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离子注入技术是将某种元素的原子进行电离,并使其在电场中加速,在获得较高的速度后射入固体材料表面。在离子注入过程中,被电离的离子在电场作用下加速运动,离子靠着本身获得的动能进入基体表面,在表层中运动的离子与基体原子作用损失能量后在一定的位置停留下来。该技术自60年代问世以来,主要用于材料改性等方面。80年代中期,我国学者开始将其用于农作物育种方面的研究,大大拓宽了离子注入技术的应用领域。所用实验材料的基因及表现型见Tab3,我们将氢离子(E=35MeV)注入处于胚胎发育后期的家蚕卵内(Tab1),观察其对家蚕形态及遗传方面的影响,结果表明:(1)在家蚕胚胎发育的已4期注入氢离子,其半致死剂量LD50为1x1010~1x1011cm2这一区间之内;当剂量达到1x1012cm2时,已全部致死(Fig.1&Tab.2);(2)注入氢离子能够使家蚕在第1腹节上产生褐斑(Fig.2)的频率增高。并首次观察到因注入氢离子而导致家蚕出现非成对的褐斑(Fig.3&Tab.4)。(3)在氢离子注入剂量为1x1010cm2时,能够诱变产生大量的嵌合体家蚕,并且诱变频率高达38.5%(Fig.4&Tab.5),这样高的  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to identify loci associated with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis ( Map ) infection status in US Holsteins using the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay. Two hundred forty-five cows from dairies in New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont enrolled in longitudinal herd studies between January 1999 and November 2007 were assessed for the presence of Map in both faecal and tissue samples. An animal was considered tissue infected if any sample contained at least one colony forming unit of Map per gram of tissue (CFU/g) and the same definition was employed for faecal samples. Each animal was genotyped with the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip and after quality assurance filtering, 218 animals and 45 683 SNPs remained. We sought to identify loci associated with four different case/control classifications: presence of Map in the tissue, presence of Map in faeces, presence of Map in both tissue and faeces and presence of Map in tissue but not faeces. A case–control genome wide association study was conducted to test the four different classifications of Map infection status (cases) when compared with a Map -negative control group (control). Regions on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, 8, 16, 21 and 23 were identified with moderate significance ( P  < 5 × 10−5). Two regions, one on chromosome 3 (near EDN2 ) and another on chromosome 9 (no positional gene candidates), were identified with a high level of association to the presence of Map in tissue and both tissue and faeces respectively ( P  <   5 × 10−7, genome-wide Bonferonni P  <   0.05).  相似文献   
The mitochondrial targeting signal in the presequence of mitochondrial precursor proteins is recognized by Tom20 and subsequently by Tim50 in mitochondria. Yeast Tim50 contains two presequence binding sites in the conserved core domain and in the fungi-specific C-terminal presequence binding domain (PBD). We report the NMR analyses on interactions of a shorter variant of PBD (sPBD), a shorter variant of PBD, with presequences. The presequence is recognized by sPBD in a similar manner to Tom20. sPBD can also bind to the core domain of Tim50 through the presequence binding region, which could promote transfer of the presequence from sPBD to the core domain in Tim50.  相似文献   
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the major flavonoid in green tea, is consumed via tea products and dietary supplements, and has been tested in clinical trials. However, EGCG can cause hepatotoxicity in humans and animals by unknown mechanisms. Here EGCG effects on rat liver mitochondria were examined. EGCG showed negligible effects on oxidative phosphorylation at 7.5–100 μM in normal mitochondria. However, respiratory chain complexes (RCCs) were profoundly inhibited by EGCG in mitochondria undergoing Ca2+ overload-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). As RCCs are located in mitochondrial inner membranes (IM) and matrix, it was reasoned that EGCG could not readily pass through IM to affect RCCs in normal mitochondria but may do so when IM integrity is compromised. This speculation was substantiated in three ways. (1) Purified EGCG-bound proteins were barely detectable in normal mitochondria and contained no RCCs as determined by Western blotting, but swelling mitochondria contained about 1.5-fold more EGCG-bound proteins which included four RCC subunits together with cyclophilin D that locates in mitochondrial matrix. (2) Swelling mitochondria consumed more EGCG than normal ones. (3) The MPT blocker cyclosporine A diminished the above-mentioned difference. Among four subunits of RCC II, only SDHA and SDHB which locate in mitochondrial matrix, but not SDHC or SDHD which insert into the IM, were found to be EGCG targets. Interestingly, EGCG promoted Ca2+ overload-induced MPT only when moderate MPT already commenced. This study identified hepatic RCCs as targets for EGCG in swelling but not normal mitochondria, suggesting EGCG may trigger hepatotoxicity by worsening pre-existing mitochondria abnormalities.  相似文献   
We have identified an 11-residue pattern (KR(F/A)KKFFKK(L/P)K), which we have named the ATRA motif, within the sequence of the Chinese cobra (Naja atra) cathelicidin. A series of 11-residue peptides (ATRA-1, -2, -1A and -1P) were designed to probe the significance of the conserved residues within the ATRA motif, and their contributions to antimicrobial performance. The antimicrobial activities of the peptides were assessed against Escherichia coli K12 strain and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Y4. ATRA-1 and -1A, demonstrated potencies comparable to that of N. atra cathelicidin. Structural examination by circular dichroism of the four short peptides suggested the significance of specific amino acid positions within the motif by their contribution to helicity. The results of these studies indicate that short peptides derived from the repeated ATRA motif from the N. atra cathelicidin can demonstrate both low toxicity against host cells and high antimicrobial activity against the gram-negative bacteria used in this study. They constitute novel, effective antimicrobial peptides that are much shorter (and thus less expensive to produce) than the natural cathelicidins, and they may represent new templates for therapeutic drug development.  相似文献   
