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The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of 18 environmental variables in the spatial distribution of 30 chorotypes (species groups with significantly similar distribution patterns) of dorylaimid and mononchid nematodes by means of logistic regression in a natural area in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. Six variables (elevation, color chroma, clay content, nitrogen content, CaCO₃, and plant community associated) were the most important environmental factors that helped explain the distribution of chorotypes. The distribution of most chorotypes was characterized by some (one to three) environmental variables; only two chorotypes were characterized by five or more variables, and four have not been characterized.  相似文献   
The douc, Pygathrix nemaeus, isnow restricted to the Indochinese Peninsula. An enigmatic report of this species in Hainan, China, is based on a specimen preserved in the Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden. Examination of this specimen and relevant museum records reveals (a) that the specimen belongs to the subspecies P. nemaeus nemaeusand (b) that the specimen was received from the Dresden Zoological Garden, which apparently provided information that it originated in Hainan. Evaluation of the reliability of this geographic information is now impossible, because relevant zoo records no longer exist. The provenance of the problematic specimen — Hainan or Indochinese Peninsula-remains an open question.  相似文献   
A tyrannosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fragmentary theropod remains from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Guimarota, Portugal, represent a new taxon of theropod dinosaurs, Aviatyrannis jurassica gen. et sp. nov. Together with Stokesosaurus from the Morrison Formation of North America, Aviatyrannis represents the oldest known tyrannosauroid, indicating that tyrannosauroid origins may be found in the Middle–Late Jurassic of Europe/North America. Furthermore, current evidence suggests that early tyrannosaurs were rather small animals, which is in general accordance with their origin amongst the generally rather small coelurosaurs.  相似文献   
Changes in lobule morphology in Radula subgenus Cladoradula show liverworts have the capacity for dramatic, relatively rapid morphological change by heterochrony. In individuals of R. bipinnata, R. boryana and R. tenax, lobules on secondary and tertiary shoots are progenetic with respect to lobules on primary shoots, in that the slope of the relationship between growth duration and shape does not change. However, in R. campanigera, lobules on secondary and tertiary branches exhibit different slopes from primary branches, but have the same growth duration, a pattern consistent with neoteny. The trajectory of allometric growth is extended or truncated in different species compared with outgroup and ancestral nodes. Changes in duration of lobule growth explain 85% of variation in lobule shape between species. Species are related by relatively shallow nodes in the crown of the Radula subgenus Cladoradula clade, suggesting that divergence and associated heterochronic changes have occurred relatively recently. The rapid morphological diversification in the crown contrasts with the relative stasis between the ancestral node and R. brunnea, the outgroup used in this analysis. A robust primary axis may be required to hold shoots away from vertical surfaces to maximize light interception, and hypermorphosis in lobule ontogeny could be a by‐product of the longer growth durations required to build axes sufficiently large to perform this structural role. Alternatively, the large auriculate lobules could function in external water transport systems by providing continuity of surfaces for solute transport via capillary action. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 153–175.  相似文献   
Abstract. The aim of this quantitative biogeographical analysis is to identify the existence of specific groups of pteridophytes with significantly similar distribution patterns (chorotypes) in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as to infer the environmental factors that may explain such groupings. We have applied a classification method to the pteridophyte species and have then tested the significance of the resulting groups. This allows the distinction of groups of species that occur together more frequently than expected at random from those which are just a product of the cluster analysis. The majority of the 113 pteridophyte species in the Iberian Peninsula are not distributed independently from each other, but eighteen chorotypes exist that are common to various species and three chorotypes that consist of one species each. Five species are distributed independently of the other species, and so their distribution areas overlap and segregate from the others at random. With the aim of finding a relation between the chorotypes identified and the processes that determine them, we investigated the possible incidence of certain environmental factors on the chorotype distributions by means of logistic regression. Factors that appear most frequently as possible causes of the distribution of the chorotypes are the water availability, climatic stress, availability of environmental energy, and disturbances caused by floods. Resumen . El objetivo de este análisis biogeográfico cuantitativo es identificar la posible existencia de grupos de especies de pteridófitos con patrones de distribución significantivamente similares (corotipos) en la Peninsula Ibérica, así como analizar los factores ambientales que explican tales grupos. Hemos aplicado un método de clasificatión biogeográfica de especies y después hemos comprobado la significación de los grupos resultantes. Esto nos ha permitido distinguir los grupos de especies que se asocian con más frecuencia de lo esperado por azar de aquellos grupos que se deben únicamente al análisis de agrupación. La mayoría de las 113 especies de pteridófitos en la Península Ibérica no se distribuyen independientemente unas de otras, sino que existen 18 corotipos que son comunes a varias especies y tres que están formados por una sola especie. Cinco especies se distribuyen independientemente de las restantes, y por tanto, sus áreas de distribución se solapan y se segregan con las demás al azar. Con objeto de encontrar una relación entre los corotipos identificados en el presente trabajo y los procesos que los determinan, investigamos por medio de regresiones logísticas la posible incidencia de ciertos factores ambientales sobre las distribuciones de los corotipos. Los factores que han aparecido más frecuentemente como posibles causas de las distribuciones de los corotipos son la disponibilidad de agua, el estrés climático, la energía ambiental disponible y los disturbios causados por las inundaciones.  相似文献   
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