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One model for the timing of cytokinesis is based on findings that p34(cdc2) can phosphorylate myosin regulatory light chain (LC20) on inhibitory sites (serines 1 and 2) in vitro (Satterwhite, L.L., M.H. Lohka, K.L. Wilson, T.Y. Scherson, L.J. Cisek, J.L. Corden, and T.D. Pollard. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 118:595-605), and this inhibition is proposed to delay cytokinesis until p34(cdc2) activity falls at anaphase. We have characterized previously several kinase activities associated with the isolated cortical cytoskeleton of dividing sea urchin embryos (Walker, G.R., C.B. Shuster, and D.R. Burgess. 1997. J. Cell Sci. 110:1373-1386). Among these kinases and substrates is p34(cdc2) and LC20. In comparison with whole cell activity, cortical H1 kinase activity is delayed, with maximum levels in cortices prepared from late anaphase/telophase embryos. To determine whether cortical-associated p34(cdc2) influences cortical myosin II activity during cytokinesis, we labeled eggs in vivo with [(32)P]orthophosphate, prepared cortices, and mapped LC20 phosphorylation through the first cell division. We found no evidence of serine 1,2 phosphorylation at any time during mitosis on LC20 from cortically associated myosin. Instead, we observed a sharp rise in serine 19 phosphorylation during anaphase and telophase, consistent with an activating phosphorylation by myosin light chain kinase. However, serine 1,2 phosphorylation was detected on light chains from detergent-soluble myosin II. Furthermore, cells arrested in mitosis by microinjection of nondegradable cyclin B could be induced to form cleavage furrows if the spindle poles were physically placed in close proximity to the cortex. These results suggest that factors independent of myosin II inactivation, such as the delivery of the cleavage stimulus to the cortex, determine the timing of cytokinesis.  相似文献   
Genomic DNA isolated from 20 horses was digested with up to six restriction endonucleases and subjected to southern blot hybridization analysis using various human class II alpha- and beta-chain cDNA probes. A high degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was found for the DQ alpha, DP beta, DQ beta and DR beta probes, about 20 polymorphic bands being detected for each. DR alpha showed 2-4 polymorphic bands, whereas no evidence for DP alpha-like genes was found. A number of correlations of RFLPs with individual alloantisera were apparent.  相似文献   
Abstract Photoproduction of hydrogen, nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) and hydrogenase activity (methylene blue dye reduction) were studied in free and alginate immobilized whole cells of a purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U. 001. Four-fold increase in hydrogen production, two-fold increase in nitrogenase activity and 1.2-fold increase in the hydrogenase activity were observed in immobilized cells compared to free cells. Effect of various inhibitors (CO and C2H2) and electron donor (H2) on the above three functions by free and immobilized cells has also been studied.  相似文献   
This study used monoclonal antibodies to sheep MHC class II molecules as well as an L cell transfectant (T8.1) which expresses DRA and DRB genes to show that two distinct DRβ chains are expressed in the sheep. Two anti-β chain specific monoclonal antibodies VPM37 and VPM43 react with DR antigen but not DQ antigen by ELISA. These two antibodies do not react with the DRβ chain expressed in the T8.1 cell line. Two-dimensional immunoblotting shows that these antibodies recognize a subgroup of the spots recognized by the DR-specific monoclonal antibody VPM57 which does react with the T8.1 β chain. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of the α chain associated with VPM37β chain shows that this α chain is homologous to the human DRα chain strongly indicating that the β chain is DR-like. VPM37 and VPM43 are shown to be directed against different epitopes on sheep MHC class II molecules so it is highly unlikely that the data can be explained by the presence of posttranslational modifications or the existence of a very common allele. These data provide clear evidence for the expression of two distinct DRP chains in the sheep.  相似文献   
Major knowledge gaps exist with respect to light-quality regimes in the coastal-zone Strandzha Quercus frainetto (Q.f.) forest region adjoining the southern Bulgarian Black Sea. This paper presents preliminary results that help narrow these gaps. In conjunction with leaf area index (LAI) field campaigns we undertook measurements with an array of 7 broad-band (ca 40 nm) sensors covering the range 0.40–0.94 μm, plus 1 sensor for UVB (0.297 μm peak) and 1 for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Measurements focused on inside-forest shade conditions at sites 0 to ca 15 km from the Black Sea and at altitudes up to ca 120 m above sea level. Some of the sites were also studied using a high-resolution spectroradiometer. A sequential measuring strategy was necessary. This involves potentially large uncertainties, here addressed through estimations of the variability around the sinusoidal course of daylight. Light-quality regimes were found to be in general support of earlier studies of deciduous forests. Our data from the broad-band sensors and from the spectroradiometer are mutually supportive. They indicate a stronger red-shift below Q.f. canopies than below canopies in enclaves dominated by Fagus orientalis and Pinus sylvestris. Transmission in the range 0.50–0.55 μm increases beneath the three types of canopies, most pronounced in the Q.f. case. Analysis of relationships between the inside-forest to open-field irradiance ratio and LAI supports the use of Beer’s Law. We found a fairly strong relationship between the red (0.66 μm) to far-red (0.73 μm) irradiance ratios (R/FR) and LAI for the Q.f. forest. In quantitative terms, the result is new for this Q.f. region, and suggests further research to explore whether a two-sensor approach (0.66 and 0.73 μm) might offer possibilities for further low-cost mapping of the spatio-temporal patterns of R/FR and LAI in Strandzha. Such mapping would assist in further studies of the region’s forest biogeochemistry and vitality.  相似文献   