Summary .  In response to the ever increasing threat of radiological and nuclear terrorism, active development of nontoxic new drugs and other countermeasures to protect against and/or mitigate adverse health effects of radiation is ongoing. Although the classical LD50 study used for many decades as a first step in preclinical toxicity testing of new drugs has been largely replaced by experiments that use fewer animals, the need to evaluate the radioprotective efficacy of new drugs necessitates the conduct of traditional LD50 comparative studies ( FDA, 2002 ,  Federal Register   67, 37988–37998). There is, however, no readily available method to determine the number of animals needed for establishing efficacy in these comparative potency studies. This article presents a sample-size formula based on Student's  t  for comparative potency testing. It is motivated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) requirements for robust efficacy data in the testing of response modifiers in total body irradiation experiments where human studies are not ethical or feasible. Monte Carlo simulation demonstrated the formula's performance for Student's  t , Wald, and likelihood ratio tests in both logistic and probit models. Importantly, the results showed clear potential for justifying the use of substantially fewer animals than are customarily used in these studies. The present article may thus initiate a dialogue among researchers who use animals for radioprotection survival studies, institutional animal care and use committees, and drug regulatory bodies to reach a consensus on the number of animals needed to achieve statistically robust results for demonstrating efficacy of radioprotective drugs.  相似文献   
单克隆抗体对肾综合征出血热病毒50k蛋白的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用18株抗肾综合征出血热(Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,以下简称HFRS)病毒McAb,以Western-blot技术分析了纯化的该病毒50k蛋白。结果有7株McAb可与该蛋白反应。这7株McAb的特性(包括感染细胞膜抗原免疫荧光染色模式、中和活性及HI活性等)亦各不相同,提示它们所针对的抗原决定簇的特性也不同。用ELISA阻断试验等证明,上述7株McAb中,有5株所针对的抗原决定簇之间有部分相同或重叠,提示这些具有不同特性的抗原决定簇确实位于同一结构蛋白上。分析结果表明,该50k蛋白的特性及结构均较复杂,尚须进一步研究。  相似文献   
Cyclooxygenase-2 is a very important physiological enzyme playing key roles in various biological functions especially in the mechanism of pain and inflammation, among other roles, making it a molecule of high interest to the pharmaceutical community as a target. COX 2 enzyme is induced only during inflammatory processes or cancer and reflects no role in the guarding stomach lining. Thus, selective COX-2 inhibition can significantly reduce the adverse effects including GI tract damage and hepatotoxic effects of traditional NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. Recent developments on COX-2 inhibitors is primarily focused on improving the selectivity index of the drug towards COX-2 along with enhancing the potency of the drug by modifying the scaffolds of Coxibs currently in the market like Celecoxib, Indomethacin, Oxaprozin, etc. We have reported the progress on new COX-2 inhibitors in the last decade (2008–2019) focussing on five heterocyclic rings- Pyrazole, Indole, Oxazole, Pyridine and Pyrrole. The addition of various moieties to these core rings and their structure-activity relationship along with their molecular modelling data have been explored in the article. This review aims to aid medicinal chemists in the design and discovery of better COX-2 inhibitors constructed on these five heterocyclic pharmacophores.  相似文献   
1. The naturally occurring mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor inhibits the mitochondrial ATPase (F1) non-competitively.2. The interaction between inhibitor and inhibitor-depleted F1 or submitochondrial particles is diminished when the ratio of ATP/ADP is low or when energy is generated by substrate oxidation.3. The dissociation of the inhibitor from coupled Mg-ATP particles is promoted when substrates are being oxidized. This results in the appearance of a large uncoupler-stimulated ATPase activity. Activation of the uncoupler-stimulated ATPase activity is also achieved by incubation of the particles with ADP.4. The ATPase activity of Mg-ATP particles is determined by the turnover capacity of F1. When endogenous inhibitor is removed, energy dissipation becomes the rate-limiting step. This energy dissipation can be activated by an uncoupler.5. Evidence is presented for the existence of a non-inhibited intermediate F1-inhibitor complex.  相似文献   
The structures of three complexes of human fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FB) with the allosteric inhibitor AMP and two AMP analogues have been determined and all fully refined. The data used for structure determination were collected at cryogenic temperature (110 K), and with the use of synchrotron radiation. The structures reveal a common mode of binding for AMP and formycine monophosphate (FMP). 5-Amino-4-carboxamido-1 beta-D-5-phosphate-ribofuranosyl-1H-imidazole (AICAR-P) shows an unexpected mode of binding to FB, different from that of the other two ligands. The imidazole ring of AICAR-P is rotated 180 degrees compared to the AMP and FMP bases. This rotation results in a slightly different hydrogen bonding pattern and minor changes in the water structure in the binding pocket. Common features of binding are seen for the ribose and phosphate moieties of all three compounds. Although binding in a different mode, AICAR-P is still capable of making all the important interactions with the residues building the allosteric binding pocket. The IC50 values of AMP, FMP, and AICAR-P were determined to be 1.7, 1.4, and 20.9 microM, respectively. Thus, the approximately 10 times lower potency of AICAR-P is difficult to explain solely from the variations observed in the binding pocket. Only one water molecule in the allosteric binding pocket was found to be conserved in all four subunits in all three structures. This water molecule coordinates to a phosphate oxygen atom and the N7 atom of the AMP molecule, and to similarly situated atoms in the FMP and AICAR-P complexes. This implies an important role of the conserved water molecule in binding of the ligand.  相似文献   
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