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Breitenbach J  Sandmann G 《Planta》2005,220(5):785-793
The plant carotenoid biosynthetic pathway to cyclic carotenes proceeds via carotene precursors in cis configuration. Involvement of individual isomers was elucidated by genetic complementation of desaturations and in vitro reactions of the corresponding enzyme. Determination of substrate and product specificity of phytoene and -carotene desaturase revealed that 15-cis-phytoene is converted to 9,15,9-tricis--carotene with 15,9-dicis-phytofluene as intermediate by the first desaturase. Prior to a subsequent conversion by -carotene desaturase, the 15-cis double bond of 9,15,9-tricis--carotene has to be (photo)isomerized to all-trans. Then, the resulting 9,9-dicis--carotene is utilized by -carotene desaturase via 7,9,9-tricis-neurosporene to 7,9,7,9-tetracis-lycopene. Other -carotene isomers that are assumed to be spontaneous isomerization products were not converted, except for the asymmetric 9-cis--carotene. This isomer is desaturated only to 7,9-dicis-neurosporene resembling a dead-end of the pathway. Prolycopene, the product of the desaturation reactions, is finally isomerized by a specific isomerase to all-trans-lycopene, which is a prerequisite for cyclization to -carotene. The 5-cis-lycopene and the 9-cis-and 13-cis--carotene isomers detected in leaves are thought to originate independently from cis precursors by non-enzymatic isomerization of their all-trans forms.  相似文献   
Muconate cycloisomerase (MCI) was purified from Rhodococcus rhodochrous 89 grown on phenol. The enzyme appears to contain two different type subunits with molecular masses 35.5 and 37 kD. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of both subunits showed more similarity to corresponding enzymes from gram-negative bacteria than to one from Rhodococcus opacus 1CP. MCI from R. rhodochrous 89, like analogous enzymes from gram-negative bacteria, can convert 2-chloromuconate (2-CM) with the formation of both, 2- and 5-chloromuconolactones (CML) as intermediates. Nevertheless, its unique ability to convert 5-CML to cis- but not to trans-dienelactone sets it apart from all known chloromuconate cycloisomerases from gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   
Synthesis and characterization of a flexible crosslinked polystyrene graftedpolyethyleneglycol (PEG) resin which allows for efficient synthesis of aggregating peptides in high yield and purity has been described. The resin showed rigidity, mechanical and chemical stability, and improved swelling and solvation characteristics essential for the successful synthesis of peptides. To demonstrate the usefulness of the new resin in polypeptide synthesis, a 4-(hydroxymethyl)phenoxyacetic acid (HMPA) handle was anchored to the free terminus of PEG and a typical hydrophobic peptide, Alzheimer's -amyloid plaque protein (33–42) fragment, was synthesized using Fmoc/t-Bu tactics. The new resin was compared with commercially available 1 mol% divinylbenzene (DVB)-crosslinked Tentagel resin under identical conditions. HPLC profiles and LC/MS analyses of the crude products revealed the high synthetic efficiency of the newly developed support. Efficiency of the resin was further illustrated by the gel-phase synthesis of a 15-residue peptide, (28–42) fragment of -amyloid protein.  相似文献   
Metabolomics is an emerging field which enables profiling of samples from living organisms in order to obtain insight into biological processes. A vital aspect of metabolomics is sample preparation whereby inconsistent techniques generate unreliable results. This technique encompasses protein precipitation, liquid-liquid extraction, and solid-phase extraction as a means of fractionating metabolites into four distinct classes. Improved enrichment of low abundance molecules with a resulting increase in sensitivity is obtained, and ultimately results in more confident identification of molecules. This technique has been applied to plasma, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid samples with volumes as low as 50 µl.  Samples can be used for multiple downstream applications; for example, the pellet resulting from protein precipitation can be stored for later analysis. The supernatant from that step undergoes liquid-liquid extraction using water and strong organic solvent to separate the hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. Once fractionated, the hydrophilic layer can be processed for later analysis or discarded if not needed. The hydrophobic fraction is further treated with a series of solvents during three solid-phase extraction steps to separate it into fatty acids, neutral lipids, and phospholipids. This allows the technician the flexibility to choose which class of compounds is preferred for analysis. It also aids in more reliable metabolite identification since some knowledge of chemical class exists.  相似文献   
Biomimetic enamel reconstruction is a significant topic in material science and dentistry as a novel approach for the treatment of dental caries or erosion. Amelogenin has been proven to be a critical protein for controlling the organized growth of apatite crystals. In this paper, we present a detailed protocol for superficial enamel reconstruction by using a novel amelogenin-chitosan hydrogel. Compared to other conventional treatments, such as topical fluoride and mouthwash, this method not only has the potential to prevent the development of dental caries but also promotes significant and durable enamel restoration. The organized enamel-like microstructure regulated by amelogenin assemblies can significantly improve the mechanical properties of etched enamel, while the dense enamel-restoration interface formed by an in situ regrowth of apatite crystals can improve the effectiveness and durability of restorations. Furthermore, chitosan hydrogel is easy to use and can suppress bacterial infection, which is the major risk factor for the occurrence of dental caries. Therefore, this biocompatible and biodegradable amelogenin-chitosan hydrogel shows promise as a biomaterial for the prevention, restoration, and treatment of defective enamel.  相似文献   
改良日本小麦品种农林10号的衍生品种“小罂粟”(农林89号)获得成功,抗旱高 产育种取得重大突破。鲁麦13号率先在非灌溉条件下创造了9 244.5kg/hm2的高产纪录;鲁麦14号 则成为20世纪90年代初期黄淮冬麦区栽培面积最大的品种。该品种不仅高产、多抗、广适。而 且还是很好的农艺亲本被育种家广泛利用,已选育出49个新品种,成为黄淮冬麦区新一轮主栽品种, 创造了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。充分显示出种质资源的创新,在育种和保障国家粮食安全中的 地位与作用。还就品种资源的研究和利用进行讨论。  相似文献   
RG7356 is a humanized antibody targeting the constant region of CD44. RG7356 was radiolabeled with 89Zr for preclinical evaluations in tumor xenograft-bearing mice and normal cynomolgus monkeys to enable study of its biodistribution and the role of CD44 expression on RG7356 uptake.

