eGFP) was used in conjunction with GeneJammer. Transduction of pMSCs at 10.3-13.8 MOI (1,500-2,000 vp/cell) in the presence of Gene Jammer yielded the highest percentage of GFP-expressing cells ( approximately 90%) without affecting cell viability. A similar positive effect was detected when pMSCs were infected with an Ad5eGFP vector. Presence of fetal bovine serum (FBS) during adenoviral transduction enhanced vector-encoded transgene expression in both GeneJammer-treated and control groups. pMSCs transduced with adenovirus vector in the presence of GeneJammer underwent lipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic differentiation. Addition of GeneJammer during adenoviral infection of pMSCs can revert the poor transduction efficiency of pMSCs while retaining their pluripotent differentiation capacity. GeneJammer-enhanced transduction will facilitate the use of adenoviral vectors in MSC-mediated gene therapy models and therapies.  相似文献   
CRISPR/Cas技术能高效进行基因组定点编辑,但不同细菌来源或人工改造的Cas9以及Cpf1等核酸酶识别的PAM (protospacer adjacent motif)有差异,因此不同的基因编辑核酸酶可能采用不同类型的sgRNAs(small guide RNAs)。MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一类调控性的小分子非编码RNAs,为了研究miRNA前体中是否可能存在特异性高的sgRNAs靶点,本文利用本课题组前期开发的生物信息学软件CRISPR-offinder,对靶向28 645条miRNA前体的11种不同类型sgRNA的丰度及特异性进行了分析,并利用CRISPR/Cas9慢病毒技术构建了猪miR-302/367基因簇敲除细胞系,对构建的猪miRNA敲除细胞系的效率进行了检测。结果表明,每个miRNA前体中平均存在约8种不同类型sgRNA的靶点;通过评估靶向猪miRNA前体sgRNA的脱靶效应,发现其中特异性高的sgRNA仅占18.2%;通过CRISPR/Cas9慢病毒技术成功构建了猪miR-302/367基因簇敲除细胞系,发现通过该技术构建miRNA敲除细胞系的效率为40%。本研究为利用CRISPR/Cas技术靶向敲除miRNA提供了重要资源。  相似文献   
In previous ultrastructural studies we have shown that at the tip of intestinal villi in guinea pigs, effete enterocytes are separated into two portions: a thin apical cytoplasm to be exfoliated into the lumen and a major basal portion to be ingested by lamina propria macrophages. During this process, intraepithelially disposed, large granular lymphocytes interdigitate with enterocytes in a complex manner. In the present study, the relation between the enterocytes and the lymphocytes in the villous epithelium of the guinea pig small intestine is described by use of transmission and scanning electron microscopy in an attempt to visualize the roles and activities of the lymphocytes more clearly. The lymphocytes project numerous pointed processes into effete enterocytes, even piercing them. Enterocytes are deeply indented or perforated, probably as a result of the encroaching lymphocyte processes. Some enterocytes are separated into apical and basal portions by numerous large excavations in the cytoplasm. These findings indicate that repeated perforating penetration of the lymphocytes induces cell cleavage. Supporting this supposition, our microcinematographic observations demonstrate the alternate protrusion and withdrawal of processes of lymphocytes. The processes advance with a pointed end, and subsequently, retract with a rounded end in a cycle of 8–18 seconds.  相似文献   
猪H-FABP基因PCR-SSCP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用PCR-SSCP方法分析了H-FABP基因在山西白猪、马身猪、大白猪、长白猪和杜洛克猪5个猪种的多态性。结果表明:在H-FABP基因内含子1中发现了多态位点,该位点上具有两个等位基因A和B,马身猪BB基因型频率最高,B等位基因频率明显高于A等位基因频率;其余4个猪种AA基因型频率最高。序列测定的结果表明,SSCP的变异是由碱基C→T的替换造成的。  相似文献   
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