Beyond its role as an electron acceptor in aerobic respiration, oxygen is also a key effector of many developmental events. The oxygen‐sensing machinery and the very fabric of cell identity and function have been shown to be deeply intertwined. Here we take a first look at how oxygen might lie at the crossroads of at least two of the major molecular pathways that shape pancreatic development. Based on recent evidence and a thorough review of the literature, we present a theoretical model whereby evolving oxygen tensions might choreograph to a large extent the sequence of molecular events resulting in the development of the organ. In particular, we propose that lower oxygenation prior to the expansion of the vasculature may favour HIF (hypoxia inducible factor)‐mediated activation of Notch and repression of Wnt/β‐catenin signalling, limiting endocrine cell differentiation. With the development of vasculature and improved oxygen delivery to the developing organ, HIF‐mediated support for Notch signalling may decline while the β‐catenin‐directed Wnt signalling is favoured, which would support endocrine cell differentiation and perhaps exocrine cell proliferation/differentiation.  相似文献   
The evolutionarily broad family nucleobase-cation symporter-2 (NCS2) encompasses transporters that are conserved in binding site architecture but diverse in substrate selectivity. Putative purine transporters of this family fall into one of two homology clusters: COG2233, represented by well studied xanthine and/or uric acid permeases, and COG2252, consisting of transporters for adenine, guanine, and/or hypoxanthine that remain unknown with respect to structure-function relationships. We analyzed the COG2252 genes of Escherichia coli K-12 with homology modeling, functional overexpression, and mutagenesis and showed that they encode high affinity permeases for the uptake of adenine (PurP and YicO) or guanine and hypoxanthine (YjcD and YgfQ). The two pairs of paralogs differ clearly in their substrate and ligand preferences. Of 25 putative inhibitors tested, PurP and YicO recognize with low micromolar affinity N6-benzoyladenine, 2,6-diaminopurine, and purine, whereas YjcD and YgfQ recognize 1-methylguanine, 8-azaguanine, 6-thioguanine, and 6-mercaptopurine and do not recognize any of the PurP ligands. Furthermore, the permeases PurP and YjcD were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis at highly conserved sites of transmembrane segments 1, 3, 8, 9, and 10, which have been studied also in COG2233 homologs. Residues irreplaceable for uptake activity or crucial for substrate selectivity were found at positions occupied by similar role amino acids in the Escherichia coli xanthine- and uric acid-transporting homologs (XanQ and UacT, respectively) and predicted to be at or around the binding site. Our results support the contention that the distantly related transporters of COG2233 and COG2252 use topologically similar side chain determinants to dictate their function and the distinct purine selectivity profiles.  相似文献   
《Cell reports》2020,30(3):630-641.e5
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Steroid metabolites in urine from neonates with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are predominantly polyhydroxylated 17-hydroxyprogesterone and androgen metabolites, and most have incompletely defined structure. This study forms part of a comprehensive project to characterize and identify these in order to enhance diagnosis and to further elucidate neonatal types of steroid metabolism.Steroids were analyzed, after extraction and enzymatic conjugate hydrolysis, as methyloxime-trimethylsilyl ether derivatives on gas-chromatographs coupled to quadrupole and ion-trap mass-spectrometers. GC-MS and GC-MS/MS spectra, obtained with constant excitation conditions, were used together to determine the structure of the D-ring and the side chain of 20-oxo and 20-hydroxy pregnane(ene)s without oxo groups on the A-, B-, and C-ring.All possible combinations of D-ring and side chain configuration were considered. Most fragmentations could be interpreted as partial or complete D-ring cleavages with loss of the side chain, aided by comparison with spectra of deuterated derivatives and of borohydride reduced metabolites. Possible rearrangement ions are also discussed. More than 140 endogenous metabolites were characterized.GC-MS/MS was especially beneficial for characterization of compounds with 16,17-dihydroxy-20-oxo structure, interpreted as markers of intra-uterine enzyme induction. It also assisted the differentiation of 16-hydroxy-20-oxo metabolites, present in urine of non-affected neonates, from the diagnostic 17-hydroxy-20-oxosteroids and enabled the detection of 15,17-dihydroxy-20-oxo compounds in low concentrations. The presence of 17,21-dihydroxylated pregnane(ene)s despite the deficit in CYP21A2 is discussed.We conclude that GC-MS combined with GC-MS/MS allows reliable identification of the structure of the D-ring and side chain of pregnane(ene)s without prior isolation, even when in low concentrations in urine.  相似文献   
We propose a technique for separating the climatic signal which is contained in two tree-ring parameters widely used in dendroclimatology. The method is based on the removal of the relationship between tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum latewood density (MXD) observed for narrow tree rings from high latitudes. The new technique is tested on data from three larch stands located along the northern timberline in Eurasia. Correlations were calculated between the temperatures of pentads (five consecutive days), TRW chronologies and MXD chronologies calculated according to the standard and proposed methods. The analysis confirms the great importance of summer temperature for tree radial growth and tree-ring formation. TRW is positively correlated with the temperature of four to eight pentads (depending on the region) at the beginning of the growth season, but MXD as obtained by the standard technique is correlated with temperature over a much longer period. For maximum density series from which the relationship between MXD and TRW has been removed (MXD′), there is a clear correlation with temperatures in the second part of the growing season. These results are consistent with the known dynamics of tree-ring growth in high latitudes and mechanisms of tree-ring formation.  相似文献   
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