Studies with 89Zr-RG7356 were performed in mice bearing tumor xenografts that differ in the level of CD44 expression (CD44+ or CD44-) and RG7356 responsiveness (resp or non-resp): MDA-MB-231 (CD44+, resp), PL45 (CD44+, non-resp) and HepG2 (CD44, non-resp). Immuno-PET whole body biodistribution studies were performed in normal cynomolgus monkeys to determine normal organ uptake after administration of a single dose.

At 1, 2, 3, and 6 days after injection, 89Zr-RG7356 uptake in MDA-MB-231 (CD44+, resp) xenografts was nearly constant and about 9 times higher than in HepG2 (CD44, non-resp) xenografts (range 27.44 ± 12.93 to 33.13 ± 7.42% ID/g vs. 3.25 ± 0.38 to 3.90 ± 0.58% ID/g). Uptake of 89Zr-RG7356 was similar in MDA-MB-231 (CD44+, resp) and PL45 (CD44+, non-resp) xenografts. Studies in monkeys revealed antibody uptake in spleen, salivary glands and bone marrow, which might be related to the level of CD44 expression. 89Zr-RG7356 uptake in these normal organs decreased with increasing dose levels of unlabeled RG7356.

89Zr-RG7356 selectively targets CD44+ responsive and non-responsive tumors in mice and CD44+ tissues in monkeys. These studies indicate the importance of accurate antibody dosing in humans to obtain optimal tumor targeting. Moreover, efficient binding of RG7356 to CD44+ tumors may not be sufficient in itself to drive an anti-tumor response.  相似文献   
The hierarchical architecture of protective biological materials such as mineralized fish scales, gastropod shells, ram’s horn, antlers, and turtle shells provides unique design principles with potentials for guiding the design of protective materials and systems in the future. Understanding the structure-property relationships for these material systems at the microscale and nanoscale where failure initiates is essential. Currently, experimental techniques such as nanoindentation, X-ray CT, and SEM provide researchers with a way to correlate the mechanical behavior with hierarchical microstructures of these material systems1-6. However, a well-defined standard procedure for specimen preparation of mineralized biomaterials is not currently available. In this study, the methods for probing spatially correlated chemical, structural, and mechanical properties of the multilayered scale of A. spatula using nanoindentation, FTIR, SEM, with energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis, and X-ray CT are presented.  相似文献   
Mouse models have become increasingly popular in the field of behavioral neuroscience, and specifically in studies of experimental stroke. As models advance, it is important to develop sensitive behavioral measures specific to the mouse. The present protocol describes a skilled motor task for use in mouse models of stroke. The Pasta Matrix Reaching Task functions as a versatile and sensitive behavioral assay that permits experimenters to collect accurate outcome data and manipulate limb use to mimic human clinical phenomena including compensatory strategies (i.e., learned non-use) and focused rehabilitative training. When combined with neuroanatomical tools, this task also permits researchers to explore the mechanisms that support behavioral recovery of function (or lack thereof) following stroke. The task is both simple and affordable to set up and conduct, offering a variety of training and testing options for numerous research questions concerning functional outcome following injury. Though the task has been applied to mouse models of stroke, it may also be beneficial in studies of functional outcome in other upper extremity injury models.  相似文献   